Not only long, thick eyelashes give a woman’s look special expressiveness and charm. Half the success of perfect makeup is well-groomed, beautiful, shaped eyebrows that highlight the eyes and frame them aesthetically. The basis of the fashionable and popular service of eyebrow masters - “Architecture of the Look” - in addition to adjusting the eyebrows to the oval of the face and the shape of the eyes, is the procedure of biotattooing with henna. Any modern girl who knows how to take care of herself every day and has minimal skills in everyday makeup can equally successfully shape her eyebrows at home. Despite the apparent complexity, this procedure (if you choose high-quality drugs and follow the instructions for their use) is simple, effective and not too expensive. Today we will reveal for you all the intricacies of home biotattooing and teach you how to do it yourself.

Biotattooing with henna: pros and cons of the procedure in comparison with other brow design techniques

It’s not for nothing that eyebrows that are natural in appearance, optimal in thickness, aesthetically and harmoniously designed are considered a girl’s calling card. Everyone dreams of having them, but nature has given such a gift to only a few. In pursuit of the look of their dreams, girls try various methods and procedures, both active interventions and those with purely cosmetic effects. The procedure for biotattooing eyebrows with henna is considered safe, and even moreover, beneficial for health. Among fans of beauty at home, it is gaining more and more popularity every year. And the reasons for this are the numerous advantages and disadvantages for which you don’t have to go to a beauty salon. What are they?

The positive aspects of coloring and shaping eyebrows with henna are:

  • Absolutely painless and safe for health. Unlike permanent makeup, henna does not penetrate deeply into the epidermis and does not cause pain, redness, or swelling. The product is completely natural, as are the dyeing aids. Therefore, in the absence of an allergy to henna, there are no obstacles to undergoing biotattooing;
  • The modern arsenal of coloring products offers henna, which only tints the eyebrow hairs themselves, as well as products that also color the skin. With the help of the first, you can give your eyebrows the shine of natural hair, color saturation and its smooth flow from the head of the eyebrow to the tail. This is an excellent solution for girls who have not yet become proficient in correcting the shape of their eyebrows on their own and do not want accidental mistakes when coloring. The second version of henna assumes the maximum result: filling in gaps, giving the eyebrows the correct length and curve, the ability to abandon daily drawing of the desired length and shape for a long time;
  • For each type of henna there is a smooth gradation of color from dark to light, making it easy to choose the right combination of shades specifically for your hair color and natural eyebrows. The secrets of “mixing” the desired shade are not so complicated that you cannot reproduce them at home;
  • Budgetary procedure. A complete set of products and accessories (which, by the way, will last for a very, very long time) will not cause significant damage to the budget. Moreover, the procedure promotes the healing, growth and strengthening of eyebrows, so by tinting your eyebrows with henna you “kill two birds with one stone” by spending only on one set of preparations. In addition, you do not pay for the services of a master and do not gain time to visit the salon, which again saves both time and nerves;

  • No need for lengthy and expensive training. Unlike dyeing and permanent makeup using special devices with needles, it is enough to remember or write down the proportions of the henna shades used and watch a training video from the manufacturer;
  • The most simple and pleasant care for the achieved result. You do not have to heal punctures or use pain-relieving medications. When dyeing with henna, a smooth contour without sharp boundaries between the eyebrow and the adjacent skin is obtained immediately, without shrinkage of the paint in the thickness of the epidermis;
  • Durability of the result and ease of changing the image. If you applied henna correctly and followed all the recommendations during the procedure, the uniform shade will please you for up to 3-4 weeks. When the time comes to change your look, you won’t need an expensive laser, but only mild peeling and re-coloring;
  • The ability to do the procedure at any time, without being tied to a cycle or other circumstances. Henna doesn’t care at all whether you are expecting a baby or breastfeeding. The result will be ideal in any case, since the drugs do not penetrate the bloodstream and do not harm the body. Hormonal changes do not reduce the longevity of the result.

To be fair, it is worth noting the disadvantages of this procedure. Fortunately, there are very few of them:

  • Henna has a drying effect on the skin, so biotattooing with its help involves regular use of oil that fixes the effect (depending on the skin type - from several days to a week). At the same time, you avoid peeling and unsightly appearance of eyebrows;
  • It is necessary to properly care for the skin and eyebrow hairs so that the effect of coloring remains as long as possible. However, even if all recommendations are followed, the procedure will have to be repeated virtually every month, while permanent makeup gives at least six-month results;
  • If you choose the wrong shade of henna for coloring your skin, you will still have to go to the salon to have your imperfections corrected by a professional brow specialist;
  • The need to carefully prepare the mixture. If you make it too liquid, you risk staining both your face and clothes when applied. When dyeing at home, you will be helped by a special apron to protect your clothes, as well as applying a rich cream to your face to avoid staining with random drops of henna;
  • Limitation on the frequency of washing. The more often your eyebrows come into contact with water, the faster the henna will wash out. This is especially inconvenient for girls with oily skin. However, cleansing matting lotions or micellar water will come to the rescue, which can be used throughout the day using cotton pads.

If the above does not stop you, make sure that henna tattooing is recommended for you and feel free to proceed with the procedure.


  • Without experience, it is difficult to choose a suitable and good paint, as well as apply it evenly to the eyebrows, making them symmetrical.
  • The effect lasts for a relatively short time - about a month.
  • Eyebrows may still require constant correction, such as plucking out excess hairs.
  • Eyebrow shape correction is largely limited by their natural shape.
  • In order for the effect to last longer, you need to constantly take care of your eyebrows and avoid peeling, saunas, steam baths and similar procedures.
  • You may be allergic to henna.

Who is suitable for biotattooing with henna for eyebrows and are there any restrictions on the procedure?

For whom can the procedure of dyeing with natural henna be simple, safe and effective, and what aesthetic problems can it solve?

Many beauties who have not yet reached the age of 18, when hormones are still actively involved in the growth and visual changes of our appearance, still want to look beautiful and well-groomed. Henna, which does not contain harmful chemical dyes, will be an excellent alternative to “prickly” interventions.

Age is also not an obstacle to the desire to look presentable and impressive. Henna will come to the rescue here too, without causing any side effects and without requiring drug support. If you are in the prime of your life and want to hide the aesthetic imperfections that bother you, then you should resort to biotattooing if:

  • Your eyebrow hairs are too light (colorless) or naturally weakly pigmented;
  • You cannot boast of optimal thickness of the entire length of the eyebrows or need to disguise bald spots from improper correction with tweezers;
  • Depending on the growth pattern, your eyebrows are asymmetrical, uneven, or there are very prominent micro-scars in this area that interfere with hair growth;
  • Biotattooing will also be an excellent option for soft, without graphic sharpness, drawing eyebrows for women who have lost eyebrow hairs after taking drugs to fight tumors, or who have undergone chemotherapy.

And who shouldn’t use this method?

As eyebrow masters note, biotattooing is not suitable for you if:

  • You have experienced an individual allergic reaction to henna. Before staining with preparations of a different brand, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test 24 hours before the intended procedure. And if it is also negative, use exclusively cosmetic preparations to solve your aesthetic problems. These include eyebrow pencils and shadows, which allow you to use thin beveled brushes to give your eyebrows a graceful curve and shape, saturate them with color and hide missing hairs;
  • You experience dermatitis, acne and other manifestations of acne on your face, forehead and eyebrow area. In this case, you must first cure existing diseases and only then improve your appearance.

If none of the reasons mentioned apply to you, feel free to begin preliminary preparations for coloring by purchasing the necessary preparatory care products for your skin type.

About the procedure

With the help of permanent makeup, not only does the eyebrow line become more expressive, the procedure allows you to change its shape and thickness. In the salon, the master uses a special correction technique - tattooing, performed with special devices.

Types of equipment

Hair to hairDuring the process, the master draws additional hairs, making the eyebrows brighter and thicker. The line becomes more expressive and neat. This technique is suitable for dark eyebrows
Soft shadingThe pigment is applied in a continuous line, creating the feeling of tinting with a pencil or ink. The technique allows you to make sparse and light eyebrows more pronounced.
Pencil effectA clear line is formed by pigment applied with a fine needle. In this technique, the eyebrows are not completely natural, so the method is not popular

Hair to hair technique

When considering various options (light brown, red, dark shades), take into account that the pigment should be a tone darker than intended, because over time, the paint that gets under the skin loses its brightness.

The procedure consists of several stages. It takes 20-30 minutes to select the shape of the client’s eyebrows and the shade of pigment. The process of applying the dye itself lasts 50-60 minutes. Therefore, you need to go to the salon on a day free from other affairs. But then for 1.5-2 years you can enjoy a beautiful eyebrow line, not forgetting to periodically visit a specialist for correction.

Tattooing not only saves time spent on makeup. There are a lot of other positive aspects in technology:

  • a girl has the opportunity to give her appearance the desired image with the help of eyebrow correction;
  • the pigments used in the technique are resistant to external factors (they do not flow or wear off);
  • artificial coloring allows you to give faded facial features greater expressiveness; at the same time, everything looks quite natural;
  • If the permanent is applied correctly, the paint can stay in the layers of the skin for several years, freeing the woman from unnecessary effort in performing makeup (but even high-quality tattooing periodically needs correction).

Manufacturers offer a large selection of coloring agents. At the same time, you can choose different color variations to suit your type of appearance.

How to properly prepare for the henna biotattoo procedure and choose the required shade?

Proper preparation for coloring is the key to long-lasting results. Before preparing a henna mixture and applying it to the eyebrows, you must follow the following procedures:

  • The day before coloring, treat your eyebrows with a soft peeling suitable for your skin type. The exfoliating particles will remove dead cells and allow the henna to penetrate deeper into the skin. Peeling is recommended for preparations that tint not only the hairs, but also the epidermis. To work with henna that only colors hair, you can skip this step. To avoid overdoing it, apply peeling with a cotton swab using soft circular movements and wash off with a damp cotton pad;
  • On the day of coloring, clean your eyebrows with gentle foam or gel. The product will degrease the skin, open the hair scales, thereby improving the absorption of henna.
  • Immediately before applying henna, eyebrows and adjacent skin must be wiped with a cotton pad with an antiseptic to prevent harmful bacteria from penetrating the epidermis along with the dye.

Now we have come to the main point - how to choose the right henna shade to highlight the best features of your face and avoid mistakes when dyeing? The main thing to remember is that eyebrows should not be an element of dissonance. For girls with a warm skin tone, we choose brown henna, and for ladies with a cool skin tone, gray henna (or diluted black) is suitable. Your cheat sheet is something like this:

  • Dark hair and pale skin: brown shades of henna;
  • Dark hair and dark skin - take henna of rich black or dark brown color;
  • For red-haired girls, henna from golden (light brown) to red (terracotta) shades is suitable. The henna color should be a tone lighter or darker than the hair, otherwise the eyebrows on the face will not stand out;
  • Blonde-haired women need light brown henna. Ideally, the color should be 2-3 shades darker than the hair shade. For blondes with warm (wheat) hair color, light brown henna is suitable, applied in 2 layers. Or a mixture of light brown and brown, applied in 2-3 layers;
  • Ash-haired blondes are shown gray eyebrows.

When selecting shades, use useful life hacks if you don’t have the desired undertone among the colors of your favorite henna. By adding basma or coffee to henna, you darken the color, bringing it into a rich brown-black range. Using cocoa you get a soft and warm chestnut. And using saffron or chamomile will result in cool yellow and warm yellow shades, respectively.

Have you decided on the formula and proportions? Let's start preparing your eyebrows for beauty!

What materials will you need?

To tattoo your eyebrows with henna at home, you will need the following equipment:

  • coloring matter. When choosing henna, you need to focus on color and quality. The composition must be natural and not provoke an allergic reaction. It is recommended to purchase 2 sachets;
  • disinfectant;
  • high fat liniment. Baby cream will do;
  • degreasing lotion;
  • tweezers;
  • thread for pulling out individual eyebrow hairs;
  • makeup brush with a narrow tip.

Henna is applied with a cotton swab or brush. The method requires careful study and skills, and does not last long. It is recommended to buy cotton pads and makeup remover. A professional eyebrow remover is recommended to remove marks.

Biotattooing of eyebrows with henna at home: step-by-step procedure

To carry out the procedure you will need the following accessories and materials:

  • The desired shade of henna;
  • Mineral composition for its dilution;
  • A brush for applying the mixture to the eyebrows with short, hard bristles and a thin, angled brush for drawing the tail of the eyebrow;
  • Oil for fixing henna after coloring;
  • Cotton pads or a clean eyebrow brush for rinsing (combing) henna from the eyebrows and skin after coloring;
  • Tweezers for correcting unwanted hairs and eyebrow stencils (if you yourself find it difficult to determine the aesthetically correct shape);
  • Container for diluting henna;
  • Disposable gloves to protect your hands from staining.

Step-by-step biotattooing involves performing the following steps:

  • Adjust the shape using tweezers and remove unnecessary hairs that stray beyond the contour line. Next, outline the eyebrow contour using a special paste. You can use a stencil of a suitable shape;
  • Dilute the henna in a separate container (glass measuring cup or plastic bowl for diluting masks). To do this, mix 2 pinches of henna and 3-5 drops of micellar water. The mixture should be the consistency of sour cream - not too liquid to spread on the skin, but not too thick. A thick mixture will not be able to penetrate through the eyebrow hairs, color both the upper and lower hairs, and, if necessary, stain the skin.
  • Apply henna with a brush, starting from the ends (tails) of the eyebrows. Next, paint the body of the eyebrows and lastly the head. It is on the head that henna can be applied thicker, creating thickness and richness of color. When applying the mixture itself, distribute it strictly in the direction of hair growth. Apply henna as tightly as possible, thereby it will be distributed more evenly and will better color the skin and hairs. Remove excess that accidentally falls outside the contour immediately with a dry cotton swab;
  • For best results, the mixture must be applied in 2-3 layers, drying each layer thoroughly. Leave non-staining henna on the hairs for 25-30 minutes, and coloring henna for 8-15 minutes. When tinting at home, it is recommended to cover the eyebrows with strips of celloffan, creating a slight greenhouse effect and also contributing to greater effectiveness of the procedure;
  • It is better to remove dried henna with an eyebrow brush, but you can also remove it with a damp cotton pad (in the first case, the shade will remain brighter and more saturated). Then apply fixative oil with a cotton swab. 1-2 drops are enough for each eyebrow. Experts also advise repeating the application of oil to the eyebrows every day for 3 to 7 days to prevent peeling and better consolidate the result of the bio-tattoo.

Having completed all the necessary manipulations, you will get the eyebrows of your dreams - natural, thick and graceful! If you follow the care recommendations, you will be able to admire your renewed appearance for up to 3-4 weeks (depending on the type of henna used and the number of layers applied). Next, correction will be required - that is, re-staining.


Henna, unlike professional paint, does not come in a wide range of shades. Finding a really suitable tone is difficult.

There are only three main types of powder obtained from plants growing in different regions:

It is most difficult to choose the color of a natural dye for platinum blondes. But professionals use special henna for this, for example Brow Henna.

In the palette of products under this brand you can find a gray tone and a graphite shade. But the best thing is that the tones can be mixed together in different concentrations, which allows you to choose almost any color.

Recommendations for caring for eyebrows after biotattooing, what not to do after biotattooing eyebrows?

How to properly handle your newly acquired beauty? Capricious henna requires careful care. The set of measures to maintain the effect of biotattoo, in addition to applying oil after coloring, includes the following recommendations:

  • Do not wet your eyebrows for the first 2-3 days after applying henna;
  • Do not sunbathe or visit a solarium without first applying a protective cream;
  • For the first few days, do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool or do steam baths for the face;
  • Do not rub colored hairs or comb them with your fingers, and do not apply decorative cosmetics to your eyebrows;
  • Do not apply scrubs or cleansers (facial cleansers) to your eyebrows. It is necessary to wash your face without touching your eyebrows;
  • Do not perform hardware or chemical peeling of the face, as the drugs used in it can ruin the biotattoo;
  • Do not wipe the skin around the eyebrows with alcohol-containing products and do not apply greasy lotions and creams;
  • To keep your eyebrows looking well-groomed and neat, remove excess hairs daily and comb them gently with a dry and clean brush.

These simple tips and rules will help to consolidate the results of biotattooing and will help you enjoy the daily contemplation of attractive eyebrows that harmonize with the shape and oval of your face. Home dyeing, as well as salon dyeing, will fade smoothly and gradually, completely unnoticeably, without bleed through of unpainted skin or sudden fading. As soon as you see the eyebrows in almost their original condition, henna dyeing can be safely repeated.

What are the consequences of such experiments?

Performing eyebrow tattooing at home using a special, professional machine with needles of different diameters through which coloring pigments are injected under the skin is dangerous. Possible complications:

  • introduction of infection. It is almost impossible to achieve complete sterility at home. You definitely need to buy professional disinfectants. Pathogenic microorganisms can enter the body through punctures;
  • the onset of an acute inflammatory process. Due to infection of wounds after tattooing, the skin will turn red and swell. Treatment with ointments and lotions is not always effective. You may need to take medications;
  • formation of scars, scars in the eyebrow area. It is difficult to accurately introduce pigment without damaging the skin. A beginner can create wounds that, if not healed properly, will turn into scars. To eliminate the defect after tattooing, you will need a laser;
  • deterioration in appearance. Finding the perfect shape is difficult on your own. Introducing pigment to the desired areas, without creating bald spots, without distorting the contours at home, requires concentration.

If a girl considers the risk too high and is afraid of pain and blood, it is better to limit herself to applying henna.

Eyebrow tattooing without a machine is easy to do, although it lasts for a shorter period of time. Pigment applied to hairs is safer than injected at home under the skin.

Home biotattoo of eyebrows with henna: video master class and photo of the result in comparison

We have prepared for you several photo illustrations of the effect of biotattooing using natural henna. We hope this article will be useful to you and will teach you how to take care of yourself and increase your beauty.

We also recommend watching a master class on eyebrow correction and shaping, which will tell you visually how to perform one or another part of the biotattoo procedure:

Advantage of the method

Getting a tattoo at home is an alternative for many females. At home, the method has many advantages:

  1. No restrictions. There are no contraindications for home use of the dye, since it does not require inserting a needle and pigment under the skin, but only applying it to the upper surface of the epidermis.
  2. The duration of preservation of home eyebrow tattooing is short compared to the procedure in cosmetology. If a regular tattoo lasts for several years, then home coloring retains the color for up to a month.
  3. The price of such home tattooing is an order of magnitude lower than having it done in cosmetology. Despite the fact that you need to buy paint once a month, its price is still worth it compared to tattooing.

Due to the fact that the dye in home painting does not last long, it is not difficult to decide to carry out the procedure. If you don't like the result, you only need to wait a couple of weeks.

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