Martinex yellow peeling: how to get the maximum effect from the procedure

Yellow peeling is a popular professional procedure. Due to the effect of retinol (vitamin A) and its derivatives (retinoic acid), deep cleansing and skin renewal occurs. The intervention promotes healing and tissue rejuvenation. Chemical processes lead to active exfoliation of the upper non-functioning layer of cells and stimulation of metabolic activity. The skin temporarily acquires a characteristic yellowish tint. There are different options for retinol-containing peels, with levels of impact from superficial to deep. Cosmetologists trust a domestic product - yellow peeling from Martinex.

Features of peeling

Yellow peeling for professional use is offered by the Russian company Martinex Group. The manufacturer presents 2 versions of retinoic exfoliant (Block Age Peel): in the form of a gel for oily, combination, normal skin, and in a cream format for dry, sensitive, mature skin.

Block Age Peel Gel contains retinoic acid (concentration 5%), azelaic acid (15%), dimethyl sulfoxide (50%), functional components that maintain the consistency and working condition of the substance. Acidic components help soften, exfoliate the stratum corneum, and launch restoration processes. Dimethyl sulfoxide increases tissue permeability, providing a deeper, more effective effect of the substance. The procedure can be performed without preparation.

Block Age Peel Cream contains retinoic, glycolic, phytic, and ascorbic acids. The complex of active components helps to obtain the mildest possible effect, ensures a non-traumatic, comfortable procedure. This does not mean that the cream version will give a less pronounced result. The protocols for exposure to gel and cream are somewhat different.

Attention! Retinoic peels from Martinex can be purchased in online stores or from official dealers of the manufacturer. The substance is sold to cosmetologists for professional use (confirmation of professionalism will be required for purchase).

Block Age Peel Gel is sold in sets containing 5 bottles of the substance of 2 different phases for 14.4 thousand rubles. The volume is sufficient for 10 full procedures. Block Age Peel Cream is sold in a 35 ml bottle for 14.7 thousand rubles. The substance is enough for 7–10 procedures.

Peeling based on 5% retinoic acid and 50% dimethyl sulfoxide (Dimexide)

As a result of the use of peelings based on 5% retinoic acid, skin aging is slowed down, fine wrinkles are eliminated, skin tone and turgor are increased, and intracellular metabolism is normalized. Thanks to the powerful balanced stimulation of the epidermis and dermis, after the first procedure, soft tissue lifting is visible, dryness is eliminated, and reparative and rejuvenating processes are launched. Due to the main distinctive feature of peeling compositions containing retinoic acid – the absence of primary tissue damage, preparations of this group are an ideal remedy for the correction of photoaging and hyperpigmentation.

Unlike other peeling agents, retinoic acid is not aggressive towards the patient’s skin, due to which compositions based on it are safe and characterized by an extremely low percentage of complications. This is due to the low penetrating ability of retinoic acid, therefore the thickness of the patient’s stratum corneum, its pH value and a number of other individual characteristics greatly influence the effectiveness of the procedure.

Block Age Peel Gel contains dimethyl sulfoxide (Dimexide), which actively penetrates the skin and significantly increases the permeability of all biological membranes (including skin cells) for retinoic acid, ensuring maximum effectiveness of peeling. Also, dimethyl sulfoxide (Dimexide) improves metabolic processes and has a moderate local anesthetic and antimicrobial effect.

Indications for use

  1. Fading skin
  2. Fine wrinkles (“purse string”)
  3. Post-acne scars
  4. Post-traumatic and post-operative scars
  5. Hyperpigmentation
  6. Solar and senile lentigo
  7. Ephelides (freckles)
  8. Actinic hyperkeratosis
  9. Photoaging
  10. Striae (stretch marks)
  11. Laxity of the anterior abdominal wall, as well as the inner surfaces of the shoulders and hips


  1. Atraumatic
  2. Efficiency
  3. Short rehabilitation period
  4. Low risk of complications
  5. High security
  6. Pronounced stimulating effect on the dermis


  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug
  2. Acute inflammatory rashes (herpes, pyoderma, etc.)
  3. Infectious skin diseases (trichophytia, microsporia, etc.)
  4. Acute period of any disease
  5. Violation of the integrity of the skin
  6. Chronic dermatoses in the acute stage
  7. Excessive skin exposure
  8. Pregnancy and lactation
  9. Severe vascular atherosclerosis, acute cerebrovascular accident (stroke), angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, coma
  10. Severe liver and/or kidney failure
  11. Cataract, glaucoma

Preparations necessary for peeling

  1. Cleanser Mousse
  2. Peeling gel Block Age Peel Gel

Preparations for pre-peeling preparation and post-peeling period, for home use

  1. Prepeel Medium or Prepeel Active or Prepeel Light pre-peel cream
  2. Vegefarma Revitalizing Cream
  3. Post-peel cream Postpeel Light or Postpeel Active
  4. Cleanser Mousse

Phase No. 2 - a gel with a characteristic pungent odor, contains dimethyl sulfoxide, which has a pronounced penetrating ability through the skin and mucous membranes, significantly increases the permeability of all biological membranes for the main active component - retinoic acid. Therefore, before applying Block Age Peel Gel, the use of any keratolytic preparations or other peeling compounds is not required. When water gets into the finished composition of Block Age Peel Gel, the specific odor intensifies, so only dry brushes and containers must be used for the procedure.

Indications for use

Peeling with Block Age Peel will improve and rejuvenate the skin. The main purpose, as is clear from the name of the substance, is to combat age-related changes. Block Age Peel Cream is used exclusively after 30 years of age to treat patients with dry, sagging, sensitive skin. The product allows you to renew aging skin, delicately affecting the tissue. Procedures with the substance are also indicated to combat hyperpigmentation.

The use of Block Age Peel Gel is suitable for solving a wider range of problems:

  • stretch marks, scars;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • hyperpigmentation, post-acne spots, freckles;
  • decreased tone (flabbiness) of the skin of the face, certain areas of the body (abdomen, thighs, shoulders);
  • the appearance of photoaging;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • acne, comedones, pimples (without purulent contents).

The age of the patient is not important for the purpose of using Block Age Gel. The product is used for oily, combination, normal skin types.

Efficiency of application

Both variants of yellow peeling from Martinex are highly effective, low-traumatic process, and short recovery period. The peeling procedure does not cause significant discomfort; the effects are characterized by a low probability of complications.

Retinol peeling from Martinex has a complex effect on tissue. The gel version is characterized by deep penetration. The result of the procedure will be slowing down the aging process, external rejuvenation, lightening of the integument, healing of tissues, normalization of texture and surface relief.

The effectiveness of the cream version is lower. The substance is used for gentle elimination and minimization of small defects (wrinkles, scars, pigment formations). To achieve pronounced results you will have to increase the number of procedures.

A standard course using Block Age Peel Gel includes 3–5 sessions. Each intervention is carried out once every 1.5–2.5 months. Block Age Peel Cream can be used with a reduced interval but an increased number of treatments.

Note! The details of the course are determined by the doctor after a preliminary meeting with the patient. The nuances depend on the characteristics of a particular person, which are clarified during an examination, conversation, and analysis of research data.

Block Age Peel Gel. Medic Control Peel

Block Age Peel Gel is a chemical peeling based on retinoic acid 5%, has all the advantages of drugs in this group: a complex effect on the skin and high effectiveness, which is combined with an atraumatic procedure and a short rehabilitation period. As a result of the procedure, skin aging slows down, a pronounced rejuvenating and brightening effect is provided, and the texture and relief of the skin improves.


Phase No. 1 (2.7 ml) - 5 pcs. and Phase No. 2 (2.3 ml) - 5 pcs. Packed in a cardboard case.

For one peeling procedure, two bottles are used (phase No. 1 and phase No. 2), the contents of which are thoroughly mixed before use.


The main unique feature of Block Age Peel Gel is dimethyl sulfoxide (50%), which is part of the drug, which significantly increases the permeability of all cell membranes to the main active component - retinoic acid, which ensures maximum effectiveness of the procedure.

As a result of the use of peelings based on 5% retinoic acid, skin aging is slowed down, fine wrinkles are eliminated, skin tone and turgor are increased, and intracellular metabolism is normalized. Thanks to the powerful balanced stimulation of the epidermis and dermis, after the first procedure, soft tissue lifting is visible, dryness is eliminated, and reparative and rejuvenating processes are launched. Due to the main distinctive feature of peeling compositions containing retinoic acid – the absence of primary tissue damage, preparations of this group are an ideal remedy for the correction of photoaging and hyperpigmentation.

Unlike other peeling agents, retinoic acid is not aggressive towards the patient’s skin, due to which compositions based on it are safe and characterized by an extremely low percentage of complications. This is due to the low penetrating ability of retinoic acid, therefore the thickness of the patient’s stratum corneum, its pH value and a number of other individual characteristics greatly influence the effectiveness of the procedure.


  • Fading skin.
  • Fine wrinkles (“purse string”).
  • Post-acne scars.
  • Post-traumatic and postoperative scars.
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Solar and senile lentigo.
  • Ephelides (freckles).
  • Actinic hyperkeratosis.
  • Photoaging.
  • Striae (stretch marks).
  • Laxity of the anterior abdominal wall, as well as the inner surfaces of the shoulders and hips.


  • Atraumatic.
  • Efficiency.
  • Short rehabilitation period.
  • Low risk of complications.
  • High security.
  • Pronounced stimulating effect on the dermis.


  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Acute inflammatory rashes (herpes, pyoderma, etc.).
  • Infectious skin diseases (trichophytosis, microsporia, etc.).
  • Acute period of any disease.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin.
  • Chronic dermatoses in the acute stage.
  • Excessive skin exposure.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Severe vascular atherosclerosis, acute cerebrovascular accident (stroke), angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, coma.
  • Severe liver and/or kidney failure.
  • Cataract, glaucoma.

Preparations necessary for peeling

  • Cleanser Mousse Medic Control Peel (MCP).
  • Peeling gel Block Age Peel Gel.

Preparations for pre-peeling preparation and post-peeling period, for home use

  • Prepeel Active MCP pre-peel cream.
  • Revitalizing cream Vegefarma MCP.
  • Post-peel cream Postpeel Light or Postpeel Active.
  • Cleanser Mousse MCP.

Is it acceptable to use at home?

Yellow peeling from Martinex is a chemical exfoliation option designed to be performed by a professional cosmetologist. The doctor performing the procedure must not only have a certificate of professional competence, but also a certificate of training in Martinex cosmetics. This will provide the most predictable result without complications.

Manufacturer chemical peels, such as Block Age Peel, are sold to cosmetologists after confirmation of professional affiliation. An ordinary consumer will not be able to buy products in an online store. If you want to perform the procedure yourself, you can purchase other options available for purchase, or perform a mixture of pharmaceutical ingredients. We must not forget that amateur activities are fraught with various complications.

Preparatory stage

The first step in preparing for the Block Age Peel is to visit a cosmetologist. The doctor will examine the skin, collect anamnesis, and additional tests may be required. When confirming the possibility of intervention using Martinex yellow peeling, the cosmetologist will talk about the principles of preparation for the procedure.

To obtain effective results and avoid complications, the doctor will indicate the need to avoid tanning. For those with fair skin, it is enough to exclude sun exposure 2 weeks before; those with dark skin will have to remove sunbathing from their “diet” 4 weeks before the intended intervention.

During the same period, they refuse to use drugs containing retinol, use ointments, and creams with a high concentration of vitamin A.

If you intend to exfoliate with Block Age Peel Gel, you can refuse additional skin preparation. The cosmetologist will recommend switching to Martinex brand skin care cosmetics (MedicControlPeel line) within 2–3 weeks. It is advisable to wash your face with Cleanser Mousse foam, use Prepeel Active cream, and Mediscreen sunscreen (protection factor 85).

When aiming to perform an intervention with Block Age Peel Cream, preliminary use of special Martinex brand cosmetics is a prerequisite for a high-quality result. 2-3 weeks before the session, the means indicated above are administered.

Yellow peeling is not performed on pregnant women during the period of planning conception up to 6 months after the intervention. To be able to carry out the procedure, it is important to maintain the integrity and health of the integument. These nuances must be taken into account during preparation. It is advisable to perform yellow peeling from Martinex during the period with minimal sun activity (late autumn, winter).

Stage II. Chemical peeling

1 step. Cleansing. Apply Cleanser Mousse to facial skin, distribute with light massage movements and leave for 1-2 minutes. Rinse with water. Dry the skin with a paper towel.

Step 2. Add the contents of the bottle phase No. 2 to the glass bottle phase No. 1, after which the glass bottle is tightly closed with a lid and mixed thoroughly, shaking for 2-3 minutes until a homogeneous transparent yellow mass without foreign impurities is formed. Pour the resulting composition (5 ml) from the bottle into a dry glass container convenient for the procedure. Use the finished composition within 24 hours.

Step 3. Using a dry brush, apply Block Age Peel Gel evenly to the skin. Do not apply to the eyelid area.

Step 4 On the face, the exposure time of the peeling composition varies from 4 to 12 hours: the rougher and more insensitive the skin and the more pronounced the hyperkeratosis and signs of aging, the longer the exposure time. When performing procedures on the body, the exposure increases to 16 hours.

Step 5 After applying Block Age Peel Gel to the skin of the face or body, the patient goes home. It is necessary to warn the patient that during the exposure time of the gel there may be a pronounced burning sensation, which spontaneously disappears within 1-2 hours, slight pastiness/swelling of the skin and increasing erythema. After the exposure time recommended by the specialist, the patient independently washes off Block Age Peel Gel with water and applies Vegefarma restorative moisturizer to the skin.

Conducting a session with a cosmetologist

Yellow peeling from Martinex, when using Block Age Peel Gel, is carried out in several stages:

  1. Preparation. The cosmetologist performs skin cleansing. Cleanser Mousse is used. The foam is dosed and distributed over the surface with light massage movements. Wait 1-2 minutes to obtain a more thorough surface cleaning. Remaining substances are removed with water. Remove excess moisture from the surface with a paper towel.
  2. Preparation of the active composition. The cosmetologist mixes the contents of bottles with different phases (product No. 2 is added to substance No. 1). Glass containers are used to combine the components. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed (you should get a homogeneous gel-like mass with a yellow color and transparent texture). The volume of the finished substance is 5 ml. The resulting product is placed in a dry glass container of a format convenient for use. The finished substance must be used within 24 hours. The mixture cannot be stored. It is important for the patient to monitor the preparation of the composition in his presence.
  3. Performing chemical peeling. The finished product is applied using a dry brush. The substance is distributed in an even layer, excluding the eyelids. The holding time varies between 4–12 hours. To treat rough skin with pronounced problems, use a longer exposure. The product may be accompanied by burning, redness, and swelling. Unpleasant symptoms should not increase or be overly pronounced. The patient washes the substance off the skin independently, after waiting for the interval specified by the cosmetologist. Cleaning is performed with water without the use of detergents. The session will end with the application of Martinex moisturizing cream: Vegefarma.

When using Block Age Peel Cream, the course of the intervention changes slightly:

  1. Cleansing. It is performed in the same way as prescribed when performing exfoliation using the gel version of the yellow peeling from Martinex. Moisture is completely removed from the clean surface.
  2. Skin preparation. The doctor performs preparatory peeling with alpha-beta acids (Locao Rico). The holding time of the composition is 10 minutes. The covers are rinsed with water and dried.
  3. Performing chemical peeling. The composition from the bottle in an amount of 5 ml is distributed over the surface, including the eyelids. The substance is rubbed in with a cotton swab for 5–20 minutes. The duration and intensity of exposure is determined individually (skin type and desired results are affected). After 4–15 hours, the patient independently washes off the composition with water. The skin is moisturized with Vegefarma cream.

Before releasing the patient, the cosmetologist informs in detail about the principles of skin care after Block Age Peel. Following the instructions affects the results.

Retinol and retinoic peeling: what is the difference

Both terms refer to yellow peeling with the same mechanism of action. However, the main active component of the retinol procedure is natural vitamin A. It will not cope with serious age-related skin changes. At the same time, it will carefully cleanse it, remove inflammation, smooth and refresh the complexion. After it, the skin recovers faster. Therefore, chemical peeling based on natural vitamins is suitable for young girls without pronounced problems.

When is Block-Age Peel Gel needed?

Retinoic peeling is recommended for patients aged 35 to 50 years. The main goal of the procedure is to prevent aging processes and age-related skin changes. Therefore, among the indications for peeling, experts highlight:

  • signs of skin aging - sagging, wrinkles, deepening of nasolabial folds, pigmentation, etc.;
  • active work of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, the formation of oily sheen;
  • enlarged pores, including “craters” from improper cleansing of the skin;
  • loss of a fresh, youthful appearance of the face;
  • pimples, scars, acne, blackheads.

In pursuit of youth, it is important not to harm yourself. Therefore, this serious procedure requires a professional approach. It can be done no more than twice a year in autumn or winter. Peeling can be used not only on the face, but also on the hands, neck, face, and décolleté.

Only a specialist can assess the need for a procedure for a specific patient.


After exposure, the skin becomes smooth, clean (blackheads, pimples, acne scars disappear, acne decreases), its quality noticeably improves. In addition, after retinoic peeling, the face looks fresh, toned, and has an even, beautiful color, thanks to the improvement of intracellular metabolism. Pores are also narrowed, skin texture is evened out, and oily sheen disappears due to the improvement of the sebaceous glands. Patients are especially pleased with the smoothing of facial wrinkles and the disappearance of age-related pigmentation.

What to do before peeling

According to the procedure protocol, the first stage is pre-peeling preparation for 10-14 days. It is needed to obtain the maximum possible effect and eliminate the risk of damaging the skin. As part of the preparatory stage, the cosmetologist prescribes surface preparations and performs light exfoliating manipulations. This is necessary in order to prepare the skin for interaction with chemicals. At home, patients are advised to use tonics and creams with glycolic acid.

In addition, before retinoic peeling, laser and ultrasound treatments should not be performed on the skin, or gommages, rolls and scrubs should be used for home care.

How to use Block-Age Peel Gel

According to the protocol, yellow peeling is carried out in a course consisting of 4-5 sessions, depending on the condition of the skin. The first two are carried out with an interval of two weeks. The interval between the rest is a month, but only according to the decision of the cosmetologist. Each of them consists of stages:

  1. Cleansing. The skin is cleansed with a special mousse, its remnants are washed off and carefully dried.
  2. Preparation of the composition. The cosmetologist mixes the active ingredients in the required proportions until a homogeneous yellow mass is obtained. The finished product is suitable for use within 24 hours.
  3. Application. Using a dry brush, the doctor evenly applies the resulting mass to the desired area, avoiding the eye area, and leaves it on the skin for 4-12 hours.
  4. Removing the composition. Taking into account the length of time the drug remains on the skin, the patient washes it off independently, following the doctor’s recommendations, and applies a moisturizing restorative cream.

A burning sensation in the first 1-2 hours after applying the composition is normal.

Recovery after peeling

Skin care after Block-Age Peel Gel is important. It is described in detail by a cosmetologist. Patients are often concerned about how many days their face peels after the procedure. Normally this is 4-6 days. On the first day after peeling, the skin is slightly tight, dry, and has a yellowish tint. The next day, slight peeling appears. This is a good indicator that cleansing has begun. On the third day, exfoliation intensifies, the skin begins to peel off in transparent stripes. This is accompanied by itching and discomfort.

You cannot remove the skin by hand by tearing it off. The regeneration process must proceed independently. Otherwise, you may not only not get the expected effect, but also cause harm.

On the fourth day, skin renewal continues, itching, tightness persist, and small red spots appear. All these sensations begin to subside on the fifth day, and on the sixth the skin already becomes smooth, even, and fresh.

How long does the effect last?

You can admire beautiful, radiant young skin for six months. In this case, it is necessary to use a moisturizer, spray the affected area with thermal water and pamper with enzyme masks.

When not to do yellow peeling

One of the advantages of Block-Age Peel Gel is the almost complete absence of contraindications. However, patients prone to allergies, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, and frequent illnesses should refrain from it due to the danger of herpes rashes; having liver disease, including hepatitis, kidney disease; suffering from psychological disorders. Peeling is contraindicated for rosacea, warts, and rosacea.

Peeling is strictly prohibited for pregnant, lactating women and those who are planning a pregnancy in the next year. The age limit for the procedure is 18 years.

Make an appointment with a cosmetologist at the Diagnoz MC. The specialists of our center will select for you a peeling that is suitable specifically for your skin, focusing on the problems that need to be corrected and financial capabilities.

Rehabilitation period

Recovery lasts 4–10 days. The duration depends on the susceptibility of the integument and the intensity of the intervention performed. Skin care differs little from the standard everyday option. Regular cleaning is carried out using mild detergents. If necessary, Vegefarma cream is applied to the surface (can be replaced with Thriphalan Balm ointment, regular panthenol). When going outside, be sure to use a product with a high SPF level: the manufacturer recommends Mediscreen.

In the first 2–5 days, the development of edema, erythema, and swelling is possible. The integument turns yellowish. The external picture is similar to that which occurs after excessive insolation. You may experience unpleasant sensations in the form of burning, tingling, itching in mild forms.

Active peeling occurs on days 2–3. The nature of exfoliation is individual: pieces of skin can come off in small strips or peel off in whole layers. The doctor will warn you against helping exfoliation: scratching your face or tearing off exfoliating pieces is prohibited. This is important to obtain a quality result.

Important point! Peeling can occur not only in areas exposed to the composition. Retinoids penetrate into the blood and spread throughout the body.

The appearance of itching or a mild rash in different parts of the body does not necessarily indicate an allergy. In doubtful situations, you can additionally consult a cosmetologist.

During preparation and rehabilitation, it is prohibited to sunbathe or be in the sun without protective cream. The restriction is valid for up to a month. The cosmetologist will also indicate the need to refuse:

  • using scrubs and other care products with abrasive particles, performing various intensive procedures;
  • applying substances containing alcohol and fruit acids to the surface;
  • coloring of eyebrows, eyelashes, and other effects using aggressive chemicals.

It is also recommended to avoid visiting the sauna, swimming pool, washing in hot water, drinking alcohol, playing sports, and using decorative cosmetics. Peeling finally stops after 8–10 days. At this time, most restrictions are lifted. Repeated intervention is carried out 1–2 months after the previous procedure.

Block Age Peel Cream Block Age Peel Cream




Dispenser with 35 ml dispenser,


Peeling with 5% retinoic acid. Designed for aesthetic correction of minor facial defects, such as wrinkles, age spots, post-traumatic, post-operative scars, scars after previous acne. The glycolic, phytic and ascorbic acids included in the product complement the action of retinoic acid and ensure maximum results and comfort of the procedure.


Retinoic acid 5%, phytic, glycolic and ascorbic acids


  • Fading skin
  • Fine wrinkles
  • Photoaging
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Post-acne scars


  • Individual intolerance
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin
  • Active inflammatory process on the skin
  • Herpes in active phase
  • Liver failure and other severe somatic diseases
  • Taking retinoids Gallstone disease (if there are gallstones)

. Method of application:
Stage I. Pre-peeling preparation Important! Pre-peel preparation is a mandatory procedure, since otherwise hyperkeratosis will interfere with the penetration of retinoids and significantly reduce the effectiveness of chemical peeling. For 14–21 days before peeling, the patient should apply Prepeel Active cream to cleansed skin at night. In the morning you must use Mediscreen sunscreen.

Stage II. Chemical peeling step 1. Cleansing. Apply Cleanser mousse to facial skin, spread with light massage movements and leave for 1-2 minutes. Rinse with water. Dry the skin. Step 2. Apply Locao Rico alpha-beta complex to the skin for 10 minutes. Rinse with water. Dry the skin. Step 3. Apply peeling cream (approximately 5 ml) evenly to the entire face, including eyelids, and rub the product in with a cotton swab for 5-20 minutes. The intensity and duration of rubbing depends on the patient’s skin type, as well as on the desired intensity of stimulation processes. Step 4 Exposure time is 4 - 15 hours. Rinse the product with water and apply Vegefarma cream.

Stage III. Post-peeling care

The duration of the rehabilitation period is 4–8 days. During the day, as needed, apply Vegefarma cream, in the morning - Mediscreen sunscreen


The basic course consists of 3-5 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 6-10 weeks. The course is conducted 1–2 times a year.


Erythema in the area of ​​peeling (similar to active tanning in a solarium) that persists for 2–4 days. Slight swelling of the treated area is possible. As a rule, swelling appears in patients with pasty, swelling-prone skin. 12–48 hours after peeling, depending on the severity of hyperkeratosis in a given patient, large-lamellar or small-lamellar exfoliation (peeling) is observed. On 2-3 days after the procedure, the patient may be bothered by itching, as an individual reaction of the body to retinoids. Due to the fact that retinoids penetrate the papillary dermis and enter the bloodstream, exerting a systemic effect, exfoliation can be observed even in areas where peeling was not performed. These phenomena are expected and are not symptoms of an allergic reaction. It is very important to inform the patient about this during the consultation.

Storage conditions:

Store in a place protected from sunlight at a temperature of +5 to +15 °C. Do not freeze. Do not use after the stated expiration date.

Registration Certificate Number:

FSR 2011 12110 dated 10/14/2011

Cost of the procedure

The manufacturer recommends that cosmetologists cost 6 thousand rubles for a yellow peeling session from Martinex. The price includes doctor's services and materials used in the work. You will have to purchase additional cosmetics to prepare for the session and products for post-peeling care.

Many patients are confident that the procedure is simple. Anyone can use the substance themselves. During the session, the doctor assesses the condition of the skin and individually selects the intensity of the effect. Setting the parameters correctly on your own is difficult. Mistakes lead to complications.

Precautionary measures

Yellow peeling from Martinex is excluded if contraindications are identified:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • allergy to the components of the substance;
  • active forms of dermatological diseases (eczema, psoriasis, fungus);
  • the appearance of herpes rashes;
  • open wounds in the area of ​​intended impact;
  • liver diseases;
  • taking vitamin A, retinoids;
  • glaucoma, cataract.

Yellow peeling is not performed if you have a fresh tan, if you are planning a pregnancy, if you feel unwell, or during the active course of any disease.

No serious complications have been identified after Martinex retinoic exfoliation procedures. Incorrect actions may result in burns. When peeling off the crusts, the risk of tissue injury increases. Possible exacerbation of herpes and other diseases from the list of contraindications. Mild pain, burning, erythema, itching, swelling, edema, severe peeling are normal.

Stage III. Post-peeling care

The patient should apply Vegefarma cream as needed until the exfoliation process is completed. It is also necessary to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and use Mediscreen SPF 85 sunscreen.

Expected reactions

Erythema may appear in the area of ​​the procedure (similar to active tanning in a solarium), which persists for 2-5 days. Slight swelling of the treated area is possible. 12-48 hours after peeling, depending on the severity of hyperkeratosis, large-lamellar or small-lamellar exfoliation (peeling) is observed in this particular patient. Due to the fact that retinoids penetrate the papillary dermis and enter the bloodstream, exerting a systemic effect, exfoliation can be observed even in areas where peeling was not performed. These phenomena are expected and are not symptoms of an allergic reaction. It is very important to inform the patient about this during the consultation. On days 2-3 after the procedure, the patient may be bothered by itching, as an individual reaction of the body to retinoids.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Martinex yellow peeling is the high effectiveness of the product. The procedure is quite comfortable and recovery is quick. For those with different skin types, a cosmetologist will be able to choose the appropriate option.

The disadvantage of Martinex yellow peeling is the inability to purchase the substance to carry out the procedure yourself. Funds are sold in sets. The gel-like consistency option requires preparation of the composition; the mixture has a limited shelf life.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors use Block Age Peel in their work. The product gives positive results and is easy to use. Cosmetologists classify the substance as a strong variant of the yellow exfoliation option.

The doctor considers Block Age Peel Gel a tough option.

The cosmetologist calls Block Age Peel Gel a strong remedy.

The cosmetologist likes the yellow exfoliant from Martinex.

The doctor likes the results of the product.

Patient reviews

Patients do exfoliation using Block Age Peel on the recommendation of cosmetologists. The process causes discomfort, but the result is pleasing. Many patients avoid the option, fearing the upcoming discomfort.

The cosmetologist experienced the effect himself: he liked the result, but the process caused discomfort.

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