Lip care at home using natural remedies

Lips are what immediately catches our eye when we look at a person. This is a color accent, this is an indicator of health, this is a way to find out what a person’s character is... All these are the reasons why lips should look flawless. How to achieve healthy looking lips?

The skin of the lips is very sensitive and prone to rapid fading, so it is necessary to take care of it every day. It is very easy to damage the skin of your lips, so you should not use just anything: some lipsticks contain substances that can easily upset the delicate balance of this delicate area.

On the other hand, if you want your lips to be healthy and beautiful, but are not ready to overpay for expensive products, there is still a way out. We will tell you what to do and what to use to make your lips truly attractive.

Signs of deficiency

Both children and adults encounter unpleasant phenomena. Doctors call redness, soreness and peeling with one term - cheilitis.

Signs of this defect include:

  • redness;
  • burning sensation;
  • cracks with edges turning into scales;
  • tightness and swelling;
  • discomfort;
  • flaking crusts, bloody or white;
  • tingling when drinking drinks and food;
  • jams in corners;
  • constant thirst.

It is important to figure out the cause of dry lip skin as quickly as possible. Perhaps the deficiency is caused by a common cold or improper daily care.

Hygienic lipstick Caudalie Soin Des Lèvres

Hygienic lipstick Caudalie Soin Des Lèvres Grape seed oil and grape polyphenols are an excellent duet, which is contained in the formula of hygienic lipstick Soin Des Lèvres. It provides comprehensive care: on the one hand, it slows down the aging process by neutralizing antioxidants, and on the other hand, it envelops the lips in a moisturizing veil without feeling greasy. An ideal product for those who like to get everything at once.

TOP 5 salon techniques

Women who are faced with dry lip skin sometimes do not know what to do with such a deficiency.

The most effective and fastest results are provided by cosmetic procedures. Here are the most popular ones:

Laser resurfacing

Used quite often. The essence of the method is to eliminate dead skin particles using a laser beam.

Sanding is not for everyone. If there are deep injuries, you will have to heal them first.

Non-injection hydration with hyaluronic acid

The surface of the lips is pre-cleaned. Then a concentrated composition of useful components and vitamins is applied.

Therapeutic substances penetrate deep into tissues using an electroporation apparatus.

The procedure provides complete hydration, improved color, and increased volume. The results obtained will last 2 – 4 months.

After this, you will need to repeat the manipulations. The impact of the unit is carried out under local anesthesia, so pain is not felt.


  1. women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. people with malignant and benign tumors;
  3. patients with diabetes mellitus;
  4. patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Injection method

To replenish the lack of moisture, special fillers are used. They contain hyaluronic acid and lidocoine, which are necessary for painless injections. This procedure is called contour plastic surgery.

The result is not only hydration, but also enlargement of the lip area. This fact stops many.

But you need to understand that it is not necessary to greatly enlarge your lips, since an experienced doctor can introduce a small amount of fillers, so you will not notice much of a difference in size.

You can also perform lip biorevitalization. This is a procedure during which hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin layers.

In this case, the lips do not change in size, but enormous hydration occurs.

Vitamin complex

A mask enriched with vitamins is applied to the surface of the lips. The composition also includes other substances with beneficial properties:

  • fixed oils;
  • natural fruit acids;
  • nutritional ingredients;
  • beeswax.

A pronounced positive result will be visible after the first visit to the cosmetologist’s office.

Collagen mask

Suitable for quickly getting rid of flaking, giving softness and smoothness to the skin. The therapeutic effect of the mask lasts for 5 hours.

However, the procedure cannot be repeated too often. The ideal option would be sessions held twice a week.

Skin Regimen Lip Balm

Nourishing lip balm Skin Regimen Lip Balm Skin Regimen experts have combined two well-known ingredients that are famous for their powerful moisturizing properties - shea butter and avocado. They formed the basis of a nourishing lip balm with a creamy texture that is quickly absorbed and does not leave behind an unpleasant sticky film. And one more advantage of this product: it helps maintain a clear lip contour.

Pharmacy products

Many representatives of the fair sex protect their hands from the cold with Vaseline. The same product can be applied to the lips.

Before going outside, cover sensitive areas with a thin layer of ointment.

There are other drugs that can be purchased in pharmacies:

  1. Boro+. The cream contains extracts of medicinal herbs that restore the structure of the epidermis, promote the healing of damage, and eliminate peeling.
  2. Glycerol. It is one of the best moisturizers of natural origin. Activates regeneration, eliminates tightness. Glycerin protects against negative factors and vagaries of the weather - heat, wind, frost. It is enough to use just a couple of drops at night.
  3. Sunscreens. It is important to properly protect your skin from the scorching sun. If you are planning a trip to the beach or a trip to a hot country, you need to get special products with SPF. The cream is applied to the lips daily.
  4. Nivea. A whole line of products from this brand is designed to protect the skin in cold weather. The products are sold not only in pharmacies, but also in cosmetic stores and shopping centers.
  5. DNS. A domestic brand of cosmetics, known for its wonderful effect on the skin, eyebrows, eyelashes, lips. The nutrients included in cosmetics smooth out skin texture and heal cracks.
  6. EOS. Balms from this manufacturer have gained wide popularity among the fair sex. The products have a healing and cosmetic effect.

The listed remedies will help get rid of dry lip skin, burning, flaking, and damage.

Balms are used instead of lipstick, and they do not lead to increased dryness, but saturate the skin with nourishing ingredients.

Lip balm Laboratories Lysedia Paris “Nutrition and volume”

Lip balm Laboratories Lysedia Paris “Nutrition and Volume” Hyaluronic acid is never too much, especially when it comes to lips. And if its moisturizing, volume- and elasticity-increasing properties are enhanced with nourishing and antioxidant shea and jojoba oils, you will get a product that not only gives your lips 3D volume and works as an anti-aging agent, but also minimizes the adverse effects of external factors. This is how you can briefly describe Laboratories Lysedia Paris lip balm “Nutrition and Volume”.

Question answer

In any case, if dryness or inflammation progresses, you need to go to the doctor, as you may be developing the pathology of cheilitis. In this case, ulcers, bumps, plaques, and cracks will appear. If wounds appear in the corners, then a fungal disease may develop. If you have tried various methods to combat dryness, but have not noticed any effect, then you also need to visit a doctor, since dryness in this area often occurs with psoriasis, pathologies of the endocrine system, and low hemoglobin levels.

In such a situation, it is useful to use beeswax, coconut oil, aloe vera, olives, and shea butter.

Today you can find many balms on sale. It is recommended to try different options to choose the right product. For example, balms from Vichy, LA ROCHE-POSAY, BIOTHERM are very popular. But there are many other worthy companies producing lip care products that show good results. Pay attention to glosses and balms that contain vitamins A and E.

Erborian Matte for Lips

Matte lip balm Erborian Matte for Lips The main feature of Erborian Matte for Lips is a light powdery texture that provides a velvety matte finish without overdrying. The skin care effect is also present: camellia seed oil moisturizes and neutralizes the effects of free radicals, tangerine saturates with vitamins, and Italian immortelle stimulates collagen production. That is, it turns out that after this product you don’t need lipstick and your lips look well-groomed.

Traditional recipes (5 best options)

If dry lip skin begins to crack in winter, you need to urgently decide what to do about such an annoying drawback.

You can use the tools that are found in every home:

  1. Vaseline and castor oil. A cotton swab is soaked in castor oil, then it must be carefully passed over the lips. Vaseline is spread over the top with a thin layer. To restore damage, the procedure is repeated for 7 days.
  2. Honey. Apply to the skin with a finger previously moistened with water to prevent the product from sticking. Honey can kill germs, moisturize, and saturate tissues with nutrients.
  3. Aloe vera. This popular plant is valued for its unique medicinal properties. You can apply gel with aloe extract to your lips or apply a juicy leaf. Especially relevant for use in cases of increased dryness and sunburn.
  4. Butter without salt. Another safe natural moisturizer. It is enough to lightly rub your lips with a slice of butter twice a day. If the product contains salt, it will harm your skin.
  5. Water. One of the reasons for excessive dryness of the face and lips may be dehydration of the entire body. This means that a person does not drink enough drinking water. It is impossible to make up for the deficiency with soda, tea, coffee or juice. Sometimes the listed drinks lead to the opposite effect. To restore water balance, you need to drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day.

If all the remedies have been tried and there is no positive result, it’s time to visit a doctor. Perhaps the cause of dryness lies in anemia or lack of iron.

Vegetarians often suffer from such disorders, because the main source of this microelement is meat.

Signs of iron deficiency are chronic fatigue, frequent headaches, deep cracks and peeling on the lips.

To compensate for the deficiency of essential substances, you should take vitamin complexes containing iron.

Another way to treat dry lips is to use humidifiers. Clean, enriched air is good for health and has a beneficial effect on appearance.

Regenerating and moisturizing lip balm with beeswax Laino

Restoring and moisturizing lip balm with beeswax Laino There are only three main components in Laino lip balm, and they all hit the target: calendula - a local antiseptic, beeswax - for moisturizing, vitamin E - for rejuvenation.
The result: delicate, soft, moisturized lips without cracks or jams, the natural shade of which is slightly enhanced. Text: Svetlana Antonova

Proper care (4 stages)

To prevent your lips from drying out, you need to surround them with care and attention.

With proper regular care, you will never know what tightness, cracks, or jams are. Daily care includes 4 stages.


Twice a day, dirt, decorative cosmetics, and dust are removed from the skin.

The procedure is carried out using a cotton pad moistened with micellar water, lotion, nourishing cream or any other makeup remover with a plant base.

If none of the above is at hand, plain warm water will do.


Peeling is necessary for deep cleansing of the epidermis. The procedure will be especially relevant in the presence of peeling.

Soft cosmetic preparations are suitable. Exfoliation is carried out once a week to remove dead skin cells.


Performed together with peeling, as well as daily, as an independent procedure. The ideal massage is carried out with a soft toothbrush for a few minutes.

It is carried out intensively, but carefully. The lips are first lubricated with cream or vegetable oil.

Hydration and nutrition

Both effects are achieved by daily use of hygienic lipstick or moisturizing gel. Almond, olive, and shea oils are good for this.

These substances provide hydration, nourish the skin, and accelerate wound healing.

Before going to bed, nourishing products are applied to the skin to saturate the tissues with vitamins and give it a velvety feel. Purchased products must have a special composition.

The most useful will be: fatty acids, peptides, herbal extracts, hyaluronic acid, vitamins B, A, E, plant oils.

Nourishing lip primer dr. brandt 3-D Lip Plumpfix

Nourishing lip primer dr. brandt 3-D Lip Plumpfix Scientists of the brand dr. brandt managed to create a multifunctional 3-D Lip Plumpfix with peptides, a unique Dual Fat Enhancer complex and hyaluronic spheres, which can compete in effectiveness with beauty injections in the lips. As you know, dryness, wrinkles and lack of volume indicate age-related changes that can be corrected at home without needles. The nourishing double-sided primer 3-D Lip Plumpfi copes with this task, but you will have to work a little: during the day, apply the serum from the turquoise part of the tube to your lips, and in the evening, as a restorative mask, from the black part.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

Dry lip skin, covered with cracks and crusts, does not look very pleasant and brings a lot of discomfort. To get rid of the deficiency and restore health and beauty to the skin, you can use salon methods, pharmaceutical preparations, as well as folk recipes. It is in combination that you can get an excellent effect. Proper daily care will help prevent problems from occurring.

Theda Contis

plastic surgeon

The skin on the lips is very thin and delicate and reacts sharply to any irritants.
Negative influences in the form of temperature changes, weather or stress cause harm to sensitive skin. Dry skin on the lips and around the mouth is a serious drawback that can greatly ruin your appearance. For complete elimination, you need to consult a specialist. It is better to entrust the choice of the appropriate method to a cosmetologist. Caring manipulations will protect the sensitive skin of the lips from the negative effects of many factors, maintaining its health and attractiveness.

It is easier to prevent a deficiency from occurring than to fight it later in every possible way.

Exercises for beautiful lip shape

This set of exercises will not take you much time, but will serve as an excellent prevention of age-related changes in the skin of the lips. You can do it in the morning before applying makeup or in the evening before going to bed.

  • Pull your lips out and exhale as if you were blowing out a candle. After exhaling, relax your lips. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • As you inhale, puff out your cheeks and begin to exhale - slowly and evenly, starting to push out the air as you exhale. The eye area should be relaxed. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • Articulating as expressively as possible, pronounce the vowels A, I, O, U, Y. Repeat 10 times.
  • Pull your lips forward as far as possible, opening your mouth slightly. Relax your lips and close your mouth. Repeat 15-20 times.
  • Move your lower jaw left and right along with your lips so that the movement begins from the lips. Repeat 20 times.
  • Stick your tongue out as far forward as possible, hold at the extreme point for a couple of seconds, then retract your tongue and relax your lips. Repeat 5 times.
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