Lip modeling points: secrets of an effective and safe procedure

The lip correction procedure is currently one of the most popular aesthetic procedures, for which patients of different genders and ages turn to aestheticians. Almost everyone today wants to have expressive and attractive lips, and injecting fillers helps to achieve this effect very quickly and effectively. However, lip correction is not only an increase in their volume, but also a change in shape, which plays an important role in harmonizing the entire face.

A dermatovenerologist, candidate of medical sciences, assistant at the Department of Histology of VNMU named after VNMU spoke about the secrets of proper lip modeling. N.I. Pirogova, trainer and medical advisor to Allergan, chief specialist and co-owner of the beauty and harmony center “Beautycom” Irina Makarchuk.

Features of the lip modeling procedure using filler injections

Filler injections are currently the fastest, safest and most effective way to correct the volume, shape and asymmetry of the lips. With the help of these preparations, you can, in a matter of minutes, perform lip modeling, which significantly affects the overall appearance of the face.

There are quite a large number of preparations for lip modeling, but the best results can only be achieved by using high-quality products from trusted manufacturers, because today the safety of the preparation comes first.

Juvéderm® VOLBELLATM with Lidocaine and Juvéderm® VOLIFTTM with Lidocaine from are the absolute leaders among hyaluronic acid-based fillers, which are used for injection lip design by leading aesthetic medicine specialists around the world.

Lip modeling:

  • features of Juvéderm® VOLBELLATM and Juvéderm® VOLIFTTM fillers for lip modeling;
  • lip modeling points using filler injections;
  • features of lip modeling with Juvéderm® VOLBELLATM and Juvéderm® VOLIFTTM fillers.

Juvederm lip augmentation

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is a technology of non-surgical volumetric modeling, as a result of which a woman at any age can bring her dream closer - to look young and sexy, thanks to beautiful and plump lips.

Benefits of lip augmentation with fillers

1. Instant result 2. You can evaluate the result of lip correction immediately after the “beauty injections”, and within a week you can be sure that you have acquired the desired volume and shape of your lips. 3. Long-lasting effect 4. The result of lip augmentation lasts up to 8 months or longer, each subsequent procedure gives a cumulative (cumulative) effect. 5. The procedure for aesthetic lip correction is generally well tolerated, but a skin test must be performed first. 6. Tested: hypoallergenic! 7. Quick rehabilitation Minor redness and swelling that appears as a result of local injections disappear quite quickly and without a trace.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid preparations

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is one of the most effective, safe and popular cosmetic procedures, thanks to which you can simulate the natural volume of the lips, maintaining or improving their natural shape. It is carried out using modern technology for injecting fillers (special filler preparations based on stabilized hyaluronic acid) under the skin. Volume modeling of lips with preparations based on hyaluronic acid is a safe and effective method of changing appearance. The main component of fillers is hyaluronate, which is a natural, hypoallergenic and highly effective filler. When hyaluronic acid molecules enter the subcutaneous layer, they attract large amounts of moisture, stimulating metabolic processes and collagen synthesis in tissues. This helps restore the natural moisture of the lips, giving them beauty and freshness for a long period.

When will the result appear?

One of the main advantages of injectable fillers is its immediate effect. The result of the procedure can be seen immediately - a small sensual swelling. In addition, in the future it will only improve as tissue swelling disappears in the places where the injections were performed. You can notice the effect of lip augmentation with biogel filler after 48 hours, when the injected drug is distributed throughout the spongy tissue and binds a sufficient amount of moisture to its molecules. Lips will become truly beautiful 4-7 days after the injection of fillers. Depending on the properties of a particular filler and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, absolutely natural young sponges can last from six months to 10-12 months. At the same time, they will gradually and evenly decrease due to biodegradation, or breakdown, of hyaluronic acid into absolutely harmless components: carbon dioxide and water, which are easily removed from the body naturally. In addition, repeated injection of fillers increases not only the volume of the lips, but also the duration of gel resorption to 12-15 months due to the cumulative effect.

Filler preparations based on hyaluronic acid

Juvederm Ultra 2

This is a unique modern luxury filler drug. It is part of the first and only Juvederm Ultra series, the intradermal fillers of which contain a local anesthetic - lidocaine. This improves the comfort of the procedure and makes injections virtually painless. Juvederm Ultra 2 is a monophasic, homogeneous filler with a specially developed formula based on hyaluronic acid, which is easily injected under the skin and evenly distributed in spongy tissue. It is part of the Juvederm Ultra series (from the American company Allergan.Inc), the preparations of which do not require testing on the skin and contain an optimal concentration of hyaluronate, stabilized using a special 3DMatrix technology. The modern filler Juvederm Ultra 2 can be used in a complex lip correction procedure together with intradermal fillers of this series that are more dense in composition. Juvederm Ultra 2 is designed to be injected into the upper layers of the skin. Its delicate, uniform consistency helps remove fine wrinkles in the corners of the mouth, visibly moisturize the red border, optimally change the volume and contour of the lips, giving them a sensual swelling. At the same time, lips after injections with this filler look natural, their beautifully defined contour and small volume harmoniously complement the image of a woman at any age.

Juvederm Ultra 3

A denser luxury intradermal filler. It is also part of a popular line of drugs containing the anesthetic component - lidocaine. The anesthetic effect of this component directly during the injection relaxes the corrected lip area, which makes the procedure quite comfortable for patients. In addition, its main component is also stabilized hyaluronic acid, processed using the unique innovative 3DMatrix technology. In modern cosmetology, Juvederm Ultra 3 is considered the most popular and highly effective drug along with other fillers in this line. Just one injection of Juvederm Ultra 3 intradermal filler can instantly smooth out wrinkles and folds around the lips, restore contour, give lips sensuality and the desired volume. Juvederm Ultra 3 is designed for injection into the upper and middle layers of the skin; it has a denser consistency than Juvederm Ultra 2. With its help, lip shape correction is performed comfortably and painlessly, and wrinkles in the corners of the mouth are removed. Thanks to the optimal concentration of hyaluronic acid in the preparation, the volume of the lips is restored, their level of moisture increases, they acquire the desired shape and expressive contour.

Juvederm Ultra 4

A perfect and flawless continuation of the whole line of unique Juvederm Ultra products. It is distinguished from previous luxury intradermal fillers by its highest density, which allows it to be successfully used to correct deep age-related wrinkles in the lips, chin and facial contours, as well as to increase volume, correct the shape and clarity of the lip contour. Thanks to the improved 3D Matrix technology and the presence of lidocaine in the preparation, patients receive not only absolute comfort during the procedure, but also a high-quality result that lasts as long as possible. Juvederm Ultra 4 filler is injected into the middle and deep layers of the skin, where biosynthesized hyaluronic acid fills the connective tissues of the dermis, accelerating the regeneration of collagen and elastin fibers, while simultaneously creating the effect of deep skin hydration. This allows you to smooth out even the deepest wrinkles in the lip area, lift their corners, give your lips a natural, beautiful shape and additional volume.

Juvederm Ultra Smile

A new “niche” filler created by specialists from the American company Allergan. Inc, provides lips with natural-looking volume, a smooth surface, soft “texture” and a clear contour. Thanks to the presence of lidocaine in Juvederm Ultra Smile, the lip correction procedure is as comfortable as possible, which allows the specialist, with filigree precision, to give the lips an aesthetically correct shape and volume for both young patients and women in adulthood, while eliminating external signs of skin aging. Juvederm Ultra Smile is endowed with all the unique properties of the Juvederm Ultra line of drugs. A soft, homogeneous gel that does not contain dispersed particles is evenly distributed in the spongy tissue after injection, which guarantees an excellent natural result that lasts from 8 to 12 months.

Teosyal Kiss

A progressive monophasic filler based on hyaluronic acid, created by specialists from the Swiss TEOXANE Laboratory. Its exclusive innovative formula differs from similar drugs in its high degree of reticulation, which makes it possible to have a high resistance to gel splitting and prolongs the action of the unique filler. Teosial Kiss is injected into the deep layers of the dermis with a very thin needle, and its complex use for the lips and mouth area (lip mucosa, wrinkles around the mouth and lip contour) allows you to achieve a uniform, harmonious result. Teosyal Kiss serves to successfully correct the contour of the lips, increase their volume, strengthen and lift the corners of the mouth, smooth the surface of the lips and provide long-term hydration. Additional procedures for correcting the shape and volume of the lips after 6-9 months have a cumulative effect, which ensures a lasting result. There are no age restrictions for Teosial Kiss gel, so it is suitable for soft lip modeling for both young women and adults.

Safety of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid preparations

The popular method of non-surgical lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is safe. This is due to both the technology for introducing fillers and their absolutely natural composition. In this case, preparations containing hyaluronic acid are supplied in packaged form, in special syringes for individual use (disposable). They are hermetically sealed and completely sterile. The risk of infection during the procedure in this case is reduced to zero. The thinnest needle in the syringe, which is used for injections, leaves no traces after punctures. Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid can be performed as desired any number of times without complications, since there is no need to wait for the gel to completely biodegrade. (Only when repeating the procedure, it is necessary to use the product of the same line as the previous time.) In addition, by breaking down into safe components: carbon dioxide and water, preparations with hyaluronate do not cause any harm to the body.

Who is this procedure for?

The procedure for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is most popular, according to most cosmetologists, among girls under 30 years of age. They more often than others dream of full and juicy lips, reminiscent of the sensual lips of famous fashion models or Hollywood stars. This procedure is no less relevant among women of “Balzac” age. They seek aesthetic lip correction using filler gels when there are obvious signs of aging facial skin. Reduce purse string wrinkles and “marionette lines” (raising the corners of the mouth), restore the appearance, contour and color of the lips - all these aging problems are perfectly solved by the aesthetic lip modeling procedure, which increases their volume. According to cosmetologists, the procedure for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is universal; it has no restrictions on the age or gender of a person. It is used not only by women, but also by men who want to correct asymmetry, adjust the proportionality of their lips, increase their volume and emphasize their contour. This is most often due to the appearance of the first signs of aging or existing defects in appearance.

Preparation for the procedure of aesthetic correction of lips with hyaluronic acid

Special measures to prepare for the procedure of lip augmentation with a gel containing hyaluronic acid are not required due to its low invasiveness. However, cosmetologists recommend reducing the harsh impact on the skin areas adjacent to the lips a week before the agreed date. At this time, it is better to avoid the use of all types of peeling and masks that contain aggressive components and thin the upper layer of the epidermis. It is also necessary to stop smoking during this period.

Rules for the lip augmentation procedure with hyaluronic acid

At the beginning of the procedure, the cosmetologist will make sure that the patient has no contraindications. Then he will take into account her wishes regarding the shape and volume of the lips that she would like to have after this procedure and give professional recommendations so that after correction the patient’s face looks harmonious, and not just matches the photo from the cover of a glossy magazine. Next, the cosmetologist will determine the type and amount of filler needed to solve an individual aesthetic problem. To make the procedure comfortable and painless, local anesthesia is used using special gels. The skin on the lips is highly sensitive, so it perfectly perceives the effect of local anesthetics. The surface of the lips is treated with a solution of chlorhexidine. Then filler is injected along the contour of the lips using a thin needle. As the gel is introduced, the specialist visually assesses the result, since hyaluronic acid should be distributed evenly in the tissues of the lips, without forming tubercles or bumps. After making several punctures, the cosmetologist carefully massages the lips, adjusting their shape. The only discomfort that women may experience after lip augmentation with filler is slight redness, swelling and slight swelling, which disappear within a couple of hours.


• Naturally thin lips; • Irregular lip contour; • Purse-string wrinkles; • Marionette wrinkles; • Age-related loss of lip color and volume; • Smile deformation; • Insufficient definition of the lip line; • Lip asymmetry; • Disproportion of lips; • Absence of “Cupid's arc”; • Consequences of treatment for cleft lip.


• Persons under 18 years of age (parental consent required); • Individual intolerance; • Pregnancy and lactation; • Systemic autoimmune diseases; • Infectious viral diseases; • Allergic (atopic) diseases; • Infectious skin diseases; • Herpes in the acute stage; • Blood clotting disorders; • Oncological diseases; • Rehabilitation period after laser resurfacing; • Silicone-based filler injected into the lip area.


• Creates a beautiful contour and natural volume of the lips; • Their natural form is improved; • Lips become soft and mobile; • The normal level of lip moisture is restored; • Metabolic processes in lip tissues are stimulated, including collagen synthesis; • Lip asymmetry disappears; • Effective rejuvenation occurs in the lip area.

Rules of conduct after lip augmentation with fillers

• During the first 2-3 days, maximum rest of the facial muscles should be observed. • During this period, bending should be avoided. • Do not lie face down while sleeping or resting. • For several days in your diet you need to give preference to liquid dishes and foods: cereals, soups, yoghurts. • For the first 3 days it is better not to use decorative cosmetics. • Limit physical activity and avoid sports activities to prevent the occurrence of edema and bruises. • Monitor the maintenance of water balance as prescribed by the cosmetologist. It will determine the amount of fluid you need to drink per day depending on the dose of hyaluronate administered. • For two weeks, it is better to avoid visiting the solarium, swimming pool, sauna and beach. • It will also be necessary to protect the body from ultraviolet rays during this period. • Do a delicate lip massage in the first 3 days after the correction, following the recommendations of the cosmetologist.

Questions and answers:

Are there dangers of “dumpling lips” after the procedure?

No, because after the first procedure you can be sure that the volume of the injected drug allows you to get only a clear contour and a slight sensual swelling of the lips. Further increase in volume should be discussed with a cosmetologist, and the patient should carefully consider his recommendations and his health.

Can lip augmentation cause problems when flying?

Long flights after lip correction do not cause any adverse reactions. But on the plane, women often have dry lips, so it would be rational to moisturize them with hygienic lipstick or balm.

Is it possible to combine fillers based on hyaluronic acid and silicone?

No. In this case, complications may occur: gel migration, excessive persistent swelling, scarring, and others.

Is it possible to do lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid if you get colds on your lips twice a year?

During the period of remission, it is possible, but 2 days before the procedure and 3 days after it, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to take antiherpetic drugs.

Is it true that you should avoid eating hot foods and drinks for the first few days?

Only boiling water is strictly contraindicated after lip correction. Careful and reasonable consumption of warm tea and coffee is allowed. In addition, you should not forget to rinse your mouth with a saline solution several times a day to heal injection punctures.

Will my lips begin to wrinkle over time after the procedure?

No, one of the main advantages of stabilized hyaluronic acid is the uniform biodegradation of the gel. Therefore, plump lips gradually and naturally return to their original appearance, if not maintained with repeated correction after 8-12 months.

Features of Juvéderm® VOLBELLATM and Juvéderm® VOLIFTTM fillers for lip modeling

An effective lip modeling procedure begins with the use of high-quality fillers from a trusted manufacturer, which are Juvéderm® VOLBELLATM with Lidocaine and Juvéderm® VOLIFTTM with Lidocaine. They are based on the unique Vycross™ technology, which ensures better integration of the drug into tissues, more natural and long-lasting results. Juvéderm® VOLBELLATM with Lidocaine contains 15 mg of hyaluronic acid gel, 3 mg of lidocaine hydrochloride and up to 1 ml of phosphate buffer with pH 7.2 qs, and Juvéderm® VOLIFTTM with Lidocaine contains 17.5 mg of hyaluronic acid gel, and also 3 mg of lidocaine hydrochloride and up to 1 ml of phosphate buffer with a pH of 7.2 qs It is thanks to this composition that Juvéderm® VOLBELLATM with Lidocaine and Juvéderm® VOLIFTTM with Lidocaine are optimally suited for lip modeling in both women and men.

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Why lip shape correction is needed: main indications, effect and features of the procedure

Many women dream of full, sensual and beautifully defined lips. Modern lip shape correction allows you to do this. The cosmetic procedure not only creates beautiful lines, but also adds volume, and also helps correct age-related changes. Hyaluronic acid injections are used for contouring. To do this, draw the necessary contour. High-quality enlargement of this area can be done in our clinic in Moscow. The technique is suitable for patients of any age.

Lip modeling points using filler injections

The procedure for modeling lips using injections of Juvéderm® VOLBELLATM with Lidocaine and Juvéderm® VOLIFTTM with Lidocaine involves their injection into 8 special points or projections:

  • point Lp1 is the red border of the lips, injections of fillers into which help to increase the volume of the lips;
  • point Lp2 is Cupid's bow. The injections have the effect of delineating the Cupid's bow area;
  • point Lp3 – lip contour, the introduction of filler helps restore the lip contour and indirectly reduce the severity of perioral wrinkles;
  • point Lp4 – central tubercle, injection of filler into which enhances the projection and increases the volume of the upper lip in the center;
  • point Lp5 – lateral tubercles. The administration of the drug has the effect of enhancing the projection and increasing the volume of the lateral portion of the red border of the lower lip;
  • point Lp6 – lip commissures, the introduction of fillers into which has the effect of replenishing tissue depression in the area of ​​the lip commissures;
  • point Lp7 – columns of the filtrum, which are emphasized by the injected drug;
  • point Lp8 – perioral wrinkles that smooth out after administration of the drug.

Injections of Juvéderm® VOLBELLATM with Lidocaine and Juvéderm® VOLIFTTM with Lidocaine into these 8 points allow you to perform lip modeling and satisfy the wishes of any client.

Post-procedure care

Recovery after the session lasts no more than a week. On the first day, it is recommended to reduce the amount of liquid consumed, you need to abandon hygiene procedures and control the pressure on the treated area.

If bruising or swelling occurs, cool compresses should be applied. A special cream is used only for the next day. Lipstick cannot be used until it is completely healed.

Correcting the shape of your lips is a wonderful way to change your appearance for the better and correct imperfections.

About the ideal form

Full red lips have always been and remain a unique synonym for beauty and youth, regardless of century and country.
The ancient Egyptians began painting their lips in an effort to attract more attention to them. In some cultures, bright, luscious lips are still an important social and aesthetic element that they strive to emphasize. Variations in “labial” anatomy come from racial predisposition, which can be seen firsthand by observing representatives of different races.

The ideal vertical ratio of the height of the upper and lower lip, or the “golden ratio”, was determined by the ancient Greeks and is 1:1.618

– the lips of a young Caucasian girl are taken as a sample here. Representatives of the Negroid race initially have fuller lips - this is genetically determined.

However, when creating “perfect lips,” a cosmetologist cannot rely on any clearly defined criteria (primarily because they do not exist) and must work based on his own experience, professional skills and the patient’s requests. Therefore, in order to create aesthetically beautiful lips, it is important to have a good understanding of the anatomy of this zone - this is the only way to plan the correction correctly.


Even if you choose the best lip filler available on the Russian market, do not rush to introduce it. This drug has certain contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period. You should not risk your health and the health of your baby, despite the fact that the product is environmentally friendly.
  2. The presence of allergic reactions, irritations or herpes in the injection area.
  3. Having problems with blood clotting.

After the procedure, you must strictly follow the doctor's recommendations. Firstly, during the first 5-7 days you cannot massage your lips or kiss so that the gel does not leave its place. Secondly, sudden changes in temperature should be avoided. Don't go to the sauna, don't eat cold ice cream, don't smoke. Thirdly, there is no need to sunbathe - try to stay in the sun as little as possible. If this is not possible, use a wide-brimmed hat or sunscreen. Do not visit the solarium under any circumstances.

All these restrictions are valid only during the first days after injection - then the gel is built into the tissue structure and securely fixed in it. After 2-3 weeks, come back to the cosmetologist and, if necessary, undergo correction.

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