Ferul peeling - gentle cleansing for beautiful skin

Clean and glowing skin is a sign of a well-groomed and beautiful woman. To achieve the desired result, many turn to a cosmetologist. Aggressive procedures are not suitable - they require a long recovery and cause many side effects. One of the compromise solutions would be ferul peeling.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

In cosmetology, ferul peeling is considered “summer”, as it is most effective against seasonal changes on the face: freckles, photosensitive areas of the skin.

What it is

Ferulic facial peeling is a soft cosmetic procedure of a new generation, characterized by low aggressiveness.

The technique is universal: it helps get rid of post-acne and increased sebum secretion, and also fights wrinkles and age spots. The skin becomes perfect, like on the cover of glossy magazines, hence the alternative name - Hollywood peeling.

The drug includes natural extracts, complexes of useful substances in nanocapsules and acids, among which are the following:

  • Ferulic – “awakening” effect, is a powerful antioxidant;
  • Salicylic acid - helps with problem skin, controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Glycolic - promotes exfoliation and renewal of epidermal cells;
  • Ascorbic acid - has a pronounced whitening effect, evens out the complexion;
  • Milk - moisturizes, fights signs of photoaging;
  • Apple - strengthens the walls of capillaries.

It also contains a healthy “smoothie” made from extracts of spinach, carrots, green tea, and grapes. This variety allows peeling to have a comprehensive effect. The list of components also includes purely “chemical” products obtained artificially.

An important indicator of the safety of the procedure is the concentration of acids. The degree of skin damage depends on it.

In order not to burn the sensitive epithelium, it is better to entrust the choice of product and the session to professionals. They will select the drug that is right for you.

Drugs and prices

As you know, demand creates supply. Now on the cosmetology market there are many manufacturers producing ferul peels. Let's look at some of them.


The most popular brand from Spain.

  • Volume: 60 ml;
  • Price: 7500-8000 rub.

All-season peeling is universal and widely in demand among cosmetologists.

The main active ingredients are mandelic and ferulic (15%) acids, vitamins C and E.

It has a mild effect on the skin. After use, there are no side effects such as peeling or burning.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Peeling with Medidderma is popular due to its low aggressiveness; it can be applied to the eyelids without worrying about damage to the conjunctiva of the eyes.

Result: protection from ultraviolet rays, improvement of skin color, normalization of the sebaceous glands, helps fight acne.

The brand specializes not only in peelings, but also in various additives to them: cleansing compositions, moisturizing creams, serums, masks, etc.

Sesderma (Sesderma)

Another brand that came to us from Spain.

Slogan (“Listening to skin, listening to people”).

  • Volume: 2 ml (available in ampoules);
  • Price: 2000-2500 rub.

The exfoliant is intended for summer use. It restores, improves the structure and color of the skin, and also protects it from free radicals.

The line includes salicylic, glycolic and other products. Thanks to its soft composition, the procedure can be carried out at home.


A joint brainchild of Spanish and Belarusian manufacturers. Currently, the cosmetics production plant is located in Vitebsk.

The company specializes in all-season peelings.

  • Volume: 105 ml;
  • Price: 100-200 rub.

The composition includes ferulic, lactic and citric acids.

Effect of use: deep cleansing, combating signs of photo- and chronoaging, protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays and free radicals, regeneration processes are activated.

The drug also has an anti-inflammatory effect, regulates the synthesis of sebaceous glands and reduces pigmentation.


The product has appeared on the market recently, since 2016.

  • Volume: 60 ml;
  • Price: 4500-5000 rub.

The peeling contains lactic (5%), citric (5%), malic (5%) and ferulic (8%) acids. The composition is not too concentrated, which means it is not aggressive to the skin.

Result of use: helps moisturize the skin, fights imperfections (post-acne and pigmentation), stimulates the regeneration process (renewal of epithelial cells), removes toxins.

The series includes a whole care system: masks, serums, preparations for peeling, as well as for the speedy rehabilitation of the skin.

Dermatime (Dermatime)

Peeling from domestic.

  • Volume: 60 ml;
  • Price: 3500-4000 rub.

A preparation based on ferulic acid (12%) in an aqueous-alcoholic solution.

It has a rejuvenating effect, tightens pores, fights free radicals, and has a light SPF effect.

Helps improve complexion and strengthen capillaries, reduce inflammation.

NeosBioLab (NeosBioLab)

Professional brand from a domestic manufacturer.

  • Volume: 50 ml;
  • Price: 2500-3000 rub.

Peeling tightens and moisturizes the skin, helps remove toxins. Advantage: does not require neutralization.

The composition includes retinol, ferulic (10%) and lactobionic (5%) acids. This combination provides a prolonged effect.

Meillume Ferulic profi-peel (Meillume)

Canadian luxury brand for those who are used to pampering themselves.

  • Volume: 50 ml;
  • Price: 7000-8000 rub.

The drug is used for all-season surface peeling. It has a rejuvenating effect, promotes skin renewal, and also improves its structure and evens out its relief.

Milk peeling

The source of lactic acid for this peeling is natural milk, which has already been fermented. This type of peeling has the appearance of a gel and has an acidity of 2.5 pH. This gentle cleanser penetrates slowly into the skin without causing any irritation. As a result, the patient receives hydrated, smoothed skin with increased elasticity and firmness. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory and keratolytic effect.

Milk peeling is recommended for use by those who have aging skin with decreased tone, a sallow, unhealthy complexion, and skin that dries out due to exposure to sunlight. Usually milk peeling is used in a course that includes 6-8 sessions, the interval between which is from two to three weeks.

Indications for use

  • Presence of small irregularities. Superficial peeling will not cope with deep scars and scars, but it will completely help get rid of post-acne and restore the skin to its former smoothness.
  • Biological processes of aging. These include photoaging, wrinkles and pigmentation. Please note that the more serious the age-related changes, the more cleaning sessions will be needed.
  • Capillary pathologies, for example, rosacea or telangiectasia. Thanks to ferulic acid, blood circulation improves, and pathological processes slow down and even prevent their re-development.
  • Problem skin. The drug with the addition of salicylic acid fights imperfections caused by hormonal imbalance: comedones, acne, blackheads, etc.
  • Dehydration. Insufficient hydration makes the skin dull and dry. Peeling and redness may occur. The complex of microelements helps to “establish the supply” of moisture to the epidermal cells, as a result of which the skin takes on a healthy and rested appearance.
  • Dark circles under the eyes. Peeling will not only cope with aesthetic imperfections, but will eliminate the cause: lack of cortisol.
  • Premature aging.

Remember, such peeling must be prescribed by the cosmetologist himself. You should not look for evidence on your own. It is better to go to a specialist who will evaluate all imperfections, conduct diagnostics and conclude whether such a procedure is necessary.

Salicylic peeling

This complex type of peeling contains three active acids:

  • salicylic acid (monitors the amount of sebum, kills germs, narrows overly enlarged pores);
  • linoleic (saves the skin from drying out, eliminates harmful free radicals, makes healing faster, prevents the development of inflammatory processes);
  • citric (creates the necessary acidic environment in the skin and prevents the growth of bacteria, and also whitens).

Salicylic peeling will help people suffering from skin problems such as keratoses, acne, rosacea, seborrhea or psoriasis. After completing a properly formulated course of treatment with a salicylic agent, the consequences of inflammatory skin processes are reduced, small wrinkles are smoothed out, a healthy complexion returns, and pigment spots caused by harmful sun exposure to ultraviolet radiation are eliminated.

The course includes 6-10 sessions, with the time interval between procedures ranging from seven to fourteen days.


The effect of the procedure depends on individual characteristics. Let's compare the results in the table.

Skin typeEffect
Fat, problematicDuring the full course, not only acne disappears, but also its consequences.
In addition, ferulic acid helps control the sebaceous glands.

An undoubted advantage is the ability to carry out the procedure at any time of the year.

Sensitive, dryAs a result, skin color becomes better and redness disappears. She gains a supply of life-giving moisture.
NormalNatural aging processes slow down.

Azelaine peeling

Since azelaic acid can reach even the deepest layers of the skin, such peeling is used for a deeper effect, normalizing processes in the follicles of the sebaceous glands and cleaning the ducts. In addition, melanin production slows down somewhat, so patients with rosacea will be able to improve their physical condition thanks to azelaine peeling. Also, this type of skin cleansing is recommended for those suffering from erythema, the beginning of the aging process, acne, severe pigmentation, post-acne, rosacea.

To achieve a long-term therapeutic effect, eight to twelve sessions will be required. In this case, the break between each two procedures should be from one to two weeks. Visually, the effect becomes noticeable after two or three procedures.


Like any cosmetic procedure, peeling with ferulic acid has a number of contraindications. If one or more of the circumstances described below is present, facial cleansing will have to be postponed.

  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Intolerance to components. To determine allergies, apply the product to the elbow and observe the reaction.
  • Open wounds, inflammation, chronic skin diseases in the acute stage in the treated areas.
  • Increased body temperature, fever, viral infection.
  • Exacerbation of chronic pathologies of internal organs. You should be especially wary with gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.

Menstruation is a temporary limitation for peeling. If you experience severe pain during PMS or at the beginning of your cycle, it makes sense to think about postponing a visit to a cosmetologist.


In conclusion, we can say that even the ferul peeling procedure, despite its effectiveness, has some contraindications.

For example, it cannot be performed on pregnant or lactating women. This is due to the acid content in the finished mixture. It is also worth remembering about possible allergic reactions to individual components. Do not apply chemicals if there are open wounds or scratches on the skin.

To maintain the peeling effect for a long time, lead a healthy lifestyle, be less nervous and eat right. This way, you will greatly prolong the youthful state of your skin.

How does the procedure work?

The protocol (procedure) of ferul peeling contains three stages:

  1. Preparation, including cleansing and toning the skin;
  2. Application of the product;
  3. Post-peel care to minimize the risk of side effects.


It starts a week before the procedure itself.

To carry out preliminary cleaning, the cosmetologist treats the patient's face with compositions based on fruit acid. Usually this is a cream and tonic. This stage is important because During the peeling itself, the active substances will penetrate deeper into the layers of the epidermis.


1. First you need to cleanse your face of makeup and minor impurities.

Then the skin is wiped with tonic - it degreases and serves as a conductor for nutrients.

Moles, papillomas and particularly sensitive areas are treated with a special agent that forms a protective film to avoid burns and the appearance of malignant neoplasms.

2. The peeling itself is applied in several layers. Do this with cotton swabs or hands (with gloves). In the latter case, consumption is more economical. Some patients experience a slight tingling sensation, which is accompanied by redness of the skin.

If the discomfort intensifies, you must immediately tell your specialist about it. In general, the procedure is painless and no additional anesthesia is required.

3. After 15-20 minutes, the cosmetologist removes the product with cotton pads.

4. Apply a soothing cream to the facial skin. It should have a greasy consistency.

In the warm season, additionally use a product with SPF.

Recovery period

To maintain the effect for a long time, you need to follow some rules.

  • In the first month, avoid the sauna and swimming pool.
  • A trip to the solarium, as well as natural sunbathing, will also have to be postponed.
  • If necessary, the cosmetologist will recommend a course of post-peeling care.

Course duration

The frequency of the procedure is determined by the cosmetologist, based on the severity of the problem.
The standard course of ferul peeling is 5-7 sessions with a break of a week. The interval must be at least a month.

Please be patient to see the final effect. A noticeable update will occur only towards the middle of the course.

Side effects

Despite the fact that peeling penetrates all layers of the epidermis, such cleansing is classified as superficial: with the correct dosage, it will not cause severe harm.

Side effects after the procedure are either not observed at all, or they exist, but are extremely mild.

Redness and slight swelling disappear on their own within the first day. Skin renewal occurs in 3-4 days. At this time, a slight tingling sensation is possible.

A little about Sesderma

The company was founded in 1989. At that time it was a laboratory headed by Dr. Gabrielle Serrano. Together with a group of professionals, he set a goal to obtain drugs that work at the cellular level. The main active ingredients of Sesderma products are α- and β-hydroxy acids.

Currently, this is a large enterprise producing high-quality products that allow solving aesthetic and dermatological problems at a professional level. For example: sesderma peels are ideal for renewal and rejuvenation.

Motto. This principle ensures a truly individual approach.

Sesderma chemical peels, what are they? It is not so easy to understand more than 40 types of drugs with varying degrees of impact. What they have in common is that the active substance is acid. Depending on its concentration, exfoliation can be superficial, medium and deep.

The first option is the safest and requires virtually no rehabilitation. However, he is unable to solve serious problems.

The median type means that the active components reach the basement membrane. With its help, a noticeable effect is obtained, but recovery may take from 2 to 4 weeks.

The latter type affects the dermis, completely copes with small wrinkles, and makes deep ones invisible. It must be taken into account that eliminating the consequences of a targeted chemical burn will take up to 3 months or more.

How to do it at home

It is not recommended to carry out the procedure at home. All cosmetologists talk about this.

Only real professionals can understand the intricacies of mixing and applying ingredients.

However, in the pursuit of beauty, girls are not stopped by any reasonable arguments. That is why manufacturers have gone to the trouble of producing chemical compounds that can be used without special training.

  1. A preparation with the addition of malic, salicylic, ferulic, mandelic acids and vitamin complexes. The aggressive composition is suitable for those with oily skin. On the fourth day after the procedure, the skin will begin to peel and peel. It is very important not to touch it with your hands, otherwise it will lead to negative consequences. Don't forget about extra hydration during the recovery period.
  2. Retinol peeling is a more gentle type of deep facial cleansing. Experts recommend doing ultrasonic cleaning a week before.
  3. Peeling with ascorbic acid. It is the easiest and safest to use. Vitamin C awakens the skin and makes it radiant. The product is applied in two stages with a short pause, it is left for 10 hours.

Attention! To avoid side effects, follow the instructions carefully. Purchase the peeling itself only from a trusted manufacturer. If you have the slightest suspicion of negative skin reactions, consult a specialist immediately.


During the first week, additional hydration is required: use any nourishing cream with a rich consistency, and you can also use a product that accelerates skin regeneration (to shorten the recovery period).

Peeling 2-3 days after the procedure is considered normal.

Do not forget about precautions: you should not be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, it is better to avoid sudden changes in temperature.


After peeling, the renewal process begins in the layers of the epidermis.
Rapid cell regeneration provides a lasting rejuvenating effect. The procedure helps:

  • restore a healthy and even complexion;
  • cleanse the epithelium of dead cells;
  • increase the skin's protective barrier;
  • control sebum production;
  • prevent premature aging.

If you need more radical results, you will have to turn to aggressive cleaning techniques.

Almond peeling

The bitter almond nut, from which this type of peeling is made, helps produce cosmetics thanks to the acid of the same name. The emphasis with this type of cleansing is on gentle, deep and gradual cleansing of the pores. Recommendations from specialists on the use of almond peeling concern rosacea, signs of aging (fine wrinkles, dryness, poor skin tone), acne, hyperpigmentation, and the consequences of acne.

Exfoliation with almond peeling cream is very easy to tolerate and does not require the use of special or medications for rehabilitation; it is often used as a preparatory stage before more serious, deeper-penetrating peeling (in this case, one, two or three sessions are sufficient). Typically, the average course duration is 8-12 procedures with a break between them of about one to two weeks.

Photos before and after

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts note that this type of peeling is very effective in combating skin imperfections.

The cosmetologist reminds that when performing the procedure, it is important to follow the rules for using cosmetics, as well as purchase only high-quality products.

Patient reviews

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