What plastic surgery do Korean women do: shocking before and after photos

Korean women hold the record for the number of plastic surgeries. Statistics say: every third woman has resorted to the help of a surgeon at least once. Approximately 35% of Korean women from 18 to 30 years old have had plastic surgery at least once (but many managed to completely reshape their faces by the age of 30).

In South Korea, it is generally not customary to say “love yourself for who you are.” Body positivity is not about this country. On the contrary, mothers tell their daughters that on the path to happiness they will have to visit more than one surgeon.

If you want to find a good job in Korea, you will have to try hard and choose your best photo, which must be sent to the employer along with your resume. Naturally, at the interview you need to look just as good as in that photo. If two equally cool specialists come to one interview, they will choose the one who is simply prettier.

Plastic surgery in Korea: excellent results at reasonable prices

South Korea is one of the most developed countries in the world, which never ceases to amaze with its achievements. Not so long ago, this country began to actively develop medical tourism, fortunately it has everything necessary for this - a developed system of multidisciplinary medical centers, high technologies and qualified doctors.

Every year the country receives more and more foreign patients wishing to receive medical care in a Korean clinic. Most often, these are patients who go to Korea for treatment of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. But South Korea is also famous for its achievements in plastic and reconstructive surgery. All types of operations to eliminate cosmetic defects and reconstruct body parts and organs are performed here.

In their practice, plastic surgeons in South Korea use advanced medical technologies - minimally invasive interventions and unique techniques that make it possible to eliminate defects on the body without postoperative scars. Many patients leave positive reviews, showing their photos after plastic surgery in Korea.

Ophthalmic surgeries

In Korea, the most modern methods of diagnosing and treating eye diseases are used. Thanks to the vast practical experience and highly qualified ophthalmologists who have undergone training in major ophthalmological centers in Europe and America, the treatment of eye diseases of varying complexity in Korea is not difficult.

The most common diseases for which patients seek treatment are:

  1. Cataract – lens replacement, ultrasound phacoemulsification.
  2. Glaucoma (laser iridectomy, laser goniopuncture, laser trabeculoplasty).
  3. Scleroplasty.
  4. Laser vision correction (LASIC, LASAC).
  5. Retinal diseases and laser coagulation of the retina.
  6. Strabismus.
  7. Vitrectomy.
  8. Surgical treatment of keratoconus.
  9. Treatment of myopia with IOLs.
  10. Eye injuries

Popular plastic surgery techniques in Korea

Clinics in South Korea offer a varied range of plastic surgery services.

Facial surgery:

  • A facelift is a plastic surgery aimed at eliminating aesthetic defects associated with weakening of the muscles of the face and neck. During a facelift, Korean plastic surgeons eliminate wrinkles, subsidence of subcutaneous fat tissue, age spots and other “roughness” that the patient wants to get rid of.
  • An eyelid lift is an operation that lasts only 30-50 minutes for each eye. Korean plastic surgeons will eliminate the problem of drooping eyelids or bags under the eyes, making you look younger and more attractive.
  • Ear correction (otoplasty) is a surgery often performed on teenagers and young adults. Too large an ear, protruding ears and other aesthetic defects of the auricle can be easily corrected using modern surgical techniques that are available to plastic surgeons in South Korea.
  • Nose surgery (or rhinoplasty) is one of the most popular facial plastic surgeries. A nose that is too large, an unattractive curvature or snub nose, as well as a crooked nasal septum... All these and other defects can be corrected with simple plastic surgery to correct the nose.
  • A forehead lift is an operation to eliminate forehead wrinkles. Korean specialists will perform a forehead lift with a small incision on the scalp. After the intervention, a small scar remains, which will be hidden behind the hair.
  • Other operations . Plastic surgery clinics in South Korea also offer a number of other operations to eliminate aesthetic facial defects, including unique proprietary techniques.

Breast plastic surgery:

  • Breast augmentation – breast augmentation surgery with and without implants. Implantless breast augmentation is possible, for example, using lipofilling, when fat cells taken from other areas of the body (buttocks, thighs, abdomen) are transferred to the breasts.
  • Breast reduction is an operation to reduce the size of the breast. In some cases, such intervention may be indicated for medical reasons, since too large breasts place serious stress on the spine and cervical spine.
  • Breast lift is a surgical technique that allows you to eliminate problems such as ptosis (drooping) of the breast. There are several methods for lifting the mammary glands, including those using special threads, which are installed to create a frame on which the breasts are supported.
  • Breast plastic surgery for men . Some men face such a problem as gynecomastia - enlarged breasts. This usually happens due to hormonal imbalance. For men in such cases, breast reduction surgery is performed.

Body plastic surgery:

  • Liposuction is one of the most popular surgeries for people suffering from excess fat deposits. It is noteworthy that liposuction is also performed on patients with normal weight, but who have excessive fat accumulation in a certain area, for example, the buttocks or sides. This is a very effective technique that allows you to permanently get rid of excess fat tissue in problem areas and emphasize the contours of your body.
  • Body skin tightening (body lifting) is an operation that will help you get rid of sagging, hanging skin and wrinkles on the body. During this operation, the skin is removed from some areas of the body, liposuction is performed in some areas, and lipofilling is performed in others. This improves body contour and tightens the skin.
  • Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). Eliminating the problem of sagging skin on the abdomen is possible with the help of abdominoplasty. Often, this operation is used by women after childbirth, as well as by people who have lost a significant amount of kilograms, after which their skin on the stomach and other places began to sag.
  • Other operations. Plastic surgery clinics in Korea offer other plastic surgeries on the body, such as scar correction, hand rejuvenation, intimate surgery and many others.

Body changes

Changing the shape and size of the breasts and nipples, liposuction, correction of the shape of the buttocks and hips, eliminating gynecomastia and much more is carried out using special techniques that do not require long-term recovery of the body.

Used for breast plastic surgery

special glue that replaces surgical threads and avoids the procedure of removing sutures.

Diagnostics before plastic surgery

Before and after plastic surgery in Korea, the patient must undergo diagnostics. Plastic surgery, like any other surgical intervention, has a number of contraindications and limitations. In order to understand how ready the patient is for such an intervention, doctors prescribe a series of studies.

As a rule, the following studies are performed before plastic surgery:

  • General blood test and biochemistry.
  • Blood test for clotting.
  • Analysis of urine.
  • Assessment of organ functions (mainly kidneys, liver and heart).
  • Analysis for infections.
  • Instrumental diagnostics (if necessary).

After conducting the research, doctors determine whether the patient needs additional measures to prepare for the intervention.

Who and how can go for treatment to South Korea in 2021-2022, during the coronavirus period

From October 1, 2020, regular flights between Russia and Korea were restored. Departures are made through the cities of Moscow and Vladivostok.

In connection with the coronavirus, on April 4, 2020 a visa regime was introduced for entry into South Korea for citizens of Russia and Kazakhstan.

Only patients requiring emergency treatment a medical visa .

Emergency patients primarily include patients whose lives are at risk in the absence of specialized and high-tech treatment.

Emergency patients include patients with

  • Oncology – all types of oncology (surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation therapy).
  • Transplantology (organ transplantation - liver, kidneys from a related donor).
  • Neurosurgery (emergency operations).
  • Orthopedics (emergency operations).
  • Cardiac surgery (emergency operations).

Planned patients for diagnostics, planned treatment, or plastic surgery are not issued a visa. We recommend postponing your trip until the borders open.

Obtaining a medical visa is carried out at the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea (all cities where there is a Consulate / Embassy of the Republic of Korea).


After arriving in South Korea, you need to undergo a 10-day quarantine at the observatory at your own expense, and do two PCR tests (after arrival and before the end of quarantine).

Serious cancer patients have the opportunity to undergo quarantine directly in the clinic under medical supervision, but only after receiving permission from the Ministry of Health and Epidemiological Surveillance of Korea. Documents for obtaining permission must be submitted in advance, no later than 4 - 5 days before arriving in Korea.

The cost of quarantine in a clinic is much higher than in an observatory, due to the stay in a single room and medical services. These conditions apply only to the patient. The accompanying person will be required to undergo quarantine in a regular observatory.


We will help you fill out forms and prepare documents for obtaining a medical visa for a trip to South Korea.


  • Free organization of a trip for diagnosis and treatment to Korea;
  • Selection of a clinic and specialist;
  • Prompt processing, translations of requests from patients and responses from Korean specialists;
  • Preliminary preparation of a medical tour plan;
  • Pre-registration for doctor's appointments and examinations;
  • Issuing an invitation, preparing documents for obtaining a visa to enter Korea;
  • Free transfer, meeting at the airport, escort to the hotel;
  • Hotel reservation;
  • Free translation in the clinic, support of translators and coordinators at all stages of treatment in Korea;
  • Free rental of a cell phone to contact clinic coordinators for patients undergoing treatment in Korea for more than 1 month;
  • 50% discount on accommodation in a 1-room apartment in the center of Seoul for patients undergoing treatment in Korea for more than 1 month;
  • Payment for medical services is made directly at the cash desks of Korean clinics. We do not take additional payment.


  • Our employees are located in Korea, in Seoul. Knowledge of Korean and Russian languages ​​by employees, assistance on any issues in Korea;
  • Russian- and Korean-speaking doctor in Korea, assistance with translations in clinics, discussion of health problems and treatment. Preliminary discussion of all the nuances of the trip and stay in Korea;
  • Communication of our employees with the Korean immigration service and observation centers where our patients undergo a 10-day quarantine after arriving in Korea. Transfer of desired food and products, medicines, everything necessary for a comfortable isolation.

Ten years of experience of Oivezone Medical employees in medical tourism allows us to calculate in advance all the client’s expenses and the nuances of treatment, as well as select a clinic with the most economical and comfortable conditions for a stay.

Accommodation in Korea with a 50% discount

We provide accommodation in a one-room apartment with all amenities in the center of Seoul with a 50% discount for patients undergoing treatment in Korea for more than 1 month, and we rent a Korean phone for free to communicate with translators and clinic coordinators.

Our company “Olivezone Medical” and Korean partner clinics are trying to do everything possible to ensure that patients requiring emergency treatment arrive in Korea for treatment. Treatment in Korea makes it possible for patients to not only improve their health, but also save their lives.

Cost of plastic surgery in Korea

How much does plastic surgery cost in Korea? You will be given an exact answer only after an examination by a doctor, when it is clear what extent of intervention we are talking about. It should be noted that prices for these services in Korea are significantly lower than in Europe and the USA. Even the best plastic surgery clinic in Korea will offer its services at prices that compare favorably with those in European countries, not to mention the USA, where prices for plastic surgery are simply sky-high.

The approximate price for mammoplasty in Korean clinics is 4000-11000 US dollars; blepharoplasty – 500 – 9000 dollars; abdominoplasty – $700-15,000. You can find out more about prices by calling our consultants or submitting a request on the website.

The quality of life.

This is not always the case and there are many striking examples of when a new face obtained thanks to the work of surgeons actually improved the quality of life.

It is a well-known fact that even when applying for a job, the photo on your resume matters a lot, not to mention other areas of life.

Beautiful, up-to-standard young boys and girls are incomparably more popular, without making any effort, when others, those who, perhaps, would blossom with age, “overgrow” with complexes due to the lack of the necessary attention, popularity, and often the desired success.

It is difficult for adult women to get married if they do not have a beautiful face, it is not easy to find a job, it is difficult to love themselves enough. Especially in an age when anyone can simply go and “buy” beauty, which will immediately open many locks.

Benefits of Korean Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery in South Korea is a rapidly developing field of medicine. Over 800 thousand plastic surgeries are performed in South Korea every year. There are a lot of foreigners among the patients. Patients from other countries turn to Korean plastic surgeons for the following reasons:

  • Korea has high standards of medicine and medical care.
  • Korean clinics are equipped with advanced medical equipment. Most of the equipment is produced in South Korea from leading South Korean manufacturers.
  • Korea has one of the best aesthetic surgery schools in the world. There are many foreigners studying at universities in South Korea who come here to gain invaluable experience.
  • Korean clinics have a fairly loyal pricing policy. Most medical services, including aesthetic surgery, are significantly cheaper than in other developed countries of the world.

Booking Hospital cooperates with all major clinics in South Korea specializing in plastic surgery. We are happy to advise you and answer all your questions.

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Standards and stereotypes.

Korea is a country that is incredibly exposed to Western influences, fashion trends, etc. Among Asian pop stars there are practically no people who could be called not beautiful. More and more young girls are becoming similar to each other: of course, due to the desire for the same standards. But these people, shining with their beauty from television screens and magazine covers, are those whom both schoolgirls and housewives want to be like.

It turns out to be a vicious circle: stylists, hairdressers, make-up artists - “artists” who create images of stars, are inspired by trends that are inspired by Western fashion. Ordinary citizens follow, first of all, people of the same nation and race. Those who are not so far away, but are considered ideal: behind these stars.

It must be said that among celebrities there are many whose beauty is truly natural and is emphasized only by Korean cosmetics, but not by a surgical scalpel, or the correction is minimal.

Kim Taeyong

Lee Donghae


Choi Siwon

This is especially true for those who started working about 7-10 years ago or earlier, but, unfortunately, it is difficult to repeat the same about the younger generation of artists.

It is not difficult to understand why, in this case, many girls dream of a “new” face, or, at best, correction of a specific area of ​​it, from an early age.

Is it worth explaining why a certain amount of money (by the way, not a colossal amount) to go to the clinic “for a new face” is not a strange or rare gift?

Plastic surgery is increasingly being given to children by parents. The most common occasions are graduation from school and entering college, Christmas, New Year, birthday.

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