Biography of Vera Alentova: MDT named after Pushkin, “Moscow does not believe in tears” and marriage with Menshov

People's Artist of the Russian Federation Vera Alentova is well remembered by the audience for her complex role as provincial Katya in the famous Soviet melodrama “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” Today she turned 79 years old (2022). She no longer acts in films, but she regularly attends social events with her star husband. After another facial plastic surgery, Alentov is simply unrecognizable; the actress has changed in appearance for the worse. Vera Valentinovna comes from the provincial town of Kotlas. Year of birth: 1942, date: February 21. Her parents are talented actors, so love for the stage is in Alentova’s blood. My mother and grandmother were actresses of the local theater, my father was Valentin Bykov, also a well-known actor. The man died when Vera was barely 4 years old. The girl was raised by her mother and grandmother, who moved to Krivoy Rog. It was in this Ukrainian town that the future actress grew up.

Alentova spent her childhood in poverty. There wasn’t even enough money for food, let alone new clothes and toys. The mother dreamed that Vera would become a doctor, but the girl herself dreamed of the stage. She never entered medical school, but in 1961 she successfully passed the entrance exams to the Moscow Art Theater School. She began appearing on stage while still a student, but after graduation she was officially denied employment at the Moscow Art Theater.

Then she went to serve at the Moscow Theater. Pushkin, where her creative talent was appreciated. The work began with the main roles, including the inimitable productions “The Chocolate Soldier”, “I am a Woman” and others. About the biography of singer Vera Brezhneva.


Vera Alentova, nee Bykova, was born on February 21, 1942 in the Arkhangelsk region, in the acting family of Irina Nikolaevna Alentova and Valentin Mikhailovich Bykov.
Both served at the Kotlas Drama Theater. The girl, named after her grandmother, was born 8 months after the start of the war. Vera’s mother continued to perform in the theater, and after work she went to the factory shift, after which, already at home, she sewed buttons on soldiers’ clothes.

Vera Alentova's mother was a theater actress

In 1945, Valentin was transferred to the theater in Grozny. The family followed him. Soon he caught a bad cold. In the hungry post-war period, this was enough for a 28-year-old man to suffer a complication in the form of pneumonia and die. On January 4, 1946, he passed away.

Vera Alentova's father died very early

Vera practically did not remember her father, all that remained was the elusive feeling of someone close nearby. But she remembered her mother’s words: “Everything will be fine with you, because God helps orphans.” Soon after the death of the head of the family, Vera and her mother left their native Kotlas and settled with relatives in Ukraine.

Actress Vera Alentova in childhood and now

Childhood was not easy: there was food, but it was very simple; Vera didn’t even know the taste of sweets, and her mother made all the toys from cardboard with her own hands. While the girl went to kindergarten, Irina Alentova worked tirelessly. She served in the Krivoy Rog theater, and in the evenings she picked up a thread and a needle. Working as seamstresses helped them not die of hunger, because salaries at the theater were delayed for months.

The little girl went to school in a dress made from her mother’s flannel robe. For many years, her only blouse was an old turtleneck, which Vera washed every evening.

The saddest memory from this period is the double theft of money from my mother’s wallet. Vera stole a ruble and bought ice cream with it, and the next day she did the same. Irina noticed the loss, because at that time the amount was serious, and gave Vera a thrashing. But the worst thing was not the reprimand, but the tears that flowed down my mother’s face. The woman reproached herself for not being able to make her only child’s childhood happy.

Vera Alentova. My hero However, Vera Alentova never considered her childhood unhappy. Children know how to find happiness in little things, even when deprived of material goods. Little Vera had a loving mother, friends, and games.

Vera was eight years old when she first appeared on the theater stage. One day her mother took her to work. They staged a play in which a little girl played one of the roles. And just that day the young actress fell ill. Vera was asked to go out in her place. It was then that Alentova, in her own words, caught the “theatrical bacillus.”

Vera spent her evenings after school alone, mostly reading books. This taught her to be independent and disciplined. Having fallen ill with malaria, she meticulously kept time on the clock to take the medicine exactly on time. The actress never considered loneliness a vice; on the contrary, she knew how to find a common language with it and use it to its advantage: analyze the text, learn the role.

We grew like grass in the yard. Today I understand that we, without meaning to, caused damage to your generation. We, wartime children, grew up in terrible conditions.

During her school years, Vera constantly came up with incredible stories and began staging plays together with the yard children. Costumes were made from flowers, leaves, old curtains and even pots with holes.

Vera Alentova's acting talent showed up at school

Mother and daughter wandered across the expanses of the Soviet Union: Vera went to school in Ukraine, studied in Uzbekistan, and received a certificate in Altai. When Vera was 15, Irina married for the second time. Alentova’s stepfather was an actor at the Barnaul Drama Theater, Irina’s colleague. It was he who recognized the makings of an actress in Vera, since Irina insisted that after school her daughter enter a medical institute in Barnaul. A woman who went through war and widowhood understood that art is not capable of supporting her family, but the profession of a doctor is another matter; doctors are always needed. Irina did not want her daughter to repeat her fate.

Secretly from her mother, Vera decided to try her hand at acting and came to audition at the Barnaul Drama Theater. She was accepted into the troupe as a supporting actress. At the same time, for a long time the girl herself was sure that she would become a doctor. But during the preparatory courses for the university, she saw a live operation, and not the most serious one, but Vera felt bad and lost consciousness. After this incident, Alentova realized that she would not be a doctor. Irina listened to her daughter’s experiences and reconciled herself to the choice of acting profession, but, being a principled woman who does not tolerate profane people on stage, she ordered Vera to enter the Moscow theater school.

It was already too late: enrollment in all theater universities had ended. So for the next year, Vera worked as a worker at the Barnaul melange plant, where they produced yarn. Every morning the girl got up early, traveled to the factory on a crowded bus, and then spent the entire shift wearing metal bars. There was such a noise from the machines in the workshop that it was impossible to hear your own thoughts. “I gritted my teeth and worked,” the actress recalled.

In 1961, Vera Alentova became a student at the Moscow Art Theater School.

The following summer, Vera went to Moscow and entered the Moscow Art Theater School, taking the course of Vasily Markov. The moment when Alentova saw her name on the list of applicants divided her life into before and after.


In 1961, Vera went to enroll in Moscow. She submitted documents to all the capital's theater schools and was accepted into the Moscow Art Theater School, on the course of Vasily Markov. There, fate brought her together with Vladimir Menshov. By the way, at that time the future Oscar-winning director was considered an unpromising student, and his wife was predicted to have a sad future next to the failed artist.

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Vera Alentova in her youth
According to Alentova’s recollections, the course turned out to be strong. Students tried to outdo each other in knowledge and originality of creative ideas, so they voraciously read literature, including samizdat and popular magazines “Foreign Literature”, “Technology for Youth”, “Knowledge is Power”, “New World”. The guys attended poetry hearings, where Bella Akhmadulina, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Andrei Voznesensky performed.

As a student, Alentova began to appear on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. The girl hoped to get into this theater after graduation, but the young graduate was denied. Having survived the shock, Vera hurried to the Moscow Theater. Pushkin, where there were a few days left before the end of the recruitment of young actors.

The artist passed her audition successfully and in 1965 she was enrolled in the theater troupe. There, Vera immediately received the main role in Bernard Shaw's The Chocolate Soldier, and soon she became one of the leading actresses.

The performer was successful in characterizing and dramatic images. One of the brightest episodes of his theatrical career was the production “I am a Woman,” which ran for several years to full houses. But life in the theater was not simple; the naive and gullible actress was surrounded by intrigue and deception everywhere. Other members of the troupe sometimes made up incredible stories about Alentova in order to take away tasty roles from her.

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Vera Alentova in the theater
Directors vied with each other to offer participation in their productions, but there were also periods of stagnation when the actress vegetated for a long time in her native theater. The most fruitful was the creative union of Vera and director Roman Kozak. Together they staged 7 premiere performances over 9 years. It was during this period that the peak of the artist’s theatrical career occurred.

Vera Alentova also appeared on the stage of the theater that had become her home with her husband. Performance “Love. Letters” was staged by their daughter Yulia Menshova. During the rehearsal process, the creative-family tandem was bursting at the seams; it was not easy for the three leaders to get along on the same site. Before the premiere, the conflict situation between father and daughter reached its climax: Julia was ready to cancel the premiere. Vera Valentinovna saved the situation.

Meeting Vladimir Menshov

Vera plunged into a new life: endless rehearsals, run-throughs, volumes of memorized lines and read literature.
There was no time for personal life, but the student was happy. In her first year, she became close to classmate Vladimir Menshov. At first she did not have romantic feelings for him. They became close friends, but even then Vera noticed that Volodya has three qualities that, in her opinion, are necessary for a good actor: inner core, sincerity and his own view of things.

Alentova, Menshov and comrades from the Studio School

Meanwhile, the teachers did not notice these qualities and quickly labeled Menshov as mediocrity, in contrast to Vera, who was considered one of the best students on the course. Vladimir was not trained in good manners and chronically made a bad impression. Andrei Myagkov, who lived in the same room with Menshov, was considered the most talented guy on the course. But Vladimir did not give up hope of improving the situation, he was constantly learning, rehearsing, writing. Later, he realized that his soul lay more in directing than in acting.

When Vera chose him at least as a “friend,” Vladimir was in seventh heaven. His comrades hinted to him that his appearance was too unprepossessing for an actor. Vera was, according to him, dazzlingly beautiful. They whiled away the evenings with long conversations, Vladimir courted her for a long time and beautifully, trying to surprise Vera with something new.

Vladimir Menshov and Vera Alentova in their youth

By the end of the second year, the young people announced their decision to sign their names, which surprised their friends at the Studio School. Menshov made the offer, but Vera was skeptical. And not because she didn’t love, but because of her innate love of freedom. Since childhood, her mother told her that she needed to rely only on herself. And the hasty marriage seemed to her a big mistake. But when Vera found out that if they got married, they, as a young family, would be given a separate room in the dorm, she agreed.

The wedding was modest - the newlyweds did not have even three rubles to pay the photographer. The celebration continued in the hostel, with sausage sliced ​​on newspaper and champagne.

Wedding of Vera Alentova and Vladimir Menshov

As her relatives and classmates convinced her, Vera signed a “sentence” for herself - many said that Menshov had no prospects. However, the fact that Alentova chose a “unpromising” student, although she could easily have found a professionally established husband, inspired Vladimir and gave him strength and confidence.

Vera Alentova in her youth (still from the film “Flight Days”)

In 1965, they graduated from university and set off into truly adult life, which over the next ten years repeatedly presented them with unpleasant surprises.

First roles

After graduation, Menshov could not find work in the capital and went on assignment to the Stavropol Drama Theater, already realizing that his acting career would most likely end before it really began.
Alentova ended up in the Moscow Pushkin Theater. At the theater, Alentova encountered the dramaturgy of Bernard Shaw, John B. Priestley, Friedrich Schiller, R. Ogaard, and Eduardo de Filipe. She played in the plays “Slave Woman”, “It Shines but Doesn’t Warm”, productions of “The Zykovs”, “Children of the Sun”, “The Last Days”, “The Pulpit”.

Vera Alentova on the stage of the theater

Their separation lasted a year, after which Menshov returned to Moscow and entered directing courses at VGIK. They lived separately: Vladimir lived in a student dormitory, Alentova’s room was allocated by the theater, and she shared it with another actress. “Family” rooms were prohibited in the theater dormitory.

Vera Alentova in a performance at the Pushkin Theater

Menshov’s name was unknown, while Alentova became known already in 1966, after her role in the film “Flight Days,” where she got the role of the young teacher Lydia Fedorovna. In 1967, she appeared in the Soviet-Hungarian film Stars and Soldiers in the cameo role of a nurse. Vera devoted almost all her time to serving in the theater.

Vera Alentova's first film role (“Flying Days”)

In July 1969, the couple had a daughter, Julia. At the registry office, while filling out documents for the newborn, Vera learned that she could change her last name to whatever she wanted. She had never even suspected such a possibility before. At that time, the actress bore her maiden name - Bykova. After the wedding, she did not change it to “Menshova,” but now she is seriously thinking about taking her mother’s surname – Alentova.

The surname Alentova is of Greek origin; Translated into Russian, “alentia” means “truth.” On the maternal side, there were 4 generations of priests in the actress’s family, and it is the occupation of the ancestors that she explains the etymology of the surname.

In 1973, Vera was finally allocated a two-room apartment next to the theater. The Menshov-Alentov family was finally reunited.

Young Vera Alentova with her husband and daughter

In 1975, the actress appeared in the 8-episode film “Such a Short Long Life,” which tells about the fate of ordinary Soviet families, in the role of Nastya Ovchinnikova. Moscow, not spoiled by TV series, watched with bated heart the fate of its heroine. And on the screen, Vera was not afraid to appear ugly: she allowed herself to slick her hair and stick out her ears.

Vera Alentova was not afraid to look ugly

Moscow does not believe in tears

The actress’s finest hour came in 1979, when Vladimir Menshov shot the film novel “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” Without exaggeration, this story about three friends who were limiters has become a folk picture. Along with Vera, the cast included Irina Muravyova, Raisa Ryazanova and Alexey Batalov.

Vera Alentova in the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”

Alentova got the main role - Katya Tikhomirova, who, thanks to her strong character, rose from a factory worker to director of the enterprise. Batalov was chosen first, and the actress for the role of Katya was already “selected” for him. Paired with Batalov, Alentova looked more convincing than Terekhova, Kupchenko or Telichkina. The role was not easy: almost forty-year-old Vera had to play not only her own age, but also an 18-year-old provincial girl.

Vera Alentova and Alexey Batalov

In 1980, the film came out on the big screen and began its march around the world. It was bought for distribution in 100 countries at once, and in Russia almost 85 million viewers watched the film in a year. The film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” became one of the few domestic films to be awarded an Oscar.

Vera Alentova as Katya Tikhomirova

How did Vera Alentova’s film career develop?

Vera’s film debut took place in the film about military pilots “Flying Days” (1965), where she starred in a small role as a teacher. Since then, the actress has occasionally appeared on screen in minor roles. The most memorable of them are the nurse in the drama of Soviet-Hungarian filmmakers “Stars and Soldiers” (1967) and the cleaner Nastya, who became a teacher in the serial film story “Such a Short Long Life” (1975). She missed out on some roles (not all theater directors let actors go on set), and simply refused others. The theater was much more important for Alentova, and there she had no shortage of bright roles.

“Flight days” 1965

Vera considers her real film debut to be the role of Katya Tikhomirova in the melodrama “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” (1979). This was the first leading role of the actress and the second directorial work of her husband, Vladimir Menshov. The film brought him an Oscar, royalties unprecedented at that time in the amount of 40 thousand rubles, and the USSR State Prize. All the leading actors received the same high domestic award: Alentova, Raisa Ryazanova , Alexey Batalov and Irina Muravyova (by the way, Muravyova was worried for a long time that she agreed to play such a “rude and vulgar” heroine). Love and Doves,” will subsequently earn no less popular love, although the awards will not be so impressive.

“Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” 1979

Having become famous thanks to filming in “Moscow”, Vera began to get leading roles. Sergei Ashkenazy ’s family drama (1982), she played Alla Borisovna, who entered into a new marriage after a divorce (the ex-husband was played by Yuri Bogatyrev , and the second husband was played by Menshov). In Yuli Raizman’s film “Time of Desires” (1984) - the energetic Svetlana Vasilievna, whose shameless interference in the life of her elderly husband ( Anatoly Papanov ) brought him to a heart attack.

Vera Alentova and Anatoly Papanov. “Wishing Time” 1984

The film adaptation of Boris Vasiliev’s story “Tomorrow There Was War” (1987) was a great success - Yuri Kara’s . Here Alentova played the role of the unprincipled and cruel class teacher Valendra in tandem with Sergei Nikonenko , Nina Ruslanova , Irina Cherichenko and Natalya Negoda (for Negoda this was a film debut, and a year later she would play the main role in the scandalous “Little Vera” ). The film, for which a meager budget was allocated, won the main prizes at the International Film Festival in many countries around the world. All actors worked for free.

“Tomorrow there was war” 1987

In the 90s, Alentova starred in only a few films, of which the most successful was the film story “Unexpected Visits” (1991-92), and from the beginning of the 2000s she began appearing in TV series ( “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Theirs...” , “Gift of God” , etc.).

Vera played her husband in films twice more. In the comedy-farce “Shirley-Myrli” (1995) she appeared in four faces at once: a musician’s bride, a baron’s wife, a thief’s girlfriend and an American. Valery Garkalin played the roles of three twin brothers separated after birth . The film found its audience, but it’s hard to believe that this is the work of the same director who shot the legendary “Moscow”. It turned out to be a typical comedy of the 90s - primitive, not funny and vulgar.

Valery Garkalin and Vera Alentova. “Shirley-Myrli” 1995

And in the next melodrama, “Envy of the Gods” (2000), the old Menshov is visible. This is a story about the sudden outbreak of love between two unfree people - a television editor Sonya (Alentova) and a French journalist Andre ( Anatoly Lobotsky ). They broke up with their families in order to be together, but Andre was expelled from the country for criticizing the actions of the Soviet government. The actors portrayed passion so convincingly against the background of Viktor Lebedev’s wonderful soundtracks that headlines appeared in the yellow press: “Alentova took Lobotsky away from the family.”

A trio of famous announcers (Igor Kirillov, Anna Shatilova, Nina Eremina) and Vera Alentova. “Envy of the Gods” 2000

By the way, when Vera played in these rather explicit scenes she was 58 years old, and her partner was 17 years younger. The press often quoted the actress as saying: “A woman should be 39 and not a day older” (she borrowed the phrase from the English actress Patrick Campbell). Alentova preserved her youth and beauty for a long time with the help of plastic surgery. Unfortunately, the result of her latest surgeries was just the opposite.

“Envy of the Gods” 2000

Currently, Vera Valentinovna is filming a film about... vampires “Empire V” based on the novel of the same name by Pelevin with the American-Russian film director Victor Ginzburg . The premiere should take place in 2022.

Further career

In 1983, Yuli Raizman’s film “Time of Desires” was released. Here Alentova got the role of a lonely woman who, out of despair, became the wife of an elderly man. And for her work, the actress was given the title of laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR. And in 1992, Vera Valentinovna was given the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Still from the film “Wishing Time”

And another notable role of Alentova is that of a wayward teacher in the 1987 film “Tomorrow There Was War.” Well, in 1995, Menshov decided to prove that Vera Valentinovna was not only a social heroine, like Katya Tikhomirova, by calling her to play the role of 4 characters at once - an American, a gypsy, a black girl and a passenger of the liner - in his farce comedy “Shirley-Myrli” "

4 roles of Vera Alentova in the comedy “Shirley Myrli”

In 1993, theater director Leonid Trushkin invited Vera Alentova to join the enterprise. The actress also continued to serve in the Pushkin Theater, where she was involved in the performances “The Leaning Tower of Pisa”, “Honoring”, “Emigrant Pose”. By the way, in “The Leaning Tower of Pisa” Alentova plays together with Vladimir Menshov - they played spouses.

Menshov and Alentova played together in the Leaning Tower of Pisa

In 1993, the actress became president of the Social Protection Charitable Fund, a member of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation, which helped former and current theater workers who found themselves in a difficult financial situation.

Vera Alentova in the film “And Still I Love”

Among the actress’s latest roles are Anna Bronislavovna from the melodrama “And Still I Love”, Zinaida from the series “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Theirs...” (2004) and its sequels, as well as Galina Semyonovna from the comedy “Happy March 8th, men!" (2014).

Still from the film “Happy March 8th, men!”


The name of the actress often appears in the news in connection with numerous plastic surgeries. In pursuit of youth, Vera Alentova often resorted to surgery. She had her first facelift surgery in 1998. But subsequent interventions greatly affected her appearance.

Vera Alentova before and after plastic surgery

After plastic surgery, the third in a row, done in 2016, the actress’s facial expressions became distorted: her right eye began to appear larger, while her left eye remained half-closed. Alentova was shocked by the consequences of the operation and was thinking of suing the clinic. However, the scandal was resolved without trial or excessive noise in the press.

Despite the unsuccessful operation, today Vera Valentinovna is in excellent shape (height - 172 cm, weight - 67 kg).

Vera Alentova now

At the end of 2016, the actress, while driving a Lexus, got into an accident. Moving at high speed, when changing lanes, she rammed the Hyundai driving ahead. There were no casualties, and the star escaped with a fine of 500 rubles. True, Alentova denied the accident in every possible way in the media.


The family life of Alentova and Menshov knew not only ups, but also downs. At some point, after the birth of their daughter, grievances began to accumulate between them. “What is large and clean is overwritten by everyday life. We thought that if we weren’t together, it would become easier for us,” Alentova recalled, talking about four years of living apart. The spouses did not formally file for divorce, but they perceived the separation as such. Vera Alentova. Wife. Love story Both tried to build a new relationship, but it didn’t work out. The reason, according to Vera, was the feeling of this great and very pure love. At some point, the actress found her husband’s old letters and remembered her old feelings. It became clear to her that she could not have the same feelings for any man as for her husband. On the next September 1st, they took their daughter together, and together they returned to their home.

Vladimir Menshov, Vera Alentova and their daughter Yulia

Alentova calls the secret of a happy family life, first of all, friendship between spouses. They were friends from the moment they met in the corridors of the dormitory of the Moscow Art Theater School and remained so to this day, even after the “golden” wedding.

Spouses consider themselves friends first

Subsequently, Vera Alentova and her husband settled in a small apartment in the center of Moscow. A huge number of Yulia's soft toys are still stored there. And until recently, the four-legged guardian of the family hearth lived here – Charlie the Cocker Spaniel. The dog died, which was a real tragedy for the family. There is still a photo of Charlie hanging in the hallway, and Vera Alentova loves to share her memories of her pet.

Family of Vera Alentova

The Menshovs lived in an “open house.” Colleagues often and easily came to them, sometimes even borrowing money. The couple were always happy to help, since they themselves experienced many difficulties in life. To many, the distribution of responsibilities in their family seemed strange: Alentova was mostly involved in men’s affairs: she could hammer a nail and choose upholstery for furniture, but Vladimir worked in the kitchen, since he was born in Baku, and there men cook everything themselves.

It seems that age has no power over the actress

In 2016, the media reported about an accident involving Alentova’s car. The victim said her Lexus RX rammed his car and fled the scene. The actress herself denied the accident.

Vera Alentova continues to play in the theater

Although the actress is in her eighties, viewers still admire her appearance, and her sense of style will give odds to many young actresses. By the way, it is not gyms that help Vera Alentova stay in excellent shape, but self-discipline. The actress is always careful about excess weight. By the way, the woman gained weight only once in her life - when she quit smoking at the request of her daughter. To lose weight, she followed the advice of her dresser: “If you want to lose weight, eat a third of your usual daily allowance.” And it helped.

Vera Alentova before and after plastic surgery

Personal life

Alentova met Vladimir Menshov within the walls of the Moscow Art Theater School. The young people got married while they were still students, after which followed a difficult test of everyday life and family life.

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Vera Alentova and Vladimir Menshov in their youth
For some time they lived separately, and after graduation they even went to different cities: Vera remained in Moscow, and Vladimir was assigned to Stavropol.

A busy work schedule and not the best financial situation influenced the absence of a large number of children for the acting couple. In 1969, their only daughter, Yulia Menshova, was born. But the couple, tired of everyday life, decided to separate.

The official divorce did not take place, since it was unprofitable for both actors. They continued to write letters to each other, and Alentova’s husband visited his daughter every weekend.

When the girl entered 1st grade, her parents got back together. Since then, they have never separated, despite the disagreements and conflicts that sometimes arise in creative families.

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Vera Alentova before and after plastic surgery
The name of the actress often appeared in the news in connection with numerous plastic surgeries. In pursuit of youth, Vera Alentova often resorted to surgery. She had her first facelift surgery in 1998. But subsequent interventions greatly affected her appearance.

After plastic surgery, the third in a row, done in 2016, the actress’s facial expressions became distorted: her right eye began to appear larger, while her left eye remained half-closed. Alentova was shocked by the consequences of the operation and was thinking of suing the clinic. However, the scandal was resolved without trial or excessive noise in the press.

Despite the unsuccessful operation, Vera Valentinovna tried to keep herself in shape (height - 172 cm, weight - 67 kg). The secret of the actress's toned figure is simple - regular diets, which she became addicted to in her youth. Alentova also tried to teach her daughter Yulia to eat healthy, and from time to time she had the courage to support her mother in this endeavor.

At the end of 2016, the actress, while driving a Lexus, got into an accident. Moving at high speed, when changing lanes, she rammed the Hyundai driving ahead. There were no casualties, and the star escaped with a fine of 500 rubles. True, Alentova denied the accident in every possible way in the media.

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Vera Alentova with her family
On February 21, 2022, Vera Alentova celebrated her 75th birthday. The People's Artist of the Russian Federation celebrated it with colleagues and spectators on the stage of the Theater. Pushkin, playing the main role in the premiere production of “Oranges & Lemons,” specially performed by artistic director Evgeny Pisarev. During breaks between performances, guests of the theater got acquainted with the exhibition of stage costumes and photographs of the actress, of which Vera Valentinovna had accumulated quite a few during her half-century of service.

On the same day, Vera Alentova became a guest of the “Evening Urgant” program, in which she talked about how many years she devoted to her native theater and why she never accepted offers from other directors.

A few days later, Channel One released the documentary “I’ll Show You the Queen Mother!”, dedicated to Vera Alentova. The actress spoke for the first time about little-known facts of her biography, sharing what remained behind the scenes of famous films with her participation.

Vera Alentova in the “Evening Urgant” program

Colleagues, as well as daughter Yulia Menshova and grandson Andrei, told their own stories about the famous actress, mother and grandmother. Vera Valentinovna was congratulated on her anniversary by President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Vera Alentova now

In 2022, Svetlana Proskurina’s drama “Sunday” was released, in which Alentova plays one of the main roles. The plot centers on a high-ranking official who received an anonymous note predicting imminent death, and Vera Valentinovna plays his mother. The film was nominated for a prize at the Moscow Film Festival, but the victory went to “Personal Growth Training” by Farhat Sharipov.

Vera Alentova in the film “Sunday” (2019)

The actress will also appear in the film adaptation of Victor Pelevin’s novel Empire V, in which a young, unremarkable Muscovite turns into a vampire and finds out that people like him actually rule the world. Alentova plays Ishtar Borisovna, the boss of the vampires. The premiere is scheduled for 2022.

On July 5, 2022, Vladimir Menshov passed away - the 81-year-old director died from the consequences of coronavirus. He was hospitalized at the end of June, and then Alentova was admitted to the hospital. But the actress’s illness progressed more calmly - as the media reported, when Menshov was dying, she had already been transferred from intensive care to a regular ward. It was reported that after the news about the death of her husband, Alentova became worse - she was allegedly transferred to intensive care again. Alentova’s daughter denied these rumors and said that the actress had already been discharged with a negative covid test. On July 8, she said goodbye to Vladimir Menshov.

Vera Alentova at the funeral of Vladimir Menshov

Children and grandchildren

Due to a busy work schedule and poor youth, Vera Alentova gave birth to her only daughter, Yulia, who followed in her parents’ footsteps and also became an actress. Today she is already 50 years old. Yulia Menshova is married to Igor Gordin, has a son, Andrei, and a daughter, Taisiya, and looks good.

About the personal life and children of Vladimir Epifantsev.

The eldest son, Andrey, was born in 1997. Today he is already 22 years old. For a long time, the guy couldn’t decide what he wanted to become in the future. I decided to follow in the footsteps of my star parents, and in 2022 I enrolled in Dmitry Brusnikin’s course at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio. Today I am a first year student.

Daughter Taisiya (born in 2003) is already 16 years old. She long ago decided on her future profession and decided to devote her life to journalism. I never dreamed of becoming an actress. Today he is still in school, but plans to enter Moscow State University. In recent years, she has noticeably lost weight and turned into a real beauty.

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