Allergan or McGhan implants, Natrelle anatomical implants

The Natrelle line of breast implants comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Each woman can choose the optimal type of product with which she can achieve the desired result and radically change the appearance of her breasts. All products are manufactured using a unique technology, which allows us to achieve high safety indicators and minimize the risk of complications.

INSPIRA styleStyle 410Style 510

The surface of Natrelle implants has a special textured structure, which was obtained using BIOCELL™ technology

It has the following features:

  • Allows you to reduce the severity of capsular contracture.
  • Allows you to avoid displacement of the implant.
  • Increases fixation strength.

Natrelle implants have a special shell design:

  • The implant is completely covered with a special barrier layer, which is made using INTRASHIEL™ technology, which minimizes the diffusion of the silicone filler.
  • The shell is made of high quality silicone, which increases reliability and reduces the risk of rupture.
  • Due to the patented technology of fixing the patch, it is possible to achieve high strength.

The safety of Natrelle implants is fully proven.

The results of the operation continue to please the woman for a long time. According to the survey, 97% consider surgery to be the right choice for themselves and note self-confidence, attractiveness and enjoyment of life.

Natrelle implants come in a very wide variety, so every woman can choose the optimal type of product based on her preferences.

Natrelle Round Breast Implants

The Allergan Natrelle Inspira line of round implants has the following features:

  • In order to reduce the likelihood of contouring, the optimal volume of filler was selected.
  • Due to the unique surface structure, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of capsular contracture to a minimum.
  • A special barrier layer reduces the likelihood of filler diffusion.
  • A durable shell increases the reliability of the implant.
  • The line has a wide variety of products.
  • The implant shell can be smooth or textured.
  • There are two types of implant filling: high-quality silicone gel and Soft Touch™ gel.
  • The implant profile is presented in 5 options.
  • Wide range of sizes.
  • Wide variety of projections.

Natrelle anatomical breast implants

  • Due to the anatomical shape of the implants, it is possible to obtain a natural result and a proportional breast shape, and also preserve them for a long time.
  • The special surface texture obtained using BIOCELL™ technology reduces the likelihood of rotational displacement of the implant and prevents the development of capsular contracture.
  • Anatomical implants are characterized by minimal gel diffusion due to a special barrier layer made using INTRASHIEL™ technology.
  • The implant has special marks that allow the surgeon to correctly position it and give the breast the desired shape.

Natrelle anatomical breast implants are available in 12 options. The patient can choose from 4 different projections and 3 height options. There are two types of implant filling: high-quality silicone gel and Soft Touch™ gel.

Anatomical implants filled with two types of gel

  • The anatomical shape allows you to achieve a natural, proportional result.
  • Due to the beveled edges and concave base, the implant fits perfectly and is not noticeable when palpating the breast.
  • The filling of the implant is represented by two types of Tru Form Dual Gel. At the back is a cohesive gel that can remember its shape. In the front part, the gel is denser, due to which it is possible to maintain the projection of the implant.
  • The special surface texture obtained using BIOCELL™ technology reduces the likelihood of rotational displacement of the implant and prevents the development of capsular contracture.
  • Anatomical implants are characterized by minimal gel diffusion due to a special barrier layer made using INTRASHIEL™ technology.
  • The implant has special marks that allow the surgeon to correctly position it and give the breast the desired shape.

McGhan (Natrelle) 410

McGahn style 410 implants are available as anatomically shaped elastomers. This line is represented by 240 possible options, differing from each other in profile height and implant diameter. The filler of this style of implants can be a highly cohesive or flowable filler (the latter has the SOFT TOUCH memory property). Style 410 endoprostheses are intended for breast augmentation in patients with a thin build, with a narrow chest, and who are performing this operation for the first time.


A wide range of anatomical prostheses allows you to select the most suitable device in each specific case. The 410 style implant follows the natural shape and proportions of the breast. The manufacturer has developed 240 product options. What's inside the products? Each contains the softest silicone filler.

Anatomical devices 510 style have an extra high profile, such models are suitable for solving the following problems: tubular breasts, reconstructive mammoplasty, excessively thin epidermis. Such endoprostheses are distinguished by a concave base, due to which they fit securely to the chest walls and cannot be palpated.

Two types of gel provide a natural look and high projection, the result of plastic surgery is a perfectly toned, slightly elevated breast. It is these forms that many representatives of the fair sex strive for. The real masterpiece of the product collection is the round implants.

They are made of silicone gel, which minimizes the risk of contouring the device. The contents do not get lost at the bottom of the device, the mammary gland will be lush.

McGhan (Natrelle) 510

Natrel style 510 implants are ideal for performing augmentation mammoplasty for women with the following anatomical features:

  • tubular breast;
  • a thin layer of soft tissue;
  • Poland syndrome.

The line of this style is represented by 39 product variants, differing in the following characteristics:

  • good fit to tissues due to the concave shape of the back surface;
  • by combining two types of gel in one implant, which helps maintain its shape without contouring the edges of the endoprosthesis through the skin.

Surface Features

What are the differences between the surface and other models? Thanks to the porous texture, the risk of rotation of the device is significantly reduced, reducing the likelihood of capsular contracture. It often happens that the prosthesis may move due to loose fastening in the pocket.

To prevent this phenomenon, integration of the implant shell with scar tissue must occur. The shell has a porous surface with microscopic pores that are created using salt particles. This structure allows diffusion to occur faster, fusion will be fast and reliable.

Usually, due to the structure being as close as possible to natural tissues, the operation takes place without complications or consequences.

McGhan (Natrelle) 150

A distinctive feature of McGhan style 150 endoprostheses is the combination of two fillers (gel and saline) in one implant. Each implant is divided into outer and inner parts, filled with cohesive gel and saline solution, respectively. The 150 style line consists of 14 models that differ from each other in projection height.

Density characteristics

Natrel models are characterized by different types of density: soft or dense cohesive gel, silicone gel or filler with SoftTouch memory ability.

Round models are equipped with super-soft silicone gel; for such devices, softness, stability of shape, natural appearance, and imperceptibility during palpation are important.

Cohesive filler is denser and is used for 410 and 510 style implants. Thanks to the cohesive gel, the initial shape is reliably retained.

It is the Allergan company that can boast of various types of fillers, models, shapes and sizes. Therefore, for each patient of a plastic surgeon, you can choose the most suitable device, with the help of which her breasts will look great. See you soon, dear readers! Tell your friends about us, many will probably be interested!

McGhan (Natrelle) Inspira

The classic option for augmentation mammoplasty is Natrelle Inspira round implants. To prevent the risk of contouring the edges of the product, their filling with gel is 93%. The filler used to produce Inspira implants has high cohesive properties, due to which the endoprosthesis retains its round shape in an upright position of the body. This line includes 250 variants of endoprostheses.

Implants have a number of the following advantages:

  • the combination of several types of fillers in one endoprosthesis helps to achieve the best aesthetic results and prevent palpation when touching the mammary gland;
  • for the production of implants with a textured surface, the patented Biocell technology is used, which helps to better secure the endoprosthesis in the breast tissue;
  • a seven-layer 360° shell is used, due to which the risk of damage to the implant shell and leakage of the filler into the surrounding tissue is minimized;
  • The implants are covered with an additional protective barrier layer of the Intrashiel patch.

Breast implants are certified and approved by the US Federal Drug and Food Administration for use in augmentation mammoplasty and reconstructive breast surgery.

Main Product Features

These silicone breast implants are one of the most sought-after and popular products used in mammoplasty. If we compare natrelle endoprostheses with other endoprostheses, for example, silimed or mentor, the anatomical devices of this company are of higher quality and more popular.

The advantage of this product is that the manufacturer offers a lifetime warranty on it. The most popular prostheses are McGan style 410 and style 510; they are filled with two types of gel; round Inspira implants are popular among plastic surgeons.

What are the benefits:

  • absence of sharp edges, making the product impossible to feel;
  • thanks to the concave base, the implant closely matches natural structures;
  • the location of the cohesive gel only in the base, which ensures an excellent view of the breast;
  • minimal probability of endoprosthesis rupture and minimal permeability due to the presence of an additional barrier layer;
  • lifetime warranty from the model manufacturer;
  • affordable price compared to other products.

McGahn (Natrelle): Lifetime Warranty

ALLERGAN was the first company in the world to offer a lifetime warranty for its products. But these are not all attractive conditions, because the implant manufacturer Natrelle offers a new service - Guarantee+, which is valid within the following framework. If a repeat operation is necessary, and the reason for this was one or another problem with the implant, then new prostheses and part of the material costs for the work of the surgeon performing the correction will be reimbursed. It is worth noting that this service operates in some countries, but the system is actively developing.

The best budget systems

There is no need to perceive the phrase “budget implants” in a negative way. If we talk about Israeli and Korean systems, which are leaders in this segment, many experts note that they may well be an alternative to top-end systems. These manufacturers produce good and fairly reliable lines of implants, but at the same time they do not have such a variety of solutions for installation and prosthetics (especially in complex cases). On the other hand, many budget systems are more than 2 times cheaper than elite implants, which cannot but attract patients.

Alpha Bio (Israel)

Survival rateProstheticsEngraftment timeIndications for installationAffordability
About 99.6% (8 points)6 points7 points7 points10 points

Osstem (South Korea)

Survival rateProstheticsEngraftment timeIndications for installationAffordability
About 99.2% (8 points)7 points7 points6 points10 points

Dentium (South Korea)

Survival rateProstheticsEngraftment timeIndications for installationAffordability
About 98% (8 points)7 points7 points6 points10 points

MIS (Israel)

Survival rateProstheticsEngraftment timeIndications for installationAffordability
About 97% (8 points)6 points7 points6 points10 points

Breast replacement

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At all times, women have been willing to take risks for the sake of beauty. Attempts to improve breast shape through implantation of various substances began in 1895. Now it’s hard to imagine, but the following materials were used to enlarge the mammary glands:

  • glass balls;
  • rubber;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyvinyl sponges;
  • polyurethane;
  • polyethylene tape;
  • polyester foam.

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All these materials were rejected by the body and led to the development of complications. Often after such experiments it was necessary to resort to removal of the mammary glands.

Everything changed in 1961, when American surgeons first installed silicone breast implants on a patient. Three years later, the French company Arion presented its version of the endoprosthesis. Its shell consisted of silicone, and inside it was a saline solution. This implant could be installed through a small incision. The fact is that filling with saline solution occurred after the endoprosthesis was placed in the mammary gland.

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Modern implants are safe, biocompatible, with shape memory, sterile and very durable. They are a silicone bag with filler. There are the following types of fillers for endoprostheses:

  • Cohesive gel. In appearance it resembles jelly and is characterized by minimal sweating through the shell. The density of a woman's breast imitates perfectly.
  • Silicone liquid. The consistency is similar to vegetable oil.
  • Highly cohesive gel. Sweating through the shell is eliminated; its consistency resembles marmalade. It has a low degree of deformation and good shape memory.
  • Saline. Endoprostheses are not highly reliable. The salt gradually crystallizes and there is a risk that its crystals will damage the shell.
  • Soft touch gel. Sweating through the shell is eliminated. The consistency of the filler resembles jellied meat.
  • Soybean oil. Implants with this filler were first developed in 1995.

Types of implants for mammoplasty: round and anatomical implants

Currently, there are two types of implants for mammoplasty on the beauty market, each of which has its own characteristic features:

  • Round implants allow you to maximize breast volume and even lift it. Another important advantage of these implants is their ease of installation;
  • Anatomical or teardrop-shaped implants for mammoplasty currently allow you to achieve the most natural results of breast correction, they are also optimal for flat chest augmentation, which is why aesthetic surgeons very often use them in their daily practice.

Natrel makgan - protective shell of seven layers 360°

Thanks to the special structure of the shell of McGan implants, rupture of the prosthesis is practically excluded, as well as the penetration of a foreign object into the structure of the prosthesis from the outside or from the inside. The shell consists of layers including:

  • additional silicone coating;
  • porous BIOCELL casing;
  • special coating made of high-quality silicone elastomer;
  • INTRASHIEL protective layer, made using 360 degree technology (including the patch surface);
  • three internal layers of protection.

Natrelle implants are distinguished by the fact that the seven-layer coating covers the entire implant at 360° degrees. On the basis of the endoprosthesis, a patch is usually installed on which the characteristics of the implant (its type, size) are written. Some brands of dentures suggest that there is no protective layer on this patch, and therefore there is a possibility of silicone leaking through the back wall. Natrel McGan implants allow you to forget about this danger, because all seven layers (including the INTRASHIEL protective layer) cover the entire area of ​​the prosthesis, even the patch. The patch is attached to the shell using a special patented technology to ensure optimal strength.

Dental implant survival rate

As a rule, the cost of an implant directly depends on the manufacturer. However, it is wrong to think that the patient pays for the brand and its popularity. Scientific research and development of new technologies require significant costs, but they help improve product quality and increase the survival rate of implants. And what could be more important for a person who dreams of a perfect smile than the absence of complications after implantation of a titanium root? To make the right choice, check out the implant survival rate, compiled based on official data from manufacturers.

Brand and country of manufacturerSurvival rate
Astra Tech (Sweden/USA)99,9 %
Straumann (Switzerland)99,6 %
Alpha Bio (Israel)99,6 %
Xive (Germany)99,5 %
NDI Medical (Germany)99,4%
Nobel Biocare (Switzerland/USA)99,3 %
Osstem (South Korea)99,2 %
Bicon (USA)99 %
Ankylos (Germany)99 %
Biomet 3I (USA)98,5 %
Impro (Germany)98 %
Dentium (South Korea)98 %
BioHorizons (USA)97,3 %
MIS (Israel)97 %
Adin (Israel)96 %

Features of choosing high-quality implants for mammoplasty

Hundreds of women around the world turn to plastic surgeons every day with one goal - to make their breasts more beautiful.

Augmentation mammoplasty is a surgical procedure to enlarge the breast using implants.

It is the choice of the latter that largely influences the outcome of the operation. There are quite a large number of implants for mammoplasty on the aesthetic medicine market today, but the best plastic surgeons prefer to trust trusted manufacturers and products. Natrelle™ implants are exactly that, which is why most plastic surgeons choose them.

Implants for mammoplasty:

  • types of implants for mammoplasty: round and anatomical implants;
  • features of round implants for mammoplasty Natrelle™;
  • features of anatomical implants for mammoplasty Natrelle™.
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