Honey anti-cellulite massage: benefits, contraindications, effect after the procedure

Honey massage for cellulite: what are the benefits?

After a honey massage, blood circulation and oxygen supply to tissues improves, the skin becomes clean, elastic, and smooth to the touch.

But most importantly, honey massage for weight loss promotes the active breakdown of subcutaneous fat deposits.

Therefore, it is considered one of the most effective types of massage procedures that help fight cellulite.

Moreover, honey anti-cellulite massage brings great benefits to the entire human body.

Like other types of massage techniques, honey has a general healing effect on the entire body, and also includes peeling elements.

After the procedure, the skin becomes clean, elastic, smooth, supplied with biologically active substances, enzymes, pathotenic and folic acids, and antioxidants.

The benefits of honey anti-cellulite massage are undeniable. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to achieve the following results:

  • increase muscle tone;
  • improve blood and lymph circulation;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • activate tissue trophism;
  • accelerate the outflow of venous blood;
  • launch regenerative and restoration processes that accelerate metabolism, improve the functioning of internal organs and systems;
  • reduce the layer of subcutaneous fat;
  • make your body slim, beautiful, fit.

Another undeniable advantage of honey massage procedures is their beneficial effect on the overall psycho-emotional background.

Massage improves the condition of the skin, eliminates fat deposits, which visually reduces cellulite. But to ensure that the result does not disappear, you need to repeat the procedure regularly. Once you stop the sessions, the cellulite will appear more prominent again.

Dermatologist Karin Grossman

To improve the effect of the procedure, it is recommended to add essential oils to honey, which have a calming and relaxing effect on the nervous system. After a course of therapy, patients become more balanced and calmer.

Having assessed all of the above, we can conclude that honey massage for cellulite is beneficial not only for the figure, but also for the whole body.

It is only important to understand the technique of performing massage manipulations at home.

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This type of massage is used to reduce cellulite, as well as simply for preventive purposes. The purpose of the massage is to improve blood circulation, since cellulite is formed mainly due to impaired blood microcirculation. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

Anti-cellulite massage (or slim massage) can be both general and local - arms, waist, hips, legs, that is, problem areas.

Indications for honey massage

Positive user reviews, as well as before and after photos, are eloquent - honey massage for cellulite at home is a truly effective procedure that allows you to achieve stunning results in a short time.

The session is prescribed not only to get rid of cellulite on the thighs, abdomen, buttocks, and legs. There are other indications for honey massage.


  • decreased skin and muscle tone;
  • sagging, excessive dryness, dullness of the skin;
  • scars, scars, stretch marks.

Massage using honey is also indicated for treatment.


  • colds;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system – radiculitis, rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis;
  • insomnia, chronic migraines, stress, central nervous system dysfunction.

If you're trying to lose weight, get a massage. It will protect against sagging and improve skin tone.

Dermatologist Deborah Longwill

Contraindications (11 prohibitions)

No matter how beneficial the sweet beekeeping product is, massage based on it cannot be prescribed to everyone.

If a person is allergic to api-products, honey massage is strictly contraindicated.

In any case, if the patient resorts to such procedures for the first time, he should first consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis to eliminate restrictions.


  1. benign and malignant neoplasms of any location; varicose veins;
  2. chronic arterial hypertension;
  3. heart, kidney and other failures;
  4. tuberculosis in the active stage;
  5. acute course of viral, bacterial, fungal diseases;
  6. dermatological pathologies, rash, purulent wounds on the skin;
  7. pregnancy;
  8. diabetes;
  9. thyroid diseases;
  10. blood clotting disorder;
  11. exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Anti-cellulite massage with honey is prohibited for women during menstruation. Active warming manipulations help accelerate blood circulation, which can cause heavy bleeding these days.

In addition, the procedure will not bring the desired effect, because during menstruation, excess fluid is less easily removed from the body.

For losing weight and fighting stretch marks

Stretch marks on the skin are a fairly common occurrence. They mainly appear after pregnancy, but can also occur under the influence of other factors: poor nutrition and obesity, smoking and constant stress, poor environmental situation and various diseases. All this can lead to disruption of protein synthesis and, as a result, to weakening of the skin and the appearance of characteristic stripes on it.

Honey massage stimulates collagen production and normalizes blood circulation. This promotes natural skin restoration, healing and gradual narrowing of stretch marks. In addition, the procedure prevents the appearance of new streaks, strengthening the skin structure.

Massage with honey allows you to get rid of extra centimeters in problem areas. The procedure ensures the breakdown of harmful substances into microparticles, their removal, and activates the flow of oxygen into the blood and tissues. Stimulating salt and water metabolism promotes weight loss, and an aggressive effect on subcutaneous fat helps eliminate accumulated excess adipose tissue.

What you need for a massage

In order for a honey massage for cellulite at home to bring maximum benefits, you must first prepare natural honey.

Flower, linden or herbal honey has a good warming effect.

If there is no fresh product, you can take a candied one, but before applying it to the skin, you should melt it in a water bath or in the microwave.

To speed up the process of fat breakdown, it is recommended to add a few drops of aromatic oil to the main component.

The following natural oils have a fat-burning effect:

  1. Lemon.
  2. Orange.
  3. Tangerine.
  4. Grapefruit.
  5. Lavender.
  6. Eucalyptus.
  7. Juniper.

For one massage procedure, during which the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen are treated, no more than 2 to 3 teaspoons of honey will be required. Take 3-5 drops of natural aromatic oil per spoon.

For hips

Since the thighs are most vulnerable to the appearance of cellulite, honey massage is most often performed on them:

  • You can warm up the skin with a warm shower or a special massage brush. Another option is to use strong water pressure in the shower. Massaging the body with a strong stream of water gives an excellent effect.
  • Honey is rubbed in with gentle movements, then a more energetic massage begins. Particular attention is paid to problem areas, for example, riding breeches. A competent course of procedures can remove this figure deficiency.

Execution technique

To achieve the desired result, you must follow the technique of performing a honey massage for cellulite at home, following step by step:

  1. Apply honey mixture to clean palms - heated honey with the addition of essential oils (optional).
  2. Gently distribute the product over the entire problem area, rubbing into the skin with massage movements.
  3. Place your palm on the skin, press lightly, and then sharply tear your hand away. It is important to note that this type of massage works well when the palms are applied gently and come off sharply. It is forbidden to slap or hit the skin intensely; this can cause injury and the formation of hematomas, bruises, and bruises.
  4. Using gentle movements, treat the entire area on the body where the orange peel is found.
  5. When massaging the abdomen, you need to hold the abdominal wall with one hand and perform massage movements with the other.
  6. To obtain the desired effect, you should continue the procedure for 20 - 30 minutes. During this time, the skin becomes red, and the honey on the palms becomes dirty gray. This color indicates that toxins and other harmful compounds have been removed from the skin.
  7. After the procedure, you need to take a warm shower, thoroughly wash your body and hands to remove any remnants of the sweet bee product.

The video “Honey massage for cellulite” clearly explains the technique and important points that you should pay attention to:

Features of honey wrap

Honey wrap creates a greenhouse effect, which enhances the beneficial effects of honey. This procedure is considered very effective in terms of burning fat, activating metabolic processes and natural lymphatic drainage. All this strengthens the body's immune defense and gives the skin a toned appearance, healthy color and noticeable silkiness.

Important! Honey removes excess fluid from the body and cleanses the body by removing waste and toxins. But the effect will not be noticeable immediately, but after 10-15 procedures.

Recipes (3 options)

To get the best effect, it is recommended to use more than one honey. Here are some popular recipes:

With oilsAbout 4-5 drops of any essential oil are added to honey.
With cream or dairy products.You will need half a liter of kefir, milk or yogurt. If you decide to use cream, then take 30 ml, add a little mineral water.
With lemonAbout 20-25 ml of lemon juice is added to the honey.

Preparing the mixture

All anti-cellulite formulations are prepared in the same way:

  • The base oil is set at room temperature for 20 minutes. It should become comfortable for the body.

  • Then you need to add ethers drop by drop and mix the mixture thoroughly. The finished product should be allowed to stand for a while so that all components of the mixture mix with each other.
  • If candied honey is used for massage, then the essential mixture is added at the very end of the recipe. If you pour the composition into hot honey, the essential oils will evaporate.

Effective tools

Honey anti-cellulite massage can be done not only with your hands. To do this, you can use a whole set of tools that every housewife has at hand in her home.

To apply the honey mixture to problem areas, the following is often used:

  • an ordinary wooden rolling pin;
  • glass bottle;
  • banks.

The canning technique is especially popular. In order for honey massage treatments to bring maximum benefits, it is recommended to purchase special plastic or silicone jars.

Before manipulation, the sweet bee product is heated in a water bath, then applied to the skin in a thin layer.

To ensure that the jars glide well, it is recommended to dilute honey with linseed or olive oil in a 1:1 ratio.

After a massage with cupping, blood circulation improves and cells are saturated with oxygen. Puffiness and excess fluid are also eliminated.

Dermatologist Ben Behnam

What consumables are used?

For massage, you need to choose only natural, fresh and high-quality honey , preferably directly from the apiary. You should not buy cheap fakes in stores; such a product will contain only sugar and a minimum of nutrients and vitamins. When choosing honey for massage, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Compound. It must be natural (that is, only 100% honey), without additives or flavorings.
  • Consistency. In the summer you can buy natural liquid honey, but in winter it is thicker and candied. But this is not scary, because honey can be heated and made more liquid.

It is better to negotiate with sellers and buy honey only from apiaries, and not from supermarket shelves. It should be honey in its natural form, and not mousse or cream honey.

For anti-cellulite massage it is not necessary to use only pure honey. A couple of drops of essential oil added to the product will give a good result. Jasmine, almond, cinnamon, and citrus oils have a positive effect on the skin, eliminate puffiness, and improve blood circulation.

Be sure to do an allergy test. First you need to heat the honey to the desired consistency and add 2 drops of oil. This composition is applied to the skin of the hand, for example, on the wrist. If there is no redness, irritation or discomfort, you can start massage.

Question answer

Before you start an anti-cellulite honey massage, you must first prepare the skin. To do this, you should take a shower, during which, using a special brush or washcloth, rub the skin well in the places where you plan to massage. After water procedures, the surface of the epidermis should turn slightly red. After this, you can proceed directly to the massage procedure.

If after the procedure extensive hematomas, bruises, or bruises appear on the skin, it is better to stop doing the massage and seek advice from a specialist. The fact is that such consequences indicate increased sensitivity of the skin and excessive fragility of the capillaries. Therefore, you will have to abandon this type of massage, choosing a less traumatic and safe option.

It is recommended to massage the body a couple of hours before bedtime.

Preparation for the procedure

Before performing a massage, be sure to take a warm shower. If you plan to do the procedure in the salon, you should check in advance about the availability of a shower. You can use liquid soap or gel with a neutral pH. Using a scrub will enhance the effect of honey, as will working with a massage roller to warm up. Before performing the procedure on your face, you need to remove makeup and cleanse the skin with a special gel or foam.

For people who are not sure about the presence or absence of an allergy, it is advisable to do an allergy test before the procedure. To do this, you don’t have to see a doctor; just apply a little honey to the forearm and gently rub into the skin. The result is assessed after half an hour. If redness, blisters, and rashes do not appear, then there are no obstacles to honey therapy.

Skin after massage

In the first sessions, massage manipulations using honey can bring discomfort and sometimes even pain.

Many people note that bruises and hematomas remain on the skin. This is explained by the fact that the skin in problem areas is not elastic and elastic enough, so it is easy to injure the capillaries here.

To prevent soreness and bruising after anti-cellulite massage procedures, you need to first prepare the skin.

For example, massage problem areas with light movements every day for 5 to 7 days.

How often to do anti-cellulite massage

To get a visible and lasting result, you will need to undergo 12 to 15 sessions of honey anti-cellulite massage.

However, the first results will become noticeable after 2 – 3 procedures.

It is recommended to do a massage with a sweet bee product at home once every 2 days. It is useful to alternate it with other anti-cellulite procedures.

Don’t forget about proper nutrition, staying hydrated, and exercising.

After completing the course to prevent cellulite, it is useful to repeat the procedure 2 – 3 times a month. This way, it will be possible to consolidate the result and prevent the formation of a new subcutaneous layer of fat.

Basic mistakes

Do not put a large amount of honey in your palm - this will not improve the quality of the manipulations, the composition will only spread, if suddenly there is not enough, it is better to take more. Calculate the mass in this way, 2 spoons per area. Be careful, in some situations the body may experience an allergic reaction.

Do not reuse honey for massage , as it loses its properties and becomes toxic.

Do not forget that honey has a warming effect - therefore it is contraindicated to go outside immediately after treatment, as there is a high risk of catching colds.

It is contraindicated to massage those areas where the lymph nodes are located - these are the groin area, armpits, neck, thighs and area under the knees .

It is recommended the massage in a ventilated room , otherwise the mixture will become liquid and spread. Also, you should not do this in a bath, as the mass will change its consistency due to high humidity.

Anti-cellulite honey massage: useful tips

Before you begin a honey massage against cellulite, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with useful tips that will help make the procedure more comfortable and effective.

Useful tips:

  1. You should not give up honey massage if you feel discomfort in the first 2–3 sessions. In such situations, you need to perform movements more carefully. After another couple of sessions, the skin will get used to this effect and the discomfort will disappear.
  2. Honey should be applied to the skin in a thin layer. If there is a lot of sweet product, the palms will not stick well to the surface, as a result of which the proper anti-cellulite effect will not be obtained.
  3. It is not recommended to use candied honey. Even after melting, there may still be solid lumps in the product that will interfere with the procedure. Moreover, if honey is subjected to heat treatment, it will lose its beneficial properties, so it will not bring any benefit to the body.
  4. Massage manipulations are best done at a cool temperature. In the heat, honey becomes liquid and flowing, which will negatively affect the effectiveness of the procedure. It is not recommended to do massage manipulations in the bathroom. The fact is that the humidity in this room is always higher than normal, and this also affects the consistency of the sweet bee product.
  5. After the procedure, it is not recommended to go outside under the scorching rays of the sun. The skin should calm down and the redness should disappear. Before going outside, it is recommended to lubricate your body with sunscreen to avoid getting burned.

Types and techniques of therapeutic massage for arthrosis

The procedures are carried out in a massage room, on a special table or couch. Depending on the specifics of the disease, manipulations involve the position of the patient’s body sitting or lying down. Some manual techniques require the assistance of an assistant. The minimum recommended course of treatment is 10 sessions.

Significant relief and disappearance of pain are observed after 2-3 massage sessions

Among the main massage techniques used for arthrosis are:

  • trituration;
  • stroking;
  • kneading;
  • vibration.

Each of them has several varieties. Stroking is divided into grasping and planar (the palm clasps the limb or is open). Depending on the direction of movement, transverse, longitudinal, circular or zigzag, as well as spiral stroking are distinguished. Depending on the strength of the effect, the reception can be light or deep.

Rubbing is done with the fingers, knuckles, supporting part or edge of the palm. The main difference from the previous technique is that the massage therapist’s hand does not slide over the skin, but moves it, forming a roller. The movement can be directed along the blood and lymph or in the opposite direction.

Kneading involves several ways of interacting with tissues: rubbing and squeezing, intermittent and continuous grasping, squeezing and pulling, alternating squeezing, stretching or shifting.

Vibration creates oscillatory movements in tissues that differ in amplitude and speed. This technique stimulates muscle contraction, relieves pain, and activates trophism. There is also a positive effect on blood vessels.

Massage for arthrosis of the hand and elbow joint

To massage the elbow joint for arthrosis, the doctor will need an assistant. The patient is positioned on the couch, lying on his back or sitting. In the second case, the hand should be placed at an angle of 110⁰ using a medical roller. The masseur begins manipulations with the outer surface of the elbow, working on it with his palms and fingers and gradually moving to the inner surface:

  1. The shoulder joint is fixed by an assistant, and the doctor holds his hand by the wrist and elbow, rubbing the painful area with circular movements of the thumb.
  2. The limb is stretched in different directions while simultaneously turning the palm outward.
  3. Shaking is done to improve blood flow.
  4. The arm is bent and extended at the elbow several times (4-5), while the joint is compressed by the middle and thumb.
  5. Using multidirectional movements of the palms, rub the forearm, elbow and shoulder along the lymph flow.

The stronger the pain, the easier the impact on the affected area should be. The recommended time for massaging the joint itself is about 2 minutes.

Massage for arthrosis of the knee joint

Massage for arthrosis of the knee joint

For gonarthrosis, the entire lower limb is massaged, with the exception of the popliteal fossa and groin area. Massage for arthrosis of the knee joint is carried out in a certain sequence (the patient lies on his back):

  1. Within a minute, strokes are performed from the foot to the groin.
  2. Using the ribs of the palms, rub the thigh first, then the shin without touching the kneecap.
  3. The thigh and calf muscles are warmed up in the same sequence; to work out the back surface of the limb, it needs to be bent.
  4. The knee is massaged by pinching the skin (forming a skin fold) around the patella, then stroking it.
  5. Using the thumbs, pressure techniques are applied on the outer and inner sides of the knee joint at the junction of the femur and tibia.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, the ankle can be massaged in warm water.

Crunching in joints - when to worry

Intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid

Massage for arthrosis of the ankle and toes

Massage for ankle arthrosis involves the patient lying on his back, with rollers placed under the affected joint and knee. The technique is as follows:

  1. Light strokes are made with the palm in the direction from the toes to the ankle and lower leg.
  2. The heel, Achilles tendon, and ankle are worked with pincer-like techniques and continuous enveloping circular rubbing.
  3. The sole of the foot is intensively rubbed with the knuckles from the big toe to the heel. Stroking movements are performed in the opposite direction.
  4. The foot is warmed up from the outer edge, and a pressure technique is used from the inner edge.
  5. The heel is additionally massaged with strong pressing movements using knuckles or fingertips.

If necessary, finger massage is performed. To do this, each of them is ironed separately with superficial, then deep movements. The index and thumb are used to perform semicircular rubbing of the toes, and then longitudinal and transverse movements with simultaneous flexion and extension of the interphalangeal joints.

Massage for arthrosis of the hip joint

Massage for arthrosis of the hip joint

With coxarthrosis, a significant surface of the body is worked out - the back, sacrum, buttocks and hips. The patient is first positioned on the massage table lying on his stomach, and then on his side (on the healthy side). The massage is done in stages:

  1. By stroking and rubbing from the lower back to the shoulder blades, the spinal muscles are prepared for a more intense effect - kneading.
  2. The sacrum, buttocks and back of the thigh are massaged in the same way. These actions are necessary to relax the muscles and increase blood flow in them.
  3. The patient turns on his side so that the affected area is located on top. In this case, the leg is bent at the knee and hip joint, and a cushion is placed under it.
  4. The quadriceps muscle of the thigh (its anterior and lateral surfaces) is warmed up.
  5. The joint area itself is stroked and then rubbed with light circular movements.

The duration of a massage for arthrosis of the hip joint is on average 20 minutes. In the case of complete absence of painful sensations, the exposure time can be increased, but if sharp pain appears, manipulations should be stopped.

Massage for arthrosis of the shoulder joint

The patient sits on a seat without a backrest, slightly tilting the shoulder being massaged towards the massage therapist. The doctor performing the procedure is on the side, working first on the anterior and then the posterior surface of the joint and the periarticular area. The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. The patient, if possible, moves his arm back, resting the back of the hand on the lower back.
  2. The massage therapist, using longitudinal and circular stroking techniques, first warms up the muscles of the forearm, moving to the joint area with fan-shaped movements.
  3. The next stage is the impact on the articulation and ligaments of the head of the shoulder in front. For this purpose, the doctor’s hand is positioned in such a way that the thumb is fixed on the shoulder, and the rest can be freely rubbed into the joint in a circular motion.
  4. To work on the posterior articular surface, the patient places the palm of the affected hand on the shoulder of the healthy one.
  5. The masseur rubs the lower part of the joint and the headband with circular movements of the thumb, fixing the other four on the shoulder area.
  6. The joint capsule is massaged with fingertips, using circular stroking and rubbing.
  7. The final stage is a massage of the lower surface of the shoulder joint. The patient places his palm on the shoulder of the massage therapist, who performs movements from the armpit upward with his thumb, resting the rest on the shoulder.

The session lasts about 20 minutes, after which it is recommended to provide rest to the sore joint for a while.

10 myths about cellulite

After studying research and the opinions of top doctors, here are 10 myths about cellulite:

  1. Cellulite appears only with age. Unfortunately, orange peel can also form at 15-18 years of age. And if a girl does not lead an active lifestyle or has bad habits, then the risk of cellulite increases.
  2. This problem only affects obese women. This is wrong. Cellulite can also appear on the body of thin girls, and even photos of stars on the Internet prove this.
  3. Proper nutrition will get rid of orange peel. It is not possible to completely remove cellulite. Diet will only help improve skin condition.
  4. Cellulite is a pathology. A huge number of doctors do not classify the occurrence of orange peel as a disease. It appears due to the hormone estrogen, that is, it is a female secondary sexual characteristic.
  5. Cellulite is swelling, so you need to review your water regime and consume less liquids. If you drink more water, blood circulation improves, congestion decreases, which, of course, will reduce the severity of cellulite.
  6. You can remove cellulite with massage. Through this procedure, you can achieve excellent results, as blood circulation improves and lymph stagnation is eliminated. But if you stop doing the massage, the skin condition will return to its previous state. To maintain the effect, you need to regularly conduct massage courses.
  7. You can protect yourself from cellulite. This is also a misconception. Cellulite is associated with a genetic predisposition. Therefore, many people cannot avoid its appearance. But if you lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, and exercise, this problem will be less noticeable. But it requires constant work on yourself.
  8. Anti-cellulite creams can remove cellulite forever. This is just a marketing ploy. Creams improve the condition of the skin, masking the problem, but do not remove the orange peel.
  9. Using hormonal contraception can make the situation worse. No, such products do not affect cellulite.
  10. Liposuction can help. This is an operation to remove excess fat. But it does not change the structure of tissues.

How to make the procedure even more effective?

The causes of cellulite are a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, swelling, hormonal imbalances, stress, varicose veins, etc. First of all, you need to try to influence the root causes.

Treatment of cellulite should be comprehensive and multidirectional. If you want to get rid of the “orange peel” faster, in addition to massage, follow these recommendations:

  • Eat right . It is not necessary to go on a strict diet and eat only vegetables and chicken breast, but it is advisable to reduce the consumption of baked goods, sweets, give up strong coffee in favor of green tea, and do not eat later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • Don't forget about the drinking regime . You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. Oddly enough, it is dehydration that often provokes swelling, slows down metabolism and contributes to weight gain.
  • Avoid alcohol and nicotine . Ethanol and nicotine worsen metabolism in the body, retain fluid and lead to swelling. Regular drinking and smoking lead to slower lymph flow and blood circulation.
  • Don't forget about physical activity . You can choose any option: dancing, cardio training, power yoga for weight loss.
  • Get enough sleep . If you don't sleep enough, you get tired, and your stress levels increase. The body begins to accumulate fat and excess water. Try to sleep at least 8 hours a night.

It is important to choose the types of physical activity that will help burn calories. Stretching and yoga are also useful. They stretch muscles, increase blood flow to problem areas, and improve the condition of joints. Together with a massage this will give a good result. To maintain it for a long time, stick to proper nutrition and move more.

To enhance the effect of the massage , do not eat for an hour before the procedure, drink more water, and also take a warm shower. You can use a light scrub to remove impurities from the skin.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

It is useful to perform manipulations after a shower.
To make the skin elastic, firm, and moisturized, it is recommended to lubricate it daily with nourishing lotions or natural oils used for massage. Of course, it is worth remembering that honey massage manipulations will not help you lose weight and get rid of cellulite if a person does not follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle, does not eat a balanced diet, or leads a sedentary lifestyle.

Proper nutrition, physical activity and anti-cellulite massage are the main weapons in the fight for a slim, beautiful, toned figure.

The final stage of the procedure

After the session is over, you can treat the body with contrasting compresses, that is, first warm - then cool. Then you can dry the skin with a towel and cover yourself with a blanket. This will improve blood circulation.

After this, you can go to the shower to wash off the sticky residue. Do not use gel, scrub or soap. A soft washcloth will be sufficient. After the body is dry, you can apply a nourishing cream.

After the procedure, you need to lie quietly for 40-60 minutes, do not rush anywhere. Drink tea or water. This is necessary to replenish the water balance.

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