French lip augmentation technique – Paris technology


It is impossible to go to the clinic and get results by paying for the lip augmentation procedure. The doctor must conduct a preliminary consultation. The meeting helps to understand the patient’s aspirations: to select a method of influence, a manipulation technique. The doctor collects anamnesis, trying to exclude contraindications:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • blood diseases (in most cases, clotting ability is taken into account);
  • rehabilitation period after other interventions;
  • acute course of any disease;
  • serious endocrine, cardiovascular disorders;
  • open wounds, dermatological problems in areas of intended exposure;
  • autoimmune, oncological processes;
  • mental disorders.

Before plastic surgery, the surgeon will require tests to document your health status. All actions help to eliminate complications and ensure patient satisfaction with the result.

You can minimize risks by making informed choices about your doctor. You can only trust an experienced performer with a good professional reputation. We must abandon the idea of ​​carrying out the procedure on our own. Theoretically, the process seems simple, but inexperienced actions can lead to disastrous results.

Choosing a lip augmentation technique is not an easy task. There are many effective ways. It is recommended to choose the appropriate option with the doctor who will carry it out. You need to trust a specialist. This is the only way to take into account all the nuances and achieve favorable results.

Advantages of performing the procedure at the Miracle Doctor cosmetology clinic

Doctors experience from 10 years

The staff includes doctors of the highest category and candidates of medical sciences with experience. They constantly improve their knowledge and skills at Russian and international congresses of aesthetic medicine.

Licensed drugs

Before the procedure, the doctor opens the package with a filler registered and certified in the Russian Federation in the presence of the patient, which additionally acts as a guarantee of authenticity and safety.

A complex approach

We create an individual program that allows you to solve almost any aesthetic imperfections as efficiently as possible.

Natural result

Thanks to the techniques of the procedures and the skill of the doctors, you get an attractive appearance of lips that is in harmony with your appearance.

Affordable price for lip augmentation

The cost of contouring depends on the amount of work, the amount of materials used and the brand of hyaluronic acid fillers.

VIP level service

Make an appointment with a cosmetologist at any time convenient for you. We work seven days a week. Our staff is always welcoming and friendly.

Cheiloplasty - what is it, what types are there?

Cheiloplasty is usually divided into types depending on the method of influencing the lips and the goals pursued by a person who wants to change his appearance.

We invite you to watch a video about cheiloplasty and its types:


Reduction cheiloplasty is aimed at reducing the total volume of the lips, the length of the upper lip and correcting the size of the lower lip.

This procedure is in little demand, since few people want to reduce their lips. It differs from other types of procedures in application.


Reconstructive cheiloplasty is aimed at completely changing the shape or size of the lips. Prescribed to correct various types of pathologies, for example, “cleft lip” or “cleft palate”.

Surgery allows you to restore lips after injury, eliminate teeth and possible scars. It differs from other types of procedures in the radical change in the lips after the necessary manipulations.


Aesthetic cheiloplasty is aimed at slightly enlarging the lips and changing their shape. Prescribed in case of imperfect lip shape, which does not satisfy the patient.

It differs from other types of procedures in its comparative ease and milder effect.

Asymmetrical jaws

Changing the shape of the lips with fillers in the case of their congenital or acquired asymmetry depends on the degree of its manifestation.

The technique consists of correcting uneven areas and can only be carried out by a highly qualified specialist who can accurately calculate the amount of the drug. It is important to choose a filler with a sufficient degree of density to fill the required volume.

Possible side effects

The negative consequences of injections can be minimized if you choose a professional cosmetologist and a reliable drug. Professionals who work from home should be avoided. Some side effects are possible after lip augmentation procedure. The type of technique that was used cannot influence the frequency of their development.

After the administration of hyaluronic acid, the following manifestations are acceptable:

  1. Redness.
  2. Soreness.
  3. Swelling.
  4. Small hematomas in the places where the doctor inserted the needle.

If the patient strictly follows all recommendations, most of these negative manifestations disappear after 24 hours. In rare cases, more serious complications may develop:

  1. Numbness.
  2. Development of allergies.
  3. Constant severe itching.
  4. Increasing swelling.
  5. Development of allergies.
  6. Changing shape.
  7. The appearance of compactions and pimples.

If any of the described complications occur, you should contact your cosmetologist as soon as possible.

Measuring perfect lips

Ideal lips meet the following parameters:

  • the contour of the lips is clearly defined;
  • the ratio of the heights of the upper and lower lips is 1/1.6;
  • the correspondence between the volume of the upper lip and the lower lip is in the proportion of 40/60;
  • The width of the mouth is slightly less than the distance between the pupils and averages about 60 mm.

Difficult? But you don’t need to measure the proportions of your mouth with a ruler. For this, there is the experienced eye of a cosmetologist, who can sometimes use special measurement tools for greater accuracy. It is important that the doctor, having examined your face and initial data, suggests and offers options that will suit only your face.

What to do if side effects occur?

If the procedure was performed incorrectly or low-quality drugs were used, side effects may occur. Side effects from the procedure:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Purulent inflammation.
  • Blockage of blood vessels.
  • Gel migration.
  • Formation of benign tumors.
  • Tissue necrosis.

Small swelling, redness and swelling are a normal reaction of the body to “beauty injections”, but if they bother you, it is better to consult a specialist.

How and with what to remove side effects? The consequences of filler injection are removed:

  1. By medication, introducing special substances into the body.
  2. How to remove severe swelling? They are removed using ultrasound.
  3. How to completely remove filler? If drug treatment does not help, then you need to resort to removing the gel surgically.

It is worth noting that the result after “beauty injections” is noticeable immediately and if the patient is not satisfied with it, then the effect of the gel can be neutralized within 20 minutes after its administration using injections of hyaluronidase or the drug longidase.

Before and after photos of celebrities with Parisian lips

Even the most interesting description with all the details does not always help to understand the intricacies of the procedure, and the result is almost impossible to imagine. In order not to require you to show your imagination, we suggest you admire the French technique in the photo - this is what celebrities look like after the injection of fillers.

You can easily notice that the contours of the mouth have changed significantly, becoming more prominent and clear. The procedure also had a good effect on the swelling of the lips - these are the lips that many ladies dream of. Indeed, the Parisian lips in the photo evoke a feeling of innocence and inexperience, make the face look younger and look natural and fresh, which is not always possible after using other techniques.

Of course, you shouldn’t expect that just the first procedure can change the contours of the mouth so much - celebrities have achieved such results for many years, experimenting and resorting to different compositions. Now you will see that numerous experiments are not always for the good, especially if you try to apply everything in large quantities.

Comparison with other procedures

Other methods are also used to rejuvenate and correct lips.

  • Biorevitalization. The technique is based on the introduction of gels based on unstabilized hyaluronic acid of the lightest consistency. The procedure is aimed at moisturizing and preventing tissue aging. Does not add volume or change shape. Used in courses.
  • Mesotherapy. Lip mesotherapy consists of administering injections based on various components: hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, collagen, antioxidants, amino acids. Applied by the course. The action is aimed at general healing and rejuvenation of tissues, saturating them with useful substances. After mesotherapy, lips acquire a slight volume and are moisturized.
  • Cheiloplasty. A surgical operation that allows you to significantly change the shape and volume. It has a long rehabilitation period. To add volume, special implants based on the patient’s own tissue are introduced into the subcutaneous layers. Seams are inevitable.
  • Electroporation. Hyaluronic acid is injected using a special device. Conducted in courses. The procedure is not as effective as fillers.

Postoperative period

The mouth area looks swollen, bruises and redness are observed. There will be pain for a week; medications prescribed by your doctor will help you cope with the discomfort. Scars and scars can remain if the rules of care are not followed, as well as due to individual characteristics. The results of the correction remain for life.


  • it is important to monitor your water balance, drink at least 2 liters per day to avoid dehydration;
  • In the first weeks, the area around the seams is cleaned with cotton pads and hydrogen peroxide, which helps prevent the formation of crusts;
  • for 3 months, lips need to be treated with special products, as well as oil-based balms.

What are the advantages of performing this technique?

However, the “Paris lips” technique has a number of advantages over other types:

  1. The lips look natural. It is impossible to suspect that a correction was made.
  2. A very small dose of filler is used for the procedure: approximately 1 ml, maybe even less.
  3. The procedure takes very little time.
  4. Since everything passes very quickly, the patient does not experience any discomfort.
  5. The recovery period lasts half a month; you do not need to be in the hospital, but only visit the doctor several times.

The “Parisian lips” technique is one of the simplest, but at the same time gives excellent correction results. Suitable for anyone who wants natural and sensual lips.

What is the French Lip Technique?

Recently, a special lip augmentation – French lips – has gained considerable popularity. If you remember Brigitte Bardot or Michel Mercier, you can easily imagine exactly what it looks like - a plump mouth with clearly defined contours, without excessive sex appeal. You can even call him innocent and chaste - the upper lip is raised in surprise and slightly swollen, the lower one completely matches it.

If the shape of the mouth is almost impeccable, often the cosmetologist only has to work on the upper lip, achieving the coveted “O” shape. There are some unpleasant incidents here, but we will look into them a little later, and now we will find out exactly how the procedure is carried out and what the French technique consists of.

Features of contour plastic surgery

Fillers are injected by a cosmetologist into the deep layers of the skin using a thin needle. The procedure in most cases does not take more than half an hour.

“Beauty injections” are used in the following situations:

  • Lifting of the corners of the lips is required.
  • Creating the required form.
  • Increasing the volume of the upper or lower lips.
  • Creating a beautiful and correct bend of the nasolabial fold.

It is known that lip fillers can be of biological or synthetic origin; a cosmetologist will help the client decide which one is suitable in a particular situation.

You will find all the detailed information about lip contouring in this article.

We invite you to watch a video about what fillers are:

How to prepare the injection area?

There are special recommendations that should be followed before the procedure:

  1. It is better to avoid procedures in the first three days of the menstrual cycle and in its second phase, since during this period the subcutaneous fatty tissue retains and accumulates water.
  2. Three days before the procedure, you should apply Troxevasin gel to your lips; it will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  3. If herpes often appears on the lips, then before “beauty injections” to prevent it, you need to use Acyclovir or Zovirax ointment for three days.
  4. The day before the procedure, you should not use painkillers, for example, Analgin, Tempalgin, Ibuprofen and some others, as they reduce blood clotting, which leads to the formation of bruises.

It is worth avoiding if a cold, herpes or acne suddenly appears on your lips.

Allergic reaction test

  1. Before introducing filler into the lips, the cosmetologist conducts tests to determine whether the patient has an allergic reaction to the drug. If there are any contraindications or individual intolerance to certain components in medicinal and cosmetic products, you should immediately notify a specialist.
  2. Next, the cosmetologist selects a special syringe that matches the drug being administered and the area of ​​the lips being treated.

It is worth noting that the procedure must be carried out not only by an experienced specialist, but also under certain sterile conditions.

Injection correction techniques

The peculiarity of the French technique is to move from the corners to the highest points of the upper lip, while the corners themselves are not affected. When treating the lower lip, injections are made parallel to the punctures on the upper lip.

Thanks to this scheme, the filler is evenly distributed throughout the tissues, and the mouth is symmetrical.

  • lips are cleaned of cosmetics and treated with an antiseptic;
  • the first puncture with a syringe is made at a distance of 5 millimeters from the corner of the mouth;
  • the needle is directed to the oral cavity;
  • the drug is administered simultaneously with the reverse movement of the syringe;
  • the next punctures are made at intervals of 2 millimeters;
  • They finish the work when there are 2-4 millimeters left to the highest point.

The processing sequence is repeated on the other side. If necessary, the lower lip is treated in the same way. The French technique uses viscous preparations that do not fill the tissues, but compact them. Thanks to the properties of the filler, it is possible to smooth out wrinkles and slightly expand the inner part of the lips.

Indications for use

Hyaluronic acid is actively produced in the body for up to 25 years. As the synthesis of this substance slows down, age-related changes occur. Special medications help cope with this problem. They fill voids and help smooth out wrinkles. In cosmetology, hyaluronic acid is often used to correct the shape and size of lips. With its help, it is possible to eliminate asymmetry and other shortcomings in this area.

Key indications for the session include the following:

  • insufficient lip volume;
  • blurred contours;
  • asymmetrical shape;
  • disproportionate size;
  • aging skin in this area;
  • the appearance of wrinkles and folds;
  • sinking.

Indications and effectiveness of use

It has no age restrictions and is prescribed starting from 18 years of age. The intervention affects only the lip areas; a general rejuvenating effect of the entire face cannot be achieved. It can also be carried out in childhood. To correct birth defects, reconstruction is performed within 2 weeks after birth or when the child is six months old.

Indications for:

  • cleft palate, cleft lip, other birth defects;
  • reduction or increase in lip volume;
  • change in shape;
  • drooping lips;
  • drooping corners;
  • asymmetry;
  • cysts, fibromas of the mouth area.

As a result of the procedure, it is possible to lift the corners of the mouth; visually, the operation allows you to look younger and eliminates the tired appearance. The result lasts forever; no needling and regular corrections are required, as in the case of contouring with fillers. To get rid of purse-string wrinkles, scars, vy plastic scars is also used.

How long does the effect last?

The procedure itself takes no more than 30 minutes from the moment of preparation to leaving the clinic. The recovery period depends on the health characteristics, condition of the skin of the lips, reaction to the drug and the skills of the specialist. It is believed that the effect after correction lasts from 8 to 12 months, however, the duration of the acid’s action depends on compliance with the recommendations for care after the procedure and the quality of the drug. As a rule, after the first injection of hyaluronic acid, it is recommended to repeat the injection after 6-8 months, as this will significantly prolong the effect of the product and maintain the corrected volume or contour.

In the video - what effect can be achieved:

Contraindications for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Despite the fact that hyaluronic injection is one of the safest and most effective methods of lip correction, there are several contraindications to the procedure:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • Viral infections, blood clotting problems;
  • Serious dermatological diseases - psoriasis, eczema or atopic dermatitis.

If plastic surgery of several areas of the face is needed at once, the procedures are carried out at intervals of 2-3 weeks. This is necessary in order to monitor the body’s response to the drug, as well as reduce the risk of side effects.

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, doctors advise on the need for surgery.

The doctor writes how much work can be done to correct the upper lip.

The specialist does not see a prescription for the operation, you can limit yourself to cosmetology.

The doctor advises limiting yourself to gel to add volume.

Step-by-step enlargement technique

Before starting the procedure, you need to wipe the mouth area with an antiseptic solution: treat the area before injection. A pain reliever may be administered.

The Parisian technique starts with the upper lip. It is recommended to step back 5 mm from the corner of the lips and make the first injection. The needle should be directed towards the mouth, slightly at an angle. About 0.03 ml of the drug is administered. The next injection is made at a distance of 2 mm from the previous one. The last injection is performed keeping a distance of 2 mm from the top point of the lip. Then they switch to the other side and make injections symmetrically to the right half.

If it becomes necessary for the lips to take the desired shape, the doctor can inject them on the lower part.

Restrictions after surgery

Swelling of the mouth area and hematomas are observed for several days. You should try to limit touching your face; you should not use cosmetics. Also, after the procedure, the doctor prescribes mandatory recommendations:

  • the menu should consist of soft products, dishes and drinks should not be hot or cold;
  • you need to sleep on your back, protect your face from injury and contact with various surfaces;
  • protect your face from exposure to direct sunlight;
  • follow a gentle regime, physical activity, visits to the solarium pool are not recommended.

What drugs are used for correction?

When performing the procedure, special technique of an experienced specialist is required. To obtain “French lips”, different preparations are used, which depends on the final result planned.

Hyaluronic acid

This is a natural compound found in the intercellular substance. Lip augmentation is possible due to the fact that water molecules are attracted by the gel.

Thin threads called fillers are obtained from hyaluronic acid. When introduced, they have the ability to intertwine, taking the form of a kind of frame. Create volume and shape to the mouth. The viscosity of the threads is different, so there are 3 types. Juvederm and Princess are considered popular.


Used for correction. Botulinum bacillus is obtained from the toxin, pre-purified and weakened.

Botox has the ability to relax facial muscles, that is, relieve spasms. This leads to smooth skin and smooth out wrinkles. The action lasts about 4 months.

Patient reviews

There are mostly positive reviews on the Internet after cheiloplasty.

The user writes about her friend’s positive experience and her intention to also sign up for correction.

The review describes the features of the procedure, the long recovery period, and recommendations for lipofilling for volume.

The user writes about a responsible approach to choosing a surgeon; the operation requires jewelry work.

The participant writes about the desire to undergo surgery to correct a thin lip, and doubts about the feasibility.

The user chose cheiloplasty as the optimal method to add volume and preserve the result forever.

The review describes the features of the operation on the area around the mouth.

Other reviews can be found on the forum

Features of the process?

The Parisian lip augmentation technique differs from various methods of changing shape and volume. The technology is aimed only from the upper point to the corners of the lips. In such operations, as a rule, the upper one is corrected first, and if the lower one is chipped, then the corners and the central labial part are not affected. There are several ways and means. The composition is introduced into the lower lip only in minimal proportions.

The Parisian lip augmentation technique occurs in the following order:

  1. The perimeter of the lips is freed from lipstick and other cosmetics.
  2. Then there is a thorough treatment with an antiseptic.
  3. You need to retreat approximately 0.4-0.5 mm from the corner. The tissues are pierced. In this case, the needle should be directed towards the mouth.
  4. The drug is administered at the moment when the syringe is already moving back.
  5. Every 2 mm, a new injection is repeated in the same way. But the extreme one is carried out with an indentation of 2-3 mm from the labial apex.
  6. Exactly the same actions take place on the opposite side.
  7. When the lower lip also needs correction for rounding, injections are also made into it. Start on the left and continue on the right.

The effect of the Parisian lip augmentation technique is obtained due to the correct and uniform distribution of filler at each injection point. For such an enlargement technique, the drug should not be liquid, but viscous, so as not only to fill the subcutaneous space, but to impart elasticity.

After the procedure, wrinkles on the lips are smoothed out. The lips also turn outward. Due to the fact that fillers are used to a minimum, the lips gain volume and retain their natural appearance. Additional injections are required in the rarest cases. Also, the color of the lips does not change.

Other advantages of the French lip augmentation technique:

  1. Low price when compared with other procedures. Since a small amount of filler is needed.
  2. Fast completion of the operation.

This technique has many advantages. If the procedure is performed correctly, there should be no complications.

But it is important to follow the recommendations of the salon specialist

Features of shaping lips

The French enlargement technique has spread to many countries around the world. The name of the method is not related to the fact that this correction was first done in France. It all depends on the formation of the form; with other techniques, the mouth turns out different. After the procedure, French lips have a natural appearance: they look childishly innocent and have a rounded shape.

Read also: Composition, action and correct use of potency product M 16

The upper one is slightly raised, increased in volume, but not “inflated” to indecent sizes, the lower one is sometimes left untouched. In some cases, both have to be adjusted.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of the lip augmentation procedure depends on the professionalism of the specialist and the chosen drug. And also from the region. The highest price was recorded in St. Petersburg, it amounted to 30 thousand rubles.

In Moscow you can find a specialist who will carry out the procedure for 12 thousand. There are a huge number of beauty salons in the capital offering their services. It's quite difficult to choose the best one. The trial and error method is not suitable in this situation. Every woman wants to get good results from lip augmentation procedure. The sambuca technique has become quite popular in Moscow. Performed only in the beauty studio of the same name Dr. Sambuca. You can get sensual lips here with Juviderm Volift. The cost of the procedure using one 1 ml syringe will be 19 thousand rubles.

On the Internet you can find advertisements from cosmetologists who offer to inject fillers at home. The cost of services is really attractive - only 5 thousand rubles. Unfortunately, in such conditions, specialists with insufficient qualifications often work. And sometimes without medical education. To reduce the cost of the procedure, low-quality drugs are used. So saving on your health and appearance is very dangerous.

How is lip augmentation done?

There are several methods of lip augmentation: without surgery (injection methods) and surgical lip augmentation (cheiloplasty). Non-surgical methods include fillers and lipofilling (enlargement by introducing the patient’s own fat), surgical methods include Bulhorn, VY-technique, and “Paris” technique.

  • Filler is a gel consisting of hyaluronic acid. Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is accompanied by minimal tissue trauma; this is the most popular method. Filler is used to correct the shape and volume. The result of the procedure is visible immediately, the rehabilitation period is short (2-7 days). There is a possibility of an allergic reaction to the components of the filler if the patient is allergic.
  • Fat grafting is another augmentation method in which the patient's own fat is injected into the lips. In this case, lip volume increases and tissue rejuvenation occurs. The procedure requires preliminary removal of fat and its processing before injection (the better the preparation of adipose tissue before transplantation, the longer the enlargement effect lasts after injection). The cost of the procedure is more expensive than the introduction of fillers. Only a plastic surgeon has the right to perform this procedure, since the fat removal process uses the liposuction method and is performed in the operating room.

All types of lip augmentation without injections are characterized by greater trauma to soft tissues and a long rehabilitation period.

  • Bullhorn – This surgical method can enlarge and lift the upper lip, reducing the distance between the upper lip and the nose. With age, this distance increases and ages. This operation is performed once. Scars remain under the nose, which disappear over time.
  • VY is a method of lip augmentation without injections, which is achieved by cutting and suturing the tissue of the upper lip. The result is lifelong sexual swelling of the upper lip. This correction method is not suitable for people with an increased distance between the nose and upper lip.
  • The Paris technique is a variation of the VY method. Gives you the opportunity to get a lush, heart-shaped upper lip. Due to additional incisions, the rehabilitation period is longer. It is considered the most traumatic method of surgical lip correction.

Some people practice lip augmentation at home. For this purpose I use ginger, peppermint, red pepper, lemon and other remedies. Such lip enlargement using folk remedies leads to skin irritation and severe allergic reactions, which require long-term treatment by a dermatologist.

Lip augmentation with a cap is often accompanied by bruising. The enlargement effect wears off very quickly.

Plumper glosses, which contain substances that stimulate blood flow to the lips, cause them to enlarge. The effect of use is insignificant and short-term. Allergic reactions are possible.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid at home is prohibited. Beauty injections should only be given by a cosmetologist with deep knowledge of anatomy and a professional level of skills in contouring. Such lip augmentation at home is dangerous and fraught with serious complications.

Lip augmentation with Botox is a myth in the field of beautiful lips. Botulinum toxin is designed to block the transmission of nerve impulses in the muscle, subsequently relaxing the muscles. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out. Botox does not affect lip enlargement. If Botox is injected into the lips, the patient simply will not be able to move them (the lip muscles will be blocked and relaxed).

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