Lipolitics: how weight loss injections work and what drugs are used for this

Date of publication: 09/27/2018

Date modified: 10/23/2020

Mesotherapy for cellulite is an injection method of combating fat deposits on the body, during which small doses of fat-burning lipolytics, biologically active and medicinal drugs are injected into the superficial and middle layers of the skin. In aesthetic cosmetology, the technique is considered one of the most effective non-surgical ways to correct the figure, eliminate local fat deposits and rejuvenate the skin. The therapy shows quick noticeable results, gives a long-lasting effect, is not addictive and does not have a long recovery period, due to which it is recommended by leading specialists around the world and is in demand among patients.

Mechanism of action of lipolytics

With insignificant and irregular physical activity and lack of a healthy diet, the accumulation of fat mass is more intense than the burning.
Unused fats settle on the vessels, between the muscles. Such formations under the skin lead to the appearance of cellulite. In cases where sports and proper nutrition are not effective enough, it is advisable to use lipolytic substances. They are introduced into the body through subcutaneous injections with thin needles, acting locally on individual parts of the body. The nuance is that they enter the body precisely during injections; they cannot be purchased in tablet form at the pharmacy.

Lipolitics initiate the breakdown of fat masses and the removal of breakdown products through the lymphatic and circulatory systems.

At first glance, it may seem that the procedure is a type of mesotherapy, but this is a misconception. With mesotherapy, the effect occurs on connective tissues, stimulating skin elasticity. The needle is inserted no deeper than 5 mm. Lipolitics are injected to a depth of at least 10 mm and directly affect the fat layer. Their main task is the elimination of cellulite.

Why does it appear

The main causes of cellulite are:

  • A woman eating the wrong foods. Cellular processes and the speed of food digestion depend on what food and how often a woman eats. An orange peel appears, both from a lack and from an excess of the wrong food. Lack of vitamin products and frequent consumption of fast food lead to the appearance of cellulite.
  • Environment with poor ecology. If external factors regularly affect the body, toxins accumulate in it. As a consequence - disturbed lipid balance, increased body weight.
  • In the absence of muscle tone, the skin becomes flabby, which serves as a suitable environment for the appearance and development of cellulite.
  • In diseases of the spine, nerve endings and blood vessels are compressed, and blood flow in the buttocks, thighs, and legs is disrupted.
  • Lack of active lifestyle. Due to frequent spending time in a sitting or lying position, the circulation of blood and lymph is disrupted, resulting in the formation of a crust on the thighs and butt.
  • Hormonal imbalance. The appearance of cellulite occurs during adolescence with a hormonal surge. The skin becomes lumpy when the menstrual cycle is disrupted, during pregnancy, or during menopause.
  • Stressful condition. As a result of nervous tension, the functioning of the adrenal glands malfunctions and the water balance is disrupted. Stress becomes the cause when a woman eats food uncontrollably.
  • Antidepressants and hormonal drugs cause fluid stagnation in the tissues, and orange peel appears as a side effect of the medications used.
  • As the body ages, skin tone decreases, metabolic processes slow down, and adipose tissue accumulates. When cellulite is diagnosed at an older age, it is more difficult to get rid of it.
  • Hereditary factor. If a close relative has cellulite on their skin, there is a high risk of developing a similar skin problem.
  • Having bad habits. Excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking contribute to the disruption of the condition of blood vessels, their compression occurs, causing a stagnation process.

Optimal zones for exposure

Many frequently practiced weight loss techniques do not allow for correction of areas with delicate skin. In this case, lipolytic injections will help the woman improve her appearance in these problem areas.

The best results can be achieved by treating the following areas:

  1. Face. It is best to give injections in the area of ​​the eyelids, cheeks and chin.
  2. Stomach. Lipolitics will narrow your waist and correct protruding sides.
  3. Hips. It is advisable to influence them from all sides.
  4. Hands. Effective work on the shoulders, forearms, wrists, and joint areas.
  5. Buttocks. Lipolitics make them fit and elastic, remove cellulite.
  6. Neck, décolleté area. These areas are less likely to get chipped because fat accumulates on them to a small extent.

Specialists work with each zone separately. Parallel injection treatment of several problem areas is not allowed.

After eliminating fat deposits in one area, another can be corrected no earlier than 6 months later.

Benefits of mesotherapy against cellulite

The active substances of mesococktails penetrate directly to the site of the problem—the mesoderm. Their individually selected composition eliminates not only the consequence of the problem (unaesthetic orange peel), but also the cause of its occurrence - impaired lymphatic drainage and lipid metabolism.

Under the influence of the drugs, lymph circulation improves: the fluid accumulated in the intercellular space is removed from the body. Subcutaneous fatty tissue is broken down, tissue trophism is stimulated.

In addition, mesotherapy for cellulite has a restorative, rejuvenating effect:

  • after the procedure, metabolic and metabolic processes are activated;
  • provides a powerful antioxidant effect;
  • natural regeneration mechanisms are activated.

Mesotherapy allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of cellulite, as well as improve the condition of the skin: in addition to relief, its elasticity and turgor improve.

The procedures also make it possible to correct the contours of the figure, reducing the volume of subcutaneous fat deposits. Therefore, dermacosmetologists recommend using mesotherapy in comprehensive weight loss programs.

Procedure technology, contraindications

Lipolysis is a simple process that takes an average of 10 minutes. The procedure technique includes:

  • applying an antiseptic substance to the skin;
  • local anesthesia;
  • filling the syringe with lipolytic;
  • injection of a substance under the skin;
  • re-application of antiseptic to the skin.

After the procedure, the woman must perform rehabilitation measures, otherwise complications may arise. In the first hours, injured skin should be continuously cooled. This will avoid hyperemia and burning. It is necessary to drink non-carbonated fresh water and, if possible, lie down. For the first half hour after injections, it is important to remain under the supervision of a specialist.

Unlike fat burners, which evenly destroy excess weight throughout the body, lipolytics act locally, affecting a specific part of the body.

You can see the real effect of using lipolytics about a month after the last injection. At first, tissue swelling will predominate, so it will not be possible to reliably evaluate the work of a specialist.

If undesirable effects appear and are present over the next few days, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Lipolytic injections are usually well tolerated by patients, but in some cases they should be abandoned. The following are recognized as contraindications to the procedures:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • individual negative reaction to the composition of the drug;
  • diseases of the excretory and genitourinary organs;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system, incl. diabetes;
  • neurological diagnoses;
  • chronic diseases at the time of exacerbation;
  • skin wounds;
  • infectious diseases affecting parts of the body that need correction with lipolytics;
  • high probability of keloid formation.

Before going to the clinic for body correction with lipolytics, it is advisable to undergo a medical examination to clarify the presence of contraindications for the procedure. The clinic specialist, having familiarized himself with the client’s health condition, will recommend the most appropriate medications.

Effective substances for the breakdown of fats

There are many effective means for this case. You should not make a decision on choosing one drug or another (much less inject it) on your own. However, it is advisable for the patient to have a general understanding of the line of products, their composition, and the concept of their effect on the body. All lipolytics are mainly of individual direct and indirect action.

"Revital Celluform"

This is a multicomponent drug, including arnica extract, vitamins, microelements, nicotinic acid. An important component is phosphatidylcholine, which breaks down fat masses for subsequent removal from the body.

It is useful to inject the substance once a week in a course of 5 procedures. For preventive purposes, sessions can be performed a couple of times a year.


The drug consists of salts of bile acid (destroying fat cells) and phosphatidylcholine (transforming fat to a gel-like state). A clear effect is observed after 10 sessions, conducted at weekly intervals.

Radical weight loss does not occur with the introduction of lipolytics, but the treated area will become smaller and cellulite will disappear.


Consists of sodium deoxycholate and a three-dimensional galactose polymer. It looks like jelly, which allows it to evenly fill the space under the skin. Once in the human body, the substance actively dissolves fat cells. A couple of injections are enough to achieve results. A repeated course of the drug is indicated only in unusual situations.

"MRX-lipolytic complex"

The peculiarity of the drug is that its components give a lasting effect only when used together.

Deoxycholate destroys the structure of fat cells. Lidocaine neutralizes pain. Carnitine collects fat breakdown products and moves them for faster oxidation. Benzopyrone prevents the development of inflammatory processes and hyperemia. Traditionally, to obtain a good result, a specialist prescribes 10 injections. The duration of the course varies depending on the specific situation.


Consists of amino acids that intensively break down fat and remove breakdown products.

Carnitine attracts the remains of broken down fat cells, transports them out of the body, and prevents the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins. Ornithine gives muscles elasticity. Phenylalanine prevents overeating by reducing appetite. Procaine has an antiseptic and analgesic effect.

The drug is used schematically for a month. The dosage is gradually reduced during the course. Next, the drug is administered in a minimal amount once a month for preventive purposes.


The drug consists of somatomedin, which is an active peptide, the most important mediator of the action of growth hormone. It stimulates blood flow and activates the process of fat breakdown.

Phosphatidylcholine dissolves fat. Carnitine collects and transports waste products from the body. Hyaluronic acid improves skin health and appearance. Vitamins saturate it with useful substances. Amino acids improve skin structure and rejuvenate tissue.

The components of the drug neutralize cellulite at all stages and improve skin condition.

For several days after the procedure, it is advisable to lead a quiet lifestyle: avoid sports, excessive physical activity, and visiting a solarium or bathhouse.


Helps destroy cellulite in the thighs, smoothes the skin, saturates it with useful substances and rejuvenates. Effects locally on specific areas. The course is designed for an average of 5 injections.

All the described products belong to the group of lipolytics, but do not have identical properties. Only a specialist can choose the appropriate drug taking into account the client’s characteristics.

Weight loss and body shaping using lipolytics are effective and safe if you follow the basic rules of the procedure and rehabilitation, taking into account existing contraindications. It is important to understand that the method is intended to have a local effect on a specific part of the body and does not provide phenomenal weight loss for the entire body. However, women who want to change a specific area on the body will be satisfied with lipolytics.

Cocktails for weight loss

To combat cellulite, multicomponent gel-like preparations are used, the composition of which includes many useful substances. The main ones are:

  • synthetic or natural lipolytics that provoke the breakdown of fats;
  • defibrosating substances that destroy fibrous constrictions;
  • vascular drugs that normalize blood and lymph circulation;
  • antioxidants that remove toxins and waste from the body;
  • vitamins, elastin, collagen, various amino acids, vitamins and minerals necessary to restore skin tone and rejuvenation.

A properly selected meso cocktail shows excellent results. The course of procedures allows you to obtain a full range of substances necessary for the breakdown of fat, rejuvenating and restorative elements, and vasodilating components. All this contributes to the rapid elimination of cellulite, improving appearance and well-being.

Our cosmetology center New Skin Clinic uses ready-made meso-cocktail Aqualyx. This is an innovative Italian-made lipolytic, the carefully selected composition of which effectively breaks down and removes fat cells, allowing you to correct your figure in just a few sessions.

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