Beauty points on the face: where to click to look 10 years younger

Beauty points are associated with ancient Chinese shiatsu massage. The teachings of eastern healers say that our body has entry and exit points for positive and negative energies - projections of all internal organs. Stimulating these areas helps to get rid of diseases, improve health, delay aging and the formation of wrinkles.

Modern medicine has scientifically explained the existence of these points: it is here that the areas of greatest “fatigue” of the facial muscles are located, due to which wrinkles form. Professional massage therapists will name more than 20 beauty points on the face. To prevent aging and maintain skin tone, it is enough to know the main ones - we’ll tell you which ones. Gently press on each for 7 seconds in the morning and evening, every day, and within a week you will notice how your face has changed.

Smooth forehead points

Three important points for us are located in the area between the eyebrows. The point in the middle - the “third eye” - is considered one of the most important in Eastern medicine. Here is the proud muscle, the hyperspasm of which gives our face a heavy, gloomy expression.

Two points at the edges of the eyebrow heads help relax the paired muscle that raises the eyebrow, open your eyes, and make your face more open. Need I say that it is these muscles that form the hated vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows and cause the effect of “overhanging” eyebrows?


Regular massage of energy points does not always have a positive effect. There are diseases in which this threatens exacerbations of the condition and deterioration of health. Experts do not recommend acupressure in the following cases:

  • infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • fractures;
  • cardiac, pulmonary, renal pathologies;
  • blood diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • high temperature, exhaustion;
  • burns, skin lesions, rashes, acne;
  • pregnancy, old age.

To summarize, it must be said that acupressure facial massage is most effective when used regularly and in combination with a healthy and active lifestyle, proper nutrition, and sports. Therefore, you should use the whole range of measures in the fight against aging, and then the result will be excellent.

Beautiful eye points

Paired points on the tails of the eyebrows and in the outer corners of the eyes help relax the orbicularis oculi muscle. This is where crow's feet form due to constant blinking and squinting, and the tight muscle pulls the upper eyelids down. The movement of blood and lymph is disrupted: congestion and swelling around the eyes, dark circles appear.

Massaging these points will help reduce the scale of the tragedy, lift the tails of the eyebrows, make wrinkles around the eyes less noticeable, and make the look itself more open and welcoming. And, of course, improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in this area.

Psychogenic causes of facial neurosis

Undoubtedly, disturbances in facial sensations quite often become a consequence of pathology of internal organs and blood vessels.

But often they are caused by psychological disorders and pathological thoughts that arise in our heads.

Facial paresthesias can be situational in nature and develop during episodic nervous excitement: as a result of quarrels, prolonged and intense screams. Such phenomena cause overstrain of the muscles, especially the cheeks and those located around the mouth. As a result, we experience facial numbness and even mild soreness.

The feeling of fear causes us to breathe quickly and shallowly, or to hold our breath. Disturbances in the respiratory rhythm can also provoke impressions that are atypical for us. A feeling arises that is characterized as a “chill running through.” Moreover, it is more concentrated at the roots of the hair. In this case they say: “chills to the marrow of the bones.” The face also becomes cold, a slight tingling appears in its area.

Such phenomena are disturbing when we are overwhelmed by strong emotions. But they accompany people suffering from mental disorders systematically.

A special type of neurotic facial manifestations is a nervous tic. It is characterized as an uncontrolled and systematic contraction of the facial muscles.

The disorder more often accompanies men. And it manifests itself with the following symptoms:


  • frequent blinking, winking;
  • setting the lips with a tube;
  • nodding head;
  • constant spitting or sniffing;
  • opening or upturning of the corner of the mouth;
  • wrinkling of the nose.

2. Vocal:

  • screaming;
  • grunt;
  • coughing;
  • repetition of words.

There are also signs – precursors – that signal the appearance of a tic.
These include itching, facial heat and other paresthesias. Naturally, these signs are considered pathological if they occur in an inappropriate situation. It happens that only the patient himself feels them, but they are not visible to others.

But often twitching and other nervous symptoms become noticeable by other people, and they cause a lot of discomfort to the patient.

Tics can be simple, when there is only one symptom, or complex, which combines several manifestations.

The most common, main cause of tics is mental stress. It can be caused by a strong stress factor of one-stage action. Perhaps you were very scared of something, or broke up with your loved one. That is, the shock was so strong for you that your nervous system lost control.

Or, on the contrary, disorders develop as a result of prolonged monotonous exposure. Symptoms often appear due to lack of sleep and overwork.

Their duration varies. A situational nervous tic disappears a few hours or days after the cause is eliminated. In another case, it persists for years or haunts the patient throughout his life. In such a situation, in addition to eliminating the provoking factor, subsequent psychological work with the patient is required. This type of disorder is called chronic.

A nervous tic can be one of the signs of mental disorders such as neurosis, obsessive thoughts and phobias, depression.

Another group of provoking factors include:

  • diseases - stroke, brain injury, infections or poisons;
  • neurodegenerative diseases - Huntington's chorea. Characterized by destruction of brain tissue. Accompanied by uncoordinated, sudden movements, as well as neurological disorders of the face. Of these, the first sign is slow eye movements. Then a muscle spasm of the face occurs, which manifests itself in grotesque facial expressions - grimacing. Speech, chewing and swallowing are impaired;
  • burdened heredity;
  • parasitic infestations;
  • eye fatigue due to prolonged eye strain;
  • unbalanced diet, when the body receives little magnesium, calcium, glycine. These elements participate in the normal conduction of nerve impulses and are responsible for the coordinated functioning of the nervous system.

Elastic cheek points

Massaging three points along the lower edge of the cheekbone will restore tone to weakened zygomatic muscles, due to which the cheeks creep down, forming jowls.

How to find them? The first ones are located on both sides about a centimeter from the base of the nose. The rest are located right behind them: place your ring fingers on the desired points - the middle and index fingers will fall exactly where they need to be. High, clear cheekbones guaranteed!

You need to know the enemy by sight: Nets and folds: what wrinkles are and how to slow down their appearance.

Nervous tics in children

There are several types of such disorders in childhood.

Transient tic disorder begins to manifest itself during early school age. Its duration ranges from 1 month to 1 year. Motor types of tics occur more often. Mainly typical for children with developmental delays and autism.

Chronic disorder occurs before age 18. And lasts from 1 year and above. In this case, either motor or vocal tics develop. The earlier the pathological symptoms appear, the easier and faster they pass.

Tourette syndrome is a multiple tic disorder characterized by both motor and movement types. A serious disease, which, however, softens with age.

A special type of disease, which is also characterized by signs of the nervous type, is minor chorea. It develops against the background of infections caused by streptococcus: sore throat, tonsillitis, rheumatism. Accompanied by pathological changes in nervous tissue.

Along with hyperkinesis, emotional instability, irritation, restlessness and anxiety, this condition corresponds to neurotic changes in the face. They are expressed in tension and spasms of the facial muscles, which is often mistaken for grimacing. There is also a spasm of the larynx, manifested in inappropriate screams.

At school, such children, not knowing the true cause of facial hyperkinesis, and even in combination with increased activity, are reprimanded and kicked out of class. Such an attitude towards the child forces him to miss school classes and avoid going to school. Treatment for chorea minor, along with sedatives, includes antibiotics to fight infection and anti-inflammatory drugs.

A nervous tic leaves a heavier imprint on a child’s psyche than on an adult. It often causes anxiety and detachment, withdrawal, and even provokes depressive disorders. Causes sleep disturbances, speech difficulties, and learning difficulties.

Tic disorders lead to distorted self-perception and decreased self-esteem.

Parents of such children are advised not to focus the child’s attention on the problem. On the contrary, they recommend finding ways to shift attention and increase self-esteem. A special place is given to support groups for such people and communication in general.

Points against nasolabial folds

The muscle that lifts the upper lip is woven into the skin of the nasolabial fold with its tail. And, as you understand, there is nothing good here. Violation of its tone becomes the main reason for the formation of nasty nasolabial wrinkles, even at a fairly young age. But we know what to do: the anti-nasolabial points are located in small depressions, right next to the wings of the nose.

And here we talk about other ways, How to remove nasolabial folds?

Reviews about therapy

Biologically active points allow us to rejuvenate our body and improve its health. Not all methods of influencing BAP were described here. In fact, there are many more of them, which allows you to find the method that will suit you perfectly. Using techniques for influencing facial points, it is possible to maintain the youth of your face and its beauty for a very long time.

The acupuncture massage technique actually not only helps to put your body in order, but also greatly rejuvenates your face. Once I had a cold, and a friend recommended this acupuncture massage to me, since I was no longer young. After several sessions of this therapy, my face began to look much more toned, as if I had actually lost several years.

As for the cold, I don’t know whether acupuncture or the medications I took had an effect, or all together, but it went away faster than usual.

Vlada, 30

Useful massage techniques. This is especially useful for those people who are no longer young and need to somehow support their body.

Evgeniya, 41

Once I tried to go to such a master of such techniques from cosmetology, apparently, I got a bad master who pressed on the pain points.
I don’t know if he did this on purpose or was simply inexperienced, but the massage was quite painful. Anna, 32

Beautiful lips points

Drooping corners of the lips and vertical purse-string wrinkles along the edges of the lips are associated with impaired tone of the orbicularis oris muscle. These points will help bring everything back and make your lips a little fuller.

Press your index fingers on the points in the corners for the required time, then move on to the point in the hollow above the upper lip. The latter, by the way, improves blood circulation in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, which also helps in the fight against nasolabial wrinkles.

Do you like the idea of ​​rejuvenation without a cosmetologist? About

What is acupuncture and acupressure

Massages, acupuncture or reflexology (often popularly called acupuncture) are a very ancient phenomenon. It consists in stimulating certain centers and channels on the surface of the skin through which vital energy moves and are connected with the internal organs. Such stimulation has a beneficial effect, relieves ailments, energizes and gives strength. According to the conclusions and findings of scientists, this knowledge is thousands of years old and the birthplace of acupressure is considered to be ancient Tibet, Nepal and India, where by those standards science and medicine were developed. Modern scientists have indeed confirmed in the course of research the presence of certain zones on the human skin - biologically active points with distinctive features:

  • have electrical resistance and emit more energy
  • the surface of the skin where these places of “power” are located has a slightly higher temperature than normal areas
  • have a high pain threshold and increased sensitivity
  • feed more actively on oxygen and trigger metabolic processes
  • The mission of any massage, acupuncture or acupuncture is to activate these biological zones on the body through massage to improve the health of the body and get rid of the causes of some problems in the body.

Points of a clear oval face

Find the active point in the cavity under the lower jaw with both thumbs. At the same time, place your index, middle and ring fingers on its edge. Press on this set of points for the prescribed amount of time, then move along the edge of the face up to the temples. The thumbs remain motionless. For the best lifting effect, point your fingers slightly upward (but don’t get carried away, stretched skin is of no use to us).

A daily shiatsu massage will help tighten your face, relax muscle tension and smooth out wrinkles, improve blood circulation and drainage, as well as vision and overall well-being.

Any facial exercises must be done correctly! Read about 5 face fitness mistakes that will distort your face.

Acupressure techniques

During acupressure, only one obligatory tool is used - fingers.
But the ways to use them are varied. It all depends on the goal you are pursuing and the expected effect: 1. Pressure.

Performed with the thumb or index finger.
During this technique, rotational movements are performed. Its essence comes down to gradually increasing the force of pressure. Sometimes the impact occurs with two fingers at once (if the centers are symmetrical). The massage begins with light touches and slow rotations, then the pressure increases until you, or the person you are giving the massage to, feels the pressure. After this, the finger pressure is released. 2. Toning acupressure
involves an intense, but not long-lasting impact on the area. At the same time, it is important to deeply and quickly rub the area, still maintaining a short-term pace of impact.
This should be repeated several times. Sometimes, without lifting the finger from the body, vibration is carried out, that is, rapid rotations up and down, left and right. Toning the centers is especially useful in the morning; it will provide a surge of vigor, relieve drowsiness and nourish vitality. 3. Stitching massage
Sharp and quick “injections” are made with the index finger at the location of the center. Maximum hit accuracy is important here. 4. Pinch technique: fold your fingers as if trying to take a pinch of something. With this “pinch” they grab the skin where the energetically active zone is located and knead it in every possible way, squeeze and rotate it until the place of grab is numb. 5. Stroking.
Most often suitable for working on the face and head.
Stroking involves an average pace of finger rotation, without pressure. 6. Vibration.
The finger should be pressed tightly to the skin and oscillate continuously.
Vibration and associated movements occur quickly. This technique will help you either relax or cheer up. 7. Soothing massage.
The essence is deep, slow and continuous pressure on the zone.
All movements are performed uniformly, rotationally. The main thing is not to displace the skin. The pressure force must constantly increase. We pause periodically and start the vibration again. 8. Brake option.
It is used in children's massage, for problems with blood circulation, and also to relieve muscle tone.
The point of these manipulations is to slow down excitement, relieve any tension, and start the body’s recovery. Press on this place for no more than 1.5 minutes. 9. Rubbing
. Pass the fingertip clockwise in the massage areas. Basically, rubbing is carried out as the final stage of the session, after other manipulations.

Rules for acupressure:

  • Be sure you are working on the right areas so you don't cause any damage.
  • The key to successful treatment is attitude and faith in the effect of treatment.
  • You should relax as much as possible so that you are comfortable and comfortable.
  • The air temperature in the room where you are planning a massage should be comfortable.
  • It is advisable to concentrate as much as possible on the process at the moment of pinpoint stimulation.
  • Finger movements during acupressure should not be rough or cause unbearable pain.
  • It is also important to prepare your fingers: wash, wipe and rub so that they become warm.
  • It is permissible to use special oils and balms. For acupuncture massage, needles must be disposable and sterile.
  • When visiting a specialist, also make sure of his qualifications (reviews, recommendations, supporting documents, diplomas)

Contraindications for massage:

  • heat
  • any disease in the acute stage
  • malignant tumors of any location
  • elderly age
  • pregnancy
  • exhaustion
  • anorexia acute mental conditions

Treatment of myofascial points

To avoid disruption of metabolic processes and the development of oxygen starvation in spasming muscles, myofascial pain syndrome requires immediate treatment.

Before removing trigger points, it is necessary to get rid of the cause that led to their occurrence - eliminate the concomitant disease and relieve muscle spasm.

Muscle tension can be relieved in the following ways, which are used in the rehabilitation center of the Yusupov Hospital:

  • the patient being at rest for a long time;
  • the use of warming ointments, gels, wraps and compresses;
  • therapeutic massage (pressure massage on trigger points);
  • therapeutic exercises;
  • drug therapy, injections of homeopathic and phytotherapeutic drugs (trigger point biopuncture);
  • blockade of trigger points with local anesthetics (lidocaine, novocaine).

The treatment method for trigger points at the Yusupov Hospital is selected by an experienced, competent specialist. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the severity of symptoms and the advanced stage of the disease.


Trigger points do not threaten human health and can be treated, however, in order to prevent their reappearance, accompanied by significant discomfort, you should follow simple safety rules:

  • ensure correct posture, which will prevent trigger points on the back;
  • avoid sudden movements;
  • exercise;
  • protect yourself from hypothermia;
  • eliminate stress and emotional overstrain.

In order to have a more detailed understanding of trigger points, their locations, causes and methods of treating chronic pain, many books have been written that are useful for both doctors and patients. The following can be distinguished from them:

  • “Trigger points. Drug-free care for chronic pain”, authors Davis Claire, Davis Amber;
  • “Trigger points and muscle chains in osteopathy”, authors Philipp Richter, Eric Häpgen.

Treatment of myofascial syndrome requires the mandatory involvement of qualified specialists. The rehabilitation center of the Yusupov Hospital uses a multidisciplinary approach to diagnose and treat this pathology. Consultations are carried out by a neurologist, therapist, rehabilitation specialist, physical therapy doctor, physiotherapist, osteopath. Trigger points at the Yusupov Hospital are treated using the most advanced techniques to get rid of this disease in the shortest possible time. Our clinic sees the best trigger point specialist in Moscow, who develops for each patient an individual set of exercises using decompression machines that affect the affected areas of the body and help develop pinched muscles.

An appointment with a specialist at the rehabilitation center can be made by calling the Yusupov Hospital or online on the website. From our coordinators you can find out the conditions of hospitalization in a hospital and find out the cost of medical services.

Lymphatic drainage points on the face. Types of lymphatic drainage facial massage at home

Lymphatic drainage massage can be hardware or manual.

The first is most often done in a salon, although you can purchase separate devices for home and repeat the entire procedure yourself. Hardware massage is performed with contact electrode nozzles; the effect on tissues and blood vessels is not mechanical, as with manual massage, but wave - a current of varying strength and frequency is supplied through the nozzles, active ions penetrate the cells and stimulate metabolic processes. As a result, blood and lymph flow is activated, excess fluid is removed from the tissues, it decreases, and after several procedures the swelling completely subsides and the skin tone increases. For a full therapeutic effect, it is better to carry out the procedure on stationary equipment. It can be installed at home, but it is impossible to perform a massage on it yourself; only trained specialists can work with it. There are portable electric massagers, but their efficiency is much lower due to their low power.

For home use, it is better to find a vacuum massager. In salons, it is a unit assembled from an air compressor and a flask attachment. It acts like vacuum cans - due to pressure changes inside the massager bowl. If desired, you can just as successfully use ordinary (silicone or rubber) jars of small diameter (1–2 cm) - they are easier to find and can be bought cheaper than a vacuum massager.

It is most convenient to use silicone or rubber jars; you can also take glass jars with a rubber bulb

It is better to master lymphatic drainage massage using hardware techniques; they are easier than manual massage, in which everything depends on the ability to find active points on the face and press on them with the necessary force. In Russia, a popular Japanese method of lymphatic drainage massage is called Zogan, or Asahi. The author of this technique is Tanaka Yukuko, she supplemented and improved some old massage techniques known to her from her grandmother. Performing a massage using her technique involves strong pressure, twisting and stretching of the skin, that is, the procedure is quite painful, and some are embarrassed by the fact that it can seriously injure the skin and blood vessels. For safety reasons, it is better to perform an independent manual lymphatic drainage massage at the beginning of training in its classic version - it is easier to remember and master. By the way, manual massage, unlike hardware massage, can also be done in the area around the eyes, where vacuum massage is contraindicated.


The main method of drug treatment for myofascial syndrome, which has an immediate and long-lasting effect, is trigger zone blockade, the essence of which is to inject a painkiller (local anesthetic) into the trigger point with a syringe.

Muscle relaxants, which are used for acute pain, have a temporary relaxing effect. To increase the effectiveness of this therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used simultaneously with muscle relaxants.

Points on the body responsible for organs. Magic points on the human body.

. Located between the thumb and index finger at the intersection of the bones. Then the thumb will lie approximately in the middle of the life line, the index finger on the back of the palm (you can do the opposite. Here you need to press hard. If it hurts, then the point has been found. Three to four active presses and you don’t have to go for the pill.

, normalize many other things. Consciousness will become clearer and vision sharper. The ringing in the ears will disappear. Knowledgeable people claim that this healing method is used in military medicine. And in this area, treatment is significantly different from the simple one to which we are all accustomed. Medicine there is extreme. In military conditions, you need to do everything as quickly as possible - quickly cure, quickly put you on your feet, quickly stop the bleeding. From a medical point of view, this magical one is located on the back of the middle finger, on the pad. This point is quite painful. You will have to be patient. You should hold it for a relatively short time - just one minute. But it will seem like a long time. After this, any painful sensations disappear. Painful sensations even in the spine disappear. . Attention! Only if you bring the tips of all your fingers together will it be in the hole in the center of the palm. Only if you feel lethargy, loss of strength, apathy, drowsiness, massage this point. . Located on the pad of the upper phalanx of the middle finger. Impact on the point helps to warm up, stimulates metabolism, and relieves anxiety. It can be massaged in exciting situations, before an exam or an important meeting. . Located on the pad of the upper phalanx of the little finger. Helps with heart palpitations. . This is a stoma located at a distance of 3 mm. Up from the beginning of the growth of the nail of the ring finger. Only if you have lost interest in the opposite sex or decreased sexuality, you need to unblock the energy flows passing through the meridian of the ring finger.

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