Facial mesotherapy: how effective is this rejuvenation technique?

Mesotherapy is the intradermal injection of various beneficial substances, the lack of which causes the skin to age: lose turgor and elasticity, dehydrate and, as a result, sag and become wrinkled.

This procedure is not new in cosmetology. It was invented 70 years ago and, in general, by accident, when Dr. Michel Pistor gave a patient an injection of the drug to relieve him of asthmatic suffocation. The effect was completely unexpected - the almost deaf old man began to hear! Pistor began research and came to the conclusion: “The effect on tissue originating from the mesoderm (the layer of skin in which the blood vessels are concentrated) is so significant that these methods of treatment should be given the name “mesotherapy.”

The technique began to be actively used in the 80s of the last century. And now, after so many years, we can already talk about its safety and good effect. Mesotherapy is used not only for rejuvenation, it will also help with hair problems - the introduction of drugs into the scalp strengthens the hair follicles and stops alopecia. The procedure also has a good effect in the fight against stretch marks, scars, cicatrices and keloid formations. In addition, mesotherapy helps to cope with stress.

Modern application of mesotherapy

Today, in facial and body cosmetology, microinjections are used for rejuvenation. Drugs that have the most beneficial effect on appearance are injected into the skin in small doses. At the same time, positive changes in the skin occur not in its superficial layers, but much deeper - due to the stimulation of internal processes.

Cosmetologists, and only specialists with higher medical education have the right to make injections for aesthetic purposes, use ready-made preparations and hand-made cocktails, the components of which include natural and harmless substances, to rejuvenate the eyelids or nasolabial area.

Possible consequences

If all contraindications and precautions prescribed by cosmetologists are observed, complications and consequences after mesotherapy usually do not arise.

However, be prepared for a skin reaction to mechanical stress. It is usually reflected in the form of local redness and increased sensitivity of the treatment area.

If an allergic reaction to the meso-cocktail occurs, itching, peeling, irritation or even a rash may appear on the face. In this case, it is important to immediately contact a dermatologist to avoid complications.

Composition of cocktails for mesotherapy

Preparations for mesotherapy include amino acids, plant extracts, proteins of plant origin, enzymes, vitamins, and homeopathic ingredients.

A classic anti-aging cocktail, which is injected under the skin of the face, may include:

  • antioxidants A and E and B vitamins;
  • fruit organic acids in minute concentrations: pyruvic, glycolic, malic, lactic; how to do facial peeling;
  • extracts of medicinal plants: St. John's wort, calendula, verbena and so on;
  • microelements necessary for healthy metabolism: S, K, Co, Se, Mg, Zn, P;
  • proteins of animal and non-animal origin, especially elastin and collagen;
  • medicinal substances such as thioctic acid, antibiotics, L-carnitine, hormones, dihydroergotamine;
  • drugs obtained by biotechnology methods: fibroblasts, DNA molecules, hyaluronic acid, placentex and the like.

Mesotherapy is one of the most popular and effective procedures for rejuvenating facial skin, including around the eyes, preventing hair loss, getting rid of cellulite and other problems associated with cosmetic defects of the skin of the face and body.

The high effectiveness of mesotherapy is due to the targeted effect of injections (a cocktail based on hyaluronic acid with vitamins, oligoelements, vitamins and other components) that are injected into problem areas. Therefore, depending on the problem that the patient is addressing, the cosmetologist selects a cocktail that will most effectively cope with the task.

In what cases is mesotherapy prescribed?

The choice of mesotherapy and the composition of this or that cocktail is not accidental. A properly selected drug acts on the deep layers of the skin, including the mesoderm and subcutaneous fat, purposefully delivering all the necessary components. Mesotherapy is most relevant in the following cases: hair loss (including alopecia), dryness, fragility, weakness, lifelessness of hair; skin hyperpigmentation, including freckles and age spots (including seasonal ones); stretch marks, stretch marks, scars, scars and other (including old) formations on the skin; atony (saggy, fading, inelastic, wrinkled skin); cellulite, significant fat deposits (on the stomach, thighs, arms, etc.); changes in the shape and oval of the face (double chin, sagging cheeks and other seemingly irreversible skin conditions); rosacea, acne, acne and other skin diseases. excessively dry or oily skin, increased secretion of sebaceous glands, enlarged pores. In other words, a mesotherapy cocktail can solve almost any problem.

Types of cocktails for mesotherapy

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid can be divided into three types: - monopreparations containing only hyaluronic acid. It provides skin hydration, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, and retains moisture (one hyaluronic acid molecule can hold up to 500 water molecules). Injections performed with hyaluronic acid without adding other components are called biorevitalization. In addition to hyaluronic acid, monococktails can be created based on one of the following components: artichoke extract, caffeine, Deoxycholate 5%, Phosphatidylcholine 5%, L-Carnitine 10%, green tea extract, Organic silicon 0.5%, Asian centella, fucus, ivy, pyruvate. 1% and others. - ready-made mixtures that contain all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the skin.

Ready-made cocktails are produced by almost all manufacturers of hyaluronic acid and the drugs it contains (for example, fillers). The most trusted and sought-after manufacturers of hyaluronic cocktails are European beauty laboratories - most often French, Italian and Spanish (Mesolab, Filogra, Mesoderm, Revitacare, ID Farma, Dermaheal, Veluderm and others). Ready-made cocktails are selected depending on the problem that needs to be solved and injected into patients - cocktails prepared by a cosmetologist shortly before the injection. It is believed that such preparations are better than others - they are prepared individually, when the cosmetologist can take into account the characteristics of the patient’s skin, as well as possible allergic reactions to certain components of the cocktail (as opposed to ready-made cocktails).

However, in this case, everything depends entirely on the cosmetologist and on how competently he can select the components of the vitamin cocktail.

Ingredients of cocktails for mesotherapy

All drugs for mesotherapy are divided into allopathic and homeopathic. Allopathic ones are made on the basis of traditional drugs, homeopathic ones, accordingly, include homeopathic components. Allopathic cocktails include the following components: Hyaluronic acid (it is better when it is of non-animal origin, i.e. created in laboratory conditions); Oligoelements (zinc, cobalt, magnesium, potassium, silicon, nickel and others); Plant extracts and organic acids (grarapetic or glycolic); Vitamins (groups B, H, E, A); Animal extracts (collagen and elastin). Almost all allopathic cocktails for mesotherapy include vitamins and trace elements. All other components are added depending on the task before the cosmetologist.

When using allopathic drugs, a visible effect can be achieved after the first or second time of use, and in the case of using homeopathic drugs, the effect is achieved much later. This does not mean that homeopathic cocktails are ineffective or bad - they are indicated for relatively young skin, when active intervention in internal processes is not required. It is homeopathic cocktails that stimulate internal processes and help the body use internal reserves (therefore, the result is not immediately visible, but the effect lasts much longer).

Homeopathic cocktails for mesotherapy stop pathological processes (for example, skin aging), activate internal resources, neutralize internal disorders and damage, i.e. they eliminate not only the consequence, but also the cause that led to a particular problem.

Cocktails for facial mesotherapy

Recommended after 25 years, when skin regeneration processes slow down. From the age of 30, it is better to start a course of maintenance rather than rejuvenating procedures (therefore, it makes sense to take a closer look at homeopathic cocktails). Facial mesotherapy is indicated for excessively dry or oily skin, rosacea, acne, acne, scars, decreased turgor, double chin and other problems. When you consult a doctor (please note that mesotherapy is recognized as a medical procedure and therefore should only be performed by a certified specialist), you may be prescribed a therapeutic or rejuvenating course. Therapeutic cocktail Necessary for diseases or visible skin defects, such as acne, rosacea, traumatic scars, pimples, acne, age spots, etc. In this case, the cocktail, in addition to traditional vitamins and oligoelements, includes antibiotics, whitening components (if there are pigment spots on the skin), and substances to stimulate blood circulation. In the case of rosacea (spider veins), a cocktail is used that improves blood circulation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Such mixtures can simultaneously solve several problems, for example, skin rejuvenation and the fight against age spots or post-acne - it all depends on the selected composition of the mesotherapy cocktail.

Rejuvenating cocktail

Recommended for correcting age-related skin changes: dryness, sagging, swelling, wrinkles and folds on the skin. In this case, the main components of the mesotherapy cocktail will be hyaluronic acid, as well as vitamins, collagen and elastin (and special diuretic cocktails are used to eliminate swelling). They are able to smooth out wrinkles, moisturize the skin and preserve the beauty and youth of the face for a long time.

Cocktails for body mesotherapy

The procedure helps eliminate sagging skin and get rid of cellulite. In these cases, special lipolytic compounds are used that burn fat, reduce fat deposits and activate metabolism. Please note that body mesotherapy does not solve weight loss issues - it can help reduce fat volumes, nothing more. To achieve significant results, you will need 6-10 procedures, depending on the initial condition. Often, the doctor practices combining several types of cocktails: at the initial stage - fat-burning, which are designed to reduce fat deposits, then - draining, which stimulate lymph flow and trigger the body’s internal reserves to fight fat and cellulite, and finally, cocktails with a lifting effect are used, which tighten saggy (during sessions) skin. For example, the Mezoline cocktail, designed specifically to combat fat deposits, includes two active components: Phosphatidylcholine (5%) - a lipolytic. Obtained by extracting soybean seeds. It strengthens skin breathing and promotes the saturation of fatty acids. Deoxycholic acid (2.4%) is a natural component of human bile that emulsifies fats. The acid acts as a solvent for fatty acids.

Cocktails for head mesotherapy

Before carrying out treatment sessions (and all mesotherapy cocktails for the scalp are therapeutic), it is necessary to consult a trichologist and identify the causes of hair loss, which the mesococktail will subsequently help solve (or stop). Mesotherapy sessions are recommended in the following cases:

  • Alopecia (androgenic, focal);
  • Dandruff and all types of seborrhea: disruption of the sebaceous glands and excessive oily skin;
  • Itching, scalp diseases;
  • Fragility (split ends), dryness, weakened hair.

The composition of the cocktail is selected depending on the causes (loss, dandruff, lifeless hair) and is aimed at improving blood circulation in the scalp, normalizing the secretion of the sebaceous glands, activating hair growth, by delivering the necessary minerals, vitamins, micro- and macroelements to the hair follicles. Thanks to this, in 3-5 sessions it is possible to block the problem and restore the vital function of the hair and scalp.

Cocktails for head mesotherapy include the following components:

  • melanin (mandatory) - it improves hair structure, accelerates growth and, in some cases, delays the appearance of gray hair;
  • B vitamins, zinc, amino acids - strengthen hair, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • microelements (copper, magnesium, sulfur, zinc and others) - necessary to saturate the follicles with the necessary components for rapid hair growth, activate dormant hair follicles;
  • vasoactive substances - improve blood flow to the hair follicles, ensure the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the hair roots.

All components of the cocktail are delivered directly to the roots of the head, therefore they act specifically to solve the problem. As a rule, a cocktail for head mesotherapy includes 4 main components:

  1. Growth stimulants. They affect hair follicles and scalp, stimulate the formation of new capillaries, improve blood circulation, and restore the vital activity of hair follicles. That is, they are the best weapon in the fight against alopecia.
  2. Coenzymes Q10. They support cell energy, promote their regeneration, stimulate blood circulation in the capillaries, which leads to improved nutrition of the follicles. As a result, the hair becomes thick and shiny.
  3. Hyaluronic acid. Stimulates growth, nourishes the scalp, saturates with oxygen and moisture.
  4. Copper peptide. Regulates the level of hydrotestosterone and 5-alpha reductase, the excess of which leads to androgenetic alopecia.

In cases where the clinical picture is complex or requires special treatment, the cosmetologist prepares a cocktail for mesotherapy in the presence of the patient. Additionally, the cocktail may include (vasodilators, myotropic vasodilators, antiandrogens, veno- and lymphotonics).

Efficiency of the technique

To restore the collagen framework and facial architecture, a course of 5-10 procedures is recommended.

Each session forces the body's cells to mobilize their own resources to fight wrinkles, sagging, skin inflammation and other problems.

The result does not take long to arrive: after microinjections, the quality and appearance of the epidermis improves significantly: shallow wrinkles are straightened, acne goes away, an even color is restored, and the density and hydration of the skin increases.

Everyone notices significant rejuvenation, which can then be maintained with short courses once or twice a year.

Since the late 90s of the last century, mesotherapy has been officially recognized as a branch of European medicine.

The first injections of medicinal value were made in France, where this method was invented. Research by scientists has shown that the micro-point effect of injections into the patient’s mesoderm effectively solves a number of physiological and cosmetic problems.

Modern application of mesotherapy

Today, in facial and body cosmetology, microinjections are used for rejuvenation. Drugs that have the most beneficial effect on appearance are injected into the skin in small doses. At the same time, positive changes in the skin occur not in its superficial layers, but much deeper - due to the stimulation of internal processes.

Cosmetologists, and only specialists with higher medical education have the right to make injections for aesthetic purposes, use ready-made preparations and hand-made cocktails, the components of which include natural and harmless substances, to rejuvenate the eyelids or nasolabial area.

How is the mesotherapy procedure performed?

Before a mesotherapy session, the skin is cleansed, then anesthesia is administered - usually using a special gel and film. The drugs are injected with a very thin needle to a shallow depth. Often, instead of needles, cannulas (smooth, flexible needles without a sharp edge) are used to reduce trauma and avoid bruising.

It is good if an allergy test is performed before the procedure. To do this, the minimum dose of the drug is administered subcutaneously not on the face, but, for example, in the shoulder.

There are different techniques for performing mesotherapy:

  • injection (nappage - a “series” of small frequent injections);
  • papular (resembles a manta ray, dotted);
  • non-injection (scarification) - mesocotail is applied with a spatula, and then frequent small injections are made);
  • mesoscooter (roller with tiny needles) - you cannot use it yourself, but if an experienced cosmetologist considers it possible and necessary to use this particular technique, then you can trust it.

Composition of cocktails for mesotherapy

Preparations for mesotherapy include amino acids, plant extracts, proteins of plant origin, enzymes, vitamins, and homeopathic ingredients.

A classic anti-aging cocktail, which is injected under the skin of the face, may include:

  • antioxidants A and E and B vitamins;
  • fruit organic acids in minute concentrations: pyruvic, glycolic, malic, lactic; how to do facial peeling;
  • extracts of medicinal plants: St. John's wort, calendula, verbena and so on;
  • microelements necessary for healthy metabolism: S, K, Co, Se, Mg, Zn, P;
  • proteins of animal and non-animal origin, especially elastin and collagen;
  • medicinal substances such as thioctic acid, antibiotics, L-carnitine, hormones, dihydroergotamine;
  • drugs obtained by biotechnology methods: fibroblasts, DNA molecules, hyaluronic acid, placentex and the like.

Cocktails for fractional mesotherapy

The skin on the face is quite sensitive, so you need to use only high-quality, proven ingredients on it, otherwise there is a high probability of side effects and complications.

Keep in mind that cocktails for fractional mestherapy can be either multi-component or single-component. For example, quite often, instead of classical drugs, girls inject hyaluronic acid into the skin of their faces. It has a rejuvenating effect and helps accelerate the regeneration of new epithelial cells.

Also, sometimes drugs have medicinal effects. Then they eliminate inflammatory processes in tissues and activate its restoration.

Cosmetologists most often use the following brands of serums for mesotherapy:

  • Anti-Age;
  • Dermaheal;

The higher the concentration of active ingredients in the composition, the faster you can achieve the desired result. However, you should not choose formulations with maximum performance, since they have a rather aggressive effect, which is why only a cosmetologist can use them.

Efficiency of the technique

To restore the collagen framework and facial architecture, a course of 5-10 procedures is recommended.

Each session forces the body's cells to mobilize their own resources to fight wrinkles, sagging, skin inflammation and other problems.

The result does not take long to arrive: after microinjections, the quality and appearance of the epidermis improves significantly: shallow wrinkles are straightened, acne goes away, an even color is restored, and the density and hydration of the skin increases.

Everyone notices significant rejuvenation, which can then be maintained with short courses once or twice a year.

Since the late 90s of the last century, mesotherapy has been officially recognized as a branch of European medicine.

The first injections of medicinal value were made in France, where this method was invented. Research by scientists has shown that the micro-point effect of injections into the patient’s mesoderm effectively solves a number of physiological and cosmetic problems.

Modern application of mesotherapy

Today, in facial and body cosmetology, microinjections are used for rejuvenation. Drugs that have the most beneficial effect on appearance are injected into the skin in small doses. At the same time, positive changes in the skin occur not in its superficial layers, but much deeper - due to the stimulation of internal processes.

Cosmetologists, and only specialists with higher medical education have the right to make injections for aesthetic purposes, use ready-made preparations and hand-made cocktails, the components of which include natural and harmless substances, to rejuvenate the eyelids or nasolabial area.

Composition of cocktails for mesotherapy

Preparations for mesotherapy include amino acids, plant extracts, proteins of plant origin, enzymes, vitamins, and homeopathic ingredients.

A classic anti-aging cocktail, which is injected under the skin of the face, may include:

  • antioxidants A and E and B vitamins;
  • fruit organic acids in minute concentrations: pyruvic, glycolic, malic, lactic; how to do facial peeling;
  • extracts of medicinal plants: St. John's wort, calendula, verbena and so on;
  • microelements necessary for healthy metabolism: S, K, Co, Se, Mg, Zn, P;
  • proteins of animal and non-animal origin, especially elastin and collagen;
  • medicinal substances such as thioctic acid, antibiotics, L-carnitine, hormones, dihydroergotamine;
  • drugs obtained by biotechnology methods: fibroblasts, DNA molecules, hyaluronic acid, placentex and the like.

Preparations for mesotherapy

Solutions of active substances used in mesotherapy are called cocktails or meso-cocktails in cosmetology. They may contain dozens of different compounds that have a restorative, tonic, nourishing and biostimulating effect on skin tissue. The following substances and components can be found most often in meso-cocktails:

  1. Vitamins (A, C, E and many others) - have a nourishing, antioxidant and regenerating effect on dermal tissue. They are permanent components of tonic and nourishing cocktails.
  2. Biologically active substances - these include amino acids, some hormones, and polypeptides. These components are used for a wide range of cosmetic skin problems. Included in tonic, restorative and therapeutic meso-cocktails.
  3. Hyaluronic acid and other components of the connective tissue of the dermis (fragments of collagen and elastin molecules) - these substances are part of restorative cocktails and are used to moisturize and restore the skin.
  4. Minerals and trace elements - zinc, phosphorus, selenium, sulfur and other elements in the composition of salts or organic substances. Used to replenish the lack of minerals in the dermis and the body as a whole.
  5. Plant components (extracts, infusions) are very widely used in injection cosmetology. The use of plants is possible when creating complex meso-cocktails, and in the case of a special direction of this technique - phytomesotherapy.
  6. Homeopathic remedies - their use is based on the principles of “like cures like” and the use of microdoses of active substances. A fairly popular method of mesotherapy with virtually no side effects.
  7. Enzymes that break down connective tissue fibers are used in cases of extreme cellulite (fibrous cellulite) to destroy cells.
  8. Hypotonic solutions – when they enter adipose tissue, they cause osmotic shock and the breakdown of lipocytes. Used to combat local fat deposits.
  9. Lymphatic drainage components – promote lymph outflow and improve microcirculation.

Since the development of mesotherapy as a method of aesthetic medicine actively continues, new drugs and cocktails are created every year. Therefore, a competent cosmetologist must constantly monitor new products in this area. Depending on the indications and goals of the procedure, various combinations of cocktails are used - for example, lymphatic drainage and hypotonic solutions to eliminate fat deposits.

Efficiency of the technique

To restore the collagen framework and facial architecture, a course of 5-10 procedures is recommended.

Each session forces the body's cells to mobilize their own resources to fight wrinkles, sagging, skin inflammation and other problems.

The result does not take long to arrive: after microinjections, the quality and appearance of the epidermis improves significantly: shallow wrinkles are straightened, acne goes away, an even color is restored, and the density and hydration of the skin increases.

Everyone notices significant rejuvenation, which can then be maintained with short courses once or twice a year.

Since the late 90s of the last century, mesotherapy has been officially recognized as a branch of European medicine.

The first injections of medicinal value were made in France, where this method was invented. Research by scientists has shown that the micro-point effect of injections into the patient’s mesoderm effectively solves a number of physiological and cosmetic problems.

Modern application of mesotherapy

Today, in facial and body cosmetology, microinjections are used for rejuvenation. Drugs that have the most beneficial effect on appearance are injected into the skin in small doses. At the same time, positive changes in the skin occur not in its superficial layers, but much deeper - due to the stimulation of internal processes.

Cosmetologists, and only specialists with higher medical education have the right to make injections for aesthetic purposes, use ready-made preparations and hand-made cocktails, the components of which include natural and harmless substances, to rejuvenate the eyelids or nasolabial area.

Composition of cocktails for mesotherapy

Preparations for mesotherapy include amino acids, plant extracts, proteins of plant origin, enzymes, vitamins, and homeopathic ingredients.

A classic anti-aging cocktail, which is injected under the skin of the face, may include:

  • antioxidants A and E and B vitamins;
  • fruit organic acids in minute concentrations: pyruvic, glycolic, malic, lactic; how to do facial peeling;
  • extracts of medicinal plants: St. John's wort, calendula, verbena and so on;
  • microelements necessary for healthy metabolism: S, K, Co, Se, Mg, Zn, P;
  • proteins of animal and non-animal origin, especially elastin and collagen;
  • medicinal substances such as thioctic acid, antibiotics, L-carnitine, hormones, dihydroergotamine;
  • drugs obtained by biotechnology methods: fibroblasts, DNA molecules, hyaluronic acid, placentex and the like.

Products for home mesotherapy: with hyaluronic acid and other components

As already mentioned, you cannot use self-prepared formulations to carry out procedures with a mesoscooter at home.

Some people use the drug in combination with serums, alginate masks or creams. You shouldn't do this. Firstly, they are non-sterile and the likelihood of infection will be high. Secondly, these products are not intended for injection into the deep layers of the skin; the procedure will be ineffective.

For mesotherapy at home, you can use ready-made cocktails or single products, which are easy to buy at the pharmacy:

  1. Hyaluronic acid (low molecular weight). The drug strengthens intercellular connections, moisturizes the skin at the cellular level, and has a lifting effect.
  2. Collagen. Returns elasticity to the skin, corrects the oval of the face, reduces the depth of wrinkles.
  3. Ascorbic acid has a brightening effect, eliminates age spots, and improves complexion.
  4. Aloe vera extract moisturizes and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, one of the effective remedies for problem skin.
  5. Thioctic acid improves complexion, smooths out small scars and acne marks.
  6. L-carnitine is an effective remedy for correcting facial contours.

Popular ready-made meso cocktails:

  1. DMAE. Serum with a complex effect - nourishes, moisturizes, starts the process of cell regeneration. The use of this drug helps smooth out wrinkles, improves skin tone and improves complexion.
  2. Blessie Anti-Aging is a cocktail with a pronounced anti-aging effect.
  3. MYM dermaroller is a universal product for maintaining facial skin tone.
  4. GIBILAN. Mesococktail containing ginko biloba extract, which strengthens blood vessels and reduces rosacea.
  5. Stretchcare is a meso-cocktail with a rejuvenating effect, designed for mature skin.

These cocktails are used in mesotherapy in many salons and are available for home use.

Efficiency of the technique

To restore the collagen framework and facial architecture, a course of 5-10 procedures is recommended.

Each session forces the body's cells to mobilize their own resources to fight wrinkles, sagging, skin inflammation and other problems.

The result does not take long to arrive: after microinjections, the quality and appearance of the epidermis improves significantly: shallow wrinkles are straightened, acne goes away, an even color is restored, and the density and hydration of the skin increases.

Everyone notices significant rejuvenation, which can then be maintained with short courses once or twice a year.

used for rejuvenation. Drugs that have the most beneficial effect on appearance are injected into the skin in small doses. At the same time, positive changes in the skin occur not in its superficial layers, but much deeper - due to the stimulation of internal processes.

Cosmetologists, and only specialists with higher medical education have the right to make injections for aesthetic purposes, use ready-made preparations and hand-made cocktails, the components of which include natural and harmless substances, to rejuvenate the eyelids or nasolabial area.


The classification of modern mesopreparations exists according to different criteria: they are distinguished by the method of administration, constituent components, injection sites, and expected effects. The variety of these parameters allows the cosmetologist to choose a ready-made cocktail or create a new one based on the goals and characteristics of the client’s skin.

By composition

What is the composition of drugs for mesotherapy:

  • allopathic - natural plant components are combined with vitamins, acids, synthetic pharmaceutical substances;
  • homeopathic - does not contain artificial ingredients, the effect is achieved through natural plant extracts, vitamins, and minerals.

Acids and peptides in allopathic meso-cocktails provide a rejuvenating effect, medicinal and biochemical substances provide antioxidant and healing effects. Synthetic components have a stronger effect on the mesoderm; they are used in cosmetology:

  • against acne, blackheads, age-related or solar pigmentation;
  • for deep cellular rejuvenation, combating wrinkles, enlarged pores;
  • to increase blood circulation in connective and epithelial tissues.

Homeopathic meso-cocktails gradually stimulate cell restoration, so the cosmetic effect of their use is not immediately visible. Plant components and vitamins act from the inside. Courses of injections are prescribed to heal marks after rashes, smooth out scars, prevent excessive dry skin or regulate the production of subcutaneous sebum.

Effect on the skin

What effect do different types of drugs have?

  • lipolytic - enhance metabolism, blood circulation in cells, nourish connective and epithelial tissues, improve contour and complexion;
  • anti-aging - promote the synthesis of peptides and proteins (collagen, elastin) to moisturize, increase skin elasticity, smooth out wrinkles of varying depths;
  • decongestants - prevent stagnation of fluid in the body, which reduces swelling, gets rid of bags under the eyes, and corrects the oval of the face;
  • anti-inflammatory - soothe inflamed areas of the skin, used in the treatment of acne, blackheads, and other rashes.

Depending on the type of mesotherapy

What mesotherapy methods are used in modern cosmetology:

  • traditional injection - involves pinpoint punctures of problem areas of the face or body, with the drug entering directly into the epidermis;
  • fractional - used for deep injection treatment of individual parts of the face, for example the entire forehead area, to eliminate wrinkles during anti-aging therapy;
  • hardware - does not cause microtraumas, since it is non-invasive, the drug is absorbed into the mesoderm using an electromagnetic field, which is emitted by a pulsating mesodevice;
  • oxygen - is also not traumatic, oxygen acts on the top layer of the skin at high speed under pressure, which increases cell permeability and helps active substances absorb into the tissue.

Areas of application: face, body, hair

Mesotherapy fights aesthetic defects of any part of the body. How do these drugs work:

  • fat-burning compositions for the body help improve tone, tighten loose skin after weight loss, and get rid of sagging or cellulite;
  • meso-cocktails for hair are injected under the skin on the scalp to stimulate hair follicles, reduce hair loss, get rid of dandruff, and provide additional vitamin nutrition;
  • Facial mesopreparations solve various cosmetic problems depending on the composition.

According to the treated area

Mesococktails for the face differ in the area of ​​injection:

  • for smoothing facial and age wrinkles on the forehead or in the area between the eyebrows, strengthening the skin in the temporal part of the head;
  • to correct the contour of the face - increase the elasticity of the skin on the cheeks, highlighting the cheekbones;
  • for the chin - strengthens sagging skin in the lower part of the face, models a clear line of the lips and chin;
  • for the eyes - moisturize and tighten the skin, reduce dark circles under the eyes and expression wrinkles.

Composition of cocktails for mesotherapy

Preparations for mesotherapy include amino acids, plant extracts, proteins of plant origin, enzymes, vitamins, and homeopathic ingredients.

A classic anti-aging cocktail, which is injected under the skin of the face, may include:

  • antioxidants A and E and B vitamins;
  • fruit organic acids in minute concentrations: pyruvic, glycolic, malic, lactic; how to do facial peeling;
  • extracts of medicinal plants: St. John's wort, calendula, verbena and so on;
  • microelements necessary for healthy metabolism: S, K, Co, Se, Mg, Zn, P;
  • proteins of animal and non-animal origin, especially elastin and collagen;
  • medicinal substances such as thioctic acid, antibiotics, L-carnitine, hormones, dihydroergotamine;
  • drugs obtained by biotechnology methods: fibroblasts, DNA molecules, hyaluronic acid, placentex and the like.

Manufacturers of meso cocktails

The popularity of mesotherapy is growing every year, and the number of companies producing drugs for procedures is increasing in proportion to it.

At the moment, several have proven themselves:

  1. The “Skinasil” line is from the Russian one.

The manufacturer specializes in the production of single-drug products. The most popular is Gibilan, designed to normalize skin color and blood circulation.

  1. A series of preparations with hyaluronic acid and a complex of vitamins from Revitacare, France.

The company produces ready-made cocktails that trigger natural processes in cells that prevent aging. The line of meso-cocktails has separate preparations for each age: Cytocare 532 - for mature skin, Cytocare 502 - for the prevention of first wrinkles, Cytocare 516 - for women after 35 years.

  1. Mesococktails Dietbel, Spain.

A special feature of this company is its specialization in the production of drugs with a therapeutic effect based on minerals, aimed at combating scars and post-acne (Regenerador Antistrias), rosacea (Arnica), deep wrinkles (Regeneracion Dermica Derm-36), acne (AZUFRE).

  1. ID Farma line from Innosearch, Spain.

The company produces preparations based on organic acids and plant extracts intended for problem skin.

  1. DMAE complex, USA.

The company produces a series of meso-cocktails based on dimethylaminoethanol: a substance that is present in the body and protects the skin from aging and loss of elasticity. All drugs have a pronounced lifting effect and rapid action.

  1. Natura Siberica, Russia.

The company produces a series of budget meso-cocktails for the face based on plant extracts.

  1. A line of meso-cocktails based on hyaluronic acid Dermagenetic, Greece.

The products of this company are designed to rejuvenate and heal the skin. Preparations from this company can quickly reduce wrinkles, improve facial skin tone and get rid of pigmentation.

These manufacturers are trusted by cosmetologists and receive positive reviews from those who have used them.

Efficiency of the technique

To restore the collagen framework and facial architecture, a course of 5-10 procedures is recommended.

Each session forces the body's cells to mobilize their own resources to fight wrinkles, sagging, skin inflammation and other problems.

The result does not take long to arrive: after microinjections, the quality and appearance of the epidermis improves significantly: shallow wrinkles are straightened, acne goes away, an even color is restored, and the density and hydration of the skin increases.

Everyone notices significant rejuvenation, which can then be maintained with short courses once or twice a year.

Review of DMAE meso cocktail

I've always had dry skin. As a teenager and young adult, I didn’t know the problems that bothered many people; I never had acne or oily shine. But after 30, age made itself felt - very noticeable nasolabial folds and wrinkles between the eyebrows appeared.

To improve the condition of my skin, I bought anti-aging creams and serums, but even luxury products did not satisfy me completely. Then, on the advice of a cosmetologist, I decided to undergo a mesoprocedure, chose the DMAE cocktail and have never regretted it.

Despite the fact that this is an injection technique, it is quite comfortable because the face is pre-treated with an anesthetic. The whole procedure takes no more than half an hour, after which the skin is irritated, there is slight swelling and redness, but everything disappears the next day.

I’m doing DMAE injections for the third time in a course of 8 procedures, after the first the skin smooths out a little, and by the end of the course it becomes fresh, elastic and dryness completely disappears. The result lasts for more than six months.

For me, DMAE meso-cocktails have no drawbacks; even the cost is completely justified by the effect. Believe my experience, it is better to pay money for this procedure than to spend on an expensive cream.

The only note is that it is better to give injections in the evening before the weekend, because the skin needs time to recover.

Arina Sergeeva, 32 years old

Mesococktails are an excellent remedy for quickly solving skin problems and preserving youth. The procedure has many nuances of implementation, which only a specialist can understand. You can use meso-cocktails yourself, but their effectiveness will be lower than when performed in a salon.

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