What is facial gommage? How to use a cosmetic product, advantages of its use, reviews

Relatively recently, an innovative facial gommage product appeared on the market. This cream is created for gentle skin care. Next, let's look at what kind of cosmetic product this is and how to use it.

The name of the cosmetic product comes from gomme - translated from French as eraser. Facial gommage cream, like an eraser, gently exfoliates the upper parts of the skin and cleanses of dead epidermal cells. Thanks to the process, you will feel an improvement in the condition of your skin, rejuvenation will occur, you will get rid of acne, blackheads and other blemishes on the skin of your face.

What is the difference between facial gommage and scrub and peeling?

Peeling is the name of the procedure . With the help of peeling, you get rid of keratinized, dead skin cells. But a scrub and facial gommage are products for exfoliation . The scrub contains special particles that exfoliate the face. And gommage is softer than a scrub.

Cosmetic products

Its difference from a scrub is that:

  • Using gommage, a gentle peeling procedure is performed.
    It does not harm even sensitive skin. Thanks to facial gommage, the skin is cleansed without microdamage.
  • Gommage has a very pleasant aroma , scrubs also smell nice.
  • However, a scrub can cause irritation and inflammation on the epidermis, unlike gammage.
  • Gamma , just like a scrub, can have a low cost if it is a budget option for the product.

Gommage should be used no more than 1-2 times a week . Despite the fact that the cream has a gentle effect on skin cells, it is still not intended for daily use.

For body

The gommage product will clean not only your face. The skin of the entire body needs a dose of oxygen, which it will receive after cleansing with a film mask. It is not necessary to take out a certain amount of money and run to the nearest beauty salon. Create a body mixture in your kitchen. This gommage will be budgetary and effective:

  • five tablespoons of ground Hercules cereal;
  • two raw eggs;
  • half a glass of low-fat cream or kefir (for oily skin).

Making a body skin cleanser:

  1. Grind the flakes in a coffee grinder. You can grind the dry product several times in a meat grinder.
  2. Mix the resulting flour with the eggs. Mixing occurs until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. Add cream (or kefir) to the mixture.
  4. Mix the product again.

Mode of application:

After taking a warm shower or an equally warm bath, dry off with a towel. Apply the product and let it dry for a while. Rinse with water and nourish the skin with milk or cream.

Facial gommage or scrub – which is better?

If you choose whether it is better to use facial gommage or a scrub , then you need to be guided by individual preferences. Both products are used to remove blackheads, dead epidermal cells, and prepare the skin for cosmetic procedures.

The scrub has a cream or gel base. It contains abrasive substances of different sizes, and it is due to them that the old particles of the epidermis are exfoliated. People are used to this kind of peeling everywhere, both in beauty salons and at home. But it is not suitable for everyone, because sometimes it causes damage to the upper layers of the skin.

IMPORTANT: Cream scrub should be used for oily, normal skin. Do not use the cream if you have rashes or inflammatory reactions on your facial skin. It is not advisable to use the scrub for women with sensitive or combination skin. After all, discomfort arises after this, and there is a risk of irritation.


IMPORTANT : Cleansing with a scrub will be effective if you steam your facial skin before the procedure. Then the scrub particles have a deeper effect on the skin.

Gommage differs from a scrub in that it acts delicately on the surface of the epidermis. It contains rather soft abrasives that can carefully remove dead skin particles. In addition, abrasive substances in gommage have a mild massaging effect. For example, in Rose Sugar Scrub cream, melted sugar particles .

In other series of creams in this group, the role of peeling is performed by acids and mild enzymes . These include fruit acids and salicylic acid . The substances enter the pores of the facial skin, where they dissolve various small impurities and remove excess sebum and cosmetic residues.

Cleansing the skin with creams and abrasives

Abrasives are, of course, not the only substances that make up gommage. The cream also contains other elements that rejuvenate the structure of the skin , have a calming effect on skin cells, and moisturize . After applying gommage, the condition of the epidermis noticeably improves, dryness and tightness disappear.

This is why gommage is very popular, and more and more women are choosing this cream to eliminate imperfections on the skin and cleanse it. After all, with the help of gommage you can not only cleanse the skin, but also improve its condition. In essence, facial gommage is a multifunctional product , unlike a scrub.

Types of exfoliators

It is not difficult to find the difference between types of cleansers if you compare scrub, peeling, and gommage. Let's present the comparative analysis in the form of a table.

Definitiona substance of gel, cream or clay consistency with solid particles. Abrasives of different sizes and origin (natural and artificial) cleansing procedure, can be carried out using abrasives, ultrasound, laser, fruit acidsa light cream base product without large and coarse components. Considered a mild peel
Purposehelps with oily and problematic skin, removes impurities, stimulating blood flowremoves wrinkles, age spots, refreshes appearancesuitable for cleansing sensitive skin, eliminates dead cells, launching metabolic subcutaneous processes and activating blood circulation
Operating principlemechanicalmechanical, chemical, hardwarechemical
Effect on the epidermissuperficial cleaningsuperficial or deep cleansingselective cleaning, affects only dead cells
Rehabilitation periodabsentdepending on the depth of impact on the epidermis, rehabilitation lasts from a week to a monthabsent

An exfoliant is considered a component of a gommage or scrub. These are salicylic, glycolic, lactic, malic and other acids, which help quickly remove dead skin.

All of the listed remedies have one focus - exfoliation of keratinized particles of the epidermis. However, there are also differences: composition, method of application, side effects and indications.

How to properly use facial gommage?

To achieve a good effect, facial gommage should be used correctly. The method of using the cream comes down to the following steps:

  1. Squeeze out 5-6 grams of gamma from the tube and apply to your face . It is better to perform the process in a circular motion ; massaging movements with your fingers when applying the cream will only improve the effect of the cosmetic product on the skin of the face.
  2. Try not to apply makeup near the eyes . Avoid the eye area. After one or two minutes, the cream will dry and be absorbed into the skin.
  3. Gommage is removed from the facial skin with tonic and water in the direction of the massage lines . To prevent the skin from stretching, it is advisable to hold it with your hand when removing the gommage.

Effect after using gommage

IMPORTANT : For ladies with oily or combination skin, it is better to use gommage no more than three times a week. Women with normal skin are recommended to use the cream twice a week. And for representatives with dry sensitive skin, one-time use of a cosmetic product per week is suitable.

It is not recommended to do gommage peeling before attending ultraviolet treatments at a beauty salon or before going to the beach. The harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and wind can negatively affect the condition of the skin after using gommage cream.

Exfoliants for instant tanning

Instant tanning exfoliant is designed to prepare the skin for instant tanning using sprays and creams.

It comes in the form of a liquid lotion and is applied to the skin using a spray bottle. Leave for a few minutes and wash off with regular dry wipes.
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Organic Shop - soft facial gommage “Morning Coffee”

Organic Shop - soft facial gommage "Morning Coffee" - suitable for any skin type. Those who have already used the product claim that the product is gentle on the skin. After several times of use, the result is noticeable - the skin becomes silky, well-groomed, and smooth.

The cream contains abrasives in the form of small particles of natural coffee with a pleasant aroma . It is great that the cream does not contain lauryl sulfates, parabens and other chemical elements that have a negative effect on the body as a whole.

Gommage “Morning Coffee”

Gommage contains cocoa, coffee, fruit acids . The abrasives are so fine that they look like small particles of powder.

Peeling is carried out as follows:

  1. The cream is applied to the face with massaging movements, avoiding the area around the eyes. Three minutes is enough for this.
  2. Due to fruit acid, the cream penetrates into the upper layers of the skin, where impurities dissolve. Therefore, after application, the cream should be kept on the face for a while.
  3. After which it is removed from the face with a sponge soaked in tonic.

The only thing is that it is not always suitable for oily skin; the cleansing process for representatives with this skin type may seem insufficient. Although gommage cream is suitable for any type of skin.

Application of gommage

The use of this cosmetic industry product is possible not only before applying a mask. As is known, the upper keratinized layer of the dermis is capable of regenerating under natural conditions. Regeneration occurs easily at a younger age. Over the years, processes begin to slow down, and the upper layer of the epidermis does not have time to “come off” from the skin so that young cells can breathe in oxygen. Gommage is a facial product that can help in this situation. By the way, age is not the only thing that can delay the renewal of epidermal cells. Stress, lack of vitamins, and external factors have not been canceled: they can also delay renewal processes at the cellular level.

Cedar-berry scrub-gommage from Grandma Agafya, suitable for the body

The scrub-gommage from Grandma Agafya is cedar and berry, and contains a number of useful natural products. In addition, gommage cream for the face and body has a massaging bio-effect. After using it, the skin becomes velvety and soft.

  1. Cedar cake exfoliates dead epidermal cells.
  2. Oil from the seeds of aromatic lingonberries has a moisturizing effect, gives the epidermis elasticity and firmness.
  3. Oil obtained from Siberian cedar provides the skin cells with vitamins F and E. This helps saturate the epidermal cells and improve the condition of the skin.
  4. Oil obtained from raspberry seeds gives the body not only silkiness, but also a unique, lasting aroma.

Cedar-berry gommage
The composition of gommage resembles a pleasant sliding gel mass. A greater effect from using the cream can be obtained by steaming the skin. This product should be applied to the entire body using massaging movements.

Due to the presence of cedar oil, blood flow in the vessels is activated. The scrubbing effect is carried out by small particles of cedar cake. It is not recommended to wash off the gommage immediately; you need to wait about ten minutes, then it will still act both as a mask and as an anti-stress agent.

Gommage "Bounty"

Some beauties especially like the coconut aroma. A coconut milk-based gommage mask made according to this recipe will most likely also become one of your favorites. To produce Bounty gommage at home we need:

  • twenty milliliters of cream;
  • fifty grams of dry coconut milk;
  • five grams of pectin;
  • a tablespoon of coconut flakes (not dyed).

Cooking method:

  1. Mix cream and pectin and beat vigorously.
  2. Add dry coconut milk into this mixture in small portions and lightly beat the mixture again.
  3. Add all the coconut flakes.

Apply gommage to your face and leave for ten to fifteen minutes. Then lightly massage the skin under the mask and rinse off the composition with warm water. Coconut gommage will make your skin elastic and refreshed. And the aroma of the mask will take you to the legendary Bounty Island.

Scrub-gommage cream “Comodex” – reviews

Cream scrub - gommage "Comodex" is more suitable for representatives of oily, problem skin. Not only does it have an absorbent effect on the epidermis, it also perfectly cleanses the skin. Nourishes skin cells with minerals, improves metabolism, regenerates skin renewal.

Scrub-gommage Christina Comodex

The effectiveness of gomage is confirmed by user reviews, here are some of them:

Victoria, 29 years old:

I have oily skin and it’s not advisable to use scrubs, so I decided to try Komodex facial gommage. To get the best effect, you should first steam the skin, for this I use a warm towel, when the face turns red, I apply the cream, massaging the skin. For a better effect, I also add a drop of grape oil to the cream. In addition to the face, I apply gommage to the décolleté and neck area. I leave the cream for 7-10 minutes. After which, you can wash it off. I do the procedure twice a week. The effect is amazing, after a shower the skin is fresh, smooth, clean, elastic. Thanks to this, visits to a cosmetologist can be canceled and you can save on expensive treatments for oily skin.

Alisa, 38 years old:

The scrub causes unpleasant sensations on the skin of the face, so I decided to go for gommage, on the advice of a friend. Comodex Scrub & Gommage facial gommage will quickly get rid of blackheads. The skin becomes matte after using it. I use it every day, despite this, I don’t feel any discomfort. On the contrary, I feel improvements. The price of the cream is not so small, but the effect is worth it. Anyone who has experienced problematic oily skin knows that dealing with blemishes on the face is difficult. And thanks to this product I achieved matte skin. The only thing is that now I will use the cream less often so as not to dry out my face. I definitely advise girls with oily skin to try the range, just control the frequency of use of the product yourself.

You can also look at the following articles on similar topics on our website:

  1. Why are BB, CC, DD creams so popular?
  2. Innovative cosmetics 2022
  3. BB-Glow - foundation for a year
  4. Botox for face
  5. Olive oil for face

Aloe gommage

This mask will be a salvation for acne-prone dermis. It is done quite easily, and the effect is simply amazing. All this thanks to aloe juice. Pour the white of one egg into a bowl and beat it lightly. Add juice from aloe leaf to the protein. If you have the desire and time, you can grind the bitter leaf in a blender and add a teaspoon of the plant’s pulp. Try not to touch the mixture with your tongue - the bitterness is very pronounced. Apply the egg-herbal mixture in several layers to the skin. Wait for this gommage to dry thoroughly and rinse off the composition with warm water.

Rating of the best exfoliants. Reviews

When the word exfoliant no longer sounds so unusual and what it is is described in detail above, readers will probably want to know what products are needed and can be purchased with this ingredient in their composition. Leading experts in the world of beauty highlight a rating of the best and very affordable exfoliants, which are based on customer reviews.

Cream mask “Bark” – exfoliant with fruit acids

A domestic product of very good quality, the Bark cream mask is a mild chemical peeling that can be used at home without fear. This cosmetic product contains AHA acids of natural origin.

They help to launch the regeneration of the epidermis, exfoliate dead cells, smooth out the relief and smooth out fine wrinkles.

The composition also contains grape seed oil, which moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

The mask is intended as a stand-alone product for oily and combination skin types.

Its use helps smooth out traces of small scars and post-acne.

It also has a brightening effect and will help lighten existing age spots. Sometimes cosmetologists recommend using this mask for upcoming high-acid peeling.

The result that the manufacturer claims after a certain course (20 days) is renewed and fresh skin, with narrowed pores and a smooth texture.

After using the “Cora” cream mask, some women note the pleasant sensation of “breathing skin” and a pleasant feeling of freshness, and a decrease in oil content. Those who have used this mask repeatedly recommend using it on the skin during the cold season and note that the mask is very economical to use. 1 tube is enough for the course recommended by the manufacturer.

You can purchase the “Bark” cream mask at any pharmacy or online cosmetics store. The price is very reasonable and starts from 400-500 rubles.

Cream-exfoliac and gel-exfoliator from “Norev”

The cream and gel are suitable for daily use. The gel is used for local use and is applied directly to areas of inflammation. The cream is intended for comprehensive care.

Manufacturers and women who have tried both of these products have reported positive improvements in problematic skin. It is also recommended to use them at night, since after use the cream may sting the skin a little, and the gel can remove inflammation overnight. For those whose skin is oily, the cream may leave a small oily film, which is well absorbed by the morning.

Facial exfoliant paste "Air Stream: oxygen balance" from Faberlic

Oxygen cosmetics mask. Age 20+. It contains clay and active substances that fight excess oiliness and inflammation on the skin.

The manufacturer promises a stunning result after using this mask and it is confirmed by distributors. Women who tested this product on themselves did not note anything special after using it, except for a feeling of freshness immediately after use.

"Clareol" - soft cleansing gel-exfoliant

Its direct effect is the removal of warts and growths. The gel also softens rough skin well. You can buy it at a pharmacy or search on Internet sites. The price of an exfoliant gel is quite high and varies from 900 rubles and above. Sometimes 2-3 bottles are needed to complete a full course.

Most reviews associated with this gel note its direct effectiveness. It can remove even very old and difficult to remove warts. But some people successfully use it in pedicures when they need to remove hardened calluses and soften the skin of the feet.

Yves Roshe exfoliating body soap

The soap is intended to be used 1-2 times a week as a scrub. Apply in circular motions to damp, steamed skin.

It has a very fresh and unusual aroma, from which no one will remain indifferent. The composition contains rough scrubbing particles, so it is unlikely to be suitable for those with delicate and sensitive skin. Some women note small scratches after use, especially on the inside of the arms and in the décolleté area.

Also, for those who have fairly dry skin, it is recommended to apply a moisturizing lotion or body cream after using soap, as soap can dry out the skin a little.

Exfoliating cream "Acnomega 100"

A universal cream that can be used both day and night. Age of use – from 18 years. Aimed at skin whitening, has a mild and gradual cleansing effect.

Although the manufacturer does not indicate what skin this cream is intended for, women who test it note that it is definitely for dry or moderately oily skin. For oilier or combination skin, it is better to use Acnomega 200.

Scrub-exfoliant for cleansing pores “Siberian Health”

The scrub is available in gel form and is intended for gentle cleansing. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin, since for oily skin (based on reviews) the gel is rather weak.

With regular use (2 times a week), a good cleansing and exfoliating effect and partial relief from acne and blackheads are noted. After use, it is recommended to apply moisturizer.

Facial exfoliant gel "Lierak"

The gel is produced by a French cosmetics company for cleansing and removing make-up of the face and area around the eyes. It belongs to the classification of luxury medicinal cosmetics, since the price is quite high compared to cosmetics from the masmarket.

The gel is suitable for girls over 18 years of age, but it is also successfully used by 15-year-old teenagers.

Suitable for normal and combination skin. The natural ingredients contained in the composition can have a beneficial effect on the skin, reduce redness and peeling.

Girls and women testing this gel claim that it copes with its cleansing function “with a bang,” and there is no feeling of skin tightness after use.

Exfoliating powder with texture from Dior

Dry powder, which is foamed on damp hands and applied to the face. Many women who test this product note that the packaging is awkward and impractical.

Due to the wide opening, the powder may spill out more than it should. Those expecting a tough exfoliation will be in for a surprise.

After mixing with water, the powder acquires the consistency of a paste and is more like a gel cleanser. However, the effect is better than that of an abrasive scrub.

Many people note the complete disappearance of flaky skin and a reduction in blackheads. Cosmetologists advise using the product as follows:

  • 1-2 times a week – for dry and sensitive skin;
  • 3-4 times a week – for normal and combination skin;
  • daily – for oily skin.

Bioenzyme exfoliant "Alpika"

Dry powder of double action based on phytoenzymes of pineapple and papaya. Used as peeling and as a face mask. Well suited for delicate and sensitive skin. Fruit acids saturate the skin with vitamins, jojoba extract has a polishing effect.

Manufacturers recommend using the powder 2 times a week as a mask or peeling. Although the composition contains small scrubbing particles, women using this powder as a peeling did not notice any unpleasant sensations.

Radiance-enhancing facial exfoliant toner from Payot

Tonic serves as an intermediate between cleansing and moisturizing. Therefore, it is recommended to use it exactly in order to achieve the result presented by the manufacturer.

Created on a non-alcoholic basis, it does not leave any unpleasant sensations. The tonic is suitable for all skin types; many women state the fact that after this tonic, the skin is sufficiently moisturized and does not require the application of cream.

Cream-exfoliant and mask-exfoliant “Cellular renewal” from “Belita”

Belarusian cosmetics have quite good reviews among women. The price is reasonable and the quality is not inferior to expensive brands. The “Cellular Renewal” series, which includes a mask and an exfoliant cream, is quite good and has many positive reviews. Among them are hydration, cleansing and smoothness of the skin.

The only thing that buyers are unhappy with is the slightly specific smell of the mask. But he, as they say, is not an acquired taste.

Cream exfoliant "Mezopharm"

Used as a preparation for chemical peeling. Apply to skin daily morning and evening. Designed for oily skin prone to rashes, aging and hyperpigmented skin.

Among women who use this cream, they note its quite strong and effective effect and are not advised to use it for more than the prescribed period, which, depending on the skin type, is 14-30 days. The cream also lightens age spots very well.

Exfoliating powder “H2O”

New in the field of cosmetology. Convenient to use. There are both a disposable package and a large tube on sale, which makes customers very happy, since you can buy 1 package to try and find out whether this product is suitable or not.

The product is intended for cleansing facial skin 1-3 times a week. The powder is mixed with water and gently massaged onto the face.

Cream exfoliant “French almond” from “Academy”

Peeling cream is created for all skin types and is designed to cleanse it. It is recommended to purchase in addition to a mask from this manufacturer to achieve the most effective results. The product is quite expensive, but women note its high effectiveness, namely:

  • smoothing the relief of the skin;
  • cleansing pores;
  • exfoliation;
  • refreshing complexion.

After use it does not cause any discomfort.

Gommage exfoliant "Teana"

Gommage based on enzymatic exfoliants. Suitable for use on very sensitive skin. Used once a week.

Those who have used this product note the pleasant smell of the product and high-quality packaging. Also, gommage was not suitable for many, as it has a softer effect than scrub or peeling. More suitable for practically problem-free skin, to maintain hydration and elasticity.

Exfoliating tonic "Natura Siberica"

Cleansing and brightening toner based on fruit acids. A good domestic analogue to expensive French brands. Designed for daily use. According to reviews from most women and cosmetologists, it does its job quite well as an intermediate remedy.

After use, there is a good lightening of freckles and age spots. The tonic has a pleasant smell of sea buckthorn.

Terms of use

You are mistaken if you think that such a procedure cannot be performed correctly at home. It is very simple, does not require special skills, and resembles applying an ordinary mask.

  • Remove makeup, wash your face.
  • Now you need to steam your face: sit over a saucepan with steam for 10 minutes.
  • To enhance the effect, cover with a towel.
  • Squeeze the substance into your palm the size of a walnut. Hold it in your hands for a minute until it warms up to body temperature. Apply it with your fingers or a special brush, starting from the forehead to the chin.
  • Use massage movements to drive the substance deep into the area.
  • Lie down on the sofa, take a comfortable position, relax. Enjoy the mind-blowing smells. Leave for 15 minutes.
  • During this time, the product should dry out and turn into a film. Starting from the chin, gently begin to roll it upward. Do not stretch the surface, do not press. If it is completely dry, just wash with warm water.
  • Apply a soothing cream.

Important! If the skin is hypersensitive, there are wounds, inflammation or rosacea, do not take a steam bath, and simply wash off the mask without rolling off.

Lie down on the sofa, take a comfortable position, relax. Enjoy the mind-blowing smells. Leave for 15 minutes

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