TOP 10 homemade face masks made from hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Facial masks prepared with this substance are very popular.

By reacting with organic dyes, hydrogen peroxide whitens the dermis and allows you to get rid of age spots. Using hydrogen peroxide, you can cleanse pores and remove blackheads and pimples.

Due to the bactericidal properties, the face becomes healthier, and all pathogenic microflora die. Hydrogen peroxide should be used to prepare masks at home with great caution, as there is a high risk of burns.

Useful properties of the ingredient

Hydrogen peroxide has a disinfectant and antimicrobial effect. It is used to treat open wounds, boils and ulcers. The peroxide solution, reacting with organic components, completely destroys pathogenic microflora. The ingredient is a strong oxidizing agent. Organic dyes become discolored when in contact with hydrogen peroxide. As a result of the reaction with organic matter, oxygen is released, which also helps fight microbes.

The benefits of facial masks

Cosmetic applications for the face based on hydrogen peroxide are highly active. Peroxide completely cleanses the pores, drying the skin and removing all organic substances from its surface. By destroying bacteria, this chemical oxidizes the purulent contents of pimples and acne, after which the rashes dry out and gradually disappear. A face mask with peroxide works effectively on freckles and other age spots. By entering into an oxidation reaction with melatonin, hydrogen peroxide discolors it, and the skin acquires an even tone.

Safety regulations

The strong oxidizing properties of hydrogen peroxide require compliance with certain safety measures. This chemical can only be used in solutions of 3% concentration. Peroxide has the same effect on both diseased cells and healthy ones, so it cannot be used in its pure form, but only together with emollient components. When applying applications yourself at home, you should strictly observe the ratio of components and the duration of the procedure. If hydrogen peroxide is used incorrectly, you can get poorly healing burns to the dermis of the face.

Recipes for the best homemade masks

The main ingredients of cosmetic masks are dairy products, berries, fruits and bee products, and hydrogen peroxide is added in the form of a few drops.

For acne

An effective mask allows you to quickly get rid of minor local inflammations, relieve redness and disinfect the dermis of the face.

Suitable for oily and combination skin. Dilute 20 grams of black cosmetic clay with distilled water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Add 3 ml of macadamia oil and 4 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Clean the skin of the face and steam it with a hot compress. Apply the composition in a circular motion for 10 minutes. After completing the procedure, wash your face thoroughly. If distilled water is not available, you can use boiled and cooled water.

From blackheads

Completely cleanses pores of contents and narrows them, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Indicated for women with oily and problematic skin. Legume flour is used as a filler. This could be peas, beans or lentils. Dilute 25 grams of flour with mint infusion to a semi-liquid consistency. Add 4 drops of hydrogen peroxide and 10 drops of ammonia of pharmaceutical concentration. It is strictly prohibited to use chemical reagents for other purposes. Mix the composition and rub into problem areas for 3 minutes. Then leave for another 5 minutes and remove the composition with mineral water.


Removes dead skin cells of the epidermis, frees pores from contents and destroys pathogenic microflora.

Can be used by women with normal and combination dermis. To prepare the mask, buckwheat flour is used, to obtain which you need to grind 20 grams of cereal in a coffee grinder. One tablespoon of flower honey and 4-5 drops of hydrogen peroxide are added to the resulting product. The composition is applied to cleansed facial skin along massage lines using sliding movements. After 15 minutes, the application can be washed off with warm water.

With soda

An effective mask for lightening problem areas and general cleansing of oily epidermis. Mix 7-8 grams of tea soda with 6 drops of hydrogen peroxide and add one tablespoon of still mineral water. Rub the prepared mixture over the face, neck and décolleté for 5-6 minutes. Then the face should be wiped with heated plantain decoction and cosmetic oil or cream should be applied.

With badyaga

Used for oily skin and rashes in the form of acne and comedones. Improves the overall condition of facial skin. Freshwater algae badyaga is sold in pharmacies in powder form.

Mix 10 grams of powder with 6 drops of peroxide. Dilute the mixture with a small amount of boiled water to the consistency of a thick ointment. Apply to cleansed facial dermis with a cotton swab on pimples, blackheads and other problem areas. After leaving for 8 minutes, wash off the composition with calendula decoction and lubricate the application points with zinc ointment.

With clay

Eliminates peeling, restores damaged structure and helps get rid of acne. Suitable for any type of dermis. Two types of cosmetic clay are used as components. 12 grams of yellow clay should be mixed with 12 grams of pink clay. Add 25 grams of natural yogurt without additives or dyes and 4 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Mix everything thoroughly and distribute evenly on the face, avoiding the eye and lip area. After 15 minutes, the application can be washed off with any herbal infusion.

With baby powder

Helps cure acne, tones the skin, evens out color and removes blackheads. A simple but effective recipe gives positive results in a short time.

Baby powder is mixed with hydrogen peroxide until a homogeneous and not too thick mass is obtained. Apply a thin layer to the face and leave for no more than 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. The dermis will benefit from applying an emollient cream after the procedure.

With calendula and rice flour

Helps get rid of small ulcers and acne. Cleanses pores well. The rice flour included in the composition tightens the dermis of the face and helps get rid of wrinkles. A tablespoon of rice flour is mixed with a teaspoon of peroxide. Add 10 drops of calendula tincture to the mixture. Everything is mixed until smooth. The application is evenly applied to the face in a thin layer. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. The composition can be washed off with warm water or use an infusion of chamomile.

With shaving cream

Removes pimples and acne, relieves focal inflammation, tightens pores and whitens the dermis of the face. The composition is considered universal, as it is suitable for any skin. 50 ml of shaving cream is mixed with 4 ml of peroxide. 5 ml of ammonia solution (ammonia) and 5 ml of camphor alcohol are added to the mixture. After thorough mixing, the composition is applied to the face for 15 minutes. Removed with warm water.

With lemon juice

Used to lighten age spots. The composition is a lotion for problem areas. A tablespoon of lemon juice should be mixed with two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Make a tampon from 5-6 layers of medical bandage or gauze. Soak it in the lightening composition and apply it to the pigment spot for 5 minutes. After this, rinse the area thoroughly with warm water.

With potatoes

A potato mask will help fight not only age-related skin changes, but also swelling, as well as uneven complexion. To prepare it, peeled medium potatoes must be grated on the finest grater. Then one teaspoon each of warm castor oil and dry potato starch is added to the mass (you can use another “thickener”, for example, unscented baby powder).

Before applying to the face, add 10 drops of peroxide to the mask. It is necessary to rinse the mixture off the face thoroughly after 10-13 minutes with plenty of water; the remaining starch dries out the skin greatly.

How to cook properly

To prepare cosmetic applications with hydrogen peroxide, you can only use a 3% solution, which is sold in pharmacies. A substance used for technical purposes cannot be used. Even in low concentrations, this chemical reagent is an active oxidizing agent, so you need to mix the components of the mask in glass, porcelain or ceramic dishes. The cosmetic composition must be thoroughly mixed to a homogeneous consistency. The presence of lumps and dissimilar particles is not allowed in the mixture. The finished application is not intended even for short-term storage.

In the open air and under the influence of sunlight, hydrogen peroxide quickly decomposes into water and oxygen, so the mask should be prepared immediately before use. It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions specified in the recipe and not to use a chemical other class=»aligncenter» width=»719″ height=»458″[/img]

You can create recipes for effective applications yourself, but keep in mind that the mixture must contain emollients. These could be oils, honey or dairy products.

Reviews from doctors about peroxide as a way to get rid of wrinkles

Most cosmetologists believe that it is possible to use peroxide for skin imperfections at home, while others believe that it is harmful to the skin. But everyone agrees that you need to be extremely careful with this substance.

For wrinkles, cosmetologists recommend using hydrogen peroxide not every day - it can be harmful to the face and lead to burns and severe irritation. It is imperative to combine masks with peroxide with other cosmetic products for rejuvenation and each time use a restorative or protective product for the skin.

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective facial remedy for wrinkles. But it must be used carefully and always do an allergy test before applying to the skin.

Rules for applying masks

Due to the high chemical activity of the main component of the masks, it must be handled very carefully. When applying the application, do not allow it to come into contact with the skin around the eyes, lips or mucous membranes. If the composition gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of running water.

Before using the mask, you need to do a test for an allergic reaction. To do this, a small amount of the prepared mixture is applied to the skin of the wrist or elbow from the inside. If there is no burning or redness, then the mask can be applied to the face.

Any composition with a chemical oxidizing agent should not be kept on the skin for more than 15 minutes. Exceeding the specified time is not permissible, as burns may occur on the dermis. Some procedures have an even shorter application period.

To treat problem areas, the cosmetic mixture should be applied pointwise, only to a small area. If after application there is an unpleasant sensation in the form of a burning sensation, the mask should be washed off immediately. During the month, applications should be applied no more than twice a week. Then the dermis will need rest for 4-6 weeks, after which the course can be repeated.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hydrogen peroxide for the face against wrinkles has the following advantages:

  1. The substance is available - it can be bought at any pharmacy, it is cheap.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide can be used in several areas of cosmetology: to combat skin imperfections, whiten teeth and lighten facial hair.
  3. This is one of the best means for disinfecting and cleansing the skin.

  4. The product has fewer contraindications than other antiseptics.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide is odorless and tasteless; when it comes into contact with intact skin, it does not burn and feels like ordinary water.

Hydrogen peroxide for the face against wrinkles has disadvantages:

  1. Along with dangerous bacteria and dirt, peroxide also destroys the beneficial microflora of the skin - this leads to a decrease in local immunity.
  2. Using peroxide too often can have the opposite effect - your skin will age faster.


Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the home application. Cosmetic masks with active ingredients are not recommended for people prone to allergic reactions. Inflammatory processes, elevated temperature, and swelling limit the use of cosmetic procedures until they are completely eliminated.

Women with very sensitive skin should avoid using masks with highly active ingredients.

Side effects

Side effects that may occur with excessive use of hydrogen peroxide include:

  • the skin begins to peel off;
  • a large burn may appear on the face;
  • the skin becomes more sensitive;
  • small cracks may appear;

  • Allergic reactions occur (when using peroxide in masks).

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