Intimate plastic surgery for rehabilitation of sexual life

Advantages of intimate filling What problems does the procedure solve? Contraindications Types of non-surgical intimate plastic surgery How is the procedure and recovery? results

It is used to eliminate both aesthetic and functional defects that may be associated with age-related changes or anatomical features:

  • restoration of lost volume, shape and elasticity of the labia majora and minora;
  • increasing mucosal hydration;
  • enlargement of the clitoris, release from under the fold, which increases its sensitivity.

Intimate filling allows you not only to increase the sexual attractiveness of a woman or man, but also to provide psychological comfort. As a result, the quality of sexual life improves and the intimate area is rejuvenated.

Prices for services

Price On credit*
Restoring lost volume of the labia majora 26750 rub. from RUB 2,673/month
Correction of the shape of the labia minora 17100 rub.
Complete correction of age-related and postpartum changes: restoration of the volume of the G-spot, labia majora, intimate plastic surgery 50300 rub. from 5,027 rub./month
Increasing the volume of the clitoris - clitoroplasty 13900 rub.
Increase in G-spot volume (augmentation) + correction of vaginal volume 21400 rub. from RUB 2,139/month
Moisturizing and improving the tone of the labia majora 16050 rub.
Moisturizing and improving the tone of the labia minora 16050 rub.
Reduction of vaginal volume 17100 rub.
Consultation with a plastic surgeon for surgery 0 rub.

Average cost of services
You can find out how much our plastic surgery services cost on average by calling in St. Petersburg: +7

SM-Clinic surgeons will develop an individual operation plan for you, since surgical body correction is often planned and carried out in a complex manner. The exact cost is calculated individually after consultation with a doctor.

Plastic surgery on credit and in installments


  • congenital defects and/or acquired deformities of the perineum (postpartum, postoperative, post-traumatic);
  • Vaginal relaxation syndrome is a loss of tone in the muscles lining the vaginal walls. (wide vagina effect). Manifests itself in the form of specific sounds during intimacy, reminiscent of squelching; decreased vaginal sensitivity; weak orgasm or complete anorgasmia; dyspaurenia (pain during or after sexual intercourse);
  • hypertrophy (enlargement) of the labia minora, which does not require surgical correction, but leads to a decrease in quality of life;
  • hyperpigmentation of the external genitalia;
  • age-related changes in the external genitalia, as well as due to sudden loss of body weight;
  • urinary incontinence;

Plastic surgeons at the clinic

Davydov Alexander Sergeevich

Experience - 14 years

Head of the Department of Plastic Surgery. Leading plastic surgeon. Certified specialist in plastic surgery and general surgery. Participant in master classes on plastic surgery.

Gvaramiya Eka Yurievna

Experience - 17 years

Participant of congresses, conferences and seminars on plastic surgery. Priority areas: mammoplasty (breast plastic), blepharoplasty, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction, lipofilling, face lift, lip plastic, ear plastic, intimate plastic, body plastic, reconstructive plastic, solving aesthetic problems.

Abzaleva Guzel Rinatovna

Experience - 15 years

Participant of congresses, conferences and seminars on plastic surgery. Priority areas: blepharoplasty, lipofilling, intimate plastic surgery, abdominoplasty, breast plastic surgery.

Garifulin Marat Sagitovich

Experience - 19 years

Priority areas: mammoplasty and gynecomastia (including in men), waist shaping, blepharoplasty, otoplasty, abdominoplasty.

Mitin Andrey Viktorovich

Experience - 22 years

Areas of work: abdominoplasty, mammoplasty, gynecomastia, liposuction, blepharoplasty, intimate plastic surgery, otoplasty.

Malyshkin Pavel Olegovich

Experience - 8 years

Areas of work: abdominoplasty, liposuction, mammoplasty, blepharoplasty, otoplasty, intimate plastic surgery, treatment of keloid scars, post-burn skin defects.

Types of fillers

There are strict requirements for fillers. The main one is safety. The second requirement is not to migrate from the injection site and not to dissolve for as long as possible.

Fillers are divided into absorbable (biodegradable), non-absorbable (biondegradable) and long-term absorbable. They can be biocompatible, like preparations based on hyaluronic acid, natural to human skin, or collagen, or they can be autologous, consisting of the patient’s own tissues.


Contraindications to the procedure are divided into absolute, that is, a complete ban, and relative - temporary, which allow intervention after they have been eliminated.


  • intolerance to “hyaluronic acid”;
  • oncology;
  • infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • previous anaphylactic reactions;
  • infections in the genital area;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • minority;
  • some mental illnesses.


  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • taking NSAIDs, vitamin C, anticoagulants, omega 6 and 3.

Additional effects of G-spot enlargement

  • increasing a woman's sexual desire;
  • improving the quality of intimate life and increasing the number of sexual acts;
  • psychological comfort in relationships with a partner;
  • increased tone of the pelvic and perineal muscles against the backdrop of effective orgasms, which serves to prevent the development of various diseases of the female genital area associated with sagging pelvic floor muscles;
  • better hydration of the vaginal walls, which leads to the normalization of microflora and prevents the appearance of microcracks in the mucous membranes;

Complications. The G-spot enlargement procedure is usually accepted normally by women and does not cause any complications. On the first day after the injection, there may be a slight discharge of sanguineous or bloody fluid, which is the absolute norm. Complications may be associated with a woman’s intolerance to the material introduced into the erogenous zone, but in our clinic this is excluded, since specialists use only hypoallergenic gels of the highest quality in their work.

Disadvantages of the procedure. The main disadvantages of the G-spot enlargement procedure are the temporary effect and the high cost of the injection. Considering that in order to maintain the pleasant, vibrant sensations from sexual intercourse, the procedure will need to be repeated annually, many patients regard this as a problem. The inability to immediately resume intimate relationships is also regarded as one of the disadvantages - it is imperative to wait 3 days, otherwise the injection may be ineffective or its effect may not last long. When too much filler is injected into the G-spot area, a woman may experience discomfort and even pain during sexual intercourse, so to avoid such an effect from the procedure, contact only qualified specialists.

Contraindications to the procedure

Before giving a woman an injection to enlarge the G-spot, specialists identify factors and body conditions that are contraindications to the procedure. These conditions include:

  • the patient's age is under 20 years;
  • pregnancy or suspicion of it;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • the presence of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in the acute phase;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, including latent ones;
  • colds and fever;
  • oncological neoplasms in the pelvic organs;
  • diabetes;
  • bleeding from the genital tract of unknown etiology, as well as menstruation;
  • the presence of filler in the erogenous zone, which was injected less than 1 year ago;
  • problems with blood clotting function;

A relative contraindication to G-spot enlargement is a woman’s recent birth, if less than 6 months have passed since delivery. The lack of sexual desire and the severity of orgasm, and sometimes complete anorgasmia, are caused by an increased level of the hormone prolactin in the body and incomplete restoration of the elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles.

Augmentation (enlargement) of the G-spot, increased activity of the glands, hydration.price, rub.
"Amalain Intimate" 1 x 1.0 ml10 000

As the volume increases, the G-spot becomes more accessible for stimulation, regardless of the angle of penetration of the penis.

All intimate plastic surgery procedures are performed by a certified specialist:

Efimova Tatyana Aleksandrovna Specialty: obstetrician-gynecologist Qualification: category 2

Types of non-surgical intimate plastic surgery

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia without pain and quickly. Such interventions are usually divided into types according to the sites of injection of hyaluronic acid:

  • Correction of the volume and shape of the labia. The most common problem is a deficiency of subcutaneous adipose tissue of the labia majora. Normally, they should cover the labia minora to maintain the correct temperature.
  • Enlargement of the G-spot to increase the sensitivity of the main erogenous zone. The result also tightens the vagina, which increases the pleasure of intimacy.
  • Correction of the clitoris to improve the quality of stimulation.
  • Correction of the walls of the vagina and vestibule (perineoplasty) to narrow it.
  • Elimination of age-related or postpartum urinary incontinence by increasing the volume of soft tissues that surround the urethra and increasing muscle tone.
  • Lifting the walls of the vagina with ptosis, as well as increasing the hydration of this area.

Non-surgical contouring of intimate areas is also performed for men:

  • Correction of the shape and size of the penis. However, the effectiveness of the procedure is low due to strong friction and active movements during sexual intercourse.
  • Elimination of rapid ejaculation. The filler is injected into the coronary sulcus and frenulum of the penis, thereby increasing the distance from the surface of the skin to the sensitive receptors. Thanks to this, it increases the duration of intimacy.

Cosmetologist's comment

Yana Aleksandrovna Yutskovskaya, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor

— Are special, specially designed fillers used for intimate plastic surgery?

— Intimate filling is a technique based on the use of hyaluronic acid preparations for volumetric correction of the ano- and urogenital area. Therefore, it was logical to assume that fillers used in facial contouring would not be able to satisfy all the needs of a doctor performing intimate correction.

Today, the aesthetic medicine market has a large selection of different hyaluronic acid preparations. Each specialist selects a drug based on personal evaluation criteria.

It could be:

  1. Volume of the drug in the syringe, ergonomics (convenience);
  2. Price;
  3. Experience in using drugs in this line;
  4. Established contact with distributor, etc.;
  5. Amount of hyaluronic acid (density).

But, following these criteria, it is not always possible to choose the right drug even for facial contouring, not to mention such a delicate area as the vulva.

In order to optimally select the drug, we recommend using the rheological adjustment method. The method is based on assessing the physical (rheological) parameters of the drug and predicting the results of correction. The most commonly used parameters are viscosity and elasticity.

It is important to take into account the quantitative content and nature of cross-linking of hyaluronic acid molecules, which determine the rate of biodegradation of the drug. Thus, in our opinion, a drug used in intimate filling should contain at least 24 mg/ml of cross-linked hyaluronic acid (the optimal biodegradation period is 8-12 months).

For practical use and achieving compliance with the patient, the ergonomics and price of the drug are of great importance. The presence of permits for the use of this drug in intimate plastic surgery is also important for a specialist performing intimate plastic surgery. In Russia, only one drug is officially approved and recommended for intimate filleting. Taking into account all the above characteristics, we chose the drug Bellcontour “GVISC”, which we have been actively using in our practice since 2005. We have published more than 15 scientific and practical works on the use of this drug in our practice in leading periodicals in Russia and the CIS countries.

How is the procedure and recovery?

Intimate contour plastic surgery is performed by SM-Clinic doctors in a specially equipped room. Before the procedure, patients are recommended to undergo tests so that specialists can identify possible contraindications. To prepare for intimate filling, you need to shave your hair in the bikini area. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, which eliminates pain.

The most modern drugs are used in medicine. They are non-toxic, hypoallergenic, non-inflammatory and absolutely compatible with human tissue.

After the procedure, you can immediately return to normal life with minor restrictions:

  • adhere to sexual rest for 7-10 days;
  • give up sports, baths and saunas for a week.

Within 1-2 days after intimate filling, pain and swelling may be observed at the injection sites.

Benefits of intimate area contouring

Among the advantages of the procedure, its simplicity and speed of execution are noted. Intimate contour plastic surgery takes place without complications and allows you to get a 100% result. Local anesthesia ensures comfort during injections. The injection sites heal quickly. There are no scars characteristic of plastic surgery.

Come for a consultation at the University Clinic “I’m Healthy!” in Moscow. Experienced doctors will examine you and offer the best solution to your aesthetic problem. The expected result of intimate contouring, medications and prices can be discussed at the appointment.

A word to opponents

Official medicine has an ambiguous attitude towards the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the intimate area; it is believed that there is no particular harm in this, but the benefits are not recognized either. Of course, with severe stretching of the vagina, especially in women who have suffered a traumatic birth, the formation of a slightly protruding ridge is unlikely to have a serious impact on the quality of sexual life, but in young patients with problems achieving orgasm, this technique can have a positive effect.

The positive role of hyaluronic acid in improving the properties of the vaginal mucosa in women in menopause or perimenopausal age (45-55 years) is also obvious.

In any case, the basic principle of medicine “do no harm” is fully implemented; the procedure is practically harmless and does not require anesthesia. If there is no effect from non-surgical methods of intimate rejuvenation, you can always resort to surgical ones, which provide a 100% positive result for both the woman and the partner.

Author: Ivanov A.V.

Biodegradable fillers

Absorbable drugs. They consist of substances that are part of body tissues, such as collagen, hyaluronic acid. These also include drugs based on polylactic acid, which, although not synthesized by body tissues, does not cause a rejection reaction and is similar in action to hyaluronic acid. Drugs in this group dissolve over time (from six months to one and a half to two years), but are safe both for the body and for the subsequent condition of the skin.

From a combination of absorbable and non-absorbable drugs, intermediate drugs were created that combine the first two groups. They are called long-term non-absorbable fillers; their effect lasts longer than that of biodegradable drugs, but there are no side effects of biodegradable ones.

Brief information about Hyaluronic acid

  • International name: Hyaluronic acid
  • Pharmacological action (effect on the body):
  • Dermatoprotective (skin-protecting) product of natural origin, which is an important component of the skin, subcutaneous and connective tissue. When administered, it increases the volume of the selected area.
  • Until recently, it was used mainly in cosmetology for: smoothing wrinkles and other skin folds, increasing lip volume.
  • Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the drug, acute inflammation in the area of ​​the intended injection.
  • Possible side effects: Redness and swelling of the skin, swelling, itching, local soreness.

Special instructions:

  • When administered, avoid contact with blood vessels.
  • Proper technique is a determining factor in the effectiveness of the procedure; injections can only be performed by doctors who have undergone special training
  • The treated area should not be heated or irradiated in a solarium.
  • If the drug is injected into deeper layers or intramuscularly, the duration of the corrective effect will be much shorter due to the accelerated breakdown of hyaluronic acid.
  • When taking anticoagulants simultaneously, hematomas or bleeding may occur at injection sites.
  • It should absolutely not be administered without the participation of a doctor.
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