“Fat” - is it necessary to fight it and how? An honest dialogue with plastic surgeon Alexey Artemyev!

Alexey Alexandrovich Artemyev has been working in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery for 17 years. During this time, he performed more than 12 thousand successful operations of varying complexity for the beauty of the face and body.

He is often spoken of as a surgeon for whom nothing is impossible: he has already proven many times with the successful results of his operations that beauty can be restored even after a mastectomy if you use proven techniques.

It is known that Alexey Alexandrovich managed to help many patients regain their breast shape after undergoing oncoplastic resections for breast formations.

Artemyev was declared the best plastic surgeon for reconstructive mammoplasty in 2022, according to the results of a vote that was conducted as part of the “Rating of the Best Plastic Surgeons” project.

Enormous experience, the ability to develop individual tactics for each case, in-depth knowledge, interest in the latest scientific achievements, the desire to develop skills and the practical application of advanced technologies helped Artemyev gain authority.

Colleagues consider him a true guru in his field and a fan of his favorite work. He is always attentive to everyone and genuinely cares about his patients. This is why he is valued, loved and respected.

Operations Performed

Plastic and aesthetic surgery:

  • upper eyelid blepharoplasty,
  • lower eyelid blepharoplasty,
  • circular blepharoplasty,
  • otoplasty,
  • endoscopic forehead lift,
  • endoscopic midface lift,
  • temporal lift,
  • SMAS face and neck lift,
  • platysmoplasty,
  • mammary gland augmentation,
  • reduction mammoplasty,
  • breast lift using your own tissue,
  • breast lift using implants,
  • correction of the nipple-areolar complex,
  • mini abdominoplasty,
  • abdominoplasty with navel transposition and myofascioplasty,
  • liposuction,
  • lipofilling,
  • lipofilling of the buttocks,
  • intimate plastic surgery.

Oncoplastic and reconstructive plastic surgery of the breast:

  • all types of oncoplastic resections for malignant and benign breast formations,
  • mastectomy with simultaneous reconstruction using one’s own tissues (flaps from the back or abdomen),
  • mastectomy with simultaneous reconstruction with an expander or implant,
  • subcutaneous mastectomy with simultaneous reconstruction using one’s own tissues (flaps from the back or abdomen),
  • subcutaneous mastectomy with simultaneous reconstruction with an implant or expander,
  • delayed breast reconstruction after mastectomy using your own tissue (flap from the back or abdomen),
  • delayed breast reconstruction after mastectomy using an expander or implant,
  • reconstruction of the nipple-areolar complex with local tissues, free transplantation of part of the areola of a healthy nipple-areolar complex, or free transplantation of a portion of the labia minora.

Make an appointment with a doctor Alexey Alexandrovich Artemyev

Diseases of the mammary glands are not uncommon today. The most commonly diagnosed among them are mastitis, benign and malignant formations of the mammary glands. Their diagnosis and treatment is carried out by mammologist Alexey Alexandrovich Artemyev, who, if necessary, will prescribe additional instrumental and laboratory tests, establish a final diagnosis and decide on treatment tactics. Aleksey Alexandrovich Artemyev is also involved in the prevention of breast diseases. On the GlavVrach service you can find out about doctor’s appointment times and available dates for consultations by making an appointment for a day and time convenient for you. If you need another specialist in this profile or another clinic, we will be happy to help you find the right option. Here you can make an appointment with a doctor by filling out a special form.


  • Advanced training in microsurgery and vascular surgery at the 1st Medical Institute.
  • Professional retraining in plastic and reconstructive surgery at MAPO (formerly GIDUV).
  • Professional retraining in oncology at the Military Medical Academy.
  • Advanced training in plastic and reconstructive surgery at MAPO (formerly GIDUV).
  • Advanced training in breast oncology at the Oncology Research Institute named after. Petrova.
  • All of the above is confirmed by diplomas and state certificates.


  • Internship at the clinic of Professor Mang for plastic surgery, Germany, Lindau.
  • Other internships in plastic, reconstructive and maxillofacial surgery in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vienna, Frankfurt, Hanau, Rimini, Santa Barbara, Barcelona, ​​Budapest.
  • Internship at the Tuolo University Hospital in Helsinki, in the department of craniofacial surgery under the guidance of prof. Juha Herniemi.
  • Internship and advanced training in plastic and reconstructive surgery at the Central Hospital of Buenos Aires (Argentina), under the guidance of Professor Claudio Angrigiani.
  • Internship and advanced training in plastic, oncoplastic and reconstructive surgery at the National Hospital of Barcelona (Spain), under the guidance of Professor Jume Massi.

Place of work

  • Work in the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of St. Petersburg State Healthcare Institution “City Hospital N15”, work in many private clinics in St. Petersburg (more than 7) in plastic and maxillofacial surgery.
  • Organization, opening and work in the department of maxillofacial surgery, in a private clinic, in St. Petersburg.
  • Participation in the opening, organization, management and work as a plastic surgeon in two private clinics in St. Petersburg (“Medical Cosmetology Center in Srednegavansky”) and one plastic surgery clinic in Tver, based on the Railway Hospital.
  • Experience working in the department of breast oncology at the Oncology Research Institute named after. Petrov and in the new scientific and clinical oncology center under the patronage of the Governor of St. Petersburg and the Health Committee of St. Petersburg.
  • Work in Vietnam, in collaboration with South Korea and the UAE to create the Department of Oncology and Breast Reconstruction.
  • Currently working in Moscow in a private clinic as a plastic surgeon. At the Pirogov National Medical-Surgical Center, a plastic-reconstructive surgeon and oncologist.

“Fat” - is it necessary to fight it and how? An honest dialogue with plastic surgeon Alexey Artemyev!





Plastic surgeon Alexey Artemyev honestly spoke about how to stop chasing beauty standards, what “surgical psychology” is and in what cases it helps!

Inna Kuleba and plastic surgeon Alexey Artemyev.

Inna Kuleba: Alexey, you know, there are women who go to the gym and go on diets, but they still have fat in unnecessary places. As a surgeon, tell me what to do about this?

Alexey Artemyev: I’ll start from afar... This whole story of an ideal figure or some strange cubes is absolutely far-fetched! For example, I believe that by definition a man cannot have six packs. They can be from 16 to 20 years old. That's all!

If a grown man works on his six-pack, then he has nothing to do with his life. There are no other options! Well, a man cannot spend more than 15 minutes a day on himself. This is all a tribute to fashion.

Alexey Artemyev: In the same way, you can broadcast information on television that all women should have three breasts. If you constantly tell us that this is normal, that it is genetic, that our ancestors had it, and if you keep repeating that it is beautiful, I assure you that after some time everyone will go to get three boobs, understand? That's all!

Inna Kuleba: But many women are sure that if she has less fat, she will improve her personal life faster.

Alexey Artemyev: This is a psychopathic problem, this is an imposed state, when a person is constantly told that he should have such and such a bust size, such and such a back, such and such a nose and “ducky” lips... Why follow this? Do you know why I'm not on Instagram? Because you scroll through the photographs and ask yourself: “Do these young ladies really live in different cities? They all look the same!”

This is how Artemyev comes to operations. Following standards is not his principle!

Alexey Artemyev: I have a friend who got married after many years of active searching. And he recently told me: “You know, I have a feeling that all these years I’ve been dating the same woman, she just dyed her hair from time to time.” In the end, by the way, he married the one who simply refused him, unlike others. This inaccessibility affected him so much that two weeks later he proposed to this young lady. Although she was far from Instagram ideals of beauty. They already have two children! Happy! Here.

Therefore, there is no need to chase imposed standards! You need to accept the fact that people will not love you for your belly or its absence.

I’m not talking, of course, about advanced and painful cases. There is obesity that needs to be seriously treated. But often I hear: “Oh, I’m fat. I need to lose weight. I probably have a metabolic disorder.” This is a broken brain metabolism!

Inna Kuleba: As a man, what kind of women do you like?

Alexey Artemyev: Damn, there are a lot of them: there are beautiful ones with big boobs, and there are no less beautiful ones without them, there are brunettes, there are blondes, there are young ones, there are older ones, there are plump ones, there are thin ones... I can fall in love with both another, and a third... It's not about appearance!

Inna Kuleba: You sound like Labkovsky. I read in his book “I Want and I Will” about the rule of three “Bs”. “Age, Weight and Appearance do not affect relationships,” says a popular psychologist. But why then do many women think that a man can only fall in love with them when she reaches her ideal shape?

Alexey Artemyev: When your head is filled with this nonsense (excess fat, too big or too small nose, presence or absence of breasts), dissatisfaction with yourself arises. It becomes a cyclical thought, an obsession that can destroy you from the inside. Ulcerative symptoms may begin. The gastrointestinal tract is the first to suffer... and from there it goes. And since this happens, you need to get rid of this problem, otherwise it will get even worse.

Inna Kuleba: You know, up to a certain point I also accepted myself for who I am, but then that very dissatisfaction with myself that you are talking about appeared. And I decided - why live with this feeling, if you can go to the gym, start working with a nutritionist. But for now I’m coping without drastic measures...)

Alexey Artemyev: You're lucky.

What I do is called “surgical psychology.” I solve psychological problems with a scalpel! And, indeed, everything happens quickly. You have operated on a patient, you come to her room, give her a mirror and say: “Well, now admire it.” She is still covered in bandages and swelling, but she looks at herself and immediately feels differently.

Inna Kuleba: Maybe we should go to a psychologist first so that he can convince her...?

Alexey Artemyev: It won’t convince! Because society still presses, whether we want it or not. For example, a woman is 30 years old, she has two children whom she has raised. And now she rolls up her breasts and puts them in her bra. And at the same time she scrolls through Instagram and sees busty beauties. Of course, this woman does not feel very confident. And not a single psychologist will help her. Only a surgeon can save here.

Inna Kuleba: What advice would you give to avoid fat?

Alexey Artemyev: We need to live normally - eat less, move more. The recipe is simple.

Inna Kuleba: What if fat is still available? And is it not only in your head, but also in reality?

Alexey Artemyev: There are surgical and non-surgical techniques. Non-surgical techniques are what you do - all sorts of diets, sports. And there are surgical ones - liposuction, abdominoplasty and body lipomodeling. Liposuction is the removal of fat through punctures using a cannula, and abdominoplasty is the removal of not only fat, but the excision of the entire volume. Roughly speaking, this is when they took and cut off a flap of skin and fat and sewed it together, you know?

Inna Kuleba: I understand.

Alexey Artemyev: Well done. And lipomodeling is when your own fat is taken from you and transplanted to those places that you would like to increase. For example, they took it from the stomach and transplanted it into the butt.

Inna Kuleba: How long will this fat stay there?

Alexey Artemyev: Exactly there - for a long time. But in the chest - no. Although there was a time when they wanted to get rid of breast implants and began to pump in fat. But the idea didn't work out. The thing is that the body stores fat only where it should be. If its presence on the stomach is justified genetically (it will remain there, no matter how much you pump), then fat does not take root in the chest for the simple reason that fat is “not intended” there. Yes, there is a layer of fat between the gland and the pectoralis major muscle, but it is very thin. Firstly, it is almost impossible to get into it, and secondly, even if you get into it, such a volume of adipose tissue should not be there, so the effect of breast augmentation surgery with your own fat does not last long.

Inna Kuleba: What areas can be removed with liposuction?

Alexey Artemyev: Anything. The chin goes away very well, the axillary areas, which often bother women...

Inna Kuleba: And, you know, there are such folds on the backs of women. Is it possible to get rid of them? I’m not asking for myself...)))

Alexey Artemyev: What you are talking about is called “angel wings”. These are genetic deposits of adipose tissue and they are also removed. In general, you can work with almost any zone.

Inna Kuleba: Besides this, having your own fat that you don’t like...

Alexey Artemyev: Yes, yes, yes, you can take it and use it for your own benefit. You can even model the cubes on your stomach.

Alexey enthusiastically explains and shows how lipomodeling is performed.

Inna Kuleba: But it is believed that liposuction is the most dangerous plastic surgery. And not all surgeons undertake to do it.

Alexey Artemyev: Indeed, in plastic surgery, liposuction is perhaps the most unpredictable operation. Why? Because there doesn’t seem to be much damage on the outside, just one or two punctures and that’s it. But if you looked at what was happening inside, you would gasp. Because there is a very large area of ​​damage that is difficult for the body to cope with.

Inna Kuleba: Now everyone who read this will say “no, no, no, I will never do liposuction in my life.” Aren't you afraid of losing clients?

Alexey Artemyev: No, I’m not afraid. Liposuction is a dangerous manipulation only in inept hands. You need to remember that you can’t remove fat from all the places you don’t like at once. A maximum of 3-4 liters of fat can be pumped out at a time. Even this is a lot. But there are doctors who take 8 liters per operation. This is absolutely wrong. Imagine, you lost 8 kilograms in two hours. The body does not understand what happened at all. Before that, he had a well-functioning mechanism that worked for a certain volume of the body, and suddenly - hop! - minus 8 kilograms. How can he continue to live? Therefore, it is better to stretch out the process of “surgical weight loss” over a period of time. And then I personally work on the new VASER device. With it, the risk of complications is minimized.

Inna Kuleba: What is the difference?

Alexey Artemyev: How does classical mechanical liposuction work? We take a certain area (the tummy, for example), and insert a cannula there. This is a long tube with several holes at the end with sharp edges, like a grater. The cannula works like a vacuum cleaner: first it cuts off the fat and then takes it into the suction. But on the VASER device everything happens not so harshly. There, you didn’t just insert a cannula and immediately begin to tear off fat cells, but you first introduced a cannula that emits ultrasound, thereby destroying fat tissue, and then took away the destroyed cells. That is, you don't have to tear them. This makes the area of ​​damage much smaller.

Surgeons are the most fun people!

Inna Kuleba: Thank you, Alexey, for the interesting conversation. You motivated me very well. I will keep in shape for now using non-surgical methods. But if anything... I understood where to turn.





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