Mesotherapy: how long does the effect last and how often should it be done?

  • What is body mesotherapy in Moscow?
  • Body mesotherapy for weight loss
  • Body mesotherapy reviews
  • Body mesotherapy photo
  • Body mesotherapy prices
  • Body mesotherapy technique
  • What should you avoid?
  • Benefits of mesotherapy
  • Contraindications
  • Body mesotherapy at home

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The modern Moscow cosmetology clinic “Absolut Med” offers one of the safest and most common in modern aesthetic cosmetology. This is a good way to combat sagging skin and cellulite. This makes it possible to correct the figure and provide a local fight against excess fat deposits. During the procedure, a drug is injected into the deep layers of the epidermis, which stimulates skin receptors, improving blood circulation and microcirculation.

What is body mesotherapy?

This procedure is performed on such areas of the skin as: face, buttocks, abdomen, shoulders, hair, thighs or arms. Body mesotherapy is a technique in which a drug containing a certain amount of several biologically active substances combined is injected under the skin. Typically these are vitamins, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, enzymes and essential microelements. Such substances are necessary in order to normalize blood circulation and improve skin nutrition. The prepared “cocktail” allows you to more intensively produce collagen and elastin. This leads to natural skin rejuvenation.

Mesotherapy in figure rehabilitation after childbirth

A separate group of indications for mesotherapy should include figure rehabilitation after childbirth. It is important to understand that figure rehabilitation is a multifaceted and complex process, in which it is very important to correctly place the emphasis. All layers of tissue that form the anterior wall of the abdomen require restoration. The deepest layer is represented by muscles and aponeurosis; Above the muscles there is subcutaneous fatty tissue, and the most superficial layer is the skin.

When drawing up a body rehabilitation program after childbirth, it is necessary to take into account the degree and specificity of changes in each layer of tissue of the anterior abdominal wall. Physical exercises are used to strengthen the muscle layer. If they are not effective enough, or if there is a separation of the rectus muscles, you can resort to plastic surgery and perform minimally invasive endoscopic abdominoplasty. During the operation, the plastic surgeon sutures the rectus abdominis muscles and solves the aesthetic problem caused by their discrepancy.

As for the skin, it is impossible to restore its elastic properties with plastic surgery. Yes, abdominoplasty partly solves the problem by excision of excess covering tissue, but women rarely decide to resort to such radical measures. Moreover, safe and painless abdominal mesotherapy is an excellent alternative.

Injections of rejuvenating cocktails contribute to the rapid renewal of the cellular composition and intercellular substance of the dermis. As a result of the activation of physiological regeneration processes, the elasticity and firmness of the skin returns. Skin sagging disappears. Body mesotherapy successfully solves the problem of stretch marks - unaesthetic stretch marks on the anterior abdominal wall.

Body mesotherapy is an effective way to rejuvenate the skin of the abdomen, which can and should be used in comprehensive body rehabilitation programs after childbirth to quickly restore beauty, youth and sexuality!

Body mesotherapy for weight loss

Body mesotherapy for weight loss is used in places where removing fat deposits and treating cellulite poses certain difficulties - the inner thighs, lower buttocks, knees, waist area and breeches.

If the patient is faced with the task of reducing the overall weight of excess fat, then this method can be successfully combined with diet therapy, fitness classes, therapeutic massage, acupuncture and other methods.

The cocktails used for injections and treatment of cellulite mainly use lipolytics or substances that can break down fat cells. Weight loss drugs act in stages - first, some of them dissolve cell membranes (bile salt), while others convert solid fats into emulsified fats (lecithin), making them easy to remove and break down.

Body mesotherapy for weight loss and cellulite treatment is well tolerated by people with high blood sugar levels. The presence of implants is not a problem, which becomes an obstacle to many other cosmetic technologies. A huge advantage is that this treatment can be used for any problem area. And for the abdominal area, this is practically the only method of influence. Most often, patients come to clinics with reduced levels of turgor and the rate of cell regeneration. It is also credited for weight loss, improving abdominal contours, and reducing fat deposits in certain areas. With its help, stretch marks and cellulite are treated.

Body mesotherapy reviews

Marchenko Lydia
I am very grateful to fate for giving me the opportunity to meet such a wonderful person, Doctor: Golovataya Irina Vyacheslavovna, a professional with a capital P. Golden hands, the ability to predict the wishes of patients and make them come true. Thank you, dear Doctor, for helping us stay young and beautiful and the sovereignty to look to tomorrow.
My cosmetologist is Kotova Irina Nikolaevna. For more than 5 years! The results of her professionalism are on my face. The price is acceptable
I tried mesotherapy on myself about a year ago. It turned out that it is quite good for getting rid of cellulite. The truth is that I suffered very painfully in the gluteal region. And so, in general, I'm satisfied. A year later, the cosmetologist persuaded me to do it on my face. I think that you don’t need to save money in order to always be more beautiful and younger. True, this is my personal opinion.

Which method will be more effective?

LPG massage and mesotherapy have a number of advantages and disadvantages inherent to these methods.

  • Thus, the effect after a course of mesotherapy lasts up to 1.5 years, and to maintain the results of LPG massage, the procedure must be carried out regularly.
  • Both methods are strictly contraindicated for oncology, heart problems, infectious diseases, bleeding disorders, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.
  • As a result of mesotherapy, an allergic reaction may occur, for which LPG massage is insured.
  • Mesotherapy is more expensive in price, but all together it will cost an order of magnitude cheaper.

Body mesotherapy before and after photos

Body mesotherapy technique

  1. First, we conduct an examination of the patient to identify problem areas. Based on this information, our specialist decides what composition of the meso-cocktail and how many times it will need to be administered.
  2. The examination is also carried out to determine whether a person has any contraindications to meso-cocktails.
  3. Before starting the process, the areas of skin where injections will be made are treated with disinfectant compounds.
  4. After this, a cream with an anesthetic effect is applied and covered with a special film for 20 - 30 minutes.
  5. We inject a small amount of the prepared drug into problem areas (buttocks, arms, abdomen, shoulders, thighs). The composition for injection is selected individually. The injection is administered using 0.3 mm thick microneedles. no deeper than 1-3 mm. Penetrating into the layers of the skin, the meso-cocktail substances begin to act in a specific area, stimulating lymphatic drainage, breaking down fat, improving blood circulation and stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  6. If injections are necessary to combat cellulite in problem areas, injections are made with a depth of 1 - 2 cm.
  7. After completing the procedure, the injection site is once again disinfected and lubricated with cream to soften it.

This method is quite effective and painless. Since rejuvenation is a gradual process, once will not be enough, so it is necessary to come approximately four to eleven times. The number of visits to our clinic depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Most often, it depends on the degree of problems in the skin areas and the age of the client. The break between courses can last from 5 to 12 days. Such periods are associated with the gradual and prolonged resorption of medicinal drugs. The number of introduced meso cocktail cubes is also calculated individually. In one session, from 5 to 20 cubes of the medicinal composition are administered.

Recovery period

The recovery period after mesotherapy for facial skin and hair is minimal. The usual precautions are the same as after any other injection procedure:

  • Do not wash your face in the first 8 hours after the procedure; if necessary, it is better to treat your face with an antiseptic (not alcohol!);
  • Avoid cosmetics for 1-2 days;
  • For 2-3 days you need to give up the sauna, steam bath, hot bath and swimming pool;
  • It is better to postpone sports for the same 2-3 days;
  • Within 5-7 days after mesotherapy, you should not visit or carry out aggressive cosmetic procedures - for example, it is better to postpone chemical acid peeling to a later date;
  • You should avoid visiting the solarium for the entire course of mesotherapy.


  • Epilepsy
  • Oncological diseases
  • Allergic reaction
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Kidney diseases
  • Skin diseases

Interesting fact: The method of performing mesotherapy is usually painless. However, much depends on the individual sensitivity of the body to the drugs used in the meso-cocktail. Minor redness or bruising may appear at the injection sites. This is normal and goes away within three days. Extremely rarely, chills or slight dizziness may occur.

Attention: If some individual symptoms appear, such as loss of consciousness, rapid heartbeat, pain from the insertion of a needle, the session is cancelled.

How does Aqualix work?

Aqualix technology is an injection of the drug directly into adipose tissue. The drug is unique and is a complex combination of a glucose-based polymer with a sodium salt of bile acid integrated into it, which dissolves the membrane of fat cells and accelerates their life cycle. The drug disintegrates into its component parts in the tissues in a few minutes, having had time to have a destructive effect on lipocytes.

However, Aqualix does not affect the tissues surrounding fat (for example, muscles or skin).

How is the intralipotherapy procedure performed?

This technique is used only by experienced dermatocosmetologists who have undergone special training. Aqualyx is injected with special needles deep into the fatty tissue. This technique uses a fan injection technique and flexible needles (cannulas). This allows you to control the dose of the drug injected into a specific area.

The procedure is painless and takes no more than 30 minutes. No rehabilitation required. There may be slight redness and slight swelling at the injection site for 24-48 hours.

The course of procedures, as well as the interval between them, is determined individually by the attending physician.

The results you will get

After about 7 days, the volume of the treated area decreases and the silhouette improves. The final effect can be observed 2-3 weeks after the procedure (if necessary, the drug can be reintroduced at this time).

The effect of the intralipotherapy procedure will depend on whether you maintain a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and diet.

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