How does hair transplant work for men? Painful, expensive?

Depending on the condition of a person’s hair, the health of his body can be determined. If the curls become dull, dry and lifeless, fall out, alopecia appears - these are the first signs that destructive processes are occurring in the body. Hair transplantation on the head helps to correct the situation: the pros and cons of the procedure indicate the elimination of alopecia with the help of graft transplantation.

Detailed description and features of the non-surgical HFE hair transplant procedure

Hair transplantation using the non-surgical HFE procedure : - is carried out without a single incision using micro-instruments of 0.5-0.9 mm; - lasts only a few hours, under local anesthesia; — in one procedure the Doctor can transplant up to 6000 grafts (FU follicle); — the density of transplanted hair reaches up to 75-80 hairs per 1 cm2; — minimally injures the skin and tissues, since microtools penetrate to a depth of 1.0 mm; - allows you to recreate the natural angle of your hair.

You can come to us for just one day to transplant the entire required volume of hair in a few hours.

After a complete non-surgical HFE hair transplant on the head: - there are no seams (scars) left, since during the procedure absolutely no incisions are made either in the hair collection area or in the hair transplant . — the post-procedure period is completely painless, since skin trauma is minimal, and micro-wounds formed at the sites of hair removal and transplantation heal within 3-5 days. — such unpleasant postoperative phenomena as facial swelling, numbness of the scalp, and headaches are completely absent. You don't have to change your daily routine. There is only a weekly limit on some types of exercise, which the Doctor will tell you in more detail.

Preliminary preparation

Regardless of which transplant method is chosen, the procedure requires preparation. First, you need to visit a trichologist; the doctor will prescribe an examination, which includes:

  • clinical blood test;
  • biochemistry;
  • coagulogram;
  • analysis for HIV, hepatitis;
  • blood for sugar.

The examination results are considered valid for no more than two weeks. Already 14 days before the transplant, you must stop smoking and drinking alcohol. You should also forget about bad habits for at least a month after transplantation.

10 days before the procedure, it is necessary to stop taking medications, although the patient may be prescribed Ascorutin to strengthen the capillaries and reduce the risk of bleeding.

On the eve of the transplant, you should wash your hair, but you should not use styling products or creams.

If you have dandruff, it is advisable to cure it, otherwise the survival rate of the hair will worsen.

6 hours before the start of the manipulation you need to stop eating and drinking liquids. Before the transplant is performed, the donor area is trimmed with a clipper to make it easier to detect the material. Then an antiseptic treatment is performed, local anesthesia is given, and then the doctor begins the transplantation.

Patient before HFE procedure (hair transplantation)

PATIENT G., 54 years old. 3,500 FU follicles and 500 FU follicles in the scar area are indicated for hair transplantation (remained after a previous hair transplant using the surgical strip method)
PATIENT K., 34 years old. 6,500 FU follicles are indicated for hair transplantation. The first stage is transplantation of 4000 follicles (without hair transplantation in the parietal zone)

What not to do

In order not to nullify the efforts of the surgeons, you should not wash your hair for the first 3 days. Even a small stream of water can damage the transplanted follicles. Moreover, water procedures increase the likelihood of an inflammatory and infectious process.

During the first 5 days of FUT, you cannot touch the grafts, have sex, go outside, wear hats, or lean forward. Until the skin heals, it is prohibited to use styling products, balms, masks, oils, creams and other cosmetics. Until healing, you can wash your hair only with those drugs that the doctor approves.

The first month is also prohibited:

  • sauna, steam bath, solarium, exposure to the sun and any thermal procedures, since blood circulation changes and sweating increases;
  • lifting weights;
  • physical activity, sports;
  • taking hormonal drugs and other medications;
  • stress and excessive emotional stress;
  • bad habits;
  • haircut.

During rehabilitation, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, properly care for your scalp, and strictly follow your doctor’s recommendations.

Patient after the stage of hair extraction (extraction) for further transplantation

Red dots (micro-wounds) are visible on the back of the head - these are the places where hair is extracted for HFE .

A scar runs across the entire back of the head from a previous hair transplant operation using the strip method (not our technique - the flap method, the strip method)
The patient's donor area is not damaged and is estimated at 25 thousand follicles, which can be taken for subsequent transplantation

To remove follicle grafts, specialists at our clinic use a micropunch (its diameter can range from 0.5 to 0.9 mm). The diameter is selected individually based on diagnostic results. The structure of the patient's skin, the density of his hair in the back of the head, and the thickness of the hair are assessed. Often, during the hair transplant , doctors use not one, but several needles of different diameters.


Hair is often transplanted from the back of the head, so if it is sparse in the back of the head, then transplantation may be in question. As for donor material from another person, it is not used due to low survival rate. The body perceives hair as a foreign object and rejects it.

A transplant is not done for health problems:

  • endocrine diseases, including diabetes;
  • severe organic diseases, for example, arterial hypertension, heart or kidney failure, autoimmune disorders, oncology;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • dermatological diseases of the scalp of any origin;
  • mental disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergy to anesthesia.

For any chronic diseases, consultation with a doctor is necessary. They may not be a contraindication to transplantation, but they do affect the final result.

Transplantation should also not be done for men under 20 and over 70 years of age. Due to hormonal changes, there is a high chance of follicle rejection.

Stage 2: Hair transplant

The second stage of hair transplantation is the implantation (staging) of FU follicles in the bald area. As in the first stage, the doctor uses local anesthesia.

The microsurgical implant instrument with which hair is implanted is called “Choi” . The diameter of its needles exactly matches the diameter of the follicle grafts, and is 0.5-0.9 mm.

The length of the follicles is measured before implantation, and depending on the measurement result, the length of the implanter needle is adjusted. the hair transplant (hair transplant) HFE begins . Choi allows you to adjust individual parameters such as the depth of implantation, the angle of inclination and the direction of growth of each hair. The follicles are transplanted parallel to the rest of the hair. If the grafts are transferred to an area of ​​complete baldness, an imitation of the natural angle and direction of growth is created.

To make the transplanted hair look as natural as possible, transplants with different numbers of FU follicles are used. The first line of transplantation is a zigzag of monofollicular grafts. Then difollicular transplants (or 2 monofollicular ones) are implanted. Finally, grafts containing a mix of 2 and 3 FU follicles are placed in the center. At the end of the procedure, the implanted grafts and skin are treated with a composition that activates hair growth.

Why does everyone go to Turkey for new hair?

There are more clinics in Turkey and prices are lower. In Istanbul alone there are several dozen hair transplant centers.

Many of these centers have been operating for 20 years. Up to a dozen transplants are made per day in the center of the middle arm. Up to 60 thousand people come for the procedure annually .

But there are no queues. You can come any day, having previously called the clinic, and leave with new hair. At the same time, relax and see the sights.

Finally, many Turkish clinics include in the cost of the procedure several days of accommodation in a 4-5* hotel, transfers from the airport, tests, medications, skincare products, etc.

The features of this advanced HFE hair restoration technology have the following advantages:

  • Firstly, hair transplantation HFE method requires only minimal intervention in the patient’s body and therefore is absolutely painless and has no post-procedural complications (post-traumatic swelling of the face, headaches, numbness of the scalp)
  • Secondly, this method is not an operation, that is, it does not require surgical intervention either in the hair removal area or in the receiving area - there are no incisions or scars left on the scalp
  • Thirdly, the entire procedure of hair transplantation (hair transplantation) HFE takes a matter of hours, and the hair transplanted by us is guaranteed to grow and never fall out
  • Fourthly, only HFE has the ability to place hair at the correct growth angle and with a density of 75-80 hairs per 1 cm2, which actually corresponds to the natural density of hair. As a result, the hairstyle looks as natural and presentable as possible. Having decided on a non-surgical hair transplant, you will see joyful admiration in the eyes of people close to you, gain confidence, experience emotional uplift, and gain healthy energy for many years to come. You can check the price of a hair transplant by phone or write to us by email (the final cost is determined in each case after seeing the Doctor)!

Bonus: an example of transplantation in action

The founder of VKontakte and Telegram, Pavel Durov, suffered from baldness at the beginning of his career:

And when he made money on his projects, he began to look completely different. Compare:

It not only added thickness, but also changed the hairline - got rid of bald spots.

Elon Musk also went through this procedure. The company often jokes that the best remedy for combating baldness is $2-3 billion.

The hair of journalist and TV presenter Sergei Brilev has also changed a lot. Before:

And after:

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