BeautyQuestion to an expert: Should micellar water be washed off?

Micellar water is a very popular beauty product, and most of you probably have a bottle of micellar water at home and maybe even use it every day.

Micellar water is often recommended by the manufacturer as a facial cleanser that does not require rinsing. However, most experts say the opposite.

  • Benefit or harm
  • 3 types of micellar water (Yulia Gagarina)
  • Micellar water - to rinse or not to rinse? (Tiina Orasmäe-Meder)
  • Inspection of micellar water from the mass market
  • Verdict - it’s better to wash off any micellar water!

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What is micellar water?

Micellar water is a cleanser that removes excess sebum, cosmetics and impurities from the surface of the skin. Today it is one of the most popular makeup removers – and for good reason. Firstly, micellar water does not dry out the skin. Secondly, it is very easy to use. Thirdly, it is suitable for any skin type.

They say that all cleansers are the same in composition. This is true?

Almost. They always contain a cleansing component, otherwise the product will not clean anything.

This component is called a surfactant, but more often you can find a synonym for surfactant - surfactant. Its main function is to make the dirty clean.

Surfactant can be compared to a sewing pin. This is a needle with a colored ball at the end. The color head is the hydrophilic part of the surfactant. She loves water and attracts it to herself, but repels fat. The needle itself is a lipophilic tail. It attracts fat and repels water.

Anna Guridova / Burning Hut

Surfactants are found in any cleanser, as well as in gels for washing and cleaning surfaces. While the product is in the bottle, the “needles” in it are arranged randomly. But as soon as they get into the water, they turn into micelles (that's where the name micellar comes from!).

Micelles are the same molecules, only in a different position. The “needles” are turned over and grouped into balls. In the center of each ball there are heads that attract water, and at the edges there are tails that catch fat.

Have you ever tried to wash a plate without a cleaning product? Water alone does not remove food residues, but once you connect a sponge with a drop of product, the dishes become clean. Surfactants attract fat and are then washed off together with water.

Cleansers also work well with cosmetics. That's all the magic.

Do I need to wash my face after using micellar water?

There is no clear answer to the question of whether micellar water should be washed off from the skin of the face. To understand its purpose, let's look at history. Micellar water was invented in France: Parisian women complained that tap water was too hard, which dried out their skin. And dermatologists suggested a way out - to cleanse the face with a special, “gentle” product without using water. Thus, initially the use of micellar water served as an alternative to washing.

However, today for many micellar water is just one of the stages of cleansing. Some are convinced that micellar water should be washed off. Why? For example, if you like intense makeup or work requires heavy makeup, you will probably want to additionally wash your face after removing the makeup. So whether to wash your face after micellar water is up to you. It all depends on personal preference.

How to wash micellar water off your face?

Micellar water itself does not require rinsing - neither with regular water nor with other means. But if you feel that you need more intensive cleansing (most often this need occurs in girls with oily skin), use additional cleansers. How to complement facial cleansing with micellar water? For example, a gel foam with grape extract “Basic Care” or a soft scrub with charcoal against blackheads “Clean Skin Active”.

So I wash my face and wash my clothes with the same substance? Horrible!

No, surfactants are different.

Some of them are aggressive and therefore suitable for laundry and dishwashing. Using them on the skin can be dangerous, which is why the cleansers are formulated with mild surfactants. They remove dirt and makeup from the face and, in theory, should not damage the skin barrier.

But sometimes damage still occurs. For example, when the composition of the product is not balanced and it contains few moisturizing components. Gels and foams without them often cleanse the skin “squeaky clean.” The epidermis is deprived of the fats necessary for protection, and the skin reacts to this with itching, redness and irritation.

The skin can also be sensitive to some components of cosmetics and react to them, regardless of the harmony of the composition.

How does micellar water work?

Visually, micellar water resembles a lotion or facial toner - a transparent liquid with no odor at all or with a light, unobtrusive aroma. However, the principle of its operation is completely different. The product literally “attracts” makeup residues and dirt, removing them from the surface of the skin.

Features of the composition

Micellar water typically contains purified water, moisturizing ingredients (like glycerin or cleansing oils), and micelles, which are special compounds of molecules. These tiny substances work like a sponge or miniature vacuum cleaner, attracting and holding dead cells, dust particles and cosmetics. In addition, micelles “pull out” oils that clog pores. They also work great with waterproof makeup, moisturize and do not disturb the natural pH of the skin. In this case, there is no need to rub the skin vigorously; just walk over its surface with a cotton pad moistened with micellar water.

Who is micellar water suitable for?

Micellar water is especially good for dry, sensitive and acne-prone skin. But for normal, combination and oily skin, this product will also be a suitable solution. Moreover, today there are formulas adapted for different skin types.

Benefit or harm

Micellar water

Removing makeup with micellar water

A micellar product is an excellent product, suitable even for unforeseen situations. Many manufacturers indicate that the product should not be washed off and does not require subsequent toning. All these points are controversial, moreover, they can actually cause damage to the entire human body.

How to use micellar water correctly?

The product is used in much the same way as a toner:

  1. Soak a cotton pad with micellar water and gently but thoroughly wipe your face.
  2. If you need to remove eye makeup, press a cotton pad onto your eyelids for 5-10 seconds.
  3. It happens that waterproof cosmetics are difficult to remove the first time, in this case, duplicate the steps.
  4. Next, follow your usual care regimen: wash your face using gel or foam (if necessary), apply toner and moisturizer.

Can micellar water be used daily?

The product can be used daily, morning and evening. If desired, you can also use micellar water throughout the day to refresh your skin.

Myth two: organic and natural cosmetics are hypoallergenic

In fact, there are no absolutely hypoallergenic products, since each person’s body is unique and even the most harmless ingredient can cause a negative reaction. Nowadays there is a boom in herbal cosmetics, many people are switching to it, and in the first months they really like the result. However, do not forget that an allergic reaction can have a cumulative effect and will not appear immediately, but after some time, causing a sharp deterioration in the quality of the skin.

This statement also applies to professional cosmetics. Even when recommending this or that product for use, a cosmetologist cannot guarantee that you personally will not be allergic to it, since everything needs to be tried. If an allergic reaction occurs, stop using the drug and contact a cosmetologist.

Myth three: children's cosmetics are better because there is nothing superfluous in them

There are several factors that prove this is not the case. Firstly, the acid-base balance (Ph) of children's and adult skin is very different, therefore, using baby soap to care for ourselves, we constantly disrupt our natural acid-base balance and reduce the skin's protection from harmful factors.

Secondly, children do not have developed sebaceous glands, so cosmetics for the little ones contain film-forming substances that prevent dirt and germs from getting on the skin. However, for adults, this same film creates a greenhouse effect - the skin does not breathe, loses moisture, dries out... The sebaceous glands begin to work more actively, together with the action of the film, this causes an increase in the stratum corneum of dead cells, which leads to irritation, inflammation and acne.

For reference! The sebaceous glands go into intense operation as soon as something potentially dangerous happens to the body. For example, if you are nervous, have not eaten properly, or there is a malfunction of the endocrine system, they will begin to produce more sebum, if you have used a cosmetic product that is not suitable for your skin, the glands are also activated to maintain the lipid barrier.

Thirdly, all the components that we avoid when using children's cosmetics are very necessary for the skin of an adult. Hyaluronic and other acids, vascular strengthening substances, peptides, etc. not only moisturize the skin, have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, but also prolong youth: they reduce the formation of pigment, smooth out wrinkles, and brighten the face. And fourthly, modern children's cosmetics are often very similar in composition to lines for adults. Nevertheless, the components that are important for us are still not there, therefore, we do not receive enough benefit.

Photo is for illustrative purposes only,

Famous brands

Face cream

Currently, there is a great demand for micellar products in Russia:

  • Avene Eau Thermale Cleanance Micellar Water, made in France, is intended for women with oily skin prone to inflammation. It contains mineral water from the Avene thermal spring, which softens, soothes the skin and relieves tightness. Based on it, a whole series of cleansers has been created: gels, lotions, mattifying liquids. It is recommended to wash them off after use in the morning and evening.
  • Water from the Swiss premium brand Declare Soft Cleansing line is designed for gentle cleansing of the face and eyes. Removes waterproof makeup well. Does not cause irritation and can be used for all skin types.
  • From the French company Bioderma Sensibio (Bioderma Sensibio) you can purchase H2O micellar for intensive care of dry and sensitive skin and acne-prone skin. It has herbal ingredients, no alcohol or alkali (PH = 5.5).
  • The most famous water in Russia from France, the Garnier brand, is suitable for any skin, even sensitive ones.
  • Softening (for dry and sensitive) and refreshing with vitamin E (for normal and combination skin) water is offered by the environmental brand Nivea from Beiersdorf.

Micellar water from Nivea

  • From L'Oreal Paris there is water separately for dry, sensitive and all facial skin.
  • The Roche-Posay company produces not only water for makeup removal, but even therapeutic micellar foam for sensitive skin.
  • The Black Pearl brand has developed a series of universal cleansing products: with grape seed extract, rose extract, protective, for the face, eyelids and lips. The properties of all types of leather are taken into account.

On a note. In the description of them, almost everyone omits the point that after using their product you need to wash it off.

Myth five: face cream is suitable for eyelid skin

This is a partial myth. Eyelid cosmetics are usually ophthalmologically tested, while face creams are not. Accordingly, if such agents get on the mucous membrane of the eye, they can cause allergic reactions, including irreversible ones. Do not also forget that the composition of face creams may be too heavy for the delicate skin of the eyelids and their application close to the eyelash edge will cause swelling. But, however, some creams contain useful components, for example, care products with retinol or DMAI, which can also be applied to the eyelids for a course of 1–2 months (on the recommendation of a specialist).

Take care of yourself and be beautiful!

Photo from the personal archive of Veronica Titova

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