Intimate plastic surgery / Plastic surgery in gynecology

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Damage or congenital defects in the anatomy of the female external genitalia negatively affect a woman’s sex life and self-esteem, and worsen her reproductive function. Intimate plastic surgery allows you to correct these shortcomings. Although there is a widespread belief about the purely aesthetic nature of this area of ​​surgery, in reality it can help with very serious pathologies, including infertility, sexual dysfunction, etc. Today, many women, including absolutely healthy ones, sign up for intimate plastic surgery in Moscow and other cities. Is this justified from the point of view of women's health, how safe and effective is this procedure?

Anterior colporrhaphy

When the anterior vaginal vault prolapses, urinary function is disrupted. The posterior wall of the bladder is also involved in the process. This pathology is called cystocele. It always leads to stagnation of urine, which is fraught with infections and kidney pathologies.

Stretching the walls of the bladder entails atrophy of the receptors, which is manifested by urinary incontinence with any tension in the abdominal wall. In all such cases, anterior colporrhaphy is performed in combination with sphincter strengthening and urethroplasty. The duration of the anterior colporrhaphy operation is from 1 to 1.5 hours. Sequence of the operation: an oval or diamond-shaped flap of the mucous membrane is excised from the sagging vaginal wall. The incision is reduced and stitched while simultaneously strengthening the muscle frame.

Laser vaginal rejuvenation

Indicated for mild vaginal ptosis to increase skin turgor. Laser has been used for over 20 years in the vaginal area to change the appearance of the vulva. They eliminate hyperpigmentation and give the vagina a tightened and aesthetically attractive appearance. The laser, due to its thermal effect, remodels the extracellular matrix, which increases the elasticity of the vaginal wall and narrows the vagina. Laser vaginal rejuvenation uses local anesthesia and the procedure itself lasts up to half an hour.

Labiaplasty (labiaplasty)

Labiaplasty is the correction of the shape, size, improvement of appearance and other surgical changes to the labia. The size of the labia of each woman is individual and there are no uniform aesthetic standards. With age and for a number of reasons, they increase in some women. Hypertrophy is not only unaesthetic, but also reduces the sexual sensitivity of the lips and head of the clitoris.

Before the operation, future incision lines are drawn on the skin of the labia minora. Then a special anesthetic ointment is applied for 20 minutes. The duration of the operation is 30 minutes. Along the intended boundaries, the surgeon makes a wedge-shaped incision followed by stitching with an electric knife or linear excision of the contour of the labia. The wound is sutured in layers. Absorbable sutures are placed on the skin.

If a woman’s labia minora tend to be smaller, the labia majora, on the contrary, are to be enlarged. This is necessary when they do not cover the small ones or in some cases become thin and flabby (with age), asymmetrical. In this case, specialists inject the patient’s own adipose tissue, taken from another place, into the thickness of the labia (lipofilling). This achieves lifelong results.


I am the happy mother of a real hero. I gave birth to him weighing 5200, naturally, my vagina was assembled in parts. It took a long time to heal, and when my husband and I returned to sex, I realized that I didn’t feel anything pleasant, moreover, I felt some discomfort. Therefore, having learned about the possibility of undergoing vaginal plastic surgery, my husband and I immediately began to look for a decent clinic. After going through more than a dozen, I heard that there is Zhanna Georgievna Muradova, who works at the Lama clinic. Satisfied clients only talk about what a sorceress she is. I am one of those whom Zhanna returned to normal life! I can safely say that you should not be afraid of operations if they are beneficial.

Valentina (Moscow, 2015)

Oh, how bad things were after my third birth. I love babies, but the third birth turned out to be extremely difficult. And all this affected the condition of my female organ. A friend with many children said that she had vaginal plastic surgery and again feels like a full-fledged woman. I was skeptical about the possibility of the operation, but after talking with Dr. Zhanna Georgievna Muradova, I put my doubts aside and went “under the knife.” Now my life has become the same, intimacy with my husband has returned to its previous level, and I’m probably ready for another baby.

Inga (Moscow, 2015)

I had two births. After the first one, at 21, nothing changed, and I gave birth to the second one at 30. I had to have an episiotomy. At first I went to the clinic through insurance, but under the VHI it was impossible to perform the operation. Then I found Lama, where there is an operating gynecologist, Zhanna Georgievna Muradova. She told me that you need to wait a year after giving birth until you stop breastfeeding. We agreed to do plastic surgery and excise the scar with a laser. I could barely wait until the deadline. The scar terribly spoiled the appearance and was very noticeable. The operation itself was normal, but after it it was painful. They performed it on an outpatient basis, but for three more days at home it was difficult to get up. But now the result makes me very happy. Everything is there as before. So there you go!!! Contact normal specialists and don’t immediately run to just anyone for surgery!!!

Alexandra (Moscow, February 2013)

I gave birth to one child and after that my vagina stretched so much that both my husband and I stopped enjoying sex. It was terrible when everything started to go wrong in family life. I saw the child until he was 2 years old and decided to have a colporrhaphy. Otherwise, everything could end in family life. It took me a long time to choose a gynecologist; I didn’t just want to go to a plastic surgeon, but I also didn’t want to go to a gynecologist who had no experience in operations. Through a friend I found Zhanna Georgievna Muradova at the Lama clinic. I went to the appointment and was very pleased. You can immediately sense that he is an experienced person. I first started taking all the tests so that there were no complications, and then I had surgery. The operation is not easy. Then I lay at home without getting up for two days. It was painful. I recovered for a month after it. The first contact was painful, but after a week everything went away. I even started to enjoy myself again. My husband is definitely very pleased. He even brought me flowers!! I recommend Zh.G. to everyone. Muradov. Her hands are golden.

Violetta (Moscow, 2013)

I had a difficult birth, the boy weighed 4400, there was a large vaginal tear, which was not stitched very carefully in the maternity hospital. This left a large scar that was still red. I noticed how my husband immediately began to lose interest in sex. I read a lot about this on the Internet and started looking for a doctor for vaginoplasty. I didn't want to go to a man. I accidentally found an excellent surgeon: Zhanna Georgievna Muradova. A friend of mine had her uterus cleaned there, and she really liked the doctor. The operation itself is not painful, but then, of course, it was painful to get out of bed for about a week. I started sitting around the 5th day. It also took me quite a long time to overgrow. I read that for some people everything goes away in a month, for me it turned out to be almost two months because both walls of the vagina were sutured, the entrance and labiaplasty were done at the same time. But it's still worth doing! Everything in my personal life began to recover. It hurt a little at first, but it went away quickly. I feel great. I can confidently recommend Zhanna Georgievna!

Elena (Moscow, 2013)

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Plastic surgery of the clitoris area

The clitoris is a unique organ in a woman’s body. Being an analogue of the head of the penis, it has extremely high sensitivity to touch. This classic erogenous zone, the size of a pea, makes it possible to experience intense orgasms. Surgical interventions are also possible here when doctors diagnose anorgasmia. This happens because tissues that are too thick cover this small organ, and it does not respond to touch. In this case, it is necessary to perform plastic surgery of the clitoris area. The doctor removes the skin film from its surface completely or partially. After a small incision, the clitoris is exposed from under the skin fold.

Plastic surgery of the pubic area

There are no medical indications here. Only the aesthetic requirements of the patient, which are associated with the accumulation of fat in the pubic area. Beforehand, the doctor makes lipolytic local injections for a certain period of time. When fat liquefies, it is sucked out through small punctures in the skin using cannulas (tubes) from a suction machine. If the skin sags after this, the excess is excised and self-absorbing sutures are applied. The procedure for plastic surgery of the pubic area can be called pubic liposuction.


The list of contraindications for operations in the genital area is the same for all manipulations and includes:

  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (vulvitis, colpitis, endometritis), urethritis, cystitis;
  • Genital herpes;
  • Blood diseases leading to impaired blood clotting;
  • Allergic reactions to anesthesia components;
  • Severe exacerbations of diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive systems;
  • ARVI and any conditions accompanied by fever;
  • Diabetes;
  • HIV;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Mental disorders.

IMPORTANT! Surgeries on the genitals are not performed during menstruation.

Stress urinary incontinence in women

According to statistics, stress urinary incontinence in women occurs after 45 years in 40% of cases, and after 60 in 50%. Many older women consider incontinence a sign of old age, but it can be treated with surgery.

The “gold standard” is the implantation of a synthetic prosthesis - a urethral sling (bioinert polypropylene tape) for the urogenital diaphragm. The implant does not enter into chemical reactions with body tissues, so it is not rejected. It grows with its own tissues and forms strong fascia that supports the urethra when pressure in the abdominal cavity increases.

Hymenoplasty (refloration) - restoration of virginity

Hymenoplasty is the restoration of the hymen in its original form is called hymenoplasty. This is one of the most ancient intimate plastic surgeries; it has been known since the times of Ancient Greece. Then, for this purpose, the hymen of animals was sewn to the woman’s vaginal mucosa with thin threads.

As a rule, the operation is performed solely at the request of the woman herself, that is, there are no medical indications for it.

There are two types of hymenoplasty:

  1. Temporary or short-term - performed under local anesthesia and takes about 30 minutes. The doctor stitches the remnants of your own hymen with thin absorbable threads and thus forms a new hymen. It is recommended to be carried out 7 days after the end of menstruation and 7 days before sexual intercourse. Otherwise, self-rupture of the sutures occurs already during the first subsequent menstruation. It is better to carry out the procedure for the first wedding night literally a week before the wedding.
  2. Long-term hymenoplasty - the operation takes about 1 hour. The doctor excises a small flap of mucous membrane from the posterior vaginal fornix and forms a dense hymen. Then he attaches it with sutures along the edges of the vaginal os. It does not tear at the onset of menstruation and its integrity will only be broken during subsequent sexual intercourse. Recovery after it lasts about 1 month, during which sex should be completely excluded. During the first sexual intercourse, the feeling of pain and bleeding will be stronger than before - the doctor warns about this in advance.

Popular questions

5 years ago there was an operation: the tubes and 1 ovary were removed.
Now I am 43 years old and menopause has begun: all the symptoms and menstruation have stopped. Please tell me, is there any treatment option other than hormones? It's a very difficult situation right now. What natural remedies can be used? Thank you You can use products containing phytoestrogens, antioxidants, and vitamin complexes. This will help alleviate the condition. Such drugs in the line of products include Gynocomfort climafemin. The product is used 1 t. 1 time per day for 3 months.

I am 51 years old. Many years ago I had an operation to tie my tubes. Now I haven't had my period for 2 months. At the same time, nausea appeared and during the day it happens that you want to sleep and have no strength. Can such symptoms occur during menopause?

If menstruation is delayed, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, a blood test for the level of sex hormones and thyroid hormones to determine the cause of the failure. This will allow you to correctly diagnose and correct the condition.

Good afternoon Please explain to me which hormones are best to take for adenomyosis, mastopathy and if there is varicose veins? The most gentle for the body. Thank you. I'm 30 years old Hello! First of all, you will need to see a specialist, because it is important to understand which of these diseases really worsens the quality of life and requires correction. It is also important to know what goal you are pursuing when you are ready to take hormonal drugs: contraception or restoration of reproductive function.

Hello! She underwent an operation to remove all female organs, leaving the vagina (ovarian carcinoma), during sexual intercourse, and in the normal state, dryness and discomfort. Please advise some remedy.

In your case, using Ginocomfort gel with mallow extract will be suitable. The product does not contain hormones, has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects, and promotes tissue regeneration. For an accurate diagnosis, contact a specialist

Surgical defloration

Anatomically, the hymen should not only block the entrance to the vagina, but also have holes through which menstrual blood exits. Some girls do not have such holes in the hymen, and the consequence is the accumulation of menstrual flow and the development of inflammation. Also for this reason, sexual intercourse becomes painful or impossible. Artificial defloration will help solve this problem. The operation is not considered difficult and takes only a few minutes.

Modern women, on a psychobiological level, want to receive sexual satisfaction to maintain their self-esteem. Today, almost any genital problem can be solved with surgery and you can regain pleasure from your own body.

Rehabilitation after operations

Intimate plastic surgery refers to minor operations. The whole process takes about 40 minutes. During the rehabilitation period it is required:

  • exclude physical activity;
  • do not visit the sauna; do not take a bath;
  • abstain from sexual activity until wounds heal (2-3 weeks);
  • after visiting the toilet, treat the surgical area with disinfectant solutions (miramistin, chlorhexidine);
  • Avoid foods that cause constipation and ensure regular bowel movements;
  • do not wear tight underwear.

Six months after the operation, even the gynecologist will not notice any traces of the intervention.

Intimate plastic surgery is an opportunity to get rid of discomfort and complexes associated with the structural features of the genitals, as well as restore the joy of sexual life after childbirth. Forget about embarrassment and come to an appointment at the GALAXY Beauty Institute!

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