How to make beautiful cheekbones on the face of guys and girls

When looking at a person, we do not single out any one part of his face, assessing the totality of features as a whole. But according to statistics, it is the outline of the cheekbones that determines the overall impression of one’s appearance. High, chiseled cheekbones are the most prized, but not everyone can boast of them.

Fortunately, there are many ways to help correct the shape of your cheekbones to make your face more expressive and attractive.

  • 3 The meaning of cheekbones as a sign of beauty and youth
  • 4 How to maintain high cheekbones?
  • 5 Methods of aesthetic correction
  • 6 Conclusion
  • Where are the cheekbones?

    Before you start adjusting your face, you need to strongly retract your cheeks. This exercise is called the “fish”, it is the most common and simplest for determining the cheekbone line. With retracted cheeks, the cheekbones become much more noticeable, making them easier to recognize and highlight.

    There is another easy exercise for which you need to place your index finger between your lips and ear. This must be done at a right angle. When performing this exercise, you can feel your cheekbone right under your finger. It will be much easier to navigate while doing makeup, but still the first method is more suitable for beginners.

    Some people have high cheekbones and sunken cheeks. In such cases, no additional exercises are required to detect the zygomatic line. But pronounced adjustments should also be abandoned so that the face does not end up looking painful.

    Tips for every face shape

    Ideal contouring can be done based on your own initial data. Many girls and women blindly follow the advice of fashion magazines and draw cheekbones that are completely inappropriate for them.

    Face shapes: 1. Oblong, 2. Triangular, 3. Pear-shaped, 4. Oval, 5. Round, 6. Pro-angular

    Basic tips for different face types:

    1. Round. On a round face, contouring should be as invisible as possible. A prominent dark line will look dirty and will highlight large cheeks. Chubby girls need to correct their entire face using light and dark shades. Cool brownish or gray colors are additionally applied to the wings of the nose, jawline and temples. Milky or white cosmetic products are applied under the eyes, on the center of the chin and forehead.
    2. Oval. An oval face also needs a natural effect. This can be achieved by carefully blending cosmetic products. The dark sculptor should be applied to the tip of the chin and to the sides of the forehead. Light powder or highlighter should be distributed under the eyes, in the center of the forehead.
    3. Square. Dark shades should be applied to the sides of the forehead (near the hairline). To visually make your face smaller and give it a more rounded shape, you need to darken not only your cheekbones, but also the area underneath them. Thus, the dark line should be wider than with standard contouring. With light shades you need to draw large highlights in the very center of the forehead and on the chin.
    4. Triangular. The sculptor should darken the entire hairline and jawline. You should also use a dark shade to work on the very tip of the chin and the sides of the nose. After this, you will need to apply white powder or highlighter under the eyes, on the bridge of the nose and in the center of the chin.
    5. Elongated. In this case, you will need to darken the tip of the chin and the hairline. You can walk a little with dark sculptors from the tips of the ears to the chin (along the face line). After this, you will need to lighten the bridge of the nose, the center of the forehead, and the middle of the chin.

    You can draw expressive and perfect female cheekbones using the simplest cosmetic products. The most important thing is to know exactly your shortcomings and be able to correct them: an elongated face should be reduced (by darkening the chin and hairline), a wide face should be narrowed (by darkening the sides of the face).

    Important tips for girls

    We bring to your attention all the most basic nuances that will help you create the ideal complexion tone, lighten and darken it in the places where it is needed.

    1. Remember to use matte textures for sculpting. This is especially true for highlighting the cheekbones. Everything that requires darkening is done with matte products. For those areas that need to be brightened, various shining products are usually used. Simply put, your highlighter should shine.
    2. A regular cosmetic sponge will help you achieve perfect blending of the product. Shading with a sponge is done with soft circular movements. For an amazing effect, try moistening the sponge a little with plain water or using a moisturizer: this will give you a more even coverage.
    3. Everything in makeup should be set with regular powder. Choose the best one for yourself. After finishing your makeup, be sure to set the tone and cosmetics on your face with powder. This will make your makeup last longer and help get rid of all the excess contouring.
    4. To find out which shade of contouring product is right for you, lightly press on your cheek with your finger. In the resulting hole you will see the color of your face's natural shadow. This is exactly what a contouring product should be in your everyday makeup bag.

    How to emphasize cheekbones in makeup

    1. Cheekbone corrector, 2. Bronzer, 3. Concealer, 4. Powder, 5. Blush

    Cosmetics used by makeup artists:

    • cheekbone corrector (usually in a stick);
    • bronzer (for clients with a light tan);
    • concealer (with reflective particles);
    • powder (transparent);
    • blush (pale pink or pale apricot shade).

    All these cosmetic products help specialists color clients with different skin types and shades. With the help of such cosmetics you can draw wide and sharp (model) as well as low cheekbones.

    Not every woman has so many makeup products in her makeup bag. What to do? You can use regular shadows. You will need 3 shades: 2 matte (taupe and white), 1 shimmer (pinkish or peach). Ideally, you will also need a concealer that can be used instead of highlighter. Similar concealers with reflective particles are available in a range of budget brands (Eveline, Vivienne Sabo).

    How to get expressive cheekbones

    How to emphasize cheekbones on your face if there are none? Correct, but at the same time pronounced and beautiful cheekbone lines can be done at home. You will need to stock up on cleaning wipes and patience, as some parts may not work out initially.

    Girls and women have a habit of drawing the brightest lines on their faces and passing them off as contouring. This error is considered the most serious, since the contour should be as natural as possible.

    A medium-sized angled blending brush will help you create noble cheekbones. It is recommended to look at photos of similar brushes in advance so as not to make a mistake with your choice when purchasing.

    Before applying decorative cosmetics

    You should know that before any makeup you need to thoroughly prepare, cleanse and moisturize your skin. This will not only enhance the durability of makeup and prepare the skin for the use of all decorative cosmetics, but will also make the surface and tone more uniform.

    You can wipe your face, for example, with an alcohol-free toner. After waiting a little, apply a moisturizer to the skin: it will help achieve a more even coverage and get rid of flaking and unpleasant dryness. Without these preliminary manipulations, your face will be covered with a layer of plaster. This looks pretty ridiculous.

    Nowadays, there are many different facial primers with different textures and purposes. Basically, they serve as a kind of base for makeup, play the role of a barrier between the skin and cosmetics, and enhance the durability of all makeup as a whole. There are mattifying primers that rid the face of unwanted shine throughout the day, and products that illuminate the skin from the inside. We advise you to pay attention to the choice of makeup base, because such products have a number of advantages.

    Also, do not forget that you need to apply make-up and decorative cosmetics to your face in the right lighting. Your makeup may look different in daylight than in artificial light. Ideally, it is best to place a mirror on the windowsill and paint in that light. This way you can fully understand how your daytime makeup will look on the street.

    With makeup

    Contouring cheekbones with makeup

    A kind of master class on contouring, consisting of a few simple steps:

    1. Preparing the face. Under no circumstances should corrective products be applied to bare skin. Preparation consists of applying moisturizer and foundation.
    2. Highlighting the cheekbones. Made using eye shadow or bronzer. The cosmetic product should differ from the skin color by 2-3 tones, but no more. Ideal contouring cosmetics create only a light translucent shadow. The dark shade should be applied directly to the cheekbone, the greatest intensity of the color should be in the center.
    3. Highlighting. For this purpose, you should take white powder or eye shadow of the same shade. Light shimmer is welcome, but products that are too shiny will look out of place. Highlighting is performed in the following areas: the center of the forehead and chin, the back of the nose. You can add a little highlighter just above the cheeks.
    4. Consolidation. All makeup is set with transparent powder.

    Applying blush is optional. The worst mistakes you can make during the contouring process:

    • using a dark foundation instead of a sculptor;
    • applying glitter shadows to areas that need darkening;
    • bright highlighting of the cheeks.

    Another fact: no man likes fussy contouring. To males, bright markings on women's faces look like dirt.

    Anatomy and functions

    The location of the cheekbones on the face
    The cheekbones are a paired, most durable facial bone, consisting of spongy dense plates. It is an important architectural part of the shape of the face and cheeks, connecting the zygomatic branches of the temporal, frontal, and maxillary bones. Strengthens the bone structures of the face in relation to the skull. The chewing muscles begin in the area of ​​the zygomatic bone.

    Anatomy of cheekbones:

    • Side surface. Outwardly it looks like a four-pointed star, protruding slightly in the form of a mound.
    • Back surface. Smooth, facing the temporal fossa.
    • Orbital surface. Participates in the formation of eye sockets.
    • Upper process. Connects with the zygomatic branch of the frontal bone and the greater wing of the sphenoid bone.
    • Lateral process. It is attached to the zygomatic process of the temporal bone, forms the zygomatic arch, from which the masticatory muscles begin.

    The cheekbones are located slightly below the auricle. Structurally, the zygomatic bone is part of the facial section and acts as a kind of bridge between the sections of the skull.

    The zygomatic bone takes on most of the loads that fall on the facial and cerebral parts of the skull. Creates a lateral barrier to keep the eyeball in the correct position. Forms an oval and face shape.

    Other ways to highlight cheekbones

    Cheekbones can be highlighted with injections

    How to make your face fit and thin without makeup? Cheekbones can be highlighted with one beauty injection. Of course, it is better not to use this method at a young age, since cosmetic injections are a radical and unsafe solution. Injections are made using hyaluronic acid (fillers). This product is a kind of biogel. Hyaluronic acid can smooth out the face, making it more youthful and toned.


    The easiest way to highlight your cheekbones and remove excess volume from your face is to get a haircut. Success is also possible with the help of a cascade, which should start approximately from the middle of the face. This style will look especially good with long hair.

    Another surefire way is straight bangs located just above the eyebrows. This option will help define the cheekbones even for girls with slightly plump features. If you have curly hair, every morning you will have to straighten your bangs and apply oil to make them heavier.

    Owners of round and square-shaped faces should be careful with bangs: they should not cut their bangs themselves - it is better to seek help from professional hairdressers who will suggest the best option.

    Exercises for cheekbones

    Facial gymnastics can transform the appearance of your face if done correctly. The three most common exercises are:

    1. Careful and long pronunciation of the letters “O”, “U”, “I”. The exercise takes 5-10 minutes and should be done daily.
    2. Frequent yawning. You need to imitate yawning for 3-4 minutes.
    3. Smile. You should smile as widely as possible, while squinting your eyes.

    Exercises must be performed as a complex. They are simple and do not take much time.

    What is the best way to highlight cheekbones? Without a doubt - makeup. It can be combined with facial gymnastics. Cosmetics can help make your face not only fit, but also rested.

    Using concealer for sculpting

    Another way to highlight your cheekbones? It turns out that this can be done with concealer. Sometimes girls confuse it with a corrector. Remember that there is a huge difference between these two similar products.

    You know that concealer is needed mainly to disguise various defects. But a concealer with a dark shade can also be used to highlight cheekbones. Just apply it the same way you would apply a special concealer: just below your cheekbones. And don’t forget about the main point in makeup - correct and competent shading! It's best to do this with your fingers or a sponge.

    Try mixing concealer with moisturizer for a more natural look once applied to your face.

    We highlight the cheekbones with concealer just below the cheekbones with a wide brush. We draw a line from the earlobe to the corners of the lips, not reaching them a little. After applying all the decorative cosmetics to your face, do not forget to blend it thoroughly.

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