How to use lavender essential oil on your face for acne

Lavender flowers will always attract attention with their tenderness and femininity.
And lavender, remarkable even at first glance, has enormous value. Thus, the flowers of this plant are widely used in medicine, perfumery, the food industry and, of course, in cosmetology.


The properties of lavender are so extensive, and one might say universal, that it is impossible to stay away from this wonderful plant.

For cosmetic purposes, dried lavender flowers or essential oil obtained by steam distillation from fresh inflorescences are most often used.

And today the Beauty Pantry talks about how and for what purposes lavender is used on the face at home.

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Useful material

Lavender essential oil is a universal remedy that is used in many fields: medicine, cosmetology, perfumery, and even the food industry. It has a pleasant floral smell, but since it is an ether, that is, a concentrate, the smell is too rich. Therefore, you only need to use 1-3 drops at a time.

This product contains many useful substances:

  • Tannins. Thanks to them, the skin is healed;
  • The resins that the flower contains heal wounds and inflammation;
  • The acids in this oil promote skin rejuvenation (acetic, nylon, valerian) and have a regenerating effect;
  • And linalool is useful for oily skin, as it dries it out, and, accordingly, dries out acne and gets rid of them.

Professional opinion

Doctors and cosmetologists approve of the use of lavender essential oil for the face for cosmetic, medicinal and anti-aging purposes.

Lavender oil, especially natural lavender oil, has many properties that promote healthy skin. It is simultaneously nourishing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal. This is why it is used in facial care products. Using oil, you can get rid of blemishes such as acne and wrinkles. Overall, your skin condition will improve significantly. An additional benefit would be combining lavender oil with other ingredients.

Sandra Lindenau, Dr. Schweikart

Properties of lavender oil

In order to understand how beneficial lavender is for problem skin, you should determine its properties:

  1. Regenerating. The plant affects the epithelium, stimulating blood circulation and microcirculation. Because of this, damaged cells are restored. This property helps get rid of stagnant post-acne, scars and acne marks, as normal blood circulation is restored in the areas of these spots. Cell regeneration also implies a rejuvenating effect.
  2. Bactericidal and antifungal. These properties are important in the treatment of acne. Essential oil destroys bacteria that cause inflammation. It also dries out the skin.
  3. Anti-inflammatory. This property is useful in the fight against acne. A pimple appears at the site of an inflamed pore, and relieving this inflammation is a key task. This remedy also promotes the healing of wounds, abrasions, cracks, etc.
  4. Calming. This helps remove irritation, redness, peeling and itching.
  5. Protective. Thanks to the beneficial substances, the plant saturates the skin and thereby protects the facial skin from external factors (temperature effects, ultraviolet rays, etc.);
  6. Cleansing. When using this oil, the epidermis is cleansed of toxins and waste that cause acne.

Lavender has a therapeutic effect on skin diseases of an inflammatory and purulent nature: dermatitis, furunculosis, eczema, herpes, etc.

Acne often appears in people with oily skin. In this case, lavender will help remove oily shine, as it helps reduce sebum secretion, cleanses and tightens pores.

For dry skin, lavender is also used, as it moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis. Irritation, peeling and red pimples characteristic of this type will disappear. And the skin will become matte, its color will improve.

The uniqueness of lavender

Real lavender oil in cosmetology is a transparent oily liquid with a fascinating aroma. It has become widely used in home care in face mask recipes. The composition of the oil is replete with complex compounds that have a beneficial effect on cell performance and metabolic processes. In addition, it accelerates tissue regeneration processes and smoothes wrinkles.

Lavender oil is a real salvation for the skin, as it is rich in numerous components.

  1. Organic acids - quickly relieve inflammation, soothe irritated skin, activate regeneration and protection functions. The presence of caproic, butyric, and valeric acids helps eliminate wrinkles and relieves acne.
  2. Alcohol esters are the main component and an excellent natural catalyst for cellular processes. With their help, cell functioning is stabilized. Of particular importance is linalool, which gently dries and removes acne.
  3. Highly active substances and resins help quickly restore the surface of the skin and eliminate acne. Camphor, borneol and lavenderol are the best antiseptics with wound-healing properties. They are valuable for problem skin.
  4. Bitters are good stimulators of cell functioning.
  5. Tannins are helpful for oily and dry skin. They promote healing and toning of the epidermis. In addition, they eliminate problems without exposure to chemicals.

Overall, when it comes to lavender oil, use on the face is considered a treasure trove for the epidermis. The complex substances in the composition soothe and normalize the skin, refresh and tone, tighten the oval of the face and activate the production of collagen fibers.

Application of essential oil

You can use acne oil concentrate in different ways, and in each case it is effective. You can apply the product to spots on acne. This is convenient for isolated manifestations. To do this, use a cotton swab, and you need to apply the product to inflammation - acne, boils, redness, and even accumulations of comedones (blackheads). Another way to apply it to acne scars. This procedure should be carried out no more than 1-2 times a day.

You can fight acne more effectively by spot-treating it with lavender and tea tree oils (2:1). In this way, you can remove an immature pimple overnight.

It is not recommended to add plant concentrate to various cosmetics: creams, ready-made masks, lotions and tonics. Since it is impossible to predict how the chemical components of such products will interact with it. There may also be negative consequences.

It is better to use a base oil to which a few drops of lavender are added (5-7). Wipe your face with the resulting mixture and store it in the refrigerator. For problem skin, the base can be almond, wheat germ, grape seed, jojoba, etc. For oily skin, it is not recommended to use olive, apricot and peach oils. They are intended more for dry epidermis.

The concentrate of this plant can be used with various natural ingredients in the form of masks. For acne, it is better to make masks with clay, the color of which is best chosen according to your skin type. For problems with inflammation, you should use black clay. You can also prepare an effective scrub with lavender at home.

Essential oil should be applied directly in the evening, before bed. But not on the skin around the eyes.

It is not recommended to use ether in its pure form on large areas of the face. It is better to mix it with other natural ingredients.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

The eyelids and area around the eyes are the most sensitive areas on the face. Care for them must be selected with care, especially for natural ingredients. However, this rule does not apply to lavender essential oil. Main functions of the product for the eye area:

  • toning;
  • elimination of dryness and tightness;
  • elimination of facial wrinkles;
  • maintaining youthful skin;
  • maintaining firmness and elasticity.

After an eye compress with lavender oil, the skin looks healthy, uniform and radiant.

Oil can be added to masks, compresses, creams. Essential oil is never used in its pure form on eyelids.

Lavender eye compress

The simplest lavender compress recipe is made using three steps:

  1. Dilute 10 drops of essential oil in 50 ml of water. Stir.
  2. Soak two cotton pads in the liquid and place them on your eyes.
  3. Remove the compress after 15 minutes.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure daily in the morning and evening. Then the skin will always have a fresh and rested look, and wrinkles will not appear for a long time.

Compress for swelling

Most often, the cause of swelling in the morning is a large amount of liquid drunk the day before. Less commonly, the problem is chronic, which indicates poor functioning of the excretory system or a decrease in the protective functions of the immune system. For purely cosmetic purposes, lavender helps to quickly tone the skin around the eyes.

Edema appears from lack of sleep, poor metabolism, overwork, accumulation of toxins and wastes

To prepare a decongestant compress, you need to mix 15 ml of apricot oil, 1 drop each of orange and pine essential oils, as well as 2 drops each of rosemary, lavender and juniper essential oils. Apply cotton sponges soaked in the solution to closed eyes for 10–15 minutes. Upon completion of the procedure, the skin should be blotted with a dry cloth and then washed with cool water.

Important! If you have rosacea or veins that are close to the skin, a compress of several essential oils is not recommended. It is better to get by with a simple water-based lavender product.

Recipes with lavender oil

How to remove inflamed acne efficiently and quickly? There are many recipes using lavender essential oil. For problem skin, masks and tonics containing it are indispensable.

For oily skin

Each skin type requires an individual approach.

Oil collection mask

An effective recipe is a mixture of the following oils:

  • lavender (2 drops);
  • tea tree (1 drop);
  • bergamot (1 drop);
  • 15-20 drops of basic oil, which is suitable for a given skin type or individual characteristics. This is jojoba oil, wheat germ oil, grape seed oil, etc.

This mixture should be applied for 10 minutes and then rinsed off. This procedure can be carried out 3 times a week.

Mask with yolk and tea tree

Another effective mask is a mixture that includes yolk, essential oils of lavender (3 drops) and tea tree (2 drops). This mixture should be applied for 15 minutes, and then wash your face with mild soap.

Clay mask

For acne and inflammation, you can prepare a mixture of clay powder (black and blue are effective for problem skin), water and lavender ether (5 drops). Mix everything and you should get a creamy consistency. Water can be replaced with a decoction of herbs (calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, etc.). It is important to stir this mixture so that there are no lumps. It is applied for 15 minutes, and after that it is better to sit quietly, as the mask may crumble when it dries. It will help get rid of acne, clean and tighten pores.

Herbal mixture for spot use

An effective remedy for acne, which is applied pointwise, is an oil mixture of:

  • lavender concentrate (1 tbsp.);
  • rosemary, thyme, tea tree, chamomile oils (2 drops each).

All this needs to be mixed in one glass vessel and left for a day. After this, you can apply the mixture with a cotton swab to the pimples, pointwise. It is not recommended to apply to the entire face, this is due to the fact that it is very concentrated. Before each use, shake the container thoroughly.

Masks for dry skin

For dry skin types, use a mask of kefir or yogurt (3 tablespoons), avocado oil (3 drops) and lavender essential oil (2 drops). The resulting mixture is applied to clean skin and rubbed in thoroughly for 5 minutes and left for another 5 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

An effective and simple mask for dry, weakened skin - a mixture of olive oil and 3 drops of flower essential oil. You need to apply it for 15 minutes, and then wash your face with your usual product or just mild soap.

Mask for acne and post-acne

Acne and congestive spots can be removed if you apply base oil applications to these areas of the face: St. John's wort or wheat germ, and lavender ether (3 drops). In this mixture you need to moisten a cotton pad or bandage folded several times and apply it to the acne area. Continue this application for 15 minutes. In order to even out the skin in these places, such applications should be done for 2 months, 3 times a week. After just a week of these procedures, the results will be visible.


To prepare the lotion you will need:

  • 10 drops of lavender ether;
  • glycerin (100 ml);
  • water (200 ml);
  • ethyl alcohol (50 ml).

This lotion should be used 2 times a day.

Lavender tincture

Just as popular as lavender essential oil is a tincture of these flowers. To prepare it, you need to infuse 50 g of dry plant in 40% alcohol or vodka (500 ml). This mixture should stand for 14 days in a dark place and only after that it can be used.

The tincture is applied to acne with a cotton swab pointwise. And for acne, wipe the affected areas of the face 2 times a day.

For acne, you can also use a mask made from blue clay (1 tbsp), aloe juice (1 tsp) and lavender tincture (1 tsp). You need to apply it for 10 minutes and then rinse off. The same mixture can be made only instead of clay, starch is taken. According to reviews, this particular mask quickly helps improve the condition of the epidermis.

Description of how to use

Lavender ether will benefit any type of skin , as it contains a large number of chemicals that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. With regular use of lavender oil in facial care, you can prolong youth and beauty. Masks with lavender will benefit any skin.

Home remedies for wrinkles

For mature and dry skin, which is susceptible to aging earlier than others, you can independently prepare rejuvenating and nourishing masks using lavender oil.

Egg yolk mask

Ingredients: 1 egg yolk, 0.5 tsp. olive oil, 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to skin for 20-30 minutes . Rinse off with warm water.


Ingredients: 15 g honey, 1 yolk, 1 tsp. yogurt, 2-3 drops of lavender ether. Combine all ingredients, mix well, apply to a clean face and leave for 20-25 minutes. After the specified time, rinse with warm water.


Ingredients: 1 tsp. coconut oil, 1 tsp. pink clay, 2 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix everything and apply to the skin for 15-20 minutes . After the specified time, wash off the mask with warm water using a sponge or cotton pad. This mask will refresh and moisturize your face.

Tip : To get the maximum benefit from the anti-aging mask, it is advisable to lie quietly or take a warm, relaxing bath while applying it.

For problem skin

The benefits of lavender oil for problem skin are invaluable. With its use you can make not only masks, but also steam baths . They are able to cleanse the skin and eliminate inflammation.

Steam bath

Heat 1 liter of water to a temperature of 80-85° or boil and cool slightly. Add 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil to the water. Wash your face with your usual product, bend over the steam bath, cover your head with a towel and hold your face over the fragrant steam for 10 minutes. After the bath, pat your face dry with a napkin and apply your skincare cream.

Egg white mask

Ingredients: 1 egg white, 3-4 drops lemon juice, 2 drops lavender essential oil and 2 drops tea tree oil. Mix everything well and apply to the face, avoiding the eyelids and lips, for 15-20 minutes. After the specified time, rinse with warm water using a sponge or cotton pad.


There are not many contraindications for the use of lavender ether. The main thing is individual intolerance, that is, allergic reactions are possible. Before applying this product, it is better to check your skin for possible reactions; to do this, you need to drop it on your hand and wait 5 minutes. If no redness, itching or other discomfort occurs, then you can use it on your face.

It is also not recommended to use it if a person is taking medications that contain iodine or iron. There are no longer any contraindications for cosmetic use. But you can’t take it orally if:

  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy, especially if the woman has a history of miscarriages and abortions;
  • hypotension;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and stomach.

Can it be used for care?

In addition to its aromatic properties used in aromatherapy, lavender is used in the industrial production of cosmetics, as well as in home skin care for the face and body.
Due to the properties of the plant, such as the ability to soothe, heal, and regenerate tissue, not only essential lavender oil and extracts from the plant, which can only be extracted industrially, are used for skin care, but also dried flowers and stems of the fragrant flower, which also have a beneficial effect for the whole body.


“I’ve always loved the smell of lavender, and when I saw this essential oil at the pharmacy I decided to buy it. It turned out that you can not only take baths with it, but also solve many problems with your facial skin. I had red acne spots on my cheeks. I used lotions with lavender oil and St. John's wort oil for about 4 weeks. The skin color became even, and once a week I made masks with lavender and other oils. The condition of the skin has improved significantly, even small wrinkles have smoothed out. I recommend everyone to use this product!”

Alina Komarova

“I have been using lavender essential oil since I was 16 years old. My skin is oily and prone to acne and blackheads. When a pimple just starts to appear, I apply lavender essential oil to it with a cotton swab, the inflammation then goes away very quickly and no trace remains. And once a week I try to make a mask with lavender and clay for cleansing. This way I prevent the appearance of acne and acne, and as practice shows, it’s very effective!”

Varvara Vance

“I read on the Internet that lavender essential oil is a universal remedy for problematic facial skin. Masks with it effectively remove pimples and stagnant acne. I tested this on myself, I do them often. I don’t risk using it in its pure form. I always mix it with other ingredients. I often cleanse my face with it. I drop a few drops into boiling water and hold my face over the steam. Despite the fact that I have oily skin, acne began to appear extremely rarely.”

Arina Danilenko

“My friend and I decided to use lavender oil to spot treat acne. So everything is fine with her, but I have redness on my face. It turned out to be an allergy. We should have tested it on our hand first, but we didn’t do that. I even had to take antihistamines, but everything worked out for my friend and she now uses lavender all the time.”

Irina Smirnova

In what form exactly?

Lavender is used in the form of decoctions and infusions of leaves and flowers, as well as essential oil. Let's look at each option in more detail.

Decoctions, infusions of flowers and leaves

Lavender flowers and stems are harvested and dried, cutting them 15-20 cm long. Infusions, decoctions, and teas are prepared from dried lavender, which have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, body and head. Lavender teas and infusions are used for oral administration.

Based on the decoctions, homemade skin care products for the face and body are prepared, and anti-inflammatory compresses are made for skin lesions.

Essential oil

In essential oil form, lavender is used in the industrial production of cosmetics. But lavender essential oil is also popular and irreplaceable in home care. It is used in the independent production of cosmetic masks, creams, and for taking relaxing aromatic baths.

Reviews about the application

Girls, I recommend the lavender miracle with olive oil to everyone! After using this product, your face will always be fresh, young and toned. I have been using it for a long time and never cease to rejoice at the amazing effect.

Yana, 32 years old

Oily lavender extract actively eliminates skin problems in a short time. I liked that it has a small list of restrictions and contraindications. It is impossible not to note its versatility - suitable for any skin type.

Irina Mikhailovna, 47 years old

I have been using this product for a long time because I suffer from problem skin. The oil perfectly heals wounds and relieves inflammation, which is why I add it to my cosmetic products. By the way, etherol has saved me more than once from spider veins after childbirth. The oil dripped into the night cream and, a month later, I forgot about this problem!

Olga, 38 years old

Originally posted 2018-03-29 08:33:00.

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