Is it possible to do sugaring during pregnancy, for what period?

The pregnancy period is a time when all processes in a woman’s body are subject to change. But the desire to always remain beautiful is unchanged at any time.

All that remains is to look for ways that are safest for the unborn child.

The most pressing problem for all expectant mothers is increased body hair.
There is still active debate about this. Advice! When in doubt, always consult your doctor.
In the initial stages, it is better to play it safe several times. Some believe that during pregnancy it is better to use a razor and not resort to any kind of depilation. Others believe that beauty is not complete without sacrifice. And if necessary, all sorts of procedures for removing hated hair will still be tried, despite the interesting situation. Both opinions are quite categorical.

What can you say about hair removal with sugar paste? Is sugaring allowed during pregnancy?

Sugaring in different trimesters of pregnancy

While carrying a child, the expectant mother's level of progesterone in the body increases, which leads to increased hair growth, not only in familiar places, but also in new places (on the face, stomach). Sugaring (depilation using sticky sugar) helps pregnant women get rid of hairs on their skin; it is made from natural ingredients, does not cause allergic reactions and is less painless. Is this hair removal procedure harmful to pregnant women? Gynecologists are calm about this, but if we are not talking about the early stages and the last stages.

The gestation period for a baby is 9 months, 40 weeks or 280 days. This stage is divided into three stages of three months each, which are called trimesters. In which trimester is sugaring less safe for pregnant women, and in which is it strictly prohibited? Let us answer this question in more detail.

Sugaring in the first trimester of pregnancy

Is sugaring allowed in early pregnancy? The fact is that during the first period the formation of the fetus occurs, the procedure must be done much more carefully or abandoned altogether. Because pain during hair removal is still present, and it can trigger uterine contractions, which can lead to the risk of miscarriage. Systematic early consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, if he approves of hair removal to get rid of unwanted hair, then visiting a sugaring specialist is allowed.

Sugaring for pregnant women in the second trimester

In the second trimester, hair removal with sugar caramel is allowed for pregnant women. During this period, the girl experiences high levels of hormones (estrogen and progesterone); changes in hormonal levels reduce sensitivity. Negative complications during sugaring for a pregnant woman can affect the formation and health of the fetus.

Sugaring in the third trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester is the last three months before giving birth. In the last stages, the fixed fetus is actively forming and growing, so in the 7th and 8th month of pregnancy you can visit a sugar hair removal specialist. However, at 9 months the body is preparing for childbirth, so any factor can cause premature birth. Accordingly, experts do not recommend depilation in the last weeks of pregnancy; it is especially dangerous. Sugaring for a pregnant woman is not strictly prohibited. During this period, it is better to give preference to a razor.

How long can you remove hair with sugar?

Trying to look attractive during pregnancy, many resort to depilation. Cosmetic manipulations improve mood, and positive emotions have a beneficial effect on both mother and child. In order not to harm the baby, you need to avoid sugaring in the first trimester. Starting from the second trimester, you can do sugar depilation without fear.

Changes in hormonal levels in the second trimester help reduce pain, so this period is considered ideal for sugar depilation.

Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother can undergo sugar depilation, and changes in her hormonal levels will help reduce pain during the procedure

Sugaring in the bikini area during pregnancy

Is it possible to perform sugaring during pregnancy in the intimate bikini area? There is no clear answer. Sugaring experts say that hair removal can be done by a woman until she gives birth; gynecologists have the opposite opinion on this matter; they advise sticking to trimesters.

Every girl and woman decides on her own to remove hair with sugaring during pregnancy. Sugaring during pregnancy can be done at home, but when the tummy begins to grow, it is problematic to perform hair removal yourself. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex in a magical situation begin to think about going to the salon. There is no direct prohibition on the procedure, with the exception of contraindications and prohibitions from a gynecologist. Specialists at beauty salons may refuse to perform sugaring of a deep bikini during pregnancy, as well as carry out this procedure. But, however, expectant mothers need to proceed not from their own desires and preferences, but to think about the safety of the baby. Don't take the risk, no matter what the sugar depilation experts tell you.

Features of the procedure for expectant mothers

If, after consulting with a doctor and cosmetologist, you still decide to perform hair removal, it is important to take into account the specifics of the procedure in different parts of the body.

Deep bikini area

Deep bikini sugaring for pregnant women is performed quite often, since every day it becomes more and more difficult for girls to independently remove unwanted hairs in the delicate area and it takes them more time.

Whether pregnant women can undergo bikini sugaring depends on their health status. It is important to consult with your doctor first to allow you to perform sugar hair removal.

At the same time, it is recommended to carry out the procedure in the bikini area using manual techniques. It is less painful and safer for the girl. But keep in mind that it treats small areas of the skin, which is why it takes a little longer.


Sugaring on the legs in most cases is absolutely safe for pregnant women, especially when treating the legs. This is due to the reduced sensitivity of the skin on them, making the technique painless.

In this case, it is recommended to use the bandage technique to clear a fairly large area of ​​skin from hairs in 1-2 plucks.

No anesthetic is used before sugaring the legs.

Which hair removal technique is more gentle for the expectant mother?

Sugar paste is a popular depilation in the modern world; it can be made and prepared independently at home, but also in a salon setting. There are two main techniques for removing hair from the body: manual (working exclusively with your hands) and bandage (pulling out hair using strips). Which method the master will use in the salon depends on the characteristics of the woman. It is believed that the manual technique is less painless; the hairs are pulled out in small sections, which reduces pain. But the disadvantage of this method is that manual sugaring takes longer than bandage sugaring. Therefore, often in the later stages, pregnant mothers cannot stay in one position for a long time, as the back and lumbar joint begin to hurt.

When performing the bandage technique, women experience increased pain - this is due to the fact that the removal of vegetation occurs in a large group at once. The advantage of this method is that it takes much less time. Getting rid of hair using bandages is more suitable for smooth surfaces; it will be difficult to use strips in the intimate area, but some cosmetologists can easily work with this technique in the intimate area.

Attention! Sugar hair removal professionals are of the same opinion that pregnant women should not use anesthesia during the procedure.

Is taking contraceptives contraindicated?

It is believed that long-term use of contraceptives, and indeed any hormonal drugs, affects the dynamics of the development of the disease. The likelihood of blood clots also increases, as hormonal drugs thicken the blood. In general, it is necessary to monitor the development of the disease and see if there is a combination of varicose veins and blood thickening. Depending on this, it is already possible to allow or prohibit the use of hormones, leg hair removal, and various popular anti-cellulite programs (massage, LPG). If negative progression is not observed while taking any medications, then the use can be continued, otherwise, it is necessary to discuss this issue with a phlebologist and gynecologist, and it is possible to choose another contraceptive.


During the sugar procedure, a competent specialist will not only do the work of removing hair, but also monitor the condition of the pregnant woman. If necessary, he will stop it; if not, then there will be unforeseen reasons. But soon the mother herself must analyze her symptoms and feelings. You should refuse sugaring procedures during pregnancy if:

  • nagging pain in the back;
  • feeling of uterine tension;
  • pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • toxicosis (nausea accompanied by vomiting);
  • uterine tone;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • individual intolerance to sugar paste is possible;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • disorders in the cardiovascular system;
  • infections of the genital organs (using a viscous mass in the intimate area will be an ideal environment for the spread of bacteria);
  • low pain threshold.


Good afternoon I do not recommend it in the first months of pregnancy, even for those who used sugaring before pregnancy and have a high pain threshold. If the client insists and assures that everything will be fine with her, then it is under her full responsibility and, naturally, under control on my part. It all depends on the individual reaction to painful stimulation. A reaction from the body (increased uterine tone, for example) may appear a couple of hours after the procedure.


I had sugaring done at 38 weeks. She did not give birth to the child! Nothing wrong with that. But the beauty was on the operating table. And in pathology, when I was lying down, I didn’t care that I needed to shave. To be honest, it seems to me that it’s normal not to shave when your belly is already big.


I generally do deep sugaring for myself for now. When it becomes difficult to bend, I will go to a specialist. I can't do it any other way. It doesn’t hurt me, it’s already a habit. But if you feel discomfort and your pain threshold is highly sensitive, it’s better to refuse)


In the absence of contraindications, sugaring during pregnancy is one of the safest and most effective procedures for removing unnecessary hair. Expectant mothers should not experiment, but if sugar depilation was carried out regularly, a trip to a cosmetologist after 12 weeks will not harm. The opinion of many experts agrees: positive emotions after visiting the salon will have a beneficial effect on both mother and baby.

  • Author: woman
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Precautionary rules

There are several rules for the sugaring procedure that will help you carry out the manipulation efficiently and as comfortably as possible, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The optimal length of vegetation should be no more than 4 mm, otherwise the pain syndrome will be stronger.
  • Before using the paste, you need to check your skin for allergies and first apply a piece of the paste to your hand.
  • Perform light peeling on the upcoming hair removal area. Apply the scrub using circular movements with your fingers and then rinse with water. This is necessary to prepare the skin for hair removal and to avoid ingrown hairs in the future.
  • Masters after the procedure and for 2 hours do not visit the sauna or hot baths, solarium, or gym.
  • Before sugar depilation, do not use fatty creams; according to the opinion of doctors, in this case the adhesion of the hair to the paste will be minimal.
  • Consult your doctor about any contraindications.
  • Maintain personal hygiene requirements.
  • The skin must first be degreased and disinfected with chlorhexidine.

Recommended products

Acid peels and any products containing essential oils should be avoided.

At the pre-cleansing stage, you can use: micellar lotion (for all areas), gel with aloe vera and chamomile (for bikini). You cannot use a cooling gel with mint camphor oil or a scrub gel with green tea extract and grapes. It is also recommended to choose talc without fragrances or additives.

To cleanse the skin after sugaring, the following are suitable: in delicate areas - cosmetic water with bioflavonoids, on the legs and arms - cosmetic mineralized water with mint and vitamins.

At the final care stage, it is best to use soothing cream with aloe vera. They are suitable for the most sensitive skin and can even be used for burns after peeling. Creams for restoring skin pH with ylang-ylang oil are strictly contraindicated , as they contain essential oil. with caution (only if blood dew appears or damage to the stratum corneum of the skin) and post-depilation mousse with cotton extract.

Medications to slow down hair growth and prevent ingrown hairs should not be prescribed during pregnancy.

As for pasta, the ideal option would be a natural paste with a soft consistency. It will delicately and effectively deal with unwanted hair in all areas, including the bikini.

Carrying out the sugaring procedure on the legs

Sugaring after childbirth

During childbirth, ruptures in the perineum may occur; obstetricians apply threads that take longer to dissolve; ruptures in this area take a long time to heal. Therefore, hair removal with sugar can only be started after the wounds have completely healed. The area is restored in about 4 weeks.

If we are talking about a caesarean section and sugaring in an intimate place, they have nothing in common, but it is still not recommended to immediately run to a beauty salon to receive sugar depilation services.

What are the modern effective methods? How safe are they? When is surgery necessary?

The most popular and effective methods for eliminating varicose veins in Russia and other countries are laser coagulation and radiofrequency obliteration. Compared to classical operations, the safety of these techniques is much higher. For laser treatment, for example, there are now no restrictions on age or stage of the disease. The question of the need for intervention is decided very individually, based on the dynamics of the disease and the patient’s readiness. Sign up for a diagnosis and consultation with a phlebologist by phone.

Is it possible to cure varicose veins forever? May additional procedures or surgeries be required?

Varicose veins cannot be completely cured, since it is a genetic disease and it accompanies a person throughout his life. But those lesions that varicose veins lead to can be removed for quite a long time or even forever. Varicose veins in themselves are not dangerous, but varicose veins are. It is this that poses the threat of thrombus formation, or rather their separation and migration into the pulmonary artery. Depending on the volume of these separated thrombotic masses, the issue of disability or even a person’s life can be resolved. It happens that after surgery for the main veins, veins may appear at certain intervals (usually a year) that require correction. Such an additional operation is usually carried out in the volume of a treatment room quite quickly.

When the procedure will have to be stopped: alarming symptoms

During epilation of any areas, especially the most sensitive ones - the bikini and armpits - the pregnant woman's well-being may worsen. If any suspicious sensations occur, the session must be stopped. You should especially be wary of :

  • aching pain in the lower back and lower abdomen;
  • pulsation and tension in the uterine area;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • dizziness, nausea and shortness of breath;
  • tingling, discomfort, unusual pain in the navel and lower abdomen;
  • the appearance of bleeding.

You will also have to stop sugaring if hair removal is more painful than in previous sessions.

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