How to choose the right shade of foundation for your face: ways to choose a tone to match your skin color

If you know how to choose the right tone and shade of foundation for your skin color, you can disguise many imperfections. The online store will tell you about the selection criteria and review the most effective means.
  1. How to choose a tinted foundation: some general tips
  2. Choosing foundation texture
  3. How to choose a foundation for your face based on your skin type
  4. How to choose a foundation shade to match your skin color
  5. How to choose the right foundation tone
  6. How to choose a foundation shade in different lighting
  7. Review of foundations

How to choose a tinted foundation: some general tips

This is a rather labor-intensive process that will have to be taken seriously throughout all stages. If you skip just one, then instead of a beautiful, even toning you can get the opposite result: greasy shine, flaking, a tired look or insufficient coverage. Therefore, before you buy the products you like, you need to understand the following indicators.

Determine your basic skin tone

This is a fundamental characteristic by which a girl will be able to determine her type. It can be light, medium or dark and will always be present to her, even if she stands in the sun for a long period and gets tanned.

How to understand which variety:

  • wash your face and wait 15 minutes;
  • stand in front of the window frame during the day;
  • put a snow-white paper sheet to your face, looking in the mirror: if the skin looks yellowish, then it is warm, if it is reddish, it is cold, and grayish, it is neutral.

This is what you should rely on first.

Determine your undertone

How to choose a foundation based on your skin color that will blend perfectly? There are 5 subtypes in total: beige, yellow, olive, peach, pink. When distributing these characteristics according to these characteristics, there will be no difficulties, because this is the shade closest to it from the color palette at a certain moment. It may change over time under the influence of climatic conditions.

Selecting the durability of the tinting base

On most products you can immediately see how long a particular product lasts. Usually this is approximately 8-16 hours. However, there are also record holders that last for 24 hours without smearing, running or failing even on the most important days.

Products that do not indicate the duration raise a lot of questions among customers. Here you need to pay close attention to the problems they solve and the type of dermis. Thus, fluids retain their impeccable appearance much longer on normal than on combined skin. Mousses applied to oily skin have the least resistance - the absorbent powder particles quickly become saturated with excess moisture and can be removed with one movement of the hand.

Choosing the effect of foundation

The bases differ in their inherent properties:

  • mattifying removes greasy shine, adds velvety, hides enlarged pores;
  • moisturizing agents give a feeling of comfort when the epidermis is tight, prevent peeling and irritation, and nourish;
  • lasting effect gives incredible smoothness, evenness, elasticity, masks rosacea;
  • lifting visually tightens the facial contour, smoothes wrinkles, hides dark pigmentation;
  • with radiant particles make the skin filled with vitality and natural beauty, eliminate dullness.

Selection by density and texture

An important property of foundation is density and texture. There are 3 degrees of density:

  1. Lightweight - evens out and refreshes the complexion, but does not hide pronounced imperfections. These are weightless coatings - cushions, fluids, BB and CC creams.
  2. Medium – evens out skin tone, masks minor imperfections and moisturizes. These are silicone-based makeup bases and moisturizing mousses and liquid emulsions without oils.
  3. Increased – cream foundations based on oils.

If you want to hide any imperfections as much as possible, you should opt for denser foundations.

Choosing foundation texture

Depending on the consistency and density, the decision on how to choose a foundation to match your skin color is divided into several groups:

  • light - the easiest to apply, often have oils in their list of ingredients and are difficult to remove with water;
  • fluid - they have a particularly delicate thickness that does not irritate, does not block pores and can be used every day;
  • soufflé or mousse is also one of the gentle coatings intended for the combined variety;
  • creamy - common, as they have unsurpassed durability and masking effect;
  • spray - helps to slightly tint the skin surfaces without negative effects;
  • pencil is the densest of all products and is only suitable for the normal condition of the epidermis.

We test the product on the skin upon purchase

Many women test foundation on the inside of their wrist. But, if you look closely, the skin color in this area differs from the complexion, not to mention the thickness. It would be correct to apply a little cream to the side of the jawbone - this way you can get a real picture of how the tone will fall on the face. Another important rule when choosing is natural light during the day. Only in such conditions can you clearly see how the tone matches the complexion. Some women do it differently - they buy a product darker and lighter than their skin, and then mix them to create the ideal shade, testing it in the same way.

If the foundation is selected to create an evening look, then a darker version can be used. Also, to give the face natural contours, emphasizing areas of darkening and lightening, women sometimes use different tones of creams, as if sculpting their appearance with them.

How to choose a foundation for your face based on your skin type

You need to rely on the needs specific to your dermis.

Dry needs moisturizing

The presence of absorbent particles, tea tree oil, and powdery elements is prohibited in it. It must not be too tight so as not to highlight or increase peeling. It would be ideal to have hyaluronic acid in the composition.

BB creams containing a sufficient amount of moisturizing components have been developed especially for this type. With it, the skin will not be dehydrated, but will also be protected from ultraviolet radiation, which prevents premature aging.

Oily skin should be powdered

This is the main rule. If the composition of the foundation contains reflective grains, or it has a viscous texture, then the greasy shine will not take long to appear.

A good solution would be to consider mousse foundations. In the list of ingredients they have special absorbent particles that will absorb excess sebum and prevent the appearance of a sticky film. In addition, enlarged pores, characteristic of this type of dermis, will not become clogged and provoke inflammation. Cosmetics with a lasting effect will help you avoid floaty makeup, but here you need to look for the one with the inscription mate (matt).

Normal and combination skin

There are several options here. Normal, prone to dryness or oiliness. Owners of the first type are incredibly lucky: they don’t have to think about the fact that the product can cause peeling or an oily shine. They are free to choose almost any line. But if your complexion is dull or gray, then it is better to look for bottles with reflective particles that will give a natural shine.

For the other two varieties, the search range narrows. And you will have to use the recommendations in the appropriate form.

For problem skin

This type requires special delicate care. It is believed that problems with the dermis can only occur during adolescence, but this is not true. About 38% of people who have reached the threshold of their thirties complain of rashes, blackheads, large pores, lifelessness and excess sebum.

Here you need to focus on the inscription “non-comedogenic”. It is good if the composition contains absorbent substances, tea tree oil, and at the same time the product will have sufficient elasticity so as not to float or roll down.

Sensitive skin

Most often it is characterized by allergic redness, dryness, and an immediate reaction to conventional cosmetics. In order not to irritate it, you need to look for the “non-allergenic” signature and give preference to lighter textures.

Before purchasing, be sure to test on your inner wrist and wait 30 minutes. This is necessary, since even the mildest and safest formula can contain components to which a woman may become allergic. Read the ingredients and put on the shelf those that contain products that are contraindicated for you.

Mature skin

It is very difficult for her to find a remedy. Especially if there are already deep wrinkles, the oval of the face has lost its former contour. Ordinary foundations will only emphasize the problems, will accumulate in the depressions and make the dermis even more sluggish.

Look for products whose packaging indicates the presence of a lifting effect. It would be ideal if there was also a lasting effect that would prevent the texture from spreading over a long period. Then a good tone and smooth surface will please a woman with age-related changes.

Color scheme for gray, earthy skin

Industrial cities have not had a favorable environmental situation for a long time. Smoke, smog, constant stress and rare exposure to fresh air lead to the fact that even the most enviable beauties complain about a sallow complexion. This skin looks gray, tired and aged.

With careful selection of the cream, this problem can also be solved. To keep your face fresh, cosmetologists recommend using foundations with a pinkish-brown tint.

How to choose a foundation shade to match your skin color

Usually ladies who have been using decorative cosmetics for a long time have a rough understanding of the types and can accurately name theirs. But this topic is not always clear to beginners, and it is extremely difficult for them to buy goods based on color subtype.

Color type SPRING

The spring girl has a rather faded, almost translucent color scheme. At the same time, she can have a soft, warm undertone with a faint natural blush. It is quite acceptable for her to have birthmarks and pigmentation. It is contraindicated for prolonged exposure to the sun, since its dermis does not cope well with its protective properties and is prone to redness, peeling, and sometimes mild sunburn. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to the presence of sun protection factor. For her, light colors with a pink note would be a suitable choice.

Color type SUMMER

How to choose the right foundation tone for your complexion of this type? Their skin can have either an amazing aristocratic whiteness with a pinkish accent or even redness, or dark. It is not exposed to the sun, tans evenly, and therefore does not require UV protection.

Ivory and cool pink are perfect (the main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to highlight imperfections and not create a tired look). But for dark skin, olive with an undertone characteristic of the dermis would be ideal. It is good to add velvety using transparent or mineral powder.

Color type AUTUMN

Autumn girls differ from each other quite radically. This type endowed its owners with a riot of rich, warm colors, the absence of flaws, and the presence of golden freckles (not always). Their natural beauty requires the lightest possible tinting base that will hide imperfections, not advantages.

Their skin can be light or dark, but without blush. The face is often peach-colored or beige-golden tones. Any cold shades will negate the efforts of nature, but warm shades will add charm. Before choosing a foundation, you should think about the fact that the properties of this type of dermis allow you to go without makeup during the day, using it only in the evening.

WINTER color type

Most often, their skin is porcelain-white or, in contrast, cold-olive dark. Pale skin does not tolerate sun exposure well, but other skin, on the contrary, tans easily, pleasantly and beautifully. Sometimes there may be dark gray-brown freckles on the face.

The foundation should not be thick, light in texture. For fair-skinned people, a barely noticeable, almost white color is suitable, and for dark-skinned people, a grayish-beige, olive one. Let's assume a pink-beige option, while completely avoiding yellowness.

How to use foundation correctly

You can sit in front of the mirror for hours and try to put on your beauty, then run to wash your face and apply makeup again. The result is not always reassuring. And all because you either don’t use foundation at all, or don’t know how to apply it correctly. And unevenly applied cream does not allow you to carefully blend blush, eye shadow or bronzer.

Want to learn how to apply foundation correctly? Then use a few recommendations.

  • First, you need to prepare the skin - wash with cool water and apply moisturizer to your face.
  • Now comes the turn of the primer - the base for foundation. Many women neglect this remedy, thereby making a huge mistake. Using a primer, the skin texture is evened out - it fills small depressions, irregularities, and flaws. After it, the makeup becomes more durable and does not “float”. Basic foundations are divided into several types: reflecting light - intended for evening makeup, the skin of the face simply glows;
  • silicone – mask wrinkles, post-acne marks, enlarged pores;
  • mineral – remove skin redness.
  • After the primer is completely absorbed, it’s time for the foundation. It should be applied with a wide brush, making dots on the cheeks, cheekbones, nose, chin and in the center of the forehead.
  • Now we begin shading, starting from the nose to the hair and down to the neck. You can use brushes, sponges or just your fingers. Make light tapping movements, as if you were drawing dotted lines, but do not stretch the skin.
  • If there are any errors left, then use a corrector, it is also called a concealer. By the way, these concealers can hide particularly “capricious” imperfections even before applying foundation.
  • The final stage is translucent matte powder. With its help, you will finally remove oily shine, your face will become matte and ready for applying decorative cosmetics.
  • Do not forget to take breaks after each stage so that the applied products have time to dry.
  • How to choose the right foundation tone

    Decorative cosmetics have long been part of the must-have look. However, the wrong choice can disappoint, because the girl will not receive a smooth overlap, but a mask or layered cosmetic cake! Concealing large inflammatory rashes, conspicuous marks and very deep circles under the eyes is very rarely possible with foundation. To cope with these tasks, you need to purchase a separate concealer with a more viscous coating. “Light” and “dark” is a small amount of what can be said about shades. You need to find them based solely on your color type, taking into account the subtype.

    How to choose the right tone color for a foundation for a warm-colored face

    Cosmetologists advise choosing a fluid that is slightly lower in lightness than your own skin. This avoids unnaturalness and also makes you look a little younger. Also, if you have difficulties with selection, you can turn to products that can independently adapt to individual characteristics. This criterion is fundamental when purchasing a cosmetic substance.

    How to choose a cold-color foundation shade

    It is easiest for fair-skinned people to find a suitable product to use. But this only applies to those who know how to find the right tinting base.

    What types of light colors are there:

    • porcelain;
    • Ivory;
    • light beige;
    • olive.

    These are the basic options. To make sure you don't get into trouble with cosmetics, it is not recommended to use the skin on your wrist for testing. It always differs in a darker direction, which makes it difficult to guess when buying makeup products. And we must not forget about texture, because it also plays an important role. It can be either translucent or as dense as possible.

    Testing the selected shade

    The final choice of foundation should be made specifically before purchasing. Consultants in the store will help you choose the most suitable tone, and you can also test the products you like. It is worth noting that preliminary selection should be done in daylight. Instrument lights can greatly distort the tone. It is also worth considering the time of year. The sun tans the skin and changes the color of the skin. In spring, summer and autumn, preference is given to warmer shades, and in winter – lighter shades.

    Testing should be carried out correctly on the face, applying a small amount of the product to clean skin in the area from the middle of the cheek to the neck. This way you can compare the differences between your skin tone and the tone of the selected product, instantly detecting discrepancies. The boundaries of the applied composition should be invisible, and the treated surface should not differ from the rest of the face. Finding a suitable tone using this method will not be difficult. Additionally, consider ease of application. It is recommended to leave products that are difficult to blend on the store shelf.

    How to choose a foundation shade in different lighting

    There are many nuances that need to be taken into account: what time of day to go to the store, how to choose according to the season.


    Summer is the easiest time to find a color that suits. But here's the problem: most girls, even if they use sunscreen ointments, acquire a delicate golden tan, which fades in the autumn-winter period and then the choice begins all over again.

    The only advice here is to first buy samples or ask to pour a little into a prepared bottle so that you can try the foundation at home in a calm environment and decide.

    If the sellers do not cooperate, then apply a certain amount to your neck and walk for 15 minutes so that you have time to take it on. Then it will be clearer what shade the final result will be.

    Times of Day

    It is better to go to the store during the day, when the sun is at its zenith and illuminates the space well. You cannot rely on indoor lighting, as it greatly distorts the result. When trying on decorative cosmetics, it is advisable to go outside with a mirror.

    Your location

    Very rarely plays a decisive role. This indicator is mainly needed to determine the sun protection factor. In the southern regions, where the sun's rays are intense almost all year round, a great solution would be to take a texture with a high SPF, but in the northern regions, where the sky is cloudy most of the time, you can get by with minimal protection.

    Test with swatches step by step

    To get a 100% match in tone, you need to apply several swatches to your face at once. The more samples you apply, the more accurately you will get into the tone that suits you. For this:

    1. Cleanse your face of cosmetics and make-up.
    2. Scrub thoroughly, exfoliating dead particles.
    3. Wipe with tonic.
    4. Apply foundation, it could be your daily moisturizer, let it absorb.
    5. Apply all the product options thickly to the lower part of the cheek, slightly stretching the edges of each.

    Wait 5 minutes to see the actual shade of the product. The tone should perfectly match the skin of the face and neck. The photo shows that the first and third tone options were suitable, but the second was not. Once you choose the optimal swatch, apply the product all over your face. Let the composition interact with the skin. Make sure that the tone does not create a mask effect.

    Review of foundations

    To avoid making an unfortunate mistake, you can try buying samples so you can try them on in peace. Prepare the skin properly, wait until the surface is completely dry and only then apply the tint, waiting another 10-20 minutes. Evaluate critically, noticing the slightest deviation from the desired outcome. The foundation must emphasize the natural attractiveness, and not change it, so look for a product that is as close as possible to the natural complexion.

    Long-lasting foundation Infaillible 24 hours matte finish, L'Oréal Paris

    Amazing toning with a special mattifying effect and durability throughout the day. The revolutionary formula creates a flawless, weightless coverage that feels like a second skin. Suitable for absolutely all skin types, therefore it is universal. A rich palette of 9 tones allows you to try and find the best. It is not felt at all due to the preservation of breathing on the surface of the skin.

    Foundation Alliance Perfect “Perfect Fusion”, L'Oréal Paris

    Includes 3 hybrid pigments, which, when mixed with 4 classic ones, can adapt to the structure of the epidermis, completely restoring its natural radiance.

    It is not felt on the dermis, there is no mask effect, it blends well with the tone and covers pigmentation. Having the consistency of a delicate fluid, it gently envelops the skin and gives it natural internal health, maintaining a satin effect. It contains 9 colors that can adapt thanks to the reflective particles present.

    Yves Saint Laurent LE TEINT ENCRE DE PEAU

    It has a silky and delicate texture, loved even by whimsical ladies. The product is developed on the basis of an exclusive formula, making it extremely stable and easy to apply. The wearing time is long, but this tint will not cause skin problems or clogged pores. There is SPF 15 radiation protection.

    This is one of the most invisible foundations anyone has ever created. The palette includes fifteen different undertones, so women will not have any confusion about how to choose a foundation.

    Rimmel Match Perfection Foundation

    Its new structure adapts to the tone of the dermis as much as possible, giving it a flawless appearance thanks to the focal effect. It oxygenates, refreshes and protects against harmful effects with the help of the Natural Skin complex.

    It contains sapphire pigments, which make the undertone more natural and fresh, and the combination with vitamin E gives hydration for 24 hours. Light consistency covers without imperfections, providing comfort and SPF 18 protection. Suitable for all types of epidermis.

    Revlon Colorstay Makeup For Normal-Dry Skin Ivory

    The delicate texture is applied to areas in a perfectly smooth and radiant layer, providing the necessary level of hydration. New technology maintains balance, giving peace and ease. Product No. 1 in durability for dry and normal dermis, creates reliable coverage for 24 hours without reapplication! Thanks to the SPF 20 sun protection filter, it additionally protects the skin from the aggressive effects of UV rays.

    That's all the useful information on how to choose the right tone and shade of your foundation for your skin color. Use the advice, buy original products in the catalog of our website and enjoy beautiful, even makeup every day.

    How to determine undertone

    There is a division into warm, cool, neutral and neutral shades with a cold or warm undertone. The same beige color can be with these shades. First you need to determine the color - pinkish, yellowish, beige. And then the undertone – cold, warm, neutral. Here are the most common undertones:

    1. Warm – warm yellow.
    2. Cool - cool pink.
    3. Neutral - neutral
    4. Neutral warm – neutral warm yellow.
    5. Neutral cool – neutral cool pink.

    If you don’t know what to choose, choose neutral – yellowish tonal creams. They look as natural as possible. Pinkish or grayish creams will look like a mask in daylight if you don't match your tone.

    It would be right, before applying the tone to an important event, to test it throughout the day. See how the product behaves, whether it holds smoothly. A properly selected foundation should:

    1. Be plastic.
    2. Have good technical characteristics.
    3. Integrate into the texture of the skin and fit flawlessly even on an aging face.

    Remember that foundation is not intended to cover up imperfections; that’s what correctors and concealers are for. The tone emphasizes the beauty of your skin, makes the color more even and beautiful without changing the shade.

    The tone should not:

    1. Emphasize facial wrinkles and form creases.
    2. “Sliding” from the face or “swimming” in spots.
    3. Peel or pill.

    Before testing, read the detailed instructions on how to properly apply foundation. Cleanse, exfoliate and thoroughly moisturize your face. This is of great importance in the selection of foundation.

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