“Men envy successful female surgeons”: interview with Yulia Vasilyeva, plastic surgeon

Yulia Sergeevna Vasilyeva is a leading specialist, chief physician of the aesthetic medicine clinic “Esteco Clinic”, certified aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon. He is an expert in the following interventions:

  • Thread lifting;
  • Blepharoplasty;
  • Breast endoprosthetics.

Over 16 years of practical work, she has performed more than eleven thousand successful operations. After graduating from the Medical Academy in 2001, she studied under the guidance of Professor A.I. Nerobeev. in clinical residency at the Department of Reconstructive Surgery with a course in cosmetology. Constantly improves the level of professional skills by participating in symposiums and scientific conferences held in Russia, China, and Italy.

In 2004, she worked under the direct supervision of the leading domestic expert in reconstructive, craniofacial, plastic and endoscopic surgery, MD. Professor Mamedov R.B. In recent years, Yulia Sergeevna has been actively studying combined surgical and minimally invasive methods of rejuvenation of the body and face. She widely uses volumetric rejuvenation techniques using lipolifting – transplantation of the patient’s own fat tissue.

In 2003, she mastered the combined use of drugs based on botulinum toxin (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) and drugs based on hyaluronic acid (Restylane, Juvederma, Perlana, Stilazha, Repleri). for the purpose of rejuvenation and elimination of facial asymmetries. In 2012, she underwent special training in the use of absorbable and non-absorbable threads (“Silhouette-soft” and “Silhouette-lift”) for face lifting. She has a certificate for plasma lifting and the use of organotherapy with the drug “Laennec”.

In 2013, Yu.S. Vasilyeva underwent professional retraining and confirmed her certificate as a plastic surgeon at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cosmetology and Cell Technologies of the Faculty of Advanced Medical Studies under the guidance of Professor N.E. Manturova. She successfully defended her certification work on current issues of aesthetic blepharoplasty.

During her surgical practice, Yulia Sergeevna has perfectly mastered the latest methods of aestheticization and facial rejuvenation, plastic surgery of female breasts and abdomen, and body correction. She has performed numerous reconstructive surgeries on the body and face. He has domestic and international awards, and is a laureate of prestigious awards in the field of aesthetic medicine.

“Men envy successful female surgeons”: interview with Yulia Vasilyeva, plastic surgeon

Yulia Vasilyeva

Yulia Vasilyeva
plastic surgeon, chief physician of the Esteco clinic

plastic surgeon, chief physician of the Esteco clinic

Clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology Esteco Clinic

What did you dream of becoming as a child?

I always dreamed of becoming a doctor. Of course, my parents played a big role in choosing a profession: like me, they believed that children should be guided in vital matters. Since childhood, I have loved to relieve various painful problems, scratches, bruises and even bad moods. And the white robe with a red cross was my favorite outfit. After 9th grade, I entered medical college, and upon graduation, entered the medical academy. I liked studying: I easily learned all the basic medical subjects, I was not afraid of anything - neither blood, nor visits to the morgue.

How did you choose

While studying at the academy, I was inclined to specialize as an operating gynecologist. But then, closer to graduation, I thought about plastic surgery, about doing not only reconstructive surgery, but also correcting the shortcomings of the human body. Not everyone is born perfect by nature. I wanted to influence the processes of formation of human perfection. Create beauty! I decided that this was very interesting and promising. To pursue plastic surgery in the future, I completed a residency in maxillofacial surgery, where I was taught a lot—the experience I gained there has helped me throughout my life. It was thanks to the residency under the guidance of Professor A.I. Nerobeev. I learned a lot about the secrets of plastic surgery. It is very important to have competent and experienced mentors during your studies.

There is a still widespread theory that a plastic surgeon (and a surgeon in general) is, first of all, a man. Have you ever encountered such prejudice?

Yes, many people believe that a woman and a surgeon are incompatible concepts. But in fact, there are many female specialists who have achieved high professional results, and some male plastic surgeons are jealous of their success.

A woman is not always guided by material factors. If I see that a patient is not a candidate for surgery, I try to explain that natural attractiveness suits him much better, and the intervention of a plastic surgeon will only make things worse. After the conversation, many patients remain very satisfied and calm down about their appearance. In another place, a male surgeon would immediately tell them that yes, everything needs to be corrected, everything needs to be improved... But it’s not necessary. Men see differently, and women understand each other better. The problem is not in appearance at all, but in confidence and self-love.

In another place, a male surgeon would immediately tell them that yes, everything needs to be corrected, everything needs to be improved... But it’s not necessary. Men see differently, and women understand each other better. The problem is not in appearance at all, but in confidence and self-love.

What is the most difficult thing about your job?

This is how to find contact with the patient, gain his trust, and feel the situation of psychological and emotional comfort. People often have high expectations from surgery. Sometimes it is difficult to explain that the result obtained from blepharoplasty is all that surgery can correct. It is very important to get the full attention of patients, to reach them so that they understand and agree with this. It is necessary to obtain the desired result and then go through the entire rehabilitation process, which, depending on the characteristics of each person’s body, varies in duration. Therefore, winning over the patient and removing all psychological barriers is the most difficult, but quite achievable in my work. Together with the patient, we have to go all the way before, during and after the operation. Despite the apparent simplicity of the relationship, the plastic surgeon is obliged to keep the necessary distance.

Patients must understand that this is a doctor . A plastic surgeon - and the positive result of the necessary treatment depends on him. A specialist should be perceived in precisely this capacity.

What operations do you most often have to do?

Blepharoplasty and breast replacement. I have never had any bad results in my practice. I know a lot in this area, and I can prevent the most common complications, I’m good at it.

Patients must understand that this is a doctor. A plastic surgeon - and the positive result of the necessary treatment depends on him. A specialist should be perceived in precisely this capacity.

Is there a case from practice that you still remember?

First independent operation. It was just eyelid surgery, and I did everything alone. Nowadays, young surgeons work only with an accompaniment, but it so happened that there was no one nearby. The residency also included practice, but we were entrusted with very little participation - we had to work with the consequences of severe injuries, and this was mainly done by very experienced surgeons. So, during my first full-fledged independent operation, it was very exciting. Everything went well, I gained confidence and was proud of the first positive result.

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Men don't often go to plastic surgeons, but when they do, what do they want most?

Mainly eyelid surgery. But men are raised differently. They care little about the attractiveness of their appearance. Therefore, they come to us with the words: “My wife (friend) told me that something is wrong here, look.” They tolerate surgery well, but problems may arise during rehabilitation. For example, they can scratch their eyes or go to the gym, although this is strictly forbidden. Women are more disciplined in this regard. Or they come to remove Besh’s lumps (these are lumps of fatty tissue in the cheek), I explain when the operation is, how to prepare for it, and they answer me: “I mean, the operation, I thought you would just remove it for me in the office and that’s all.”

Do you think the advent of social networks has had any impact on the prevalence of plastic surgery?

I have always believed that plastic surgery belongs to the elite areas of medical practice. But now there is an opinion that it is easy, simple, accessible. This is not an entirely correct understanding - this is mainly the opinion of those who have not personally encountered plastic surgery and have little understanding that this is a whole direction in surgery. The patient must understand that this is a serious surgical procedure and that one must prepare for the operation responsibly. These are incisions that will heal later; these are necessary rehabilitation actions. I am sure that people should carefully choose a doctor before going to a clinic, and not based on personal liking or social networks.

Unfortunately, today there are so-called video blogger surgeons who take on the responsibility of giving medical advice remotely, without the participation of patients - this has an extremely negative impact on the reputation of plastic surgery. And on the opinion about our activities as a field of medicine in general, and on the attitude towards doctors and specialists in this industry in particular.

The patient must understand that this is a serious surgical procedure and that one must prepare for the operation responsibly. These are incisions that will heal later; these are necessary rehabilitation actions.

Nevertheless, plastic surgery is now almost an ordinary story. Women from a fairly young age know that there is an option to correct something in themselves, and they take advantage of this if possible. Is it good or bad that plastic surgery is so common?

One could make a comparison about the spread of plastic surgery in Russia and in European countries, but that’s another story. I will say one thing, in our lifetime there is unlikely to be an overabundance and easy access to plastic surgery. It is impossible to compare cosmetology offices, of which there are indeed many now, with plastic surgery clinics and the level of their equipment and responsibility for the result.

There are very different situations. At the first stage, my main task as a doctor is to explain what the patient will receive as a result of surgery. Because it’s one thing when a young girl comes to me with breast hypotrophy, she has youthful complexes and it’s really clear that nothing will grow on its own. But it’s a completely different matter when they come after 25 years and ask for a forehead lift. According to medical reasons, there is no need for such intervention at this age! I'll give you time to think. If the patient is still worried about his problem by the time of the second appointment, then I will operate on him.

Or, let’s say, there is such a genetically determined thing as drooping upper eyelids. Yes, here the operation is indicated, and I know for sure that I won’t mess it up, I’ll do it well. But this is not vital.

A woman has to work harder than a man, because she also needs to achieve success and manage the housework and family. How do you manage to combine?

Rhetorical question, for some reason there is an opinion that work and family are difficult. In fact, if you have a loving husband, an already grown daughter and a favorite thing in my life, everything is much easier and nothing burdens you.

There is a popular wisdom: if you don’t want to work a single day in your life, choose a profession you like. But I don’t try to overload myself with operations; I take on tasks according to my physical capabilities, because fatigue means negative emotions and loss of sanity, and this is bad for patients, and even more so for my family. I have a main hobby - my work. When I go on vacation, after two or three days I start to worry; I want to go to the clinic, meet new patients, read about innovations in plastic surgery. I like it. My patients have virtually no complications, but everyone has individual characteristics.

There are operations when you need to approach the matter creatively, to find a kind of ideal. I am a perfectionist, I love it when I manage to achieve the ideal. This is always a special moment - when the time comes to remove the bandage and you see the direct result of your work, you see that it turned out well, that the patient is happy. I always wait for this hour. With all this, I, my husband and daughter spend a lot of time together. My husband is a master of sports in skeet shooting. Together we often go to competitions not only in Russia, but abroad. We take advantage of the fact that our daughter is still interested in being with us, but she is already 15 years old and other interests are beginning to appear. We go on vacation abroad together, we love European countries, where there is something to see and something to learn.

So, we have both work and family - this is our happy life. And we are very pleased with her.

I am a perfectionist, I love it when I manage to achieve the ideal. This is always a special moment - when the time comes to remove the bandage and you see the direct result of your work, you see that it turned out well, that the patient is happy. I always wait for this hour.

What does “female beauty” mean to you and do you need to radically change anything in your appearance for this?

You know, sometimes you meet people who have some peculiarities on their faces - but this is completely unimportant. You just look and fall in love with this energy, confidence, some kind of inner light. When you come into contact with a person, when you feel good and pleasant with him, you love his face with all its flaws. Because this is the face of a person who is infinitely attractive to you. External beauty comes from parents, it is in every person, only everyone sees it in their own way and, believe me, basically everyone is happy.

On the other hand, I am a plastic surgeon, I have a professional opinion on appearance. Some things can be corrected, but for some people it suits them and doesn’t make them look old at all. I have a mother whom I love and I want her to look good and stay young longer. I see all the age-related changes, and I love every wrinkle. Sometimes I suggest, “Mom, let’s do your upper eyelids?” And she laughs: “Everything suits me.”

About choice, naturalness and happiness. Interview with plastic surgeon Vyacheslav Arbatov

Time Out spoke with one of the leading experts in the industry, plastic surgeon at the Galaktika clinic Vyacheslav Arbatov, about what kind of surgery a doctor will never perform, the demands of patients, and how to choose the right doctor if you decide to go to him .

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