Breast augmentation by Maxim Usungwan

Usungvan Maxim Vyacheslavovich

Area of ​​work: • Plastic surgery on the mammary gland, augmentation (enlargement) of the mammary glands. • Mastopexy, breast reduction. • Reconstructive plastic surgery (breast reconstruction) using expanders and Becker prostheses. • Surgeries to eliminate gynecomastia (enlargement of the mammary glands in men). • Liposuction - elimination of fat deposits in problem areas • Lipofilling - a technique of transplantation (fat transfer) from an area to another, in order to correct problem areas of the body and face • Abdominoplasty. • Rhinoplasty. • Otoplasty • Blepharoplasty • Oncological operations - Radical mastectomy according to Madden/Pate with simultaneous reconstruction, sectoral resection, radical resection. • Autoplasty of the mammary gland using a TDL flap (from the back), a TRAM flap (from the abdomen), combined operations using one’s own tissue and an endoprosthesis. • Sex reassignment surgery (MTF/FTM)


• 2011 internship in general surgery at the Emergency Hospital named after. Dzhanelidze. • 2012 residency in oncology at the Northwestern State Medical University named after. I.I. Mechnikova • 2012 participant of the XVI Russian Oncological Congress (Moscow) • 2012 internship in reconstructive surgery for breast cancer. Russian Oncology Research Center. named after N.N. Blokhina (Moscow). • 2013 XI Course on reconstructive plastic surgery and aesthetic breast surgery. • In 2013, internship in reconstructive plastic surgery at the Russian Cancer Research Center named after. Blokhin at the department of reconstructive surgery. • In 2013 Training in transaxillary video-assisted augmentation mammoplasty.g. Kazan. • In 2014, specialization in plastic surgery. • In 2014, internship at the Kazan Republican Oncology Center in reconstructive plastic surgery on the mammary gland. • In 2014, participant in the conference on reconstructive plastic surgery in Salo (Italy). • In 2014, training at the clinic of plastic and aesthetic medicine of Dr. Gilis (Riga, Latvia) • 2014 Participant in an international training course in plastic surgery. (St. Petersburg) • 2014 course “Strategy for the use of lipofilling” St. Petersburg. • In 2015, participant in the conference on reconstructive plastic surgery in Barcelona (Spain). • In 2015, international training course for plastic and reconstructive surgeons (ICTPS) St. Petersburg. • 2015 One of the organizers of a master class on reconstructive plastic surgery of the breast at the Leningrad Regional Oncology Center, with the support of Mentor, Johnson & Johnson. • Investigator in clinical trials (Study on colony-stimulating drug, protocol Ep-06, Sandoz company. Study on protocol Biomarin 326-301, PI parp - inhibitors in the treatment of locally advanced breast cancer caused by a mutation of the BRCA1,2 gene. Study on the Myl-project Her 3001, PI - generic Herceptin, etc.) • Reconstructive plastic surgeon, oncologist at the Leningrad Regional Oncology Dispensary.

Video consultation Maxim Usungvan. Breast reconstruction surgery after mastectomy.

Breast augmentation by Maxim Usungwan

I am deeply convinced that a woman who has given birth to two children deserves to get beautiful breasts! Even if your husband says that he is satisfied with everything, you should not trust his words. Empty “scrotums” of the breast will always lose to the young, non-nursing breast.

Why did I decide to have surgery?

2016 My friends who gave birth and I actively discussed the “remnants” of the bust that we got from breastfeeding. Most of us have two children and we are all of thin build. One wanted to have mammoplasty, but there was no money, the other was simply afraid to go under the surgeon’s knife. I didn’t pay much attention to this topic at all. It seemed to me that only those who have serious reasons for this have the right to undergo such an operation. For example, with amputation of the mammary gland after breast cancer.

January 2022. I looked at myself in the mirror after a shower and mentally called myself ugly. This was not my first quiet hysteria. After the end of lactation (1.5 years ago), the breasts turned into two empty sacs. I became incredibly embarrassed by this, which then negatively affected my intimate life with my husband.

After the end of lactation, the breasts turned into two empty sacs

After the first pregnancy, the breasts practically did not change - they remained just as firm and beautiful. However, after the birth of my second baby, I lost weight sharply, and the appearance of my breasts deteriorated greatly. It was a terrible sight: oval, wrinkled nipples, on which the skin hung, and in addition, in a lying position, the entire areola of the chest fell inward.

I wanted to correct the situation by taking hormones, but they only gave a temporary effect. After which it was decided that surgery was my only salvation.

How did I choose a plastic surgeon?

I launched my search on Instagram. I simply chose based on published works, noted those I liked, and contacted girls who had undergone surgery with one or another surgeon. After weighing all the pros and cons, I chose the St. Petersburg surgeon Maxim Usungvan and made an appointment with him for a consultation.

After live communication with Maxim Vyacheslavovich, I literally fell in love with him as a specialist!

I arrived at the clinic at the appointed time. I was a little worried, which is normal. However, after live communication with Maxim Vyacheslavovich, I literally fell in love with him as a specialist! My soul felt calm and I became confident that the operation would be successful. We agreed to carry out the operation in early February. I was glad that I didn’t have to stand in line for long, so to speak. I had to pay 230,000 rubles for the operation.

Day of surgery

The long-awaited day has come - February 4th.

13.00. Before the operation, I went to the laboratory for tests. There, after filling out the questionnaire, a doctor came out to me and took me first to donate blood from a vein, and then to an ECG and ultrasound of the mammary glands.

Then from the laboratory I walked to the clinic itself for the operation. All tests from the laboratory came in electronic form. You couldn’t eat 8 hours before surgery, and you couldn’t drink 6 hours before.

19.00. An anesthesiologist came to see me. I talked about how I once had the good fortune to experience anesthesia and after it I felt unwell. The female anesthesiologist calmed me down. She said that, apparently, then I had cheap anesthesia, but now I will have good quality, light anesthesia, I will not feel anything and the consequences after it will be minimal.

19.30. Responsible moment. Preoperative communication with the surgeon. He and I finally agreed on what form of implants would be used.

They are round and anatomical. Lately, anatomical ones have become more common, because they are closer to the natural form. Due to the installation features, surgery using these implants is 20-40 thousand rubles more expensive than when installing round ones.

The doctor explained to me that if anatomical implants are installed, then later they can be changed to round ones. The opposite cannot be done. Round ones always have a “push-up” effect, that is, without underwear, the breasts will look exactly the same as they do in it. Anatomical ones without underwear give the breasts a natural, lush look.

Implants can also become unraveled. This phenomenon is very rare, but still, if it happens to round ones, then nothing bad will happen. And if it happens with anatomical ones, then the breasts will seem to grow from the side. I clarified this question before the operation, and the doctor said that in most cases the implant can be deployed by hand. In particularly difficult cases, repeated surgery will have to be done. And in her case, with the same surgeon, the patient pays only for anesthesia and the ward, and not for the operation. In the end, I decided on anatomical ones.

The volume of the implant was chosen by the doctor himself. I simply told him about my wishes: “I don’t want big breasts. I want the hanging skin to tighten and look proportional to my height and body size.” As a result, an anatomical Allergan implant with a high profile, 335 ml, filled with Soft Touch cohesin gel, with a rough surface, was chosen for the operation.

Then we agreed on access to carry out the operation. There are 3 types of them: under the armpit, under the breast, along the areola. The most inconspicuous scar remains under the armpit, since it is made in a natural fold. But in case of repeated surgery, the implant will not be removed using this approach, and therefore there will be a new scar. The halo is not suitable for women who have not breastfed, as lactation may be damaged in the future. Under the breast, the scar remains in a natural fold and is not visible. The surgeon suggested that I do the halo based on my data, and I agreed.

After all the agreements, the doctor made markings on my body.

21.30. I came to the operating room. There was no fear at all - I completely trusted the doctor. They injected me with anesthesia and I fell asleep.

23.30. I woke up in the ward. Within the first 10 minutes I stood up on my own. It felt like I was just sleeping. She tolerated the anesthesia very well, she didn’t feel dizzy, didn’t feel a bit sick, didn’t hurt anything, and refused painkillers. I ate it right away.

Rehabilitation period

The next day at 17.00 they gave me documents, a passport for implants and sent me home.

Before this, while changing the dressing, the doctor once again instructed me in detail about postoperative care. He gave me the following list of restrictions after surgery:

  • you cannot lift anything more than 1 kg,
  • you cannot raise your arms above your shoulders for 1 month,
  • sports are possible only after 2-3 months,
  • You need to sleep on your back for the 1st month after surgery, then for the next 2 months you can sleep on your side, from the 3rd month - whatever you want,
  • you cannot visit the solarium and sauna strictly for 1 month, it is advisable not to visit for six months,
  • Wear compression underwear strictly for 1 month without taking it off, then sleep only in it for 2 months, and the rest of the time you can wear sports tops or bras without wires, after 3 months you can already abandon these restrictions in underwear .

In the first postoperative days I encountered a number of difficulties. It was hard to tie the scarf - you couldn’t raise your arms. For the same reason, it was difficult to put on outerwear. The fur coat for the new breasts was very heavy, it pressed a lot, which made me slouch and experience pain, so I had to switch to light jackets. It was also almost impossible to wash my hair without outside help.

There were also problems during sleep. The doctor told me that when it becomes completely unbearable, you can unfasten the corset while lying down. I didn’t put this pleasure on hold, and during the first night at home I did this several times. Otherwise, it seemed to me that I would suffocate. The first night, I admit, was terrible. I had to make sure that I slept only on my back. The entire chest was constricted by a corset, which made it difficult to breathe, let alone lie in it (in this position, the proportions of the body change, and it presses even more). Somehow I survived this night, and decided: I had 29 nights left to endure. But I slept about 70% of the night. With interruptions, but still.

The doctor also warned me that there would be swelling that would go down into the stomach. My belly will look like I'm 5 months pregnant. So when my wasp waist began to blur, I was not very surprised.

During the first 5 days of rehabilitation, with varying frequency and intensity, I was bothered by back pain, especially in a horizontal position. I usually slept half the night, but not half the night. I woke up with pain, got up, walked around the room for 20-30 minutes so that the pain subsided, and went back to sleep. But I already preferred it in a sitting position - it hurt my back so much. The chest itself did not hurt at all.

I practically didn’t do housework. The husband took care of all the household chores, and the grandmother took care of the children. I did the dressings at home myself or with the help of a friend.

A week later, all the pain that had tormented me before began to go away. I no longer slept sitting, but still with high pillows. I woke up only once during the night. I realized that I had gotten used to my “shell”, it became easier for me to breathe, and my back began to hurt less. The compression garments that were crushing and suffocating me have now become my second skin.

After 2 weeks, the breasts became softer to the touch, especially at the top. Her shape had improved, but the swelling still made her look funny. The skin on the chest was very dry and covered with a glossy film. I smeared this surface with a softening cream, as a result of which the upper part of the skin began to slowly come off, similar to when the skin burns in the sun. At that time, I could already remove the stitches. They did this for me at my place of residence.

After 3 weeks the crusts began to come off. It's time to fight scars! Maxim Vyacheslavovich told me that it is important to start care in this regard from the 3rd or 4th week after the operation. There is no point in starting later. It is also important that at the time of starting scar care, all the crusts come off on their own. I lubricated the scars with collagen hydrogel “Emalan”. To achieve the desired effect, you need to do this for 2-3 months. I use it as follows: I wear it 2 times a day on the scar, then I put a dry sterile cloth on this area and put on compression garments.

I like my figure more and more. The breasts are now voluminous!

A month has already passed since the operation. There is still a scar, but it will become invisible by the end of the year. The swelling in the abdomen gradually disappears, and along with it, the waist size decreases. She is almost back to normal - there is 1 extra centimeter left. I like my figure more and more. The chest is now voluminous. It’s not even a matter of girth, but the fact that these are no longer two small tubercles, now they fill the entire chest.

I started buying beautiful sexy lingerie, which I couldn’t afford after my second birth. It turned out that it is quite problematic to find underwear without wires and without push-up, and even one that you like. For this reason, I still wear sports tops.

Reaction of others

At this stage, my husband is already quite pleased with my new breasts. At the very beginning he was against the operation. He convinced me that he already liked everything about me, that plastic surgery would not make me happy and would not change anything, but would only put me at risk. But now, having seen the visual “before-after” result (although the breasts are still firm and have not acquired their final shape), he believes that going for mammoplasty was the right decision on my part. Moreover, even though I still wear compression garments, my self-confidence has skyrocketed! I had no idea that so much was hidden in this one complex.

No one around me suspects me of carrying out the operation. The fact is that before going under the surgeon’s knife, I bought underwear with a triple push-up to even out the proportions of my body. Nobody had any idea about my problem. Now I don’t need these artificial bra supplements, because the volume of the new breasts does its job perfectly. Even my mother said that before the operation I so deftly changed the proportions of my body with push-ups that now she would not understand if she looked from the outside and did not know about plastic surgery, that I did something to myself.

Already now I can afford beautiful underwear and tight-fitting, revealing dresses, tops, and blouses. I don’t regret my decision to have my breasts corrected one bit.


I had surgery in this, without exaggeration, the best clinic in Parada with a wonderful surgeon with golden hands, Svetlana Alekseevna Aksenova. Sensitive, attentive specialist. I had a T-lift with implants. I'm very pleased with the result! Svetlana Alekseevna has excellent taste and sense of proportion.

In addition, she is simply a very pleasant person, and when you talk to her for the first time, you immediately understand that you trust her. I didn’t have any consultations with other surgeons, I just looked at photos of their work. Svetlana Alekseevna immediately put me at ease and I realized that I would have the operation with her and would not go anywhere else. She explained in detail why this type of surgery was right for me, listened to my wishes, and in the end I got 100% the result I dreamed of. The operation itself and the postoperative period took place in very comfortable conditions.

Everything at the Parada clinic is at the highest level. Client manager Victoria very quickly signed me up for the last available slot. She politely and thoroughly explained all the nuances and helped me sign up for a preoperative examination. On the day of the operation, I was met by Victoria and the administrator Nadezhda. I would like to say a lot of warm words about Nadezhda. She remembers every patient, always greets her with a warm smile, and asks about her well-being. After the meeting, I was taken to a comfortable room, where I waited for the operation to begin. Then anesthesiologist Irina Viktorovna came to see me and asked me in detail about my health and possible contraindications. She calmed me down, because there was a little anxiety present. The operation went unnoticed for me. I woke up already in the room. After the operation, Svetlana Alekseevna visited me and told me how the operation went. Further, until discharge, Dr. Viktor Vladimirovich observed. Now, after two years, I can say that the clinic maintains its brand and is changing only for the better. I have regular post-op check-ups here and continue to enjoy the results.

And recently I underwent a procedure for medical camouflage of postoperative scars at the clinic with a wonderful specialist, Polya Alexandra. This sorceress made it so that now no one will know that the operation took place. I note that the procedure was very comfortable, painless and took place in a very pleasant atmosphere. Today I had permanent lip makeup done by Alexandra. And I'm just delighted with the result. She unleashed the potential of my lips. I picked the perfect color. And besides this, as always, I received a lot of pleasant impressions from visiting the clinic and communicating with specialists.

Summary: This is the best plastic surgery clinic. Everywhere is impeccably clean. The entire staff is sensitive and attentive. I'm sure I'll come here again. I recommend to all

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