Electric shock for health: how myostimulation affects our body

Youth, a fit and beautiful body will always be in fashion. However, not everyone has the opportunity to play sports and maintain physical fitness: some work, while others do not have enough time due to home and family matters. However, there is one interesting solution that you will like - myostimulation. It is often called gymnastics for the laziest. And it’s not you who are doing the gymnastics, but electrical impulses. We decided to learn more about this wonderful procedure and turned for help to a general practitioner, figure correction specialist at the Novoklinik Center for Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetology network, Margarita Manasyan .

Pros and cons of hardware massage

There are various types of hardware massage: vibration massage, vacuum, vacuum roller, lymphatic drainage, hydromassage. Each of these techniques has advantages and disadvantages. Common benefits include:

  • Impact on deep body tissues.
  • High intensity of impact.
  • Selection of parameters depending on the clinical picture and purpose.
  • Elimination of overdose and complete safety for the patient.
  • Possibility of affecting large areas.
  • Stimulation of the production of your own collagen and elastin, consequently, skin rejuvenation and other cosmetic effects.
  • Improving blood microcirculation and tissue nutrition.

But besides the pros, there are also cons. Despite the variety of devices, there are not many massage techniques. In this regard, manual massage has a greater advantage. Hardware techniques have a number of contraindications: pregnancy, oncology, some diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as the last stages of varicose veins, etc.

Electrotherapy – treatment of diseases with electric current or magnetic fields

The physical ability of positive particles to move towards the negative pole and vice versa ensures accelerated circulation of blood flow and lymph, and, consequently, improvement of the entire body.

Long before the study of the influence of electric fields on the human body and the invention of power sources, ancient Greek healers used electric rays or acne to treat nervous diseases or paresis. Franklinization (on behalf of the American scientist B. Franklin) is considered the first method of physiotherapy using a constant electric field. It made it possible to improve blood circulation, lower blood pressure, accelerate wound healing, relieve pain, and significantly reduce the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Modern technology allows the use of constant or alternating pulse currents, different frequencies, different magnetic fields and their combination for treatment:

  • Diseases of the central nervous system (paresis and paralysis, decreased sensitivity of the limbs, slowed passage of nerve impulses, treatment of intercostal neuralgia, neuroses, etc.).
  • Treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (traumatic injuries of the spine, soft tissues and/or their consequences, treatment of postural disorders, spinal curvatures, treatment of intervertebral hernias, protrusions, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, arthritis, etc.).
  • Diseases and pathologies of the cardiovascular system (thrombosis, rheumatoid arthritis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, coronary artery disease, hypertension, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, etc.).
  • treatment of headaches (migraines, tension pain, cluster and other chronic pain syndromes of the head).
  • Diseases of internal organs (liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system).
  • For the fusion of epithelial tissues, treatment of skin rashes, ulcers, trophic ulcers, etc.
  • In cosmetology for skin rejuvenation and removal of puffiness.

Types of physiotherapy using electricity

The most common types of physiotherapy are:

  • Galvanization - direct currents of low voltage and low strength. Depending on the area of ​​application (different parts of the body), the procedure time and dosage (tension) may vary. Activates blood flow in the extremities, restores damaged nerve fibers and soft tissues. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain, relaxes, and relieves muscle spasms. Can be used to treat inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, hypotension, vegetative-vascular pathologies, hearing and vision diseases. Widely used to treat diseases of the spine, spinal cord and joints.
  • Electrophoresis is low-frequency electrical discharges that enhance the penetration of medications through the skin to the internal organs. The double therapeutic effect is achieved by activating blood circulation and deep absorption of drugs.
  • Darsonvalization is the use of alternating pulse currents of high, ultrasonic and supersonic frequencies. It is used to relieve pain syndromes and relieve spasm of smooth muscles, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels (varicose veins, trophic ulcers, long-lasting wounds), recommended for insomnia, treatment of migraines, skin rashes, frostbite, neuroses, hypertension. Widely used in cosmetology as a local procedure for tightening and rejuvenating the skin, relieving swelling and congestion.
  • Electrosleep is the effect of electrical impulses on various areas of the brain. It has a calming, sedative, trophic, anticonvulsant effect. Can be used for insomnia, neurasthenia, mental attacks, ischemic attacks, asthmatic attacks.
  • Diadynamic therapy is pulsed exposure to direct currents of a constant frequency (50 Hz and 100 Hz) alternating periods. Causes a sensation of tingling, slight burning, warmth or vibration. It is used to treat injuries and bruises of the limbs and spine, arthritis, treatment of osteoporosis, thrombophlebitis and other diseases.
  • Diathermy is the use of high frequency, low voltage, high power currents. There is a feeling of strong heating of the skin, then deep heating of the internal tissues. Improves blood circulation, enhances metabolic processes, increases the body's immune resistance. Indicated for chronic inflammatory processes, pain syndromes (tonsillitis, rhinitis, etc.).
  • Amplipulse therapy is the use of modulated sinusoidal currents for the treatment of asthma and bronchitis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal system, pelvic organs, ligaments and joints.
  • Inductothermy is the use of a high-frequency magnetic field with induced eddy currents. A more uniform distribution of currents promotes uniform heating of internal organs, better tolerance by the patient and has a more lasting therapeutic effect.

Electrotherapy devices

Modern medical technicians and specialized companies offer a huge selection of devices of various sizes, characteristics and parameters for use both in medical institutions and at home. For electrophoresis and galvanization in physical rooms and at home, the following devices can be used: “Potok 1”, “ESMA 12.19 Lotus” or “ESMA 12.21U Galant”. "Aesculapius 2", "BTL 4000", "BTL 4000 Plus" allows you to generate pulses of various frequencies with a wide range. A much more expensive and functional device with a wide selection of programs, including electrosleep - “Radius - 01FT”.

A wide range of physiotherapy, magnetic and electrotherapy for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the spine, curvature of posture, joints, internal and ENT organs, is offered at Dr. Bobyr’s clinic in Moscow or Zelenograd.

Contraindications for electrotherapy

Despite the positive impact and effectiveness of electrical procedures for improving the health of the human body, their use must be monitored by experienced doctors and used with great caution. Electro- and magnetic therapy is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women and patients:

  • with tumor formations of various etiologies;
  • those who have had a stroke or heart attack or suffer from heart defects;
  • with high temperature or fever;
  • having purulent inflammation of internal organs and tissues;
  • with acute bleeding and poor blood clotting;
  • with tuberculosis or other viral and infectious diseases;
  • with epilepsy or prone to convulsive conditions;
  • with chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  • those suffering from Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis;
  • with individual intolerance to electric current or medications used for electrical procedures.

Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Types of hardware massage

There are several types of hardware massage:

  • vibration massage;
  • vacuum;
  • vacuum roller (LPG);
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • myostimulation;
  • hydromassage.

Depending on the goals, one type of procedure or a complex of several techniques is prescribed.


Vibromassage is an irritating effect on the surface receptors of the skin, muscles and internal organs using a special apparatus or chair. Vibromassage devices are equipped with special attachments - vibrotodes. The procedure is carried out in two ways - stable and labile. When stable, the vibration rod is installed at one point to achieve a local result; when labile, it is moved along the area being worked along a straight, spiral, zigzag, dashed, transverse or circular trajectory.

Vacuum massage

Vacuum pneumomassage is an alternation of cycles of pumping and pumping out air using special suction cups. Suction cups of different shapes and volumes are provided for different parts of the body.

With the stable method, the suction cup is applied to one point for 2-3 minutes, after which it is moved to another. If the patient's pain threshold is increased, the exposure time is reduced to 40 seconds. With the labile method, the suction cup is smoothly moved across the entire treated area.

A type of hardware vacuum massage is a vacuum-roller LPG massage. It is carried out using special roller attachments that capture folds of skin with fatty deposits.

During their processing, the membranes of fat cells are destroyed. The effect of vacuum stimulates blood flow, which increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients to problem areas. As a result, the production of collagen and elastin is activated - soft tissues are smoothed and tightened. LPG vacuum roller massage is approved by the US FDA.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage affects the lymphatic capillaries in the upper layers of the skin. A type of lymphatic drainage is a pressotherapy procedure. The client puts on a sealed suit, in which the pressure is sharply increased and decreased using a device. Pressotherapy is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction.


Myostimulation is the effect of pulsed currents of various modulations in order to cause muscle contractions. When passing through tissue, an electric current stimulates local lipolysis. The procedure helps improve the outline and relief of the problem area.


Hydromassage is the effect of a jet of water on the skin and muscles. The impact area and intensity are adjusted depending on the goals of the course. The procedure is carried out in special hydrobaths or using a directional Charcot shower.

What is myostimulation

While we were studying this topic, we had a question about where myostimulation came from, and how people came up with the idea of ​​​​using current to treat various diseases and improve general well-being. As it turned out, this story dates back to ancient times, when the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt specially caught tiny fish that were beating with electricity. This is how they helped pharaohs and priests cope with joint pain. In turn, the inhabitants of Ancient Rome specially bred electric stingrays in huge vats of water, where they dipped their limbs to get rid of gout and rheumatism.

Fortunately, science does not stand still, and now we have safe myostimulants instead of dangerous creatures. Moreover, it is difficult to call this technique new, since it has been used in medicine for about 30 years. At first it was prescribed to bedridden patients who could not move in order to prevent complete muscle atrophy.

As the specialist told us, the essence of the myoelectric stimulation (myostimulation) procedure is that it effectively helps restore the functional activity of muscle tissue due to the effect of electric current pulses on them. Electrodes are placed on problem areas. Electrical impulses applied to a specific area of ​​the body stimulate the contraction of the corresponding muscle groups.

Due to constant irritation and impact from the device, the muscles begin to actively contract, due to which they grow, strengthen and break down the fat layer. It is this procedure that helps get rid of the hated “orange peel” on the thighs, which is called cellulite.

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Along with a beneficial effect on muscles, myostimulation helps to activate lymph flow and improve blood circulation, and this in turn cleanses our body of excess fluid, waste and accumulated toxins. It is also worth noting that the procedure helps to work on the most problematic areas, which require great efforts to strengthen in the gym. It's all about currents that can penetrate into the deepest muscle layers.

Another huge advantage of microstimulation is its accessibility. Nowadays, devices that carry out this procedure can be purchased independently and used at home. They are quite compact and do not take up much space, which means they are suitable for use in even the smallest spaces.

However, it is worth remembering that the weight loss effect can only be achieved with regular use of the device. But in any case, myostimulation can be called one of the most effective and useful procedures, allowing not only to build and strengthen muscles, but also to get rid of annoying fat accumulated during quarantine.

Indications for hardware massage

Universal indications for hardware massage:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • respiratory pathologies;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • swelling;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • muscle spasms;
  • circulatory disorders, hematomas;
  • sagging and sagging skin;
  • wrinkles;
  • stretch marks and scars.

Hardware massage allows you to achieve effective and lasting results in weight loss and complex anti-cellulite therapy. In addition, each technique has specific indications.

Vibromassage is effective for polyarthritis, bronchial asthma, chronic gastritis, intestinal dyskinesia, postural disorders, and helps to recover from injuries.

Vacuum massage is recommended for:

  • imperfections of the figure (to correct volumes);
  • disruption of lymph flow;
  • radiculitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • signs of hypoxia.

Hydromassage is prescribed for:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • reduced immunity;
  • depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Charcot's shower is indicated for decreased immunity, muscle and vitality, as well as arthritis.

Myostimulation is effective for muscle atrophy in areas that are difficult to work out during physical exercise.

The effect of myostimulation

Of course, everyone who turns to a cosmetologist for such a procedure will be interested in the result. As we said earlier, all cases are individual and the result depends entirely on the goals. However, very often the difference “before and after” is striking: after the procedures, everyone experiences an improvement in the condition of the skin, an increase in its elasticity and firmness, muscle tightening, an improvement in overall well-being, a surge of strength and vigor.

If you want to repeat the procedure, it is better to talk about this with your doctor, who will be able to correctly schedule the time for repeated myostimulation.

During a conversation with our publication, the doctor also emphasized that the effect depends on compliance with the drinking regime and diet. She recommended not eating until an hour and a half after the procedure and drinking more water. If you listen to all the recommendations of your specialist, then myostimulation will bring you only pleasant sensations and help you achieve the desired effect.

Contraindications to hardware massage

Different types of hardware massage have contraindications:

  • vibration massage is not performed for hypertension, atherosclerosis, neurosis, heart disease, spinal injuries, trophic ulcers, tuberculosis;
  • vacuum pneumomassage can cause harm in case of bleeding and circulatory disorders;
  • lymphatic drainage is excluded in case of heart failure, serious disorders of the musculoskeletal system and blood circulation;
  • Pressotherapy is prohibited if excess body weight is more than 20%.

Universal contraindications to hardware massage:

  • pregnancy;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • infectious diseases;
  • periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • thrombosis, severe stages of varicose veins;
  • oncological diseases;
  • infection or mechanical damage to the skin in the affected area.

Competent choice of massage, LPG analogues

Nowadays, a huge range of medical procedures can be quite confusing in terms of what is better: LPG or Charcot shower? Which procedure will produce the most beneficial effect? What is better to choose for weight loss: LPG or RF lifting? Only a professional can give competent, well-founded answers. It is he who will help you make the right choice and prescribe the necessary types of massage that will be the most effective for a particular person. Are you sure that you need LPG hardware massage? Make sure of your decision after consulting with a specialist.

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Which massage is better: manual or hardware?

All modern devices and techniques are based on classic manual massage. Therefore, it is considered the “gold standard”. The massage therapist works on subcutaneous fat, skin and muscles.

Hardware massage works according to a given algorithm, but thanks to additional effects, it is possible to work on the deep layers of tissue. All this only enhances the effect of the massage and allows you to achieve better results. Therefore, the course of treatment is shorter.

The manual massage procedure lasts 30-120 minutes, the massage therapist uses creams and oils that have a cosmetic effect. Hardware massage lasts 15-45 minutes and is performed on “dry” skin.

The best result is achieved by a combination of manual and hardware massages. This technique helps to quickly get rid of cosmetic and medical problems.

Which is better: LPG or manual massage?

If you are in doubt and don’t know what is better, LPJ or manual massage, then it’s worth studying this issue. First, you need to know the end goal you need to achieve. Each procedure has its own characteristics and even contraindications. And in a particular case, manual action may be relevant, and in another, hardware technology will be effective. And secondly, you need to know the difference between the effects of LPG and manual massage.

To the question: “What is better LPG massage or anti-cellulite massage?” can be answered based on specific facts. Namely, no matter what analogues of LPG there are, the most effective is hardware massage. Original equipment, a patented technique, a guarantee of results categorically reveals the essence of the question of what is more effective: manual massage or LPG. And everyone makes the choice for themselves. LPG wrapping is no less in demand.

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