Cutera XEO laser platform is a real breakthrough in the field of laser aesthetic cosmetology

Xeo Cutera Laser Genesis (Xeo Cutera Laser Genesis) is an exclusive procedure for improving the condition of the skin and eliminating its aesthetic and age-related imperfections. It is universal and suitable for all skin types at any age.

An impressive transformation is provided by the Xeo Cutera device. The uniqueness of its Laser Genesis laser attachment lies in the combination of a high-power microsecond pulse and a high repetition rate. Thanks to this feature, the papillary layer of the dermis is safely heated, activating collagen production. During the procedure, hemoglobin is absorbed in the superficial vascular layer of the dermis. This effect not only has a rejuvenating effect, but also helps treat vascular skin lesions: diffuse redness, rosacea; regulate sebum production, reducing seborrhea; provide a therapeutic effect in the complex therapy of onychomycosis (nail fungus), Siwatt's poikiloderma.

Technique of the procedure

The cosmetologist conducts an examination, assesses the condition of the skin and the severity of a particular problem and determines an individual treatment protocol. Before the procedure, make-up removal and superficial cleansing of the treated area is carried out. The procedure is carried out wearing protective glasses.

Laser Genesis acts on the skin gently, using flashes. No anesthesia is required - the patient feels increasing warmth and a slight tingling sensation. Immediately after the session, slight swelling and slight redness of the skin is possible.

A mask and/or a product that restores the skin barrier function is applied to the skin.

Session duration is on average 30 minutes.

How is it carried out?

Genesis laser rejuvenation is carried out in several stages:

  1. antiseptic surface preparation (treating the skin with a special solution);
  2. selection of a suitable attachment and laser operating parameters on the Xeo platform;
  3. exposure to the problem area with ultra-short pulses (nanosecond laser operates at a speed of 0.2-0.5 ms) at a distance of 2-3 from the skin surface.

Video of the procedure using the Cutera Genesis device

The laser beam, passing first through the surface layer and then reaching the dermis, provides a safe and comfortable skin renewal for the patient. Due to the additional production of fibroblasts, the synthesis of collagen is triggered, the fibers of which are responsible for the smoothness and tone of the skin. Its texture is significantly improved, redness is reduced, and wrinkles are smoothed out. Controlled tissue heating is achieved through thermal relaxation (microsecond pulses generated at high repetition rates) and avoids complications.

The duration of medical procedures usually does not exceed 30 minutes, but largely depends on the area of ​​the treated area.

To achieve a pronounced effect, a course consisting of 5 sessions is recommended. The interval between them is usually several weeks and is agreed with the attending physician at a preliminary consultation.

Effects of the procedure

  • Skin rejuvenation;
  • Improving its texture;
  • Increased tone and elasticity;
  • Smoothing wrinkles;
  • Narrowing of pores;
  • The problem of diffuse erythema (redness) disappears;
  • Symptoms of rosacea are eliminated;
  • Lightening of melanin pigmentation;
  • Scars smooth out and become less noticeable;

A significant improvement in skin condition can be seen after just 1 procedure. Laser Genesis has an increasing effect, so a pronounced and lasting rejuvenating result is noticeable within six months.

What effect does it achieve?

You will be able to notice the first improvements as soon as you leave our clinic:

  • pores will narrow;
  • sebum secretion is normalized (greasy shine disappears);
  • pigmentation will decrease;
  • wrinkles will be smoothed out;
  • redness will be eliminated;
  • turgor will increase.

The skin will take on a healthy, well-groomed, rested and rejuvenated appearance.

Photos "before" and "after"

We recommend combining Laser Genesis with:

  • Deep cleansing of the skin: relevant for oily, combination skin before the procedure, to enhance and prolong the effect of narrowing pores;
  • Mesotherapy/biorevitalization (introduction of hyaluronic acid, amino acids, collagen, peptide regulators, cellular factors, vitamins, microelements) - to obtain a more pronounced and lasting effect, especially for patients with reduced cellular potential;
  • Non-injection mesotherapy: phono-, ion-phoresis;
  • Peptide, cellular, collagen, placental, etc. care.

Laser cosmetology

The legendary CUTERA laser on the multifunctional XEO platform is designed to ideally solve a wide range of aesthetic problems, such as unwanted blood vessels, pigmentation, hair and acne. The revolutionary Laser Vascular (Nd:Yag) and Lime Light (IPL) attachments provide flawless, impressive results and a prolonged effect of up to 5 years, without requiring course or maintenance procedures.

The procedures are all-season, performed without additional anesthesia, and last from 10 to 40 minutes. The complex effect improves the appearance of the skin, does not require rehabilitation, which saves time without disrupting the work schedule. Each procedure is accompanied by a consultation with a doctor to assess the condition and select a treatment program. Targeted action on the desired area of ​​the skin solves even the most delicate problems. The result is a visible effect after the first procedure. Due to the built-in cryo-effect, your stay at the session will be comfortable and enjoyable.


  • Does not damage the skin, does not leave burns or redness.
  • Does not stimulate swelling, peeling, post-laser pigmentation.
  • There is no rehabilitation or recovery period.


  • The built-in contact cooling system provides comfort during the procedure and a feeling of natural warmth.


  • The CUTERAXEO laser is FDA certified (US quality system).
  • Efficiency is confirmed by international quality standards.
  • The procedure is absolutely safe in an outpatient setting.

Removal of blood vessels

Unique technologies for removing blood vessels on the face and body: effectively, quickly, forever!

Laser Vascular

provides safe and effective removal of vessels of various sizes on the face and body, as well as deep reticular veins in patients with any skin type. Treatment can be carried out at any time of the year. The laser beam, passing through the skin, penetrates the blood vessel, where it is absorbed by hemoglobin. Heat is released, causing the blood to clot. The newly formed clot compacts the vessel and gradually dissolves over a short period of time. The skin at the site of exposure to the beam takes on a natural appearance without any external or internal defects. The result of using the laser is visible immediately; the removal of blood vessels and asterisks occurs directly during the procedure. The unique integrated contact cooling guarantees complete protection of the epidermis during the procedure, which is as comfortable as possible for the patient. High operating speed due to the combination of high energy density and pulse repetition frequency allows you to achieve the optimal speed of a laser therapy session.

Indications for the Laser Vascular procedure:

  • small superficial single vessels (wings of the nose, cheeks, chin, etc.);
  • hemangiomas;
  • spider veins, telangiectasias on the face and body;
  • reticular veins in the legs (at a depth of up to 10 mm);
  • venous nodules;
  • hemangiomas.

Lime Light

a safe treatment program with high-intensity pulsed light. The technology is based on the principle of electro-optical influence, leading to heating of the chromophore of the damaged vessel. A properly selected treatment program will help to cope not only with existing vascular formations, but also to prevent further changes in blood vessels, without damaging the skin. IPL acts on dilated capillary vessels, narrowing the gaps that appear and “sealing” them. During the procedure, heating is carried out by thermal radiation, which penetrates deep into the skin absolutely painlessly, warming up the blood vessels and bringing them back to normal. After the treatment, the “painful redness” disappears forever.

Indications for the Lime Light procedure:

  • diffuse redness on the face - rosacea;
  • diffuse erythema;
  • flat or lumpy port-wine stains;
  • rosacea;
  • arteriovenous malformations.

Pigmentation removal

Lightening of pigment spots after the first procedure!

Regardless of the reasons, pigmentation always becomes an aesthetic problem, especially in women. Not so long ago, the removal of pigmentation on the face and body was carried out using methods whose effectiveness, safety and painlessness were imperfect.

IPL CUTERA technology has no disadvantages, which is due to the fundamental differences in the operating principle from previously used skin whitening techniques. Guaranteed painlessness due to the built-in cooling system, high efficiency of the procedure at any depth of pigment, absence of a difficult preparatory period, contraindications and side effects. High-intensity pulsed light affects only chromophores - clusters of melanin cells in the skin that have the ability to absorb light. Reacting to IPL, the chromophores heat up and die, while no traumatic effect on the cells occurs, due to which the tissues remain undamaged.

During a light flash, a feeling of warmth occurs, and superficial pigmentation is completely removed in one phototherapy session. Immediately after the procedure, pigment spots acquire a darker shade, but soon peel off, and not a trace remains of the spots.

Indications for the procedure:

  • pigment spots on the face and body;
  • age-related pigmentation;
  • freckles;
  • post-traumatic and post-inflammatory pigmentation.


Diffused laser light allows you to evenly remove hair over fairly large areas of skin at once, rather than by burning each hair follicle. Smooth skin forever!!!

IPL photoepilation is a non-contact technology for removing hair from any part of the body. It is based on the property of broadband light to penetrate the skin and have a selective effect on the surface being treated. In this case, the point of application is the hair pigment – ​​melanin. During the pulse, light energy is transformed into heat, heating the hair follicle and destroying the vascular papilla that feeds the hair. As a result, photoepilation leads to irreversible destruction of the hair follicle by light.

CUTERA hair removal is one of the safest and most painless hair removal methods. This is due to the short-term effect of the light flux on the skin and the individual selection of the power and duration of irradiation, taking into account the skin phototype and its sensitivity. Hair removal occurs over a certain period of time - approximately 5-7 days. The area where the hair follicle is located is gradually filled with connective tissue and new hair does not grow.

The repetition of procedures depends on individual characteristics; on average, 2 to 6 sessions are required, the average session duration is from 10 to 20 minutes. in one zone.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Unwanted hair on any part of the face and body.
  • Correction of the shape of the beard and mustache.
  • Ingrown hair.
  • Intolerance to depilation with wax, sugar, cream, shaving.

Treatment of acne (acne)

Any stage and severity!

Acne treatment with the CUTERA device is today the most effective, reliable method that has been tested by thousands of people. They not only got rid of acne, but also became the owners of beautiful, healthy skin. The effective use of CUTERA technology has been repeatedly confirmed by excellent results: the skin returns to purity and health. IPL energy affects the source of inflammation without irritating surrounding tissue. The procedure is comfortable - no unpleasant sensations. A positive, significant effect already after the first session, with each subsequent session it increases.

CUTERA also removes the consequences of acne - spots, scars, enlarged pores. Long-lasting, high-quality results are accompanied by an increase in local skin immunity. The procedure lasts several minutes and is absolutely painless due to the cryo-effect of the nozzle. The number of procedures depends on the nature of the lesion, the neglect of the process, the characteristics of the skin and is determined by a specialist.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Oily, porous skin.
  • Comedonal disease.
  • Acne of any degree and stage.
  • Rosacea.
  • Demodecosis.
  • Post-acne.
  • Hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands.


Indications for the procedure

Laser Genesis can be performed on both mature and young patients, depending on the indications:

  • Decreased tone and loss of skin elasticity;
  • Age and expression wrinkles;
  • Photoaging; Uneven skin texture;
  • Diffuse redness;
  • Rosacea.
  • Uneven complexion, melasma (benign skin pigmentation);
      Scars and stagnant post-acne scars;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Seborrhea;
      Sagging skin in the décolleté area, neck and face, hands...
  • Despite the non-traumatic nature of Laser Genesis, the procedure may be contraindicated for some patients due to existing diseases and pathologies.

    History of the development of laser medicine

    Vascular formations of various locations, being cosmetic defects, often cause psychological discomfort in both women and men. The first attempts to solve such problems using laser radiation were made in the late 60s and early 70s of the last century. An argon laser with continuous radiation was used. Despite its effectiveness, the abundance of undesirable reactions (scarring, permanent dispigmentation) significantly limited the use of this technique.

    The formulation of the theory of selective photothermolysis by Harvard Medical School scientists Richard Anderson and John Parrish in 1983 changed the situation. This created a kind of revolution in laser medical technologies. The basis of this theory is the selective absorption of radiation with different wavelengths by different substances. That is, a light beam of a certain monochrome light will be absorbed by a chromatophore substance (the concentration of which in the target cell is much higher), impart energy to it and cause a corresponding effect, without affecting the surrounding tissues. Determining the appropriate wavelength, pulse duration and energy density allowed doctors to selectively target hemoglobin in blood vessels without damaging surrounding tissue. The result of this tactic was a sharp reduction in side effects, such as hypo- and hyperpigmentation, and an almost complete absence of scarring.


    These include:

    • acute skin diseases;
    • violation of the integrity of the skin in the affected area;
    • neoplasms on the skin of unknown origin;
    • Acute viral infection (herpes);
    • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding; period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • history of epileptic seizures;
    • tattooing in the affected area;
    • taking anticoagulants;
    • vitiligo;
    • spontaneous keloid or hypertrophic scars;
    • taking Accutane (isotretinoin) within the past 6 months;
    • diabetes mellitus is not compensated.

    Before starting treatment, it is necessary to avoid the use of bronzes for at least 2 to 4 weeks. Exposure to the area of ​​unspecified skin tumors is prohibited.

    Before the procedure, be sure to tell your cosmetologist about past and existing diseases, as well as the characteristics of your skin. There are no seasonal restrictions on the procedure.

    How does the procedure work?

    An important step is collecting an anamnesis, including a previous cosmetic history, i.e. the doctor should tell what procedures and when were performed in the area of ​​the proposed laser treatment.

    Was facial contouring performed, if “YES”, then when and with what preparation. How was the rehabilitation period, were there any complications? Also important is the skin's reaction to sunlight. Some medications increase skin sensitivity to sunlight, triggering a chain of various chemical processes. Therefore, it is important to name all the medications you are currently taking.

    Before performing the Genesis laser treatment procedure, an informed consent for the procedure is signed. It is not recommended to perform the procedure in the area of ​​tattoos or if the integrity of the skin is damaged. Laser skin rejuvenation is contraindicated in the presence of cancer, exacerbation of herpetic infection, photodermatoses, vitiligo, and somatic diseases in the stage of decompensation.

    The parameters are selected strictly individually and depend on the tasks being solved. After completion of the session, hyperemia may appear, which disappears within an hour.

    It usually occurs in patients with rosacea, as well as during the treatment of acne in the acute stage.

    XEO Cutera Laser Genesis at the VITAURA clinic

    Immaculate results

    The clinic’s staff are highly qualified specialists with excellent education and successful long-term practice.

    Combination of procedures

    The Genesis procedure shows the most pronounced effect 3-4 months after botulinum therapy, the introduction of surface fillers and bioreinforcement.

    Individual approach

    We help you choose the best option for an effective and high-quality solution to the problems that concern you in the field of cosmetology, taking into account individual indications, possible contraindications, time and financial plans.

    Examination before laser procedure

    Before starting treatment, the patient undergoes a general medical examination to ensure there are no contraindications. The procedure, as a rule, does not require special preparation; however, you should refrain from sunbathing, solarium, chemical peeling in the treatment area, and taking anticoagulants for about 2 weeks before treatment.

    Are spider veins dangerous to health?

    The presence of telangiectasias in itself does not pose a threat to life and health. However, in some cases, the appearance of cobwebs on the legs is associated with varicose veins, post-thrombotic disease, and vascular dysplasia. To identify these clinical situations, all patients undergo duplex ultrasound scanning of the veins of the lower extremities before starting treatment.

    During a demonstration session of laser star removal

    What types of laser rejuvenation are there?

    There are two types of laser rejuvenation based on the type of impact:

    1. Ablative
      (like Cutera Pearl laser resurfacing) is a controlled artificial burn of the skin. With this effect, the skin heats up to 150 degrees, and water, proteins and all cells evaporate - the top layer of skin is completely removed, in other words, the skin is completely replaced with a new one.
    2. Non-ablative
      (like Laser Genesis laser rejuvenation). This is a non-ablative (non-traumatic) skin rejuvenation procedure, that is, without visible damage to the skin. This technique, on the contrary, does not involve trauma to the skin surface. Since during this procedure the tissues are heated to only 45-85°C, the depth of laser exposure is also much lower than with ablative laser rejuvenation. This temperature is not enough to achieve the ablation process (this is the process of evaporation of water). The laser beam penetrates the skin and warms up the papillary layer of the dermis, or rather fibroblasts (skin cells responsible for its elasticity) and nearby vessels. In this case, the beam affects the cells of the dermis without damaging the epidermis (upper layer of skin). Warming fibroblasts stimulates them to produce collagen, which makes our skin elastic and dense. This procedure also improves metabolic processes, microcirculation in the skin and has an antibacterial effect.
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