Dermaxx (Dermax) – drugs of unknown origin

Dermax is a line of drugs that can be used for both mesotherapy and biorevitalization. The development and production is carried out by the German company Leistern Pharmaceuticals.

It is important to know: not a single product released under this brand is registered in Russia and has not been certified by Roszdravnadzor, so it is impossible to establish where exactly the product is produced and under what conditions the ingredients are synthesized.

Composition of drugs:

  • amino acids and nucleic acids are the building materials for all cells of the body;
  • zinc and sulfur, which have a beneficial effect on metabolism and help improve complexion and skin condition;
  • lipoic acid, acting as an antioxidant, removes harmful elements;
  • vitamin complex, including group B.

In the list of components you can find many additional components, but 4 ingredients are found in all presented compositions.

Advantages of using Dermax preparations:

  • There are compositions for various skin types and hair;
  • each of the representatives of the series has an impressive list of ingredients, thanks to which they provide an integrated approach to solving problems;
  • the products are highly absorbable, there are practically no side effects after the procedure;
  • the result can be seen after the first session.

Indications for biorevitalization:

  • hyperpigmentation;
  • small facial wrinkles;
  • uneven color or texture of the face;
  • clearly visible vascular networks.

The line of products from Dermax includes 4 main drugs.

Forte (Dermaxx Forte) is a product whose action is aimed at restoring the skin after prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation and preventing signs of early aging. It removes harmful substances, can activate slow metabolic processes and improve blood microcirculation.

Forte contains the following components:

  • a complex aimed at preventing vascular diseases;
  • 1.2 percent concentration of hyaluronic acid;
  • glucose and glutathione;
  • 16 nonessential and 8 essential amino acids;
  • B vitamins;
  • substances aimed at reducing inflammation.

Microneedling with Dermaxx Forte
It is recommended to use biorevitalizant if it is necessary to reduce the severity of symptoms of aging, eliminate puffiness, improve complexion and rehabilitate the skin after exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

The procedure using Dermax Ultimate is aimed at rejuvenating the skin and is recommended for use after 30-35 years. In the composition you can find:

  • nucleic acids;
  • hyaluronate at a concentration of 1.5 percent;
  • glucose and glutathione;
  • anti-inflammatory ingredients;
  • vitamin B complex;
  • sulfur and zinc.

The composition helps restore the normal course of processes in the DNA structure, which is why the rejuvenation effect is achieved.

Soft (Dermaxx Soft) is a biorevitalizant whose action is aimed at combating acne and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, including reducing their activity. The list of ingredients of the product includes the following components:

  • licorice root extract;
  • lipolic acid;
  • hyaluronate at a concentration of 0.7%;
  • vitamin B complex;
  • nonessential and essential amino acids;
  • copper, zinc and sulfur.

The anti-inflammatory effect is achieved due to the presence of licorice root extract, and carbohydrate and lipid metabolism is normalized by thioctic (lipolic) acid.

Hair Maxx is a development to normalize the condition of the scalp. Components:

  • nucleic acids;
  • hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 0.7%;
  • rutin, glucose, zinc and sulfur;
  • licorice root and ginkgo biloba extracts;
  • nonessential and essential amino acids.

Thanks to this biorevitalizant, you can improve blood microcirculation in the head area, increase protein production and reduce the amount of sebum secreted.

Technique for biorevitalization with Dermax:

  1. Consultation with a specialist. During the visit, the cosmetologist will collect all information about the health of the patient and his loved ones. This affects the ability of the product to be absorbed.
  2. During manipulations, the specialist must disinfect the treated area. The doctor may use an anesthetic if the patient's pain threshold is low enough.
  3. The procedure is carried out as follows: a predetermined amount of the drug is introduced to a depth of up to 6 millimeters, which allows you to achieve the desired effect. The papular injection technique is mainly used, since after it the tubercles formed at the site of the integument are almost invisible.

  4. Upon completion, the specialist must again disinfect the treated area, give the patient a number of recommendations and determine the date of the next visit.

Complications or side effects almost never occur after Dermax. However, there are a number of problems that can be caused by non-compliance with the procedure technique:

  • hematomas,
  • papules,
  • swelling,
  • redness,
  • soreness to touch.

The course consists of 4-6 sessions . The effect lasts from 6 to 12 months, depending on the chosen composition and the individual characteristics of the body.

As a positive effect, those who experienced the effect themselves note:

  • lifting effect,
  • reducing the depth of wrinkles,
  • color alignment,
  • reduction of inflammation,
  • accelerating hair growth, increasing its quantity and stopping hair loss.

For 1 milliliter of Forte you need to pay 4 thousand rubles, for Soft and Hair Maxx - 3 thousand, and for Ultimate - 5 thousand rubles.

Read more in our article about Dermax and biorevitalization with it.

Some information about the manufacturer Dermax

Dermax is a line of drugs that can be used to carry out both

mesotherapy and biorevitalization. The only information available about the product is that it is being developed and produced by the German company Leistern Pharmaceuticals.

However, there are no reliable sources that would say that the manufacturer is actually located in Germany.

There is also no information that it is focused on the European or Western market, so we can assume that the company’s activities are aimed exclusively at the Russian Federation or CIS countries.

Moreover, not a single product released under this brand is registered in Russia and has not been certified by Roszdravnadzor, so it is impossible to establish where exactly the product is produced and under what conditions the ingredients that were used are synthesized.

We recommend reading about the benefits of Butel biorevitalization. From the article you will learn about the main properties of Butel preparations, indications for the procedure, and methods for performing biorevitalization with Butel. And here is more information about effective biorevitalization with Renova.

Composition of drugs

The ingredients that were used in the manufacture of biorevitalizant are:

  • amino acids and nucleic acids, which act as building materials for all cells of the body;
  • zinc and sulfur, which have a beneficial effect on metabolism and help improve complexion and skin condition;
  • lipoic acid, which acts as an antioxidant, that is, a substance that removes harmful elements from the body;
  • vitamin complex, including group B.

In the list of components you can find many additional components, but 4 ingredients are found in all presented compositions.

Benefits of using Dermax drugs

Preparations from a German manufacturer are not so widespread among cosmetologists due to the fact that they do not have the necessary certificates, but these products have a number of special advantages:

  • the line includes compositions for both different skin types and hair;
  • each of the representatives of the series has an impressive list of ingredients, thanks to which they provide an integrated approach to solving problems;
  • Each of the products is highly absorbable, so the chance that side effects may occur after the procedure is minimized;
  • the result declared by the manufacturer can be seen after the first session.

Line of products from Dermax and their features

The line of products from the German manufacturer consists of 4 particularly significant drugs, each of which performs a strictly assigned function. So, thanks to the use of these biorevitalizants, you can cope with the problems of hair, acne, dryness and aging.

Forte (Dermaxx Forte)

Forte is a product whose action is aimed at restoring the skin after prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation and preventing signs of early aging. It has an antioxidant effect, can activate slow metabolic processes and improve blood microcirculation in the treated area.

Forte contains the following components:

  • a complex aimed at preventing vascular diseases;
  • 1.2 percent concentration of hyaluronic acid;
  • glucose and glutathione;
  • 16 nonessential and 8 essential amino acids;
  • B vitamins;
  • substances aimed at reducing inflammation.

It is recommended to use biorevitalizant if it is necessary to reduce the severity of symptoms of aging, eliminate puffiness, improve complexion and rehabilitate the skin after exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Dermax Ultimate

The procedure using Ultimate is aimed at rejuvenating the skin and is recommended for use after 30-35 years.

As part of Ultimate you can find:

  • nucleic acids,
  • hyaluronate at a concentration of 1.5 percent;
  • glucose and glutathione;
  • anti-inflammatory ingredients;
  • vitamin B complex;
  • sulfur and zinc.

Due to the presence of nucleic acids, the composition helps restore the normal course of processes in the DNA structure, which is why the rejuvenation effect is achieved.

Watch this video about fractional microneedling mesotherapy of the hands with Dermax Ultimate:

Dermaxx Soft

The soft is a biorevitalizant whose action is aimed at combating acne and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, including reducing their activity. The list of ingredients of the product includes the following components:

  • licorice root extract;
  • lipolic acid;
  • hyaluronate at a concentration of 0.7 percent;
  • vitamin B complex;
  • nonessential and essential amino acids;
  • copper, zinc and sulfur.

The anti-inflammatory effect is achieved due to the presence of licorice root extract, and carbohydrate and lipid metabolism is normalized under the influence of thioctic, or lipolic, acid.

Hair Maxx

Hair Maxx is a development that was created specifically to normalize the condition of the scalp. So, the list of ingredients includes the following components:

  • nucleic acids;
  • hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 0.7 percent;
  • rutin, glucose, zinc and sulfur;
  • licorice root and ginkgo biloba extracts;
  • nonessential and essential amino acids.

Thanks to this biorevitalizant, you can improve blood microcirculation in the head area, increase protein production and reduce the amount of sebum secreted.

Dermaxx (Dermax) – drugs of unknown origin

When it comes to choosing an injectable gel for “beauty injections,” we often get lost in a large number of names and trust the doctor to make the decision. But if it is really better to judge the effectiveness of a particular brand by someone who regularly uses it in practice, then conclusions about reliability and safety can be made independently.

Dermaxx is a relatively new line of drugs for biorevitalization and mesotherapy based on hyaluronic acid, AMK and microelements. It attracts attention due to its low price and multi-component composition, but in other respects it looks extremely dubious. What is the reason for the low cost? Who makes these products and from what? What results can we expect and why are we not ready to recommend them to patients? Read about everything in order in the review:

↑ What is known about the manufacturer

  • According to the data on the packaging, Dermax drugs are produced by Leistern Pharmaceuticals, registered in Germany. However, there is no reliable evidence that this organization is actively working in the German or other Western markets, and there are no mentions of the brand in the foreign segment of the Internet - most likely, its activities are focused exclusively on the Russian Federation and the CIS, and a foreign legal entity is needed in order to create the appearance of “European” quality.
  • The promotion of Leistern Pharmaceuticals products (in addition to several lines of revitalizants, the company supplies lipolytics, peelings and face masks) in our country is carried out by a training company with a head office in Moscow and a representative office in Kyiv. Training seminars with the participation of “certified trainers” are regularly held here.
  • At the same time, in Russia Dermaxx is not officially registered by Roszdravnadzor as an injection drug and, most likely, is imported under the CU declaration of conformity as a “vitamin complex” or “lotion” for external use. In addition, there is no confirmed information about where exactly this composition is produced and where the raw materials are obtained from, incl. hyaluronic acid.

↑ Indications for use

Like other biorevitalizants, Dermax is used mainly to eliminate dryness and dehydration of the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hands. In addition, according to the manufacturer, due to their multi-component composition, they can be used for:

  • eliminating hyperpigmentation;
  • correction of the first fine wrinkles;
  • normalization of complexion;
  • treatment of vascular disorders.
Photos before and after the DerMaxx Soft course:

In complex cosmetology programs, gels can be used at the stage of preparing the skin for traumatic procedures (laser, mechanical or chemical peels, etc.)

↑ What does it contain?

The basis of each of the products in the line is hyaluronic acid in a concentration of 0.7 to 1.5%, which attracts and retains water, and also stimulates the renewal of the dermis, the production of new elastin and collagen. Additional components:

  • amino and nucleic acids – “building material” for cells and extracellular structures of tissues;
  • B vitamins;
  • sulfur and zinc - elements that take an active part in metabolism, help improve complexion and skin condition;
  • thioctic acid, also known as lipoic acid, has a pronounced antioxidant effect and helps remove toxins from tissues.

At the same time, each of the gels in the line is focused on solving specific age-related problems:

Drug name DermaxxPurpose and features of the composition
  • Improves the condition of oily and combination skin, designed to combat rosacea and areas of hyperpigmentation.
  • Additionally contains copper, which regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • 25+: first signs of aging, dry skin, tissue restoration after intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation, elimination of swelling, improvement of complexion.
  • The composition includes copper, zinc, anti-inflammatory substances, angioprotectors.
  • 30+: elimination of the first signs of gravitational ptosis, emerging skin folds, dryness, sallow complexion.
  • Contains glutathione, which actively supplies tissues with oxygen, and an anti-inflammatory complex.

All preparations are supplied in glass bottles of 5 ml - this amount is enough to perform one full session on the face.

↑ How the procedure is performed

The schedule and frequency of injections, as well as the specific drug (Sort, Forte or Ultimate), are selected by the cosmetologist based on the condition of the patient’s skin and the desired result. The injections themselves proceed as follows:

  • face-to-face consultation identifying indications and contraindications;
  • cleansing the face of cosmetics and impurities, applying local anesthesia in the form of a cream or spray, treating the skin with antiseptic solutions;
  • administration of the selected Dermaxx gel - the technique and total amount of the drug may vary, at the discretion of the doctor;
  • applying a disinfectant and soothing lotion, which quickly eliminates redness and discomfort in the treated area.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization using Dermax is performed in courses of 4-5 sessions with an interval of 7-14 days. The first results can be seen already in the middle of the course, and the final results – 1-2 weeks after its completion.

↑ Contraindications, possible complications and side effects

You will have to refuse the procedure or postpone it to a later date in the following cases:

  • intolerance to any of the components of the drug, as well as local anesthetics and antiseptics;
  • polyvalent allergy;
  • tendency to form hypertrophic scars;
  • violation of blood clotting processes;
  • diabetes mellitus type 2;
  • any diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

All potential complications and side effects can be divided into three groups:

  • The expected tissue reaction to damage is swelling, bruising, itching, discomfort in the area where the skin is punctured with a needle, as well as papules at the injection sites. They always occur in everyone, but go away without treatment within a few hours or days.
  • Undesirable consequences - these include problems that normally should not occur after biorevitalization or mesotherapy. These are infection of wounds, allergic reactions such as urticaria, the development of subcutaneous lumps and nodules, the formation of particularly large hematomas due to damage to blood vessels by a syringe needle, etc.
  • Life-threatening complications are allergies in the form of anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema, as well as vascular embolism with the administered drug.

In general, all these problems are typical for any injection cosmetology procedures. To date, the manufacturer and practicing cosmetologists have not reported any specific unpleasant effects associated specifically with the use of Dermax preparations. For more information about why such conditions develop and about ways to prevent and treat them, see our articles:

  • Complications after contouring
  • Allergy to hyaluronic acid

↑ Conclusions

  • There is very little reliable information about the origin of the DerMaxx line. It is not officially registered in Russia. The German manufacturing company does not have a positive business reputation and does not inspire much confidence. Presumably, its main task is to ensure the brand has a “European” origin on paper. There is currently no publicly available information about where the raw materials come from and where they are assembled.
  • The cost of drugs and procedures based on them is relatively low. At the same time, in our country it is used mainly by private practitioners and small clinics. None of the major players in the aesthetic medicine market offers this product to their patients.
  • There are very few reviews from cosmetologists. There is no outright negativity, but most doctors are not ready to deal with “gray” supplies.
  • We do not recommend Dermaxx because we are not sure of its effectiveness and safety, and we do not have reliable information about its origin. Risking your appearance for a low price is not a good idea. As an alternative, we suggest paying attention to the more expensive, but well-proven multicomponent biorevitalizans Aquashine and NCTF-135, as well as quite inexpensive domestic preparations with zinc - Outline Gel and Medical Case.

How is biorevitalization performed with Dermax?

Biorevitalization is considered a surgical intervention, so there is a sequence of actions that the patient must perform together with the cosmetologist in order for the result of the procedure to be pleasing without complications or side effects:

  1. First, you need to consult with a specialist who will perform the manipulation to choose the optimal drug. During the visit, the cosmetologist will collect all the necessary information about the health of his patient, as well as his loved ones, since heredity plays an important role in how the product is absorbed.
  2. Further, already during the manipulations, the specialist is obliged to disinfect the treated area in order to prevent infection. The doctor can also use an anesthetic if the patient’s pain threshold is low enough, but for biorevitalization and mesotherapy, needles of optimal thickness are used, so that discomfort is minimized.
  3. The procedure is carried out as follows: a predetermined amount of the drug is introduced to a depth of up to 6 millimeters, which allows you to achieve the desired effect. The papular injection technique is mainly used, since after it the tubercles formed at the site of the integument are almost invisible.

    Papular technique

  4. Upon completion, the specialist must again disinfect the treated area, give the patient a number of recommendations for the recovery period and determine the date of the next visit.

Features of the procedure

Mesotherapy is carried out by introducing microscopic doses of drugs under the skin. Cosmetology cocktails include ingredients to solve various problems.

Injections are made with a thin needle to a depth of 0.5 to 6 mm or using a special device. Lidocaine-based cream is used for anesthesia. If the pain threshold is low, injections with an analgesic effect are allowed.

The duration of the session depends on the area of ​​the problem areas and varies from 60 minutes to 1.5 hours. During the cosmetologist's work, the patient feels slight discomfort. After the procedure, small hematomas may be observed, which resolve without consequences after 2-3 days.

Efficiency of the procedure

In order to see the effect of biorevitalization with these drugs, you need to complete the full course, which consists of 4-6 sessions. On average, the duration of the result ranges from 6 to 12 months, depending on the chosen composition and the individual characteristics of the body.

As a positive effect, those who experienced the effect themselves note:

  • lifting effect,
  • reducing the depth of wrinkles,
  • color alignment,
  • reduction of inflammation,
  • accelerating hair growth, increasing its quantity and stopping hair loss.

Before and after hair mesotherapy with Hair Maxx

Reviews for Leister mesotherapy

It’s easy to find reviews on forums in which girls write about the results Dermax achieved with mesotherapy. Most clients positively evaluate the effectiveness and say that with the help of injections it is easy to remove age-related changes and improve facial skin health.

Attention. It is necessary to undergo a course of restorative procedures, which includes from 5 to 12 sessions. Frequency: 1 time per week.

Medicinal substances provide intense positive dynamics:

  • blood supply to cells is normalized;
  • tissues are saturated with nutrients and oxygen;
  • collagen production is activated;
  • Toxic substances are removed;
  • the relief and tone of the face are evened out;
  • pigmentation disappears;
  • spider veins dissolve;
  • pores are cleansed of dirt;
  • the function of the sebaceous glands is restored.

Important. Girls in reviews of Dermax Soft mesotherapy say that the achieved results last for 6-12 months. After this, the effectiveness gradually decreases and the procedure has to be repeated.

Watch the video about Leistern mesotherapy:

Cost of biorevitalization with Dermax

The cost of biorevitalization with a drug from a German manufacturer depends on which composition was chosen. For 1 milliliter of Forte you need to pay 4 thousand rubles, for Soft and Hair Maxx - 3 thousand, and for the Ultimate product you will have to pay 5 thousand rubles.

We recommend reading about Cytolife biorevitalization. From the article you will learn about the benefits of Cytolife drugs, indications and contraindications for biorevitalization, results and rules for skin care after. And here is more information about the Nyuvia line of drugs and biorevitalization with them.

Carrying out a procedure aimed at improving the skin using Dermax developments is a rather rare occurrence, since not every cosmetologist will agree to use an unregistered composition, but in this case the risk is completely justified, because the results obtained thanks to its action are very significant and appear almost instantly.

Mesotherapy technique

Body mesotherapy what is it? The procedure involves introducing microscopic doses of cosmetic “cocktails” into the thickness of the skin with special thin needles. Drugs are injected to a depth of no more than 6 mm, i.e. intradermally. A technology for surface application of drugs without acupuncture has also been developed. In the latter version, anti-aging agents are supplied inside the skin under pressure as a result of special hardware treatment.

The procedure lasts on average 1-1.5 hours. In most cases, a numbing cream must be applied first. But slight pain and discomfort are still felt. Even minor complications are possible in the form of hematomas and bruises, which disappear without a trace within a week, usually within 3-4 days.

For what problems is facial mesotherapy indicated?

  • Gray skin color, characteristic of smokers and people suffering from poor ecology.
  • Pigmentation of different origins.
  • Dry skin.
  • Shallow wrinkles.
  • Skin that has lost its elasticity.
  • Age-related “sagging” of the face, i.e. oval change.
  • Sagging chin.
  • Vascular mesh.
  • If you don't need dimples on your cheeks.
  • Acne and its complications.
  • Porosity and excessive oiliness of the skin.
  • Lumpy skin.
  • Premature skin aging.
  • Periods before and after plastic surgery, as well as radical resurfacing (chemical or laser).

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Mesotherapy refers to course procedures. The course consists of 7-15 sessions, conducted weekly.


  • Allergy to the components of the drug.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • Blood clotting disorders, incl. hemophilia.
  • Fever.
  • Tendency to keloid scarring.
  • Psychological fear of injections.
  • Any skin diseases.

At what age can and should mesotherapy be performed?

To prevent premature aging processes, mesotherapy can be started from the age of 26. This is especially true for people who have dry skin. From this age, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid is inhibited, and this is the root cause of the onset of skin aging. The sooner you realize that the deficiency of hyaluronic acid needs to be replenished externally, the later the age-related signs of aging of your skin will begin to appear. For young people under 26 years of age, mesotherapy is indicated for seborrhea, acne and excessive greasiness. To combat these problems, mixtures of vitamins, microelements and regulators of sebaceous gland activity are introduced. The procedure is recommended once a month, for women - during ovulation.

For most people, at the age of 30, you can already notice the first symptoms of aging - fine wrinkles, pigmentation, the appearance of vascular veins and a decrease in the elasticity of the skin. To effectively combat these flaws, cosmetologists can create individual “cocktails” taking into account existing problems, or prescribe the use of ready-made mixtures, for example, vascular mesotherapy, dermaxx is prescribed. Let's look at the most popular ready-made mixtures.

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