Is it worth pumping biopolymer gel into your lips?

Removing gel from lips (biopolymer gel, PAAG, fat, Vaseline)

. Expert – MD, plastic surgeon Natalia Vaganova.

— Natalia Alekseevna, what are the reasons for patients asking to remove gel from their lips?

Patients decide to remove lip gel for several reasons. If we are talking about biopolymer gel, then in 90% of patients the introduction of biopolymer gel does not cause any negative consequences

from an aesthetic and physiological point of view. Of course, we are talking about cases where proportions and a sense of proportion are respected. The peculiarity of the polymer gel is that it leaves a permanent, in fact, lifelong effect. The disadvantage of this method is that over time the gel is replaced by scar tissue that forms in its place. After 6 months, when the gel is injected into the lips, it is completely replaced by scar tissue (this is the so-called fibrosis). When patients ask for gel removal, it is actually not about removing the gel, but about removing scar tissue where the gel was located.

By the way, the latest generation of fillers based on hyaluronic acid do not have such properties; they are completely absorbed and, accordingly, damage similar to fibrosis does not occur.
Treatment of biopolymer gel is not the actual removal of the gel,
but the removal of fibrosis (scar tissue) caused by the gel
— Are there many such patients who want to remove this scar tissue? What worries them: unnatural volumes and asymmetry of the lips?

Some time ago, technologies for lip augmentation using various non-absorbable drugs were very popular. Accordingly, the flow of those who want to correct the negative consequences of such procedures is not decreasing today.

This flow is divided into two directions. Patients of the first group

They consider the resulting appearance unacceptable (lips that are too large, disproportionate to the rest of the face, asymmetrical lips).
The second group
includes patients who came on the recommendation of a cosmetologist to remove the gel before subsequent procedures to correct the shape and volume of the lips with preparations other than the polymer gel. Any attempts to introduce progressive (self-absorbing) injection materials into the lips using techniques that were different in the past may justifiably alert the cosmetologist, so preliminary surgical removal may be required. In other words, knowing that the lips already contain biopolymer gel, the cosmetologist recommends removing it first. Given the existence of the “last is to blame” system, perhaps such recommendations seem justified.

Patients also seek gel removal due to persistent lip biting, which leads to non-healing wounds.

About contour correction of the lips and area around the mouth

By injecting hyaluronic acid filler subcutaneously into the red border of the lips and the area around the mouth, you can:

  • emphasize the contour and add additional volume;
  • moisturize the skin of the lips;
  • straighten the folds around the mouth - purse-string wrinkles;
  • correct the shape of the lips and eliminate asymmetry of lines in this area;
  • rejuvenate the skin of the red border;
  • raise the corners of your lips.

For this procedure, monophasic and biphasic gels based on hyaluronic acid of a very high degree of purification are used - for a natural and uniform distribution of the gel and varying degrees of viscosity - depending on the problem being solved.

Doctors at our clinic use exclusively certified drugs registered in the Russian Federation and tested in practice. Differences in price are determined by the type of drug, dosage, viscosity and density.

How long does a biopolymer injected into the lips last?

How long the effect of the drug will last depends on the following factors:

  • depth of gel injection;
  • professionalism of the doctor performing the procedure;
  • number of injections;
  • individual characteristics of the body.

If several more injections are needed, complications arise, or an allergic reaction occurs, you must know exactly the labeling of the drug and its name, as well as the name of the manufacturer of the product. The volume of initial injections should also be taken into account.

Biogel is also used to eliminate age-related changes in the lips or their asymmetry. It helps not only provide volume, but also evens out the contour and gives shape.


In our clinic, you can increase the volume of your lips with hyaluronic acid fillers, correct problems in the area around the mouth, and also moisturize and emphasize the contour of your lips with the following medications:

  • "Belotero Basic" (Germany);
  • "Teosyal RHA2, RHA3" (Switzerland);
  • “Juvederm Volbella;
  • Volift;
  • Ultra 3;
  • Ultra 4;
  • Smail" (France);
  • "Ivoir classic s" (Korea);
  • "Neauvia Intense Lips" (Italy);
  • "Viscoderm 2.0%" (Italy), etc.

Lip augmentation using biopolymer (biogel)

Salute to everyone, today I will touch on a very controversial topic, namely lip augmentation. Half the country is enlarged, another half of the country is making fun of it, personally, I always liked plump lips, but for it to look natural was one of the main conditions, you can’t even imagine how much I did to enlarge them, this was also lipofing https://ru/ content/ya-vot-uvelichila-gubki-im-sporno-eto-vse-i… and much more, for example https://ru/content/pripodnimem-verkhnyuyu-gubu-foto-i-podrobno…

, I have never pumped hyaluronic acid because I don’t want to regularly experience its pain on myself, I’m not sure that it will last in my body for any more or less noticeable time, and the price has become not very healthy with the increase in the exchange rate. I have fairly large facial features and I wanted to enlarge my lips a little, make them plump, or rather just the upper lip, the lower one suits me and I didn’t touch it at all. Of course, the main advantage of the procedure is that it lasts for a very long period. Regarding the minuses, I consciously approached this, and I am aware that perhaps in 15 years I will need to cut out some lumps, and I am ready for this, in fact, this is one of the reasons why I did not touch my lower lip with enlargement, if I were to cut it then only one. I injected Biopolymer 350, injected it twice, first they applied an anesthetic ointment to me, but not emla, since it has almost no effect on anything, but some other one, which costs three times more but acts like icecaine. It hurt quite a lot, although the fact that this was one or two visits in my life calmed me down. What also inspired me with faith was that my doctor, who has been doing this herself with bio polymer in her lips for 5 years now and everything is fine. She injected the drug under the dermis, here there is such a nuance, when choosing a specialist, I had the option of enlarging my lips with a polymer from a very experienced doctor with whom I consulted by phone, and who assured that in order for the drug not to migrate, it must be injected under the muscle! But I didn’t find any results of his work and decided to increase them in my city, it was more convenient and I liked the work of this master.

After the first enlargement, there were a couple of bruises inside the mucous membrane, they were completely invisible and I boldly immediately went shopping, walked and everything looked more than natural, there was practically no swelling. But after the drug subsided, it wasn’t obvious that I was injecting anything. The second time I increased it 20 days later, after this increase the swelling began to increase within several hours and by the evening it was so huge that I woke up in horror at night and looked in the mirror. the swelling went down within a day. And soon my lips became normal, the result is in the photo. It was definitely worth it.

The final result appears after 1-2 months, when the preparation becomes overgrown with fibrous tissue and the lips grow slightly larger. It is very important to find your doctor, before I came to this doctor, I saw one extremely fashionable doctor who has been enlarging her lips with polymer for many years, and I personally know several girls who have been using polymer for 10 years after her and have not known any troubles, but when we discussed the shape of my lips, and I stipulated that I wanted to lift only the upper lip without affecting the lower lip and that it suited me, she simply could not do it for me beautifully, and it’s not about the drug, but about the doctor, according to the ladies’ version it was necessary to increase the lower one significantly, which simply did not suit me and I categorically did not want it.

I wrote a lot... the photos will speak for themselves, I’m thinking of getting a natural lip tattoo later and it will be beautiful =)

In the last photo I simply applied it to my lips https://ru/content/o-lya-lya-kolu-v-studiyu-i-vash-potselui-bu…

Benefits of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid fillers

  • Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance for the body that is part of its tissues. The method of increasing lip volume with fillers based on hyaluronic acid is safe for health.
  • The procedure does not leave significant damage in the lip area, which eliminates the formation of scars.
  • With a moderate dosage of the gel and the correct viscosity, the lips look natural.
  • Hyaluronic acid-based gel can always be removed by injecting the enzyme hyaluronidase

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— How does the patient recover after?

Postoperative rehabilitation consists of rinsing the mouth with antiseptics and prescribing a course of antibiotics. During the first 3 days after surgery, intense swelling of the lips is observed, which then goes away. Also, during the postoperative period, it is recommended to avoid eating spicy and salty foods.

— If there was asymmetry, is it completely corrected during surgery?

The surgeon, of course, strives to maintain symmetry, but the scars may be unevenly distributed. Depending on the location, the remaining tissues susceptible to fibrosis are removed. If the patient wants to add volume using modern injection materials, this can be done after surgery. During the operation, the volume of the lips changes, but not their shape.

PAAG has the most severe consequences!

- And if we are talking about more “evil” drugs, such as PAAG, Vaseline?

There are still cases when patients come to remove drugs of the previous generation. These can be polyacrylamide gels (PAGE), petroleum jelly, adipose tissue

, other substances.

The introduction of PAAG has the most severe consequences. It does not dissolve and does not form a membrane. PAAG has the property of hydrophilicity; it absorbs water. In such cases, an autopsy is required, its removal, and then anti-inflammatory procedures are carried out. There are statistics according to which the engraftment of the gel is 30-70%. This is a very wide range, behind which there are many severe cases. If tolerated, the material migrates; correction is required after six months to ensure proper aesthetics.

Vaseline and adipose tissue are materials that are completely unsuitable for lip augmentation!

There are also cases when materials that are completely unsuitable for this purpose, such as adipose tissue, Vaseline, etc., are used to increase lip volume. Of course, over time, patients express a desire to get rid of such drugs, but there is no single method to ensure safety in such cases. Not every surgeon is ready to take responsibility for correcting such dangerous experiments on appearance and health to which patients subject themselves. However, thanks to our experience, many situations are solvable for us.

— Can an inflammatory process be associated with an injected gel that has not dissolved? Have you had such requests?

There are cases when fibrosis is accompanied by a secondary infection with manifestations in the form of redness, severe swelling, and pain. Then you first need to stop the inflammatory process with a course of antibiotics. If there is an element of suppuration, then, of course, such areas need to be opened. If there is compaction without inflammation, a course of hormonal medications like Diprospan is prescribed. After the course, swelling goes away, compactness decreases, in some cases there is even a decrease in volume. If there is inflammation, it is first removed, after which a course of hormonal therapy is carried out; surgery will be the final step in removing fibrosis.

Thank you!

Preparation for the procedure

Before volumetric correction of the lips and perioral area, a consultation with our doctor is carried out. The specialist will examine the lip area, evaluate the indications for lip augmentation and correction of their shape, discuss the desired and possible results, and establish contraindications.

Depending on the purpose of the procedure, the required drug of a certain degree of viscosity and its required volume are selected.

2 weeks before the procedure, you must refrain from visiting the solarium, staying in the open sun, and 2-3 days before the procedure, do not drink alcoholic beverages.

In addition, before such injections, peeling, hair removal and other cosmetic manipulations in the perioral area should not be performed.

Which drug should I choose?

The choice of drug depends on the specific purpose, desired volume, additional tasks and many other factors.

For those who want to achieve the most “natural” effect and conditionally enlarge thin lips, Juvederm UltraSmile is suitable.

For those who want to kill two birds with one stone by adjusting the contour, volume, and structure of the skin of the lips, Belotero Balance or Belotero Intense in tandem are suitable.

For those who crave significant changes, Belotero Intense or Princess Volume is suitable.

And this is just an example. Cosmetologists have at their disposal many preparations for various purposes - viscosity and ductility.

Leave the choice of filler and contouring technique to a doctor you trust.

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Indications for lip augmentation with fillers

Usually, people who want to gain or restore juicy, plump and sensual lips with a beautiful proportional shape turn to the procedure. It is also relevant for mature patients whose lips have “shrinked” with age, creating visual disharmony on the face.

Specific indications for lip contouring:

  • Discoloration of the red border due to dehydration;
  • Congenital or acquired with age-related changes, lip volume deficiency;
  • Blurred, crooked, weak lip contour;
  • “Folds of grief” (downturned corners of the mouth);
  • Wrinkling, peeling, thinning of the surface of the lips;
  • Asymmetries and disproportions of the mouth;
  • Indistinct relief in the area of ​​Cupid's arc (arch) and the columns of the philtrum.

Contraindications for lip contour correction

Procedures to increase lip volume and rejuvenate the area around the mouth are not carried out if you have:

  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation;
  • the presence of inflammatory changes in the lip area;
  • intolerance to the components of the administered drug (allergy);
  • the presence of biopolymer gel or other implants in the lips;
  • epilepsy;
  • oncological diseases.

If there is a history of recurrent herpes before the procedure, prophylactic use of the drug “VALTREX” 500 mg is recommended - 1 tb x 2 times a day (morning, evening) - 5 days.

How does the lip augmentation procedure with gel work?

Lip augmentation using gel fillers can be performed in the office of any clinic that specializes in plastic surgery operations. Before contacting any specialist, you need to study his “portfolio” with photographs and customer reviews in advance.

It is unacceptable to perform the procedure at home and even in ordinary beauty salons. Before agreeing to lip correction using a biopolymer, you must carefully study the existing contraindications.

When carrying out the procedure, certain sequential actions are performed.

  1. Lips are treated with antiseptic agents.
  2. Local anesthesia is used.
  3. Using a very thin needle, silicone filler is injected under the skin. Small doses of the drug are placed at shallow depths.
  4. Light massaging manipulations are carried out, which enable the biopolymer to be well distributed in a given area.

Despite the use of anesthetics, the procedure can be painful. After the first few days, the injection area may have a red tint and slight swelling.

The procedure can be repeated. However, the same drug must be used. This is necessary so that material incompatibility does not lead to undesirable results. If you are afraid of injections, then you can choose a lip pencil.

After the procedure

After administration of hyaluronic acid preparations, pain may persist in the lip area. As a rule, this lasts no more than a week. During the first 24 hours after the procedure, it is recommended to limit excessive facial activity, drink hot drinks, and avoid heavy physical activity. For 10-15 days after increasing lip volume, you should not sunbathe, visit a sauna or bathhouse, and also limit your alcohol intake.

The result of lip volume correction and rejuvenation of the area around the mouth is noticeable immediately after the procedure. During the first 2-3 days, swelling and bruising in the area of ​​manipulation is possible, which resolve within 1 week. The final effect of the correction is assessed after two weeks.

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This is an operation!

— What is the procedure for removing gel from lips?

Removing foreign bodies from the lips is not a procedure, but an operation performed by a surgeon in an operating room. It is quite possible to perform it under local anesthesia, or conduction anesthesia can be used. If the patient insists on general anesthesia, of course, in the absence of contraindications, this can be provided. The purpose of the operation is to remove fibrosis (scar), which is located inside the orbicularis oris muscle.

Surgery to remove fibrosis caused by gel injection is associated with postoperative swelling. The threads used during surgery are usually absorbable.

When performing an operation to remove fibrosis, the surgeon has two tasks: to remove the foreign body and to maintain aesthetics. If, after removing the full volume of the foreign body, the patient is satisfied with the volume of the lips, then it is quite possible to do without subsequent injections.

The final effect can be observed at least two months after surgery

. During this time, swelling and tightness will be observed in the damaged areas.

— Where are the incisions made and are they visible?

During surgery to remove fibrosis, incisions are made from the mucous membrane of the lips, in a part that is invisible to others. The postoperative scar, even if it remains, is felt by the patient much less than fibrosis after the gel. The color of the scar tissue on the mucous membrane will have a whitish tint, which is what we remove.

The rehabilitation period after removing hyualuronic acid from the lips

At the end of the procedure, the patient is under the supervision of a specialist for an hour to eliminate the risks associated with the onset of anaphylactic shock. A few weeks later, a second visit to a specialist is scheduled for examination. If necessary, the enzyme can be reintroduced.

However, this method of removing hyaluronic acid is impossible if the patient has the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to the enzyme;
  • fresh traces of hemorrhage in the area being corrected;
  • risks of hypersensitivity to the enzyme;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • oncology.

Reasons for removing biopolymer from lips

The vast majority of women who previously improved their appearance with the help of non-absorbable gels seek to get rid of it. There are several reasons for this:

  • Unnatural looking lips. They look too plump, vulgar; even an uninitiated person can see that this area of ​​the face has been corrected. Often the mouth resembles a duck's beak or a defect called a cleft lip.
  • Asymmetry arising due to the migration of biopolymer to different parts of the corrected zone. This is also caused by the unequal thickness of the fibrous capsule that surrounds the gel ball. Its clumping causes bumps to appear on the lips.

Uneven lip contour

  • Pain that occurs due to the pressure of the gel beads on living tissues and the inflammatory process. Sometimes, on the contrary, decreased sensitivity of the lips develops.
  • Articulation disorder . Fibrous tissue prevents muscles from contracting normally. As a result, the person is unable to speak clearly and has difficulty eating.
  • Danger of developing a tumor process . Chronic inflammation is a provoking factor for the appearance of “bad” cells in the tissues of the lips.

Such complications, all at once or partially, occur in 90% of women who have undergone the procedure.

Is it possible to remove filler from lips without injections?

Until recently, the only available filler removal methods were Lidase injections . This drug is widely known among cosmetologists and regularly appears in their arsenal. But, unfortunately, Lidaza is an old generation drug that has a number of contraindications, including pregnancy and lactation. In addition, the injection method is traumatic and painful. Currently, there is a more progressive and environmentally friendly way to remove excess hyaluronic acid from the lips - the innovative product Fermenkol.

It not only breaks down excess hyaluronic acid, but also eliminates pathological collagen, which forms fibrous tissue in the deep layers of the skin and makes lips unsightly. Fermenkol has undergone many clinical trials and in a comparative analysis has proven its superiority compared to other anti-scar agents.

Fermenkol has a scientifically proven mechanism of action and consists of 9 active collagenase enzymes - a substance that destroys deformed collagen and excess hyaluronic acid. Fermenkol breaks down fibrous tissue in the lips and returns them to their original appearance.

Lip gel removal surgery

The biopolymer is administered by injection, as it has a fluid structure. But it will not be possible to pump it out with a syringe, since the substance hardens. Therefore, removal is possible only during surgery, which consists of several stages:

  • the operated area is treated with an antiseptic;
  • an injection of an anesthetic drug is given;
  • an incision is made on the inside of the lip;
  • biopolymer particles are removed through it using instruments;

  • further, by excision of excess mucosa, the shape of the area freed from gel is improved;
  • if necessary, improve the other lip so that both correspond to each other;
  • The operation is completed by suturing.

With high-quality removal, it is possible to avoid injury to muscles and blood vessels.

Watch the video about what your lips look like after removing the gel:

Negative consequences of introducing a biopolymer into the lips

There are disadvantages of technology, and there is no escape from it, so it is important to take into account all the risks. Many negative consequences occur due to non-compliance with the injection lip correction technique by a specialist or his inexperience.

In this case we are talking about such manifestations as:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • hardening;
  • filler getting into the non-injection area;
  • It is also important to choose the right filler.

Such manifestations entail negative consequences:

  • deformation of the shape of the lips;
  • the need to remove the substance;
  • distortions of facial features;
  • proliferation of fibrous tissue.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should control your sensations and visit a cosmetologist for an examination every 6 months. If a feeling of tightness or fullness is present in the lips, then immediately contact a specialist.

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