Hydrophilic facial oil: how to make a luxury product with your own hands

Skin cleansing with hydrophilic oil is gaining more and more fans. When applied to the skin, the product dissolves sebum on the surface of the epidermis and in the pores (it is impossible to dissolve and remove this fat when washing with ordinary water).

Then, when washed off with water, this substance forms an emulsion, which is easily removed by itself and carries with it the dissolved sebum.

In addition, the components included in hydrophilic oil can have a positive effect on the skin, moisturizing it, toning it or eliminating inflammation.

However, hydrophilic oils are quite expensive, so the question arises: is it possible to save money and make them yourself? It turns out that you can, and it’s not difficult at all.

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Hydrophilic oil - its composition and principle of action

Let's start with the name: hydrophilic, which means “interacts well with water”, “absorbs water”. However, what does oil have to do with it? Oil and water are not compatible, everyone has known this for a long time. So how can oil wash away impurities?

The fact is that hydrophilic oil is a tandem of oil and a special substance: an emulsifier.

The composition includes: base oil, essential oils and emulsifier. Preparation proportions: take 1 part emulsifier for 9 parts base. The resulting product is applied to dry skin and washed off with water.

The role of the emulsifying additive is to give the oil the ability to be washed off with water along with contaminants. At the same time, do not leave behind a greasy film on your face.

As you can see, the operating principle is extremely simple, yet very effective.

Basic scheme

For manufacturing you will need two main components:

  • base vegetable oil;
  • emulsifier (Polysorbate-80 has proven to be the best).

In addition to these main ingredients, essential oils are often used, and sometimes fat-soluble vitamins (usually vitamin E) and various solid additives to give the oil scrub properties.

All these substances can be easily purchased in stores selling handmade soaps and cosmetics.

The general preparation scheme is as follows:

  • one tenth of the emulsifier (a little less if the skin is dry, and a little more if the skin is oily) is mixed with nine parts of the base oil;
  • then, if necessary, vitamin E is added (usually the contents of 3–5 capsules are taken per 100 ml of oil);
  • a few drops of essential oil.

All this is mixed together and your homemade cleansing oil is ready!

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Polysorbate – 80: description and properties

Polysorbate – 80 is an oily liquid, its color can range from yellow to orange. The consistency of the liquid is slightly viscous. According to its properties, it dissolves well in water and oils.

Polysorbate – 80 (Tween – 80) is a synthetic product created on the basis of natural ones. It is obtained by reacting during the production process from sorbitol and oleic acid.

It is used in cosmetology due to its ability to dissolve fatty oils upon contact with water. Oil mixed with Polysorbate – 80 when mixed with water turns into an emulsion. This emulsion is completely easily washed off with water without losing the beneficial properties of the oil.

It is best to purchase polysorbate in pharmacies or specialized stores.

Washing with pure oil

How and from what to make oil for washing with your own hands?

In fact, you can wash your face with any oil. To begin with, you can try what is at hand: high-quality sunflower oil. If you have olive oil, great! This will do too. In addition to “edible” oil, you can also take castor oil. It can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Now we prepare a basic oil mixture of sunflower and castor oils. For different skin types, their ratio will be different:

  • for oily skin you need to take 30% castor oil,
  • for normal – 20%,
  • for dry – only 10%.

Castor oil has a drying effect, so the drier the skin, the less it will be needed.

In the future, the basic recipe can be slightly modified. For example, instead of sunflower or olive oil, take special cosmetic oils to enhance the effect. Apricot or grape seed oil, almond, argan or jojoba oil are suitable for any skin type. For excessively dry and lacking tone skin, it is especially recommended to use avocado, apricot kernel or argan oils; for oily skin, grape seed oil is best suited. Ideally, all oils applied to the skin should be unrefined and highly purified.

Essential oils added to cleansing oil will also help solve some problems:

  • For oily skin types, washing with tea tree, lemon balm, lemon, tangerine and juniper oils will be beneficial.
  • For dry skin, it is better to choose ylang-ylang, patchouli, orange, rose or chamomile oils.
  • Sandalwood, rosemary and ginger oils will help tighten pores.
  • Tea tree, frankincense, rosemary, grapefruit and fir are effective in combating skin inflammation.

We pour our oils into the bottle, mix and begin the process.

Oil washing: technology

Before you start oil washing, you need to prepare your face and help the pores open. To do this, place a clean, soft cloth soaked in hot water on your face and hold until it cools down. If you don’t have time, then you can do without it.

If you have makeup on your face, then first you need to wet your face with water, then with any oil, and then very gently wipe off the makeup with a cotton pad.

Let's get started! Apply the mixture of oils to your palms and massage over your face. Continue massaging your skin for a few minutes, but do not rub!!!

Soak the cloth again in hot water and gently wipe your face, removing excess oil. Repeat the procedure until the skin is free of excess unpleasant greasiness. Usually 2 – 4 times are enough.

If your skin feels tight, apply a few drops of the same oil mixture to your face and spread with your fingertips over its surface.

Beautiful and Successful recommends performing the procedure before bed. Some people do it daily, but many people notice that this is a way to deeply cleanse the skin, and it is enough to use it 2-3 times a week.

Olivderm, olivderm - composition and properties

Olivederm is a water-soluble form of olive oil, amber in color with a characteristic odor. Due to its composition, it is easily soluble in water and oil. When mixed with oil, it creates a water-soluble, stable emulsion. It has a powerful cleansing ability, enhancing the beneficial properties of other ingredients.

Perfect for sensitive skin as it has a softening and soothing effect.

As part of cosmetics, it is used in a proportion of 5-15% to other components.

Benefits of washing your face with oil

Perhaps someone will be surprised: how can you wash your face with such a fatty substance as oil? Nevertheless, this method works! The oil perfectly dissolves and removes skin impurities, cosmetics and excess sebum.

This method is good because:

  • It is suitable for any skin type.
  • Made using only natural ingredients.
  • Provides additional skin protection from external influences.
  • Helps get rid of acne and inflammation.

You can wash your face with pure oil, or you can use hydrophilic oil. Pure oil is more troublesome, but hydrophilic oil is simply created for an easy and comfortable process of removing makeup.

Hydrophilic oil - selection of ingredients according to skin types

When creating a recipe for creating hydrophilic oil, you should focus on your skin type. Let's consider.

Dry skin

will gladly accept coconut, hazelnut, avocado, olive, flaxseed oil, macadamia oil, shea butter. Sandalwood, bergamot, orange, jasmine, neroli, and chamomile oils are good as an additive.

Oily skin

Grape seed oil, apricot oil, and sesame oil are suitable. Essential oils of lemon and grapefruit will add additional beneficial properties.

For aging skin

You can use rosehip, jojoba, wheat germ, almond, and flaxseed oils. You can also add essential oils of rose, ylang-ylang, patchouli, neroli, and anise to the mixture.

For normal skin

You can use apricot, macadamia, almond, and cocoa as the main oils. Essential supplements are suitable: mint, orange, rose.

System “424” in Korean, or What is “hydrophilic” for?

This special oil became widely known thanks to Korean cosmetologists who offered women the “4-2-4” system - a total of ten minutes a day, and the skin will always be clean, well-moisturized, and in proper tone! The essence of the method is a three-stage treatment, which is performed literally according to a stopwatch.

  • The first 4 minutes are to cleanse the skin of accumulated dirt, dust and cosmetic residues. For this purpose, Eastern women used to use regular oil, but today it has been replaced by hydrophilic oil - it is easier to remove. The pre-selected product is poured into the palm, warmed to body temperature, and then applied to the face.
  • The next 2 minutes - washing with the usual foam, which helps remove the oily base (this is necessary so that the face does not develop an oily sheen, the pores open and cleanse).
  • Another 4 minutes - contrast rinse from the tap (alternately with warm and cool water to tone the skin).

It is clear that hydrophilic oil is precisely the component of the “424 system” that cannot be avoided. How to cook it?

The best DIY hydrophilic oil recipes

Making your own hydrophilic cleansing mixture is very simple. The ratio is given as follows: 1 part emulsifier, 9 parts oil. The components are mixed together.

For 1 part, you can use a teaspoon to measure it conveniently without scales.

First recipe

  • Grapeseed oil - 3 tsp.
  • Hazelnut oil – 2 tsp.
  • Almond oil – 2 1/2 tsp.
  • Jojoba oil – 1 tsp.
  • Wheat germ – ½ tsp.
  • Polysorbate 80 – 1 tsp.

Second recipe

Suitable for dry skin:

  • Almond oil – 3
  • Olive oil – 3
  • Avocado – 3
  • Polysorbate 80 – 1
  • Neroli oil – 2 drops
  • Lemon essential oil – 2 drops

Third recipe

Can be used for combination skin.

  • Almond oil – 3
  • Peach oil – 3
  • Apricot kernel oil – 3
  • Emulsifier – 1

The fourth recipe for oily skin

  • Hazelnut oil – 9
  • Lemon essential oil – 2 drops
  • Twin – 80 – 1

Fifth recipe for normal skin

  • Grapeseed oil – 5
  • Almond oil – 3
  • Wheat germ oil – 1
  • As always: polysorbate – 80 – 1

Based on the proportion of oils and emulsifier, many options can be created. It all depends on your preferences and imagination.

What do sellers offer?

Most hydrophilic oil is produced by eastern companies, but there are also European representatives. The most widely used Japanese brands are Shu Uemura and Shiseido.

There is even a domestic product from Mi&Ko. Among its advantages are the composition of high-quality products and high efficiency.

But DIY hydrophilic oil recipes can include much more additives, depending on your desires.

Benefits of hydrophilic oil

The ability to cleanse the skin of makeup and impurities is an undeniable advantage of the hydrophilic mixture. You can also highlight a number of other positive aspects when using it:

  • Effectively removes dirt
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • Doesn't dry out skin
  • Has virtually no contraindications, except for individual intolerance
  • Helps clear pores
  • Easy to use
  • Economical


Once tried, people no longer refuse such a simple and exquisite remedy. And reviews about DIY hydrophilic oil leave only positive ones.

Among them, they note that the oil does not leave a feeling of tightness on the skin, after its use there is no oily sheen, and due to its versatility, the use of oil allows you not to spend money on shampoos and shower gels.

Hydrophilic oil - how to use correctly

To easily cleanse the skin using hydrophilic oil, you need to follow a certain sequence of actions:

  • Before use, shake the bottle with the product slightly to mix the ingredients.
  • Apply a small amount of hydrophilic oil to dry hands.
  • Distribute oil over dry skin, moving along massage lines
  • Massage the skin for 2 – 4 minutes
  • Wet your hands and massage the skin again: under the influence of water, the oil will turn into milk
  • Rinse off the product with warm water along with all contaminants.

After cleansing the skin, you can use your usual care products.

How it works?

The resulting mixture binds and dissolves fats on the surface of the dermis without any chemical reactions, even rubbing will be unnecessary.

After mixing with water, a substance is formed that foams slightly. It won’t be difficult to wash it off even with ordinary water. And before you make hydrophilic oil for washing with your own hands, it’s worth studying the market.

Hydrophilic oil - how to store it correctly

  • It is recommended to store homemade cleanser for no more than 1 month. Therefore, it needs to be done in small quantities.
  • After production, you need to pour the hydrophilic oil into a bottle with a dispenser. It is better if it is made of dark glass.
  • It should be stored in a place where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Due to its excellent cleansing properties, hydrophilic oil is considered one of the best products. Using the recipes above, you can easily prepare it yourself.

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Before first use, it is recommended to make sure that you are not allergic to the oil. To do this, they usually conduct an irritability experiment.

Anoint your wrist and the inside of your elbow. If within a few hours you do not develop a rash, allergies or other negative effects on your skin, then feel free to use the prepared product.

Oil washing: reviews

Many women have already appreciated the beauty of this method of cleansing the skin. Here's what they write on thematic forums:

  • At first I tried simply wiping my face with regular sunflower oil - and the result even from this procedure pleased me! Now I use a mixture of castor and olive oils, I really like it: my skin is clean, tender and soft. I don’t want any more store-bought washbasins! Kate.
  • Oil washing is a great way to remove makeup: powder, BB cream, mascara, and shadows. Trefle.
  • Despite the fact that I have oily skin, I liked the oil cleanser: my pores are not clogged, there is no excess oiliness, my skin has become softer and more elastic. Denno4ka.

We hope that you will also appreciate all the benefits of such procedures.

— Author: Elena Matushchak (Lanberri), website www.sympaty.net – Beautiful and Successful Copying of this article is prohibited!

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