Lip plumper. What is it, types of glitter, how to use, prices

Spectacularly emphasized eyes or beautifully framed lips are traditionally the main accents in makeup. However, not all girls are lucky enough to have plump, elegant and alluring lips. Some people solve this problem radically - by resorting to surgery or Botox injections. Others prefer various cosmetic products to correct and increase the volume and shape of their lips. And the most “advanced” fashionistas combine the achievements of the cosmetic industry with smart gadgets.

One of these for lips is a plumper - a special device that is easy to use, but guarantees stunning results. What is it and what is it for? How not to make a mistake and choose the right plumper? What do you need to know to use the device correctly? We will talk about all this in our today's review.

What is a lip plumper and why is it used?

A lip plumper is a device for increasing their volume due to the vacuum effect.

The main purpose of the product is as follows:

  • Giving the lips the desired swelling, if this is not intended by nature.
  • Transforming a woman's appearance without compromising her health.
  • Possibility of lip augmentation without invasive interventions.
  • Correction of the contour if it has irregular boundaries.

Plumpers on the market come in the form of suction cups and liquid lipstick. Despite the same effect, their operating principle is fundamentally different. Let's look at the key differences in the table.

CharacteristicLip glossSucker
Operating principleIrritation due to herbal extractCreating a vacuum that promotes blood flow to soft tissues
Effect duration2 to 3 hoursFrom 2 to 4 hours
Features of useApply to lips with a special brushRequires special technology
Side effectsVirtually absent, safe to useBlue spots may remain if technology is violated

Both options are popular, but you should choose the right one for yourself based on personal preferences and the presence of contraindications. During a cold or cracked lips, you should completely avoid using any product that increases blood flow in soft tissues.

Customer Reviews

On the forums there are mostly positive reviews about the use of lip plumper.

A participant describes the experience of a friend who, after purchasing, refused Botox augmentation due to its unaesthetic appearance. But the device itself is good; the effect allows you to evaluate your appearance before using injection procedures.

The user writes about a similar effect to medical cupping, long-term swelling, but the risk of skin deformation.

The review states that the effect lasts about 3 hours without redness.

Other reviews can be found on the forum

Pros of using a lip plumper

The main advantage of using a plumper is that the lips become an order of magnitude plumper within 15-20 seconds after use. The effectiveness largely depends on the initial form.

In addition, there are other advantages:

  • The naturalness of the resulting effect. After using the device, there is no need to use lipstick or concealer; the effect of the device is not noticeable in any way.
  • Ease of use. You can understand the technology without special skills and knowledge; the manufacturer’s recommendations are sufficient.
  • Can be used at any time of the day or night.
  • Lips do not require special preparation or treatment before exposure.
  • The obtained result lasts for 3 or more hours.

Plump lips are the dream of many girls.
Plumpers have virtually no contraindications, are safe to use, and are sold on the market at a competitive price. Budget options are offered for 200 rubles, but the durability of the result is extremely low.

Gloss for 2500 rub. They allow you not only to enlarge your lips, but also to care for them due to the presence of vitamins that are beneficial for thin skin, and the resulting effect lasts for several hours.

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How much does it cost and where can I buy it?

You can buy a plumper in online cosmetic stores. It is also quite simple to make a purchase on the Aliexpress website with free delivery to any region of Russia. A trainer with a pump costs from 200 to 500 rubles. The price of an analog set consisting of 3 units, Fullips, is about 3,000 rubles; you can purchase a lip enlarger separately for 450 rubles. The original Fullips brand plumper costs from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. can be purchased on Russian websites. The exercise machine from Cynthia Rowland is sold only on foreign sites. Cosmetologists recommend buying a caring balm that prevents dryness and flaking of delicate skin.

It is quite simple to distinguish the original from the analogue. The first has a quality certificate, sales are carried out only through official websites, the cost is several times higher than Chinese goods.


Lip plumper is a care product that will correct imperfections in appearance. But this is not a universal way to solve the problem of thin lips; it is always necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. The main disadvantage of the device is that in many cases it turns out to be ineffective or gives the wrong result at all.

Another disadvantage is the harm it causes to the bloodstream. After all, the entire operating principle of the device is based on its active violation. With frequent use, bruises or unaesthetic spider veins form around the lips, and the trophism of neighboring tissues is damaged.

Procedures in the chin area

Procedures such as tightening the skin of the chin, and especially installing an implant, cannot be combined with wearing orthodontic appliances, but this is not a matter of contraindications.

Any treatment by an orthodontist changes the shape of the chin. Sometimes this can be unnoticeable, sometimes it has a significant effect on the patient’s appearance.

How it works:

  • After correcting the distal bite, the chin becomes more pronounced and clear, and sagging soft tissues often disappear.
  • When correcting a mesial bite, the chin becomes less protruding, commensurate with the overall proportions of the face.
  • When a crossbite is corrected, the chin becomes symmetrical, nasolabial folds disappear, and the shape of the lips is evened out.

Therefore, it is better to wait until treatment is completed. Perhaps the result will already be good enough to not carry out any further interventions or to do them to a minimum.

What effect can you get from using it?

Plumpers are used to get plump and beautiful lips in a couple of minutes. The effect usually lasts for several hours, but for some it disappears after 30-40 minutes, depending on the original form. The resulting result is natural and noticeable, even without decorative cosmetics.

The effect largely depends on the duration of the effect (in the case of suction cups), the thickness of the skin and the correct technique for performing the effect. To gradually increase the volume, it is recommended to experiment with time, choosing the best option for yourself. In the case of glosses, the main factor influencing the resulting effect is the quality of the chosen product.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing

This is a procedure in which only the top layer of skin is affected, and rehabilitation takes place within 1-2 days. But it is not recommended to do it when wearing braces. Ultrasound can affect the metal (and it is present in any system, even ceramic/sapphire) or lead to the destruction of the adhesive connection between the braces and the enamel. Those types of cleaning that do not use ultrasound are not contraindicated.

The aligners do not interfere with ultrasonic cleaning at all - there is no metal or adhesive connection, ultrasound cannot damage anything.

Facial cleansing: possible, but with braces – be careful

Bite correction is a medical procedure and its priority for the patient should be higher than cosmetic procedures. After all, a correct bite creates a “foundation” for the soft tissues of the face, supports them, prevents early sagging, and makes the face more correct and harmonious. Therefore, the most honest answer to the question whether it is possible to combine injection cosmetology with orthodontic treatment is to first complete the bite correction, evaluate the result, and then turn to cosmetology. It is likely that natural changes in the face after treatment will force you to refuse any interventions.

What types of plumpers are there?

A plumper is a device designed to increase lip volume. It is difficult for many to fully understand what it is, because manufacturers under this name offer products in the form of glitter or suction cups.

Their fundamental difference lies in the principle of use and mechanism of action:

  • Shine . In appearance, it resembles liquid lipstick, which is applied to the lips using a special brush.

Lip plumper - gloss: photos before and after use
It contains irritating components that increase blood flow in a certain area. This could be hyaluronic acid, menthol, red pepper, or another herbal component.

  • Sucker . This is a mechanical instrument made of rubber or latex. The enlargement effect is achieved only by increasing blood flow by creating a vacuum.

Lip plumper - suction cup: photos before and after use
The principle of operation is quite simple, but an increase in shape always occurs, regardless of the initial size and age characteristics.

Both options have certain advantages and disadvantages. It is not recommended to use either liquid gloss or an instrument with too thin skin that is prone to bleeding or bruising under any external mechanical influence.

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How to care for your lips after the procedure?

After the procedure, it is important to adhere to general recommendations for lip care. Among them:

  • use nourishing creams with a moisturizing effect to relieve swelling;
  • if bruises occur, cooling compresses with chamomile are necessary;
  • When seals form, a light massage with a toothbrush will help;
  • For faster recovery, you can lubricate your lips with honey or olive oil.

Plastic surgeon Pavel Ivanov will help you correctly place the emphasis and choose the optimal size, shape and type of correction. A doctor with extensive experience will help you get what you have wanted for so long.

Plumper sizes

Plumper suction cups are presented by manufacturers in several versions, differing in size. They are selected by girls with different lip shapes.

There are three variations in total:

  • "S" - small. The device is recommended for use by those with thin lips without pronounced volume. In some cases, an instrument is purchased for local impact on certain areas, for example, to correct contour defects.
  • "M" - medium. Suitable for those with a small oval mouth. Unlike the previous option, it cannot be used for targeted treatment. With its help they only increase the volume. The most popular and frequently purchased option on the market.
  • "L" is big. Recommended for use by women with large lips. With its help, the volume increases even more, resulting in a convex shape. This product is usually used when “M” is no longer sufficient.

The option should be selected taking into account the original size, since using size “L” for a small mouth will not give the desired result and will cause the appearance of an unaesthetic red rash around the contour.

Which lip shape should you choose?

Lips have their own parameters. For correction, the desired thickness and shape are important. Many women look up to stars and idols, wanting to have lips as beautiful and luscious as theirs. There are several styles from which you can choose the perfect look for your upper and lower lips:

  • “classic” - with a clear contour and medium thickness;
  • “ruby” – voluminous, juicy lips for women whose area between the nose and chin is quite large;
  • “Cupid's bow” - the upper lip has a clear contour, and in the middle there is a small depression;
  • “pearl” – delicate shapes with a clear contour of the lower lip and its increased volume;
  • “French” – look natural with the most natural swelling of the upper lip;
  • “angelic” - with clear side edges and is ideal for lips that have volume in the center and are narrowed in the corners;
  • “Mona Lisa” is a small volume with raised corners of the mouth.

What can replace the magnifier?

A lip plumper is a device for a girl who always wants to look her best. If there is no special device at hand, then it can be replaced with special exercises that will make them more voluminous and beautiful.

Here are a few of them:

  • Make a tube out of your lips and blow air out of them. You need to do 7-8 repetitions.
  • Squeeze your mouth, pressing lightly on each side for 30 seconds. Do several repetitions for 30 seconds.
  • Take air into your mouth and gradually blow them out. Perform 10-15 repetitions.
  • Tighten your lips as much as possible, trying to imitate a virtual kiss. Repeat the movement approximately 20-30 times.

Exercises for lip enlargement
Regular performance of this complex will give the desired volume and swelling, which is an excellent alternative to buying a plumper. But the disadvantage of such a replacement is that the effect is not immediate, but appears only some time after the start of training the facial muscles.

Photos before and after using lip puffers

Photos of girls who resorted to using this device indicate that it is highly effective. After regular use of these suction cups, lips become fuller, more voluminous and seductive.

A lip augmentation suction cup is an innovative method to make your appearance more attractive and vibrant. It is very important to use this product correctly so as not to harm your health.

Alina: I always dreamed of becoming the owner of plump and sexy lips, but I still didn’t dare to resort to plastic surgery. I accidentally found this miracle device on the Internet – Fullips. I am very pleased with the results obtained.

Varvara: A suction cup for lip augmentation is an excellent tool that can be used before important events. However, I would still not dare to use this device regularly, because I am afraid of possible side effects.

Irina: Of course, devices for mechanical lip correction can be called a real breakthrough in the beauty industry. However, I prefer to enlarge this part of the face using proven and safe methods - massage and proper application of cosmetics.

Svetlana: I really wanted to enlarge my lips, but I was afraid to use plastic surgery.
A friend recommended that I use a special device - a lip augmentation simulator. I can honestly say that the results simply impressed me. This part of the face has become more voluminous, beautiful and seductive. Lip enlargement device

Consequences of lip augmentation using the device

The use of a plumper provokes an increase in blood flow in a specific area due to the action of vacuum. Such irritation temporarily increases the volume; the swelling is only a consequence of slight edema, which gradually disappears.

In case of violation of the execution technique or purchase of counterfeit products, the following consequences are possible:

  • An allergic reaction in the form of excessive swelling of the lips, a rash around the contour.
  • Rupture of the skin on the lips.
  • Painful sensations in the mouth area of ​​varying degrees of intensity.
  • Increased swelling of the area even after the procedure is completed, indicating injury.
  • The appearance of bruises around the mouth.

Therefore, experts advise carefully following the application technique and not moving the device during the exposure process, so as not to change the contour.

If an allergic reaction occurs, take an antihistamine and consult a doctor immediately.

What problems may you and your orthodontist encounter?

Treatment by an orthodontist in itself, even if we talk about the simplest metal brace system, does not pose any risks to the body. On the contrary, it helps maintain dental health. However, most patients face minor limitations in the process of correcting their bite: when wearing a fixed system, irritation occurs in the mucous membranes of the lips and cheeks, and occasionally in the gums. Also, in the first days after activation of the system, aching pain is a common occurrence. It is easily tolerated and completely disappears after 2–4 days, however, if during the same period the patient undergoes procedures involving injections or damage to the skin, the discomfort may increase and rehabilitation may take longer.

This applies to braces. In such a situation, aligners have virtually no side effects. After all, the aligners are smooth, completely follow the shape of the teeth, do not scratch or irritate the mucous membrane, and the pain when wearing them is minimal. Therefore, most of the restrictions are not associated with treatment by an orthodontist in general, but only with braces. However, there are certain nuances that also apply to owners of removable systems.

How to use a plumper at home

The plumper is a fairly simple device that you can use at home yourself. Before starting, you must wash the product thoroughly using a soap or detergent solution. It should be used only on cleansed skin, being careful during the process.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Take the suction cup and place it exactly along the contour of your lips; if it is too large, purchase a more suitable size option.
  2. Hold the base of the instrument between your fingers to completely remove air from it and press it to your mouth.
  3. Make the lips a little tube and release the base. Hold the device like this for 10-15 seconds.
  4. To remove the suction cup, press the base again and gently remove it from the skin, without sudden movements.

It is necessary to stop using the suction cup during periods of acute respiratory diseases, infectious processes, and the appearance of herpes on the skin.

In this case, the harm from the procedure will be higher than the expected result.

Disadvantages of using a suction cup

Before you remember the name of the lip enhancement thing and order it online, there are a few things to consider. This approach also has negative sides. True, they only appear when the rules for using the suction cup are ignored.

  1. Too frequent use of the device, especially in combination with irritants, can lead to an allergic response.
  2. Improper use of suction cups sometimes causes bruising.
  3. Regular manipulation leads to increased sensitivity of the skin of the lips. Their skin begins to react more violently to the use of cosmetics.
  4. The effect is still not as long-lasting as with the introduction of cosmetic preparations. The manipulation has to be carried out with enviable regularity.

To reduce the risk of developing negative consequences, the lip plumper should not be used if the skin has cracks, redness, inflammation, or signs of herpes.

How to make a plumper at home: tips and recipes

A lip plumper is a device for increasing their volume that you can make at home yourself. Moreover, natural ingredients will be safer than “chemicals”, will not cause an allergic reaction, and will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than any purchased product.

Those who like experimenting should try a couple of recipes:

  • Mix a small amount of clove oil (about 5-7 g) with half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Add vitamin E to the resulting mixture - 5 drops. The plumper can be used immediately after preparation.

Apply to clean lips, hold for no more than 10 seconds, then remove. It is better to use a sponge soaked in micellar water, then the cleansing will be better.

  • Take 1 tbsp of beeswax, add 1 tbsp to it. coconut oil, the same amount of cocoa butter, mix with essential oils of cinnamon, cloves and menthol. The last three ingredients will require no more than 1-2 drops.
  • Stir 0.5 tsp. cinnamon with the same amount of salt, and 1 tbsp. l Vaseline. Apply the resulting composition to the skin of the lips, massage for a short amount of time and rinse.
  • Take a small amount of baby cream and add 1 drop of mint essential oil or red pepper extract to it.

You should not use a plumper prepared by yourself for the first time when heading to an important event after that, because the result may be unpredictable. By checking the effect at home several times, you can be confident in the chosen product.

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Top 10 best plumpers: review and prices

The market assortment is replete with variety, so many make the wrong choice by purchasing low-quality plumpers. In this case, the occurrence of side effects or undesirable results is an order of magnitude higher. The rating of the best products for increasing lip volume will help you navigate.

Dior Lip Maximizer Collagen Active High Volume Lip Plumper

A cosmetic product with a revolutionary formula that allows you to achieve beautiful lips almost instantly. Volume is achieved due to active collagen in the composition, which irritates the skin and stimulates blood flow.

In addition to this plus, color fastness should also be highlighted. Decorative cosmetics are produced in France and are of high quality. Cost – about 1800 rubles.

Eminence Organic Cinnamon Kiss Lip Plumper

Lip balm containing chili pepper juice. Burning sensations are observed from the first minutes, but are easily tolerated due to jojoba and cinnamon oil. They also give the product a pleasant aroma.

The plumper is colorless, almost invisible on the lips, which allows you to additionally use lipstick of your favorite shade. It is sold on the market for 4,000 rubles, which is a disadvantage for many.

Jane Iredale Just Kissed Lip Plumper

The special formula of the balm allows you to not only give your lips the desired volume, but also moisturize them. The composition includes citrus, menthol and ginger. Therefore, after you start taking it, you feel a pleasant chill.

It is better to purchase the product from trusted places, as there are a large number of fakes on the market. The product is offered for 2,500 rubles, which is a compromise between the two previous options.

La Biosthetique Belavance Lip Booster

The product is an essence, without color, but with a light aroma. It has a pleasant feeling after application, there is no feeling of stickiness or oiliness.

Contains avocado oil, vitamin E and lipopeptide. They are responsible for the natural production of collagen, which leads to rejuvenation of the skin of the lips and support of their natural beauty. Available in stores for RUB 1,800.

Laura Mercier Lip Plumper

An excellent product from a well-known manufacturer, which is offered in two shades, which allows you to save on lipstick when using it. The effect lasts for about 2-3 hours, after which the gloss must be renewed, as it tends to dry out.

The advantages include a pleasant sensation when applied and a sweetish taste, but there is almost always stickiness on the lips, which many will not like. After application, a slight burning sensation is felt, of which no trace remains after 15-20 minutes. It is better to purchase the product on the official website of the company for 2,500 rubles.

"L'Etoile" Starlette Volume Activateur Collagene

A universal product for making lips plump, tasteless or odorless. Apply using a special brush. It has a thick sticky structure. The composition contains chili pepper, but many note a chill during application. This is due to the presence of echinacea and aloe.

These components also provide additional care for the delicate skin of the lips. The product is presented in several shades, the cost for them is the same and amounts to 819 rubles.

MAC Plushglass

The product has a viscous, thick, pearlescent texture that most women like. Therefore, many people call it a universal remedy.

The composition includes pepper extract and ginger root, but there is no discomfort after application, which is a big advantage. The plumper is available in 12 shades and has a sweetish aroma. The price on official resources is 1200 rubles.

Oriflame Maxi Lip Gloss

Swedish cosmetics are of high quality and affordable prices. A product for increasing lip volume is presented in catalogs for 200 rubles, you can choose only two shades: transparent gloss and pink.

Easily and evenly distributed over the surface thanks to a special brush. The effect is noticeable after 10 minutes, but it does not last long, which is a disadvantage, since it requires constant updating. The smell is pleasant and light.

Rouge Bunny Rouge XXX Lip Plump Swell Bliss

A universal device used to give lips the coveted volume. Thanks to the convenient brush, the contour of the lips is easily drawn. The texture of the lipstick is nice, but sticky and a little thick. The burning sensation lasts for a long time, but the advantage is the durability of the effect. Cost – 1520 rubles.

Smashbox O-Plump Lip Plumper

The gel itself is transparent, but after application it takes on a slightly pink tint, and in many cases adapts to the natural shade of the face.

The composition contains vitamin C, goji berries, avocado oil and ginger, which ensures increased blood flow to the area. After use, the result lasts quite a long time. Cost – 1630 rubles.

Plumper is a device that allows you to become more beautiful in a few minutes. This is a lip product that should be in every modern girl's makeup bag. There are a wide variety of options on the market, but the rating introduces the best products that you can confidently purchase for yourself or as a gift.

Author: Kanakina Svetlana

Article design: Natalie Podolskaya

Review of glosses

The most famous among similar products is Almea Xlips plumper

Its main active ingredient is hyaluronic acid. According to rumors, Ksenia Borodina and Mishanya use it. Refers to hypoallergenic products. Among the disadvantages is the cost. Among the more affordable analogues, Eldan Lips Plamper

Almea Xlips plumper
Another worthy option is NYX Pump It Up Lip

. It consists of light-reflecting particles, as well as a special formula that combines products of chemical production and plant origin. After application, a slight tingling sensation is felt, after which a metallic taste may appear.

NYX Pump It Up Lip
Kiss Lover Lip Plumper

consists of irritating plant extracts. In particular, these are mint and red pepper. May cause allergies, so test before use. Not suitable for daily use. After application, a pleasant feeling of freshness appears. It works similar to Mercier Lip Plumper.

Tony Moly

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