Corduroy eyelashes. What is this procedure, before and after photos, how long does it last, price

Posted On November 1, 2019

Eyelash Velvet is a care procedure that restores damaged hairs at the molecular level thanks to special products. You can treat not only eyelashes with this composition, but also eyebrows. Another name for this procedure is keratoplasty. Thanks to such procedures, girls have the opportunity to improve their appearance and emphasize its advantages.

The modern market for cosmetic and cosmetology services offers a huge number of different procedures. It is extremely important before undergoing any cosmetic or cosmetic procedure to learn about all its advantages, disadvantages, contraindications, progress, etc.

What is the Velvet eyelash procedure?

Eyelash keratoplasty is a procedure that strengthens eyelashes at the molecular level. They become stronger, longer and darker. The result lasts up to 2 months. After the procedure, there is no need to apply mascara to the eyelashes.

The result is achieved by applying special compounds to the roots and ends of the hairs. They penetrate deep into the hairs, affecting their condition. They will become silky, elastic, fragility will disappear, and color will improve.

What eyelashes look like in the photo before and after corduroy

It is enough to compare the before and after photos to verify the effectiveness of molecular restoration.

Before making corduroy yourself, it is important to carefully study all its intricacies. However, the effectiveness of the product is undeniable: the procedure maintains the beauty and health of eyelashes, preserving their natural appearance.

Benefits of the procedure

The Velvet procedure for eyelashes has its advantages:

  • When applying makeup, the mascara goes on smoother, without lumps.
  • Does not degrade the quality of natural eyelashes, as happens after extensions.
  • It does not interfere with, but rather promotes hair growth.
  • There is no “wet eyelashes” effect, as happens after lamination.

  • There is no need to carry out the procedure frequently - once every 2 months is enough.
  • There is no “doll eyelashes” effect like after extensions.
  • Prevents fragility and loss of eyelashes.

Pros and cons of corduroy

Fearing new products and services in the world of cosmetology, some girls doubt whether it is harmful. It is enough to carefully study the pros and cons of corduroy to make a decision.

Safe and natural compositions of materials.The duration of the procedure is 1.5 hours.
Possibility to apply the product to the upper and lower eyelashes.Cost (about 2,000 rubles).
The result lasts up to 3 months.You should not get your eyes wet for 12 hours after a corduroy session.
No lifestyle restrictions: you can sleep in any position, visit the sauna, etc.

Indications and contraindications

When is the corduroy procedure indicated:

  • Eyelash loss.
  • If you have a dull color, as well as for those with light translucent hairs.
  • Straight eyelashes, no bending.
  • After removing eyelash extensions as a restoration.
  • Sparse and thin hairs.

Despite the fact that natural ingredients are used for the procedure, not everyone can use it.

What are the contraindications:

  • Eye diseases.
  • Nervous tic.
  • Increased tearing of the eyes.

  • Allergy to the components of the drug.

Expert opinion

Experts comparing procedures for eyebrows and eyelashes (Botox, lamination, “Velvet” for eyelashes) note that each of them contains a curling stage. Giving hair a beautiful bend is done using various fixing agents. Their components affect eyelashes differently: some make them brittle, and clients with thin eyelashes note increased hair fragility. After others, on the contrary, the hairs become silky and soft.

The result of curling depends on the formation of the curl, choosing the correct shape, carefully laying out the eyelashes, applying and removing the composition. Some procedures include coloring. After pigmentation, caring components are applied.

Velvet composition

Corduroy eyelashes (the procedure has contraindications) includes 3 main compositions. Each of them is applied to the eyelashes in stages and has a specific purpose. Velvet, in addition to the main formulations, offers additional Botox 3D serum. It can be applied during the procedure. Therefore, you can ask your master if such a service exists.

Grow activator - a tool for active growth

Composition of the complex:

  • Hyaluronic acid . It helps eliminate fragility.
  • Collagen . A component that helps moisturize hair.
  • Nettle extract . Nettle has long been used to strengthen hair.
  • Keratin . It is used as a substance to strengthen hair and nails. Often found in hair shampoos. Also suitable for eyelashes.

The growth activator does not contain silicones. It affects the bulbous roots and makes them grow faster. Eyelashes lengthen.

Velvet essence - silk essence

Composition of the complex:

  • Hyaluronic acid . It eliminates hair fragility.

  • Keratin . It helps strengthen eyelashes at the molecular level. Aminokeratin enters the hairs through the scales and is fixed there.
  • Ylang-ylang . The plant extract will help prevent eyelash loss, especially after unsuccessful removal of eyelash extensions.
  • Fatty acid . They provide deep nutrition and restoration of bulbous roots.

With the help of aminokeratin and fatty acids, the water balance inside the follicles is maintained.

Home oil cocktail for home care

Corduroy eyelashes (the procedure involves additional home care) includes the use of oils. They are used after the procedure for additional care and to prolong the effect.

The composition is described in the table:

CompoundWhat is the benefit
Vitamin ARetinol will help make hairs curved and flexible, they will be less susceptible to external irritants. There is accelerated growth.
Vitamin EIn addition to vitamin A, eyelash care products always include vitamin E, since together they promote the formation of keratin. This is the base of the eyelashes. If there is not enough, the eyelashes break. In addition, vitamin E acts as a UV protector.
InulinThe substance is contained in burdock oil and helps nourish the hair roots.
Argan oilThe fatty acids in its composition strengthen the hair structure and care for the skin of the eyelids.
Almond oilIt contains vitamins E and A

Metabolism accelerates, bulbous roots are toned. The oil is used at home.

Post-procedure care

For half a day after treatment, the eyelashes should not be touched or rubbed; they must be protected from contact with water, steam, and moisture. If you use Velvet medicinal mascara, the time of restrictions after reconstruction is reduced to 6 hours. Further care involves using the Home Oil Cocktail oil complex. To prolong the result and enhance its brightness, it is recommended to carry out the first treatment 14 days after the main session, and then apply the product daily.

The effect of corduroy eyelash lamination remains lasting and flawless for up to 6-8 weeks. The hairs look well-groomed and neat, they do not break, do not curl, do not get tangled with each other and do not bristle in different directions. They are completely renewed naturally and two to three months are enough for this, after which you can plan a return visit to the lash maker.

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Progress of the procedure

Corduroy eyelashes (an undesirable procedure during menstrual periods) takes place in 4 stages.

Stage 1. Aesthetic changes

First, the master will offer bending options. He will tell you about each size and which one is best. You also need to decide on a suitable color. The client's face is cleansed with toner.

Then the master will place special silicone pads on the eyelids, capturing all the hairs. After this, the eyelashes are painted. All this takes about 25 minutes.

Stage 2. Restoration and activation of hair follicles

The restoration process is carried out using the first composition - a growth activator. It is distributed at the roots of the eyelashes. In 10 minutes, the components of the product open the scales and get inside. During the procedure, slight discomfort in the form of burning may occur.

Stage 3. nutrition with nutrients

A product with aminokeratin is used. It penetrates deep into the hairs and fills empty spaces. All vitamins and substances remain inside. Eyelashes are strengthened and fragility disappears.

Stage 4. Growth stimulation, elongation

Silk essence seals the hairs, thereby securing the effect of the procedure. They become smooth. All vitamins remain inside, which promotes increased hair growth. This stage takes about half an hour.

Instructions for performing the procedure at home

You can make Velvet at home if the girl already has experience in this area. For beginners, it will be safer to visit a master lash maker. Only after looking and evaluating the features and method of performing the procedure can you begin to do it at home.

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It should be noted that the professional salon technique will differ from the home one. Eyelashes will look better and neater. The advantage of a home procedure is that it saves money. Therefore, it is worth choosing what is more important at the moment: quality or money.

When carrying out the technique at home, the same rules apply as in a beauty salon. The procedure is performed in stages:

Choose a suitable bend; It is important to arrange clean, prepared tools in a convenient sequence and within easy reach; Treat your facial skin with a special product to cleanse it; Apply silicone pads to the eyelids; Tint your eyelashes with Velvet - apply it with a special brush or use a brush cleaned from old mascara; Use a napkin to remove excess product and wait half an hour for the eyelashes to color; Apply a laminating composition to the roots, wait another half hour - the eyelashes will receive a complex of necessary nutrients; Remove the silicone pads; Do not touch your face and eyelashes for 24 hours; Do not wash your face or scratch your eyes.

Next, the girl performs daily eyelash care using special products with herbal extracts. After the procedure and daily care for 4-6-8 weeks, the eyelashes become denser, smoother, and shiny. They begin to actively grow and lengthen.

The main thing is to follow safety rules when performing the Velvet technique at home.

Is it possible to reconstruct a house?

Carrying out the Velvet procedure at home is only possible if you have experience in this area.

Advantages of the home procedure:

  • Saving money.
  • There is no need to waste time searching for a specialist.


  • The result may be worse than after treatment in the salon.
  • Need experience.

How to carry out the procedure at home:

  1. Place all necessary equipment close to you. They need to be cleaned and processed, and it is better to use disposable tools.
  2. Select the desired bend and color.
  3. Use a cotton swab to cleanse your face.
  4. Silicone pads should be placed on the eyelids, capturing the eyelashes.
  5. Dye the hairs with the chosen color. To do this, you need to use a special brush, or, as a last resort, a cleaned eye mascara brush.
  6. Remove excess paint using napkins and wait until the product colors the eyelashes (30 minutes).
  7. You need to apply “Growth Activator” to the roots and wait 10 minutes. There may be a slight burning sensation.
  8. Apply a product with aminokeratin to fill the empty space inside the hairs with nutrients.
  9. The next step is applying the essence. It will fix the result and make the eyelashes matte.
  10. Now you need to remove the silicone pads.

After the procedure, it is forbidden to wash your face for several hours. You should also not touch your eyelashes. You should not visit places with high humidity (baths, bathrooms, saunas) for 24 hours, use decorative cosmetics, or use eye drops.

For further care, a mixture of oils is used, which will consolidate the result and make the eyelashes even stronger and thicker.

How long does the composition last?

Eyelash lamination and botox

After a salon procedure, you want to preserve the results for a long time. Beautiful and velvety eyelashes will last longer if you care for them properly.

Masters at the salon claim that the lamination effect will last from 10 to 12 weeks. The composition of Velvet holds its effect on the hairs for a long time, giving them a healthy and beautiful appearance. There will be no product left on the new hairs, but due to the nutrition of the bulb, they will be stronger.

After the service, each client is given a home oil cocktail hair care product. The oil awakens the growth of new eyelashes, lengthens them and increases their number. When using skincare products, the results will last a long time, plus new hairs will grow back healthier.

How long does corduroy last?

Velvet lasts on eyelashes for about 8 weeks. But some factors may increase or decrease the effect.

What influences the preservation of the result:

  • Frequent visits to places with high humidity (swimming pool, sauna).
  • Daily use of decorative cosmetics and makeup removers.
  • Experience of the master who performed the procedure.
  • The quality of the products used for the procedure.
  • Additional care using a complex of oils.

It is important to lubricate corduroy eyelashes with oil. Thanks to this, the procedure will have more effect.

  • Natural curl of eyelashes. It is believed that the more curved the eyelashes, the longer the composition lasts on them.
  • Speed ​​of eyelash growth.


What is required to perform Velveteen eyelashes? Of course, the compositions that are created for this procedure. But special tools and materials are also needed:

  • silicone curling molds;
  • brushes for applying products;
  • brushes for separating hairs;
  • cotton swabs, discs, napkins;
  • degreasing liquid;
  • hair dye.

It is impossible to carry out the procedure without auxiliary tools. However, more important are special drugs, of which a whole complex is used.

Tools and materials for “Velvet” eyelashes

What can you do after the procedure?

The main requirement is not to touch the eyelashes, not to wash your face for 6 hours, and also to avoid high humidity in the room. But all requirements end after this time, while eyelash extensions carry certain restrictions in everyday life.

The effect will not decrease even if:

  • Sleeping with your face in the pillow, as some people like . Eyelash extensions can become damaged and fall off along with the natural hairs, which will not happen after Velvet.
  • Take a shower under high water pressure . While eyelashes from extensions can curl unnaturally due to strong pressure.
  • Swim in the sea . Salt water does not harm the applied compounds in any way.
  • Visit places with high humidity . These include saunas, steam baths, and swimming pools. You are even allowed to take a steam bath in the bathhouse.
  • The paint does not wash off even in heavy rain . Rain mascara creates a “panda eye effect” on your face. "Velvet" is not afraid of rain.
  • Use decorative cosmetics . Eyelash extensions are difficult to treat with mascara. They may stick together. “Velvet,” on the contrary, promotes better application of cosmetics to the eyes.

  • Carry out make-up removal using your usual eyelashes. “Velvet” will ensure easy removal of makeup, without putting pressure on the eyes.


On the official Velvet website you can order kits for the procedure. Buying a whole set is convenient for masters in salons.


Suitable for a beginner master. A low price compared to other complexes will help you purchase the necessary funds to get started. The master will be able to “train his hand” until he gains experience and his own client base. Then you can move on to larger versions of the set.

It is included in the kit:

  • Mascara – 1 pc. Therapeutic mascara for daily use will help maintain healthy eyelashes, enriching them with vitamin E and panthenol. It will enhance the effect of the procedure and give the hair a charcoal tint.
  • Sculpturing lotion – 1 pc. (5 ml).
  • Volume fixer lotion – 1 pc. (5 ml).
  • Growth activator – 1 pc. (8 ml).
  • Velveteen essence (8 ml).
  • Botox – 10 ml. An additional serum that gives lashes 3D volume. A film is created on them that protects them, but at the same time allows them to breathe. The product fills empty areas of hairs, and their structure is completely reconstructed, thanks to keratin, collagen and elastin.
  • Homemade oil cocktail . Additional care after the procedure. The client is given a jar of oils after the procedure. They will ensure strengthening of eyelashes and consolidation of the result. The set includes 40 pcs.

The cost of the Mini set is 8300 rubles.


This and subsequent sets are more complete. They include more additional funds.

It is included in the kit:

  • Mascara – 2 pcs.
  • Sculpturing lotion – 1 pc. (5 ml).
  • Volume fixer lotion – 1 pc. (5 ml).
  • Growth activator – 1 pc. (8 ml).
  • Velveteen essence (8 ml).
  • Color remover – 100 ml. The product is designed to get rid of impurities on the skin. Does not harm the skin of the eyelids.
  • Antiseptic – 100 ml. The composition is intended for treating the hands of the master, tools for reusable use.
  • Gel for fixation – 1 pc.
  • 3D Botox – 10 ml.
  • Oils for home care – 40 pcs.

The cost of the Standard set is 10,300 rubles.


The set differs from the previous one only in the increased amount of funds.

It is included in the kit:

  • Mascara – 2 pcs.
  • Sculpturing lotion – 1 pc. (10 ml).
  • Volume fixer lotion – 1 pc. (10 ml).
  • Growth activator – 1 pc. (16 ml).
  • Velveteen essence (16 ml).
  • Color remover – 100 ml. The product is designed to get rid of impurities on the skin. Does not harm the skin of the eyelids.
  • Antiseptic – 100 ml. The composition is intended for treating the hands of the master, tools for reusable use.
  • Gel for fixation – 1 pc.
  • 3D Botox – 10 ml.
  • Oils for home care – 80 pcs.

The cost of the set is 17,250 rubles.

Velvet Brow Henna

“Velvet” is used not only for eyebrows, but also for eyelashes. This set includes henna for coloring hair in the desired shade (5 in total).

It is included in the kit:

  • Henna for eyebrows – 5 shades.
  • Henna for eyelashes.
  • Activator color (30 ml).
  • Cleansing base (30 ml).
  • Biosept (30 ml).
  • Lock colo (30 ml).
  • Application brush.
  • Beaker.
  • Pipette.

The cost of the set is 3500 rubles.

Features of lamination

Lamination is a procedure during which eyelashes are enriched with keratin and covered with an air- and waterproof film that protects them from adverse factors. Keratin is a protein that is a component of hair. Penetrating deep into the eyelashes, it fills cracks and increases volume.

The master applies several special compounds to each hair with a certain exposure (nourishing, giving bend, additional volume and the desired color). As a result, after the procedure, the eyelashes acquire a rich dark shade, visually become thicker and longer (by 20-30%). The effect obtained from lamination lasts up to 1.5 months.

Eyelash lamination is an invention of English cosmetologists with 30 years of experience, Bridget Softley and Karen Betts, founders of the LVL Lashes brand. Initially, they were looking for a way to help cancer patients losing hair after chemotherapy. As a result, in 2005 they developed the LVL lamination formula. Since then, the procedure has helped solve the problem of weakened eyelashes for more than 7 million people.

If your eyelashes are naturally thick and long, then you may not see a noticeable effect from lamination - they will only become stronger, eliminating the need for daily tinting. But the procedure will significantly transform thin, short and brittle eyelashes.

Sometimes it happens that the lamination composition causes allergic reactions and leads to inflammation of the eye mucosa. For inexperienced professionals, the result may be unpredictable (creases, twisting of eyelashes) or almost unnoticeable.


  • for quite a long time, the look acquires expressiveness, and the eyelashes gain volume, dark color, length and a seductive curve without the use of mascara and curling iron;
  • protects hairs from negative environmental factors;
  • the compositions used are safe for health;
  • eyelashes become less brittle;
  • there is no need to touch up your eyes every day and spend money on mascara;
  • The result obtained after the procedure is preserved after visiting the pool, bathhouse or swimming in reservoirs.


  • carried out only for the upper eyelashes;
  • the nourishing and strengthening effect is actually not that pronounced (in case of serious problems, additional measures are needed);
  • Mascara does not fit well on laminated hairs: it slips and crumbles quickly;
  • sometimes eyelashes become more brittle after the procedure (if the laminating composition does not suit their structure);
  • short-term results (compared to other methods);
  • the effect of “wet eyelashes” may be observed;
  • difficult recovery period (after 4-6 weeks) - hairs can stick out in all directions, be of different lengths and thicknesses;
  • not suitable for very short eyelashes;
  • not the cheapest way to make your eyes expressive and improve your appearance - the cost of the procedure is up to 2000 rubles.

What is the difference between “Velvet” and “Botox for eyelashes” lamination?

Velveeta compositions are applied to the roots and ends of the eyelashes, and lamination is distributed mainly to the ends. Lamination involves the use of silicone. Thanks to it, eyelashes thicken and lengthen. However, there is a minus - silicone can make eyelashes hard to the touch, similar to eyelash extensions.

"Velvet" does not imply the use of silicone. In the procedure it is replaced by velvet essence. Thanks to it, the hairs look more natural, without the effect of eyelash extensions. There will be no feeling of heaviness on the eyes, “doll” eyelashes. Due to the absence of silicone in Velvet, eyelashes do not tangle when growing and look just as natural.

“Velvet” is an innovative eyelash modeling procedure.

Having a small number of contraindications, it makes eyelashes dark, thick and curled. But to avoid harm, you need to contact a certified master in a beauty salon.

Article design: Anna Vinnitskaya

Side effects

The consequences of Velvet eyelashes are rarely negative. But there are a couple of nuances that need to be taken into account in advance.

  1. Experts do not refuse to perform “corduroy” on short eyelashes, but women should understand that in this case they will not be able to create the most wide-open look. If your hairs are initially very short, then they will most often begin to bend and stick out in different directions.
  2. With a looming eyelid, after performing Velvet Eyelashes, the result is not so impressive, but it will still be noticeable. In this case, it is more appropriate to resort to the procedure only for the purpose of improving hair health, and not for beauty.
  3. The manufacturer assures that all formulations are hypoallergenic. But for women prone to such reactions, it is better to carefully study the components of the products. This will help avoid redness, irritation, itching and swelling of the eyes.

It is necessary to take into account these nuances before carrying out the procedure so that expectations do not exceed the actual effect, and also not harm the eyes as a result of an allergic reaction.

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