Dyeing eyebrows with henna at home - before and after photos

It turns out that before choosing a method, girls need to carefully weigh all their pros and cons. Or compare in practice, but not earlier than 4 weeks after painting.

What is henna staining

Eyebrow dyeing with henna is a technique for dyeing hairs with plant pigment from the leaves of Lawsonia non-thorny or henna. The dye is extracted by drying the leaves, making it completely natural. It is actively used for dyeing hair and recreating patterns on the body.

Henna for hair

Biotattooing of eyebrows with henna is considered the safest procedure for correcting the hairline and adding visual thickness. The coloring pigment does not penetrate deep into the hairs and does not injure the skin in any way, making it easy to wash off after a few weeks.

To answer the question of whether tinting eyebrows with henna or dye is better, you need to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

Benefits of tinting eyebrows with henna and basma:

  • Complete security. This method is suitable for pregnant women, nursing mothers and even children. Lawsonia is practically hypoallergenic, it has no contraindications, but in very rare cases it can cause redness of the skin. But even this redness disappears within a few hours after washing off the mixture;
  • With henna powder and some available products, you can recreate almost any natural color. The shades can be anything: from dark brown to light red;
  • Decorating with natural dye does not take much time and you can easily do it yourself. It is enough just to have the required template at hand;

    After shaping your eyebrows with henna yourself

  • Henna is quite easy to wash off. There is a stereotype that henna is very difficult to wash off, but this is only if you do it incorrectly. In fact, it is enough to have lemon juice and a good deep skin cleansing gel on hand.

Pros of tinting eyebrows:

  • The coloring effect is noticeable within 1 month. Henna will not last that long due to the fact that it does not penetrate deep into the hair, but only covers its outer part;
  • Ease of use. If to prepare henna you need a recipe, the correct proportions and much more, then you just need to distribute the dye evenly over the hairs. It is much easier to make it “paintable”;
  • Unlike henna, coloring compositions are suitable for everyone: blondes, brunettes and redheads. Lawsonia powder has one specific feature: it applies differently to different eyebrows. The thicker the hairs, the less dense the coloring layer will be.

But the paint has significant disadvantages - there are allergies to it and it is harmful for pregnant and lactating girls. According to cosmetologists, it is better to give preference to natural cosmetics. After all, henna not only paints, but also improves growth and strengthens eyebrows.

Allergy to henna tattoo

Allergic reaction to henna


Henna for tinting eyebrows has certain contraindications. These include:

  1. Various injuries to the skin.
  2. Inflammation of the eyes.
  3. Deep folds and wrinkles in the eyebrow area.

The procedure should not be carried out during menstrual periods, because the result may be quite unexpected.

It is believed that henna coloring of eyebrows is completely harmless even for pregnant and nursing mothers. However, in this situation it is important to consult a specialist.

Brow Henna coloring technique

Brow Henna

is one of the most famous brands producing henna for tinting eyebrows. The sets include basic colors - blond and brown-haired, as well as additional shades of brown and red. This allows you to expand the palette to 8 of the most popular natural shades.

Henna palette for coloring eyebrows Brow Henna
The procedure is easy to do with your own hands, since the mixture does not require preparation. It is initially powdery and sold in a convenient tube. In addition to eyebrows, Brow Henna is suitable for tinting eyelashes.

Step-by-step process for tinting eyebrows with henna dye

Step-by-step recommendations on how to dye your eyebrows with natural henna Brow Henna:

  1. You need to remove your makeup and prepare your hair for processing. To do this, they are degreased, and, on the contrary, any available oil or nourishing cream is applied to the skin around them;

    Treating the skin around the eyebrows with cream

  2. To work you need a liquid mixture. To get it, you need to mix 3 drops of water and henna powder (by eye) in a non-metallic container. The consistency of the mixture should resemble a thin sauce. If necessary, add a darker or lighter shade;
  3. To ensure that the overall architecture is not disturbed when painting, we recommend that you first draw the outline, and only then start working with henna. Any master will advise using an alcohol-based marker for this - it will not wash off during the application of henna, but will be erased from exposure to micellar water;


  4. Using a brush, the composition is first applied along the contour of the hairline. Try not to draw on the skin, otherwise the edge will turn out wider than necessary. The composition is applied in a dense layer and left on the hairs for at least 10 minutes. For intense coloring, you can wait a quarter of an hour;

    Applying henna with a brush

  5. For a lasting effect, the coloring agent is removed with a dry cotton pad, and on the first day, contact of the eyebrows with water is limited. If you need to wash your face, simply lubricate your hair with olive or other oil.

    Contour line correction

The same method is also suitable for using more affordable henna - Wow Brow.

Different shades of WowBrow

Semi-permanent restoration

The restorative procedure of semi-permanent restoration is one of the latest correction methods. In just a few sessions, you can model and restore the eyebrow line damaged by unsuccessful corrections and chemical dyes.

The procedure follows the following algorithm:

  • A sketch of the shape and width of the eyebrow is being worked out. This step is important because once the pigment is applied, it is difficult to change the shape. The selection is carried out using special stencils.
  • Color selection. The shade should be in harmony with the type of appearance and hair color. It is necessary to take into account that the first days after the procedure, the pigment looks especially bright, gradually fading closer to the natural tone.
  • Before applying the pigment, the skin is degreased and the areas are gently peeled.
  • Transparent liquid is mixed with powder of the selected shade, a few drops of silicone are added for elasticity.
  • Using a thin instrument, lifting the hairs, the composition is applied only to the skin. Only the skin is painted, otherwise the hairs will become stiff, and when washed off, the coloring composition will be removed.

The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes. During the first 24 hours, it is not recommended to wet the treated areas with water.

Eyebrow tinting at home

Despite the popularity of ready-made dye mixtures, many girls prefer to prepare henna at home. This allows you to significantly save money and get the desired shade.

Natural henna

To prepare the coloring mixture, Iranian or Indian henna powder can be used. Lemon juice, coffee, and strong tea can be used as additional ingredients. Secrets to getting the right color using these ingredients:

  • Coffee and basma will help make the henna mixture darker. By combining proportions you can achieve an almost black color. But, at the same time, the combination of pure basma and henna, on the contrary, gives a light brown color;
  • If you do not add anything to henna and leave it for up to 20 minutes, you will get a bright red color;
  • Black tea will help make the paint shade dark brown. If there are not enough dark tones, you can add a little ground coffee to the mixture;
  • Lemon juice brightens the mixture as much as possible. When you mix henna and fresh juice, you will get a natural light brown shade.

Step-by-step instruction

You can give your eyebrows a beautiful tint at home, without anyone else's help. This does not require any complex devices or professional skills.

It is enough to prepare the tools, do everything as carefully as possible and follow the step-by-step instructions.

What you will need for the procedure:

  • henna;
  • container for the mixture (made of any material except metal);
  • mirror, flat brush and white pencil;
  • cotton swabs and gloves;
  • towel to protect clothes

If the dye gets on your clothes, it is very difficult to remove, so you must make sure that your wardrobe items are protected.

Eyebrow correction

The technology of eyebrow tattooing with henna is not much different from coloring with specialized paint. Of course, hair pigmentation cannot be achieved, but powder or ombre pigmentation is easy.

Choosing the right eyebrow shape

Step-by-step instructions on how to dye your eyebrows with henna at home:

  1. Hair is cleansed of makeup and skin secretions. It is best to use a mild toner, foam for sensitive skin or micellar water;
  2. The process begins by applying a rich cream to the skin. It will help protect it from staining. But don't touch the hairs!

    Applying cream to the area around the eyebrows

  3. You only need to smear it completely after you have drawn the outline. To do this, you can use a special template, or, as they do in a beauty salon, use a brown palette marker;

    Eyebrow stencil

  4. You need to apply paint along the drawn lines or pattern. The outline is drawn first. To do this you will need a thin brush. Some girls even advise using bamboo or orange sticks - they allow you to draw the tip as thin as possible;
  5. The technique for applying the coloring composition is extremely simple. The brush is soaked in henna, after which a small amount of the mixture is applied to it. The paint must be applied in a thick layer;

    Step-by-step option for applying henna to eyebrows

  6. How long to keep henna on the eyebrows depends on the desired result. The longer the mass is kept on the hair, the more intense the color will be;
  7. After this time has elapsed, the product is removed from the hair with a cotton swab and the skin is wiped again with micellar water.

Immediately after, you need to wash your face and, in order to preserve the resulting shade, apply olive or other oil to your hair for 15 minutes.

Eyebrow correction after henna

Video: Henna for eyebrows and eyelashes - dyeing with henna

Stages of work

Before you start tinting your eyebrows, you need to shape them by plucking out all the excess hairs. This is done in the usual way; women most often prefer tweezers.

It is very difficult to immediately draw the necessary lines with henna. The composition is thick, it is unlikely that you will be able to create elegant contours, especially if you are doing it for the first time. But it will be much easier if the work resembles coloring pictures, which is loved by all children. Therefore, arm yourself with a pencil, preferably white, and draw the outlines. Try to maintain symmetry.

The next step is applying henna. To ensure that the color intensity is the same on both eyebrows, they should be painted at the same time: first the tip on one, then on the second, and so on. You need to work quickly. The thicker the layer of paint, the more saturated the result will be.

As mentioned above, it is necessary to keep the composition on the eyebrows for about an hour. However, if this is your first time painting with it, leave it on for 30 minutes. If the result is unsatisfactory, it will be easier to get rid of it.

Henna is washed off with regular cool water. This may take some time as the dried lumps need to be removed from the hairs. However, soap solutions should not be used; they dry the skin and quickly destroy the color.

How to care for eyebrows after henna dyeing

Reviews say that regardless of the chosen brand of henna (Kodi Professional, Sexy Brown, Spa, or simple powder), the technique for caring for colored eyebrows is the same. First, you need to avoid frequent contact with harsh detergents and alcohol-based toners. If you plan to visit a bathhouse or any body of water, a greasy environment will help preserve the color. It can be a nourishing cream or oil.

Professional eyebrow oils

Secondly, for the first few days you need to avoid direct sunlight - because of this, henna fades very quickly. And the coloring reaction occurs even after the process is completed - the pigments not only envelop the hair, but also penetrate inside.

Removing eyebrow makeup

Rules for caring for eyebrows dyed with henna:

  • They should not be rubbed vigorously with cotton pads and a towel - these actions will wash off the color layer;
  • The first day should not be in contact with water. This is very important, because the paint is very unstable in the first 24 hours after application. In the first week, you should avoid spas - high temperatures also help the henna wash off quickly;
  • Correction, if necessary, can be carried out immediately after the session.

How long does the result last?

Professional eyebrow tinting will delight you with the brightness of the color for up to 6 weeks, after which the dye will begin to wash off. But you need to understand that she will not go away completely. Even after a few months, the hairs will have a slightly red tint.

Eyebrow correction after a month of wearing henna

If you used materials prepared by yourself, then the result, depending on the intensity of the color and the exposure time, will last on the eyebrows for up to 4 weeks.

Terms of use

Henna dyeing will allow you to get rich color, beautiful eyebrow shape and healthy hairs.

To do this, you must adhere to several rules:

First of all, you need to do an allergy test. Even the most natural ingredients and the absence of allergic reactions are not a guarantee against becoming allergic to the product;

Before tinting, eyebrows must be carefully prepared. To do this, the skin should be rid of dead cell particles. This is done using a scrub or peeling. Then you need to degrease the skin with a toner. This will help the structure of the product lie more evenly;

The main point is the correct dilution of henna with water. Nila brand henna does not contain instructions for mixing the product in the packaging, so you should rely on generally accepted rules. You can’t dilute with boiling water, but room temperature water is not suitable either. The optimal mixing is the product and water at 70 degrees in equal proportions. The mass should have the consistency of sour cream. Since too liquid a mass will not stick to the hairs, and a thick one is more difficult to apply to the eyebrows.

If you adhere to these rules, then the procedure itself will not seem difficult.

Photos before and after

In the photo before and after tinting eyebrows with henna, it is impossible to immediately determine whether it is really dye or tattooing. The difference is practically invisible. Don't believe me? See for yourself - we have made a special selection.

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