How does G-spot augmentation change your intimate life for the better?

Why is G-spot augmentation performed?

The G-spot, responsible for sexual satisfaction, is located approximately 3-5 cm above the entrance to the vagina. In an unexcited state, it is approximately 1 cm in size, and in an excited state it becomes much larger.

Scientific research has shown that increasing tissue volume in the G-spot area increases satisfaction with intimate life. Therefore, if a special drug is injected there, the woman will receive more sensations from sexual intercourse.

For this purpose, the Aesthetic Medicine Center uses injections of drugs - fillers, hyaluronic acid and lipofilling - increasing tissue volume using transplanted fat cells from the patient. The injections not only increase the volume of tissues, but also rejuvenate them. The mucous membrane acquires the ability to retain water, so injections make it more sensitive and hydrated.

Is there a G spot in the vagina?

Let's try to understand this issue from the perspective of modern medicine. Let's get ahead and say that there is no clear answer to the question: “Is there a G-spot in the vagina?” to this day no. Many studies have been conducted to discover this elusive G-spot, but most of them either did not find it or were carried out incorrectly.

The work of the University of Bratislava professor Milan Zaviacik, which contained data from 18 autopsies with immunohistochemical studies of the substrate, interested the Agency for Anatomical and Histological Nomenclature (FICAT), and in 2001 it adopted the term Female prostate. Now this term is actively used in medicine around the world. Relatively not so long ago, an article was published in the journal “Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology” for 2013, which was devoted to the female prostate gland. But here another question arises - the G-spot and the female prostate gland - are they the same thing or not? In science, if there is no evidence obtained experimentally, then there can be any opinions.

Is there a G spot in the vagina?

What are the effects of G-spot augmentation?

  • Improved sexual satisfaction.
  • The possibility of obtaining a brighter discharge caused by stimulation of the clitoris and vagina.
  • Increased sex drive up to 80%.
  • Getting rid of neuroses and improving relationships between partners, which are often caused by problems in intimate life.
  • Disappearance of vaginal dryness, increase in the amount of lubricant released during sexual intercourse.
  • Preventing some cases of stress urinary incontinence, in which urine is released during laughing, sneezing, coughing, or physical activity.

The procedure can improve sex life even in the absence of problems with the genitals. Specialists at the Center for Aesthetic Medicine in St. Petersburg have repeatedly heard from patients that the operation gave them the joy of intimate communication. Women begin to experience completely new sensations from intimacy that they had never even imagined before.

Result and duration of effect

After the procedure, you will be able to check the results within 2-3 days. The result is assessed based on the subjective feelings of the woman and her sexual partner. The effect will last from 6 to 9 months until the filler dissolves.

Effect of the procedure

— Increased tone of the pelvic muscles. — Intensive hydration of the vaginal mucosa. — Improving the quality of vaginal orgasm. — Increasing self-esteem and obtaining mental comfort in intimate relationships.

Indications for augmentation

  • An anatomical feature of the structure of intimate organs, in which the G-spot is located inconveniently and is extremely difficult to stimulate.
  • Underdevelopment or too deep location of this zone, preventing its arousal during intimacy.
  • Decreased sensations during sexual intercourse caused by age-related tissue changes. The G-spot area decreases over the years and, if measures are not taken, a woman will cease to receive full satisfaction from intimate life.

The procedure is also performed by patients who do not have problems with their intimate life, but simply want to make it more pleasant and fulfilling. Aesthetic gynecology will help in this situation.


What is this point, and why increase it?

The G-spot is a collection of nerve endings that have a high degree of response to stimulation. This erogenous zone is located in the upper part of the anterior wall of the vagina. Unfortunately, due to the peculiarities of anatomy, childbirth, age-related changes and other circumstances, it is not always within reach when a partner penetrates. The result of this is a woman’s sexual dissatisfaction with all the ensuing consequences: loss of interest in sex, deterioration in general well-being and, ultimately, a lack of mutual understanding with her partner. Artificially enlarging the G-spot, thanks to which it becomes more accessible for stimulation, allows our patients to lead a full intimate life with regular, vivid and long-lasting orgasms. An additional bonus for women after 45 years of age is a decrease in the mobility of the urethra, and therefore a decrease in problems with involuntary urination. Those who decide to undergo augmentation will have to undergo a full examination: before starting the procedure, the doctor must make sure that the woman has no contraindications.

Preparing for G-spot Augmentation

During the appointment, the doctor examines the patient’s genitals to make sure that this particular procedure is necessary. After this, a method of G-spot augmentation is selected - fillers, hyaluronic acid, injection of one's own fat cells - lipofilling. At the patient’s request, a whole range of procedures for modifying the intimate area can be selected.

The woman is prescribed tests:

  • Swabs from the genital tract , vagina and urethra to detect STDs and other infectious processes. When they are detected, the identified diseases are first treated, and only then can the G-spot be enlarged.
  • General blood and urine tests that identify diseases for which the procedure cannot be performed.
  • Blood for clotting and duration of bleeding.
  • Blood for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe other tests. Additional diagnostics are mainly needed for women with chronic diseases. In this case, the procedure is carried out only after consultation with the attending physician.

Contraindications for G-spot augmentation

  • Acute inflammatory processes in the genital tract, including those caused by sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Rashes on the skin and mucous membranes of the intimate area - herpetic blisters, genital warts, manifestations of skin diseases.
  • Oncological and precancerous pathologies.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases, failure of the liver, kidneys, heart. In this case, the procedure is not performed due to the risk of a sharp deterioration in the woman’s health.
  • Fever, feeling unwell.
  • Pregnancy, regardless of duration.
  • Age up to 18 years - during this period, the formation of the genital organs has not yet been completed, so no modifications to the intimate area can be carried out.
  • The period after childbirth, operations, abortions. A woman needs to wait until the body recovers and the tissues return to normal.
  • Blood diseases, especially those accompanied by increased bleeding.
  • When injecting fillers and hyaluronic acid, a contraindication is an allergy to the injected drugs.
  • The presence of another drug already administered inside the tissues. First, you need to wait until the existing substance leaves the body, and only then introduce another.

G-spot and sexual dysfunctions in women

Female sexual dysfunctions are very common in our modern world. And many women and their sexual partners try to find this treasured G-spot as the only way to get sexual pleasure, without paying attention to other aspects of sexual life. This is facilitated by the low quality of sex education, distorted data provided from TV screens and obtained on the Internet. Ethical and religious prejudices do not allow one to study one’s body and classify this process as shameful and immoral. Therefore, we get girls who are seemingly cheeky, but have complexes inside, who don’t know what they want and don’t know how to have fun.

The G-spot is widely used for marketing purposes, with intimate accessory manufacturers releasing “special” equipment that purport to stimulate the G-spot.

How is g-spot augmentation performed?

The procedure is performed on a gynecological chair under local anesthesia. An external gel is used as an anesthetic drug.

After the anesthetic drug begins to act, the doctor injects agents into the vaginal wall that increase the volume of the tissue. When performing lipofilling, fat cells are taken from the tissue of the patient’s abdomen and thighs, which are processed and injected into the G-spot area.

G-spot enlargement

To enhance the effect, you can simultaneously inject the same drugs into the area of ​​the vaginal opening, clitoris and labia. The combined procedure will improve the appearance of the genitals and further enhance the sensation of intimacy.

The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes, after which the patient can immediately leave the clinic. No hospitalization required. After the injections, the doctor schedules an appointment, at which you must attend to make sure there are no complications.

The specialists of the Center for Aesthetic Medicine in St. Petersburg have extensive experience in g-spot augmentation, so the result will be as natural as possible. It is impossible to guess that the woman improved her intimate area in this way.

G-spot injections

At the beginning of the 21st century, American and European doctors first began to publish reports on new alternative uses of cosmetic “beauty injections”. According to the information they collected, G-spot filler injections are an effective procedure that allows a woman to significantly enhance her sexual sensations.

Of course, such a piquant novelty caused considerable excitement among the fair half of humanity. In addition to questions related to technical aspects, many were interested in an equally important point: how exactly the doctor can find the right area, because many men devote many months and even years to solving this problem! finds out all the most interesting details.

↑ A little about female anatomy

The G-spot (Gräfenberg point, G-Spot) was discovered by the German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg in the 50s of the last century, and was later named after him. The doctor stated that this area is located on the anterior wall of the vagina behind the pubic bone and urethra, at a distance of 3 to 8 cm from the opening. At the same time, its size and exact location are different for each woman.

However, until now, official medicine has not come to a consensus on what this zone is, what its functions and structure are. Some experts deny its existence altogether, others consider it a female analogue of the prostate gland. Still others are sure that it’s all about the nerve bundles that go from the clitoris to the spinal cord and in a certain area pass close to the vaginal wall. Depending on the proximity to the surface of these nerves, each woman has an individual size of the “magic” point and the degree of its sexual sensitivity. And the orgasm from its stimulation is considered mixed, and therefore especially strong and often multiple.

↑ How G-spot injections work

The principle is quite simple: with the help of fillers, this erogenous zone can be temporarily increased in size, by about a quarter in diameter and volume. As a result, its stimulation becomes subjectively more pleasant, which, in turn, significantly improves the overall quality of sexual life.

As a rule, for such delicate injections, preparations based on hyaluronic acid are used - for example, Bellcontour GVISC, created specifically for intimate contouring - which almost completely eliminates the possibility of an allergic reaction. Much less often, denser and “durable” Radiesse based on calcium hydroxyapatite or collagen of non-animal origin is used. Also, lipofilling is sometimes used - in this case, the patient’s own fat becomes the gel, which is previously taken from the thighs or abdomen. This option is much more complicated and more expensive, it is only suitable for those who have already tried the procedure, were satisfied with the result and would like to repeat it with a longer-term result.

  • Intimate contour plastic surgery – what do cosmetologists offer women?
  • Clitoral plastic surgery: how can a surgeon help?

According to surveys conducted in the middle of the last decade, 87% of women reported that enlarging the G-spot had a positive effect on their sensations and overall satisfaction from sex. However, the same surveys showed that the initial condition of the patient is of significant importance: injections should not be considered as a miracle cure for those who cannot achieve orgasm naturally. If a woman has no internal sensitivity or has been diagnosed with anorgasmia, a simple Gräfenberg area augmentation is unlikely to have a magical effect.

↑ How injections are carried out

  • Contrary to popular belief, to successfully carry out the procedure, a woman does not need to accurately imagine the location of her G-spot - a specialist with a good knowledge of anatomy will find it without the help of the patient. Next, local anesthesia is applied and, when it takes effect, the injection itself is performed.
  • The manipulation (including preparation) takes only a few minutes, after which a tampon is placed in the vagina, which will absorb minor blood discharge - no more than after any other injection. You can return home immediately after this, and the tampon will be taken out after about 4 hours. The first days after augmentation there may be discomfort when urinating, which will subside over time.
  • There is no rehabilitation period as such, but for 2-3 days it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity, visiting saunas, steam rooms, swimming pools, open reservoirs, and taking hot baths. This is necessary to maintain sterility and prevent migration (displacement) of the filler. The result lasts on average 4-6 months, but the exact figure is purely individual and depends, among other things, on the frequency and intensity of intimate contacts. To maintain the resulting size and sensitivity, it is recommended to repeat the procedure every six months.

↑ Contraindications, possible complications and side effects

Factors that exclude G-spot enlargement with fillers are approximately the same as in the case of other injection procedures:

  • individual intolerance to the drug used or its individual components;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • acute local inflammations, for example, colpitis;
  • general feverish condition;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Of course, women are also concerned about possible negative consequences from injections. As most experts are sure, in the Gräfenberg zone, a complication that is so popular with “ordinary” contour plastic surgery, such as fibrosis, does not occur. In addition, the procedure does not affect its sensitivity in the long term - you don’t have to worry about the “anesthetic” effect even after repeated injections.

However, there are also opposing opinions. Thus, British plastic surgeon Paul Banwell believes that if the G-spot is a clot of nerve endings, then it is impossible to enlarge it with injections of a third-party substance. If this area is glandular tissue, then there is a risk that when stretched it will become less sensitive. However, he admits that in both cases a positive effect is indeed possible - due to the fact that the filler will raise the target area and it will become more accessible for stimulation.

↑ How much does it cost to increase the G-spot? Current prices

The cost of the procedure will mainly depend on which drug is used. The cheapest way to do it is with hyaluronic acid; this is the most popular option, available in almost any clinic where intimate contouring is performed. For denser (and more durable) fillers, you will have to pay more, and lipofilling will cost the most - this is the most labor-intensive technique, since in addition to the actual injections, you must first remove the fat cells and cleanse them of excess impurities.

G-spot injections – prices in Moscow (RUB):
Minimum4,700 rub. (Capital Clinic)
Maximum70,000 rub. (clinic “Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of Alexey Dikarev “At the Heights””)
* all prices listed are synchronized with the price list database and are current as of the current date.

↑ Experts' opinions:

Blokhin Sergey Nikolaevich Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, owner of the Frau Clinic plastic surgery and cosmetology clinic:

– We have been using this technique for several years; it is quite simple and effective. According to our data, the quality of a woman’s sexual life actually improves significantly. The procedure can be performed multiple times.

For injections, we use derivatives of hyaluronic acid - these drugs are more stable, their effect lasts up to six months. Another advantage of this procedure is the absence of contraindications.

Babaeva Lola Sabirovna
dermatocosmetologist, Mont Blanc Clinic:

– We perform such injections infrequently - only at the request of patients who want to improve their sexual sensitivity. As a doctor, I know the anatomical location of this point: it is quite easy to find it on a gynecological chair using a mirror. True, despite the fact that a lot of scientific research has been carried out, the G spot is still a rather controversial, “ephemeral” phenomenon, and it is simply impossible to give a 100% guarantee of increased sexual sensitivity. We initially warn patients about this.

In my experience, positive changes after the procedure are observed in about 30 cases out of 100. The duration of the effect is relatively short. Hyaluronic acid, introduced, for example, into the nasolabial fold, can last up to 1-2 years, because this area is inactive, and it remains in the vaginal wall for no more than 3-4 months. The reason for this is regular sexual intercourse, which becomes a powerful “massage” and contributes to the rapid resorption of the filler. The more active a woman’s sex life is, the sooner the effect of the procedure fades away.

In our clinic, for G-spot injections, we use only high-quality hyaluronic filler from Bio Science Labarotory (Germany) - HyaCorp. The drugs from this laboratory are certified and approved for use in Russia. There are no serious restrictions for health reasons: the procedure is not performed only during menstruation and for patients with acute inflammatory diseases of the intimate area (a preliminary visit to a gynecologist and a smear test is recommended). The presence of genital herpes is not so critical, but it should still not worsen. An absolute contraindication is the presence of benign and malignant tumors.

What are the limitations after the g-spot augmentation procedure?

You may experience discomfort, pain, and swelling in the injection area for about a day or two after the procedure. In the future, the discomfort goes away on its own without additional treatment.

For 2-3 days after the injections, do not lubricate, scratch or rub the genital area. Until the discomfort disappears, you need to maintain sexual rest and limit physical activity.

In order for the injected drugs to “fix” in the body, you should not overheat for two weeks after the injections. Baths, saunas, staying on the beach, and hot baths are prohibited.

The duration of action of fillers and hyaluronic acid is approximately a year, the effect of lipofilling lasts up to 2 years. After this, you can contact the specialists of the Aesthetic Medicine Center to repeat the procedure. Increasing the volume of tissue during G-spot augmentation does not cause any consequences or side effects, so injections can be done an unlimited number of times.

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