Stretch marks: causes, prevention. How to get rid of it?

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Recently, many drugs and clinical procedures for the removal of stretch marks have appeared on the market, including both affordable and very expensive. Before considering various remedies for stretch marks, let’s first try to figure out what stretch marks are and why they appear on the body?

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks or stretch marks are skin imperfections in the form of lines or stripes that are localized in areas of greatest stretching of the skin.
Favorite places for stretch marks are the legs, breast skin, buttocks, abdomen and thighs. With accompanying hormonal changes, stretch marks may appear on the face. Fresh damage to the dermis has a red-violet or pink color; over time, the stretch marks lighten or become discolored. In an advanced stage, stretch marks externally become like scars, which cause internal discomfort and uncertainty.

Pros and cons of laser stretch mark removal

This procedure has many advantages. Laser is an effective tool for removing a wide range of skin defects, including pigmentation, scars, spider veins, stars, etc.

Laser stretch mark removal has become very popular, because among its advantages :

  • No pain due to anesthesia.
  • Instant effect immediately after the procedure.
  • Elimination of both newly formed and old stretch marks.
  • Safety.
  • Long-term results.

The main disadvantage of laser stretch mark removal is long-term rehabilitation after the procedure. The laser can burn up to 1 mm of the epidermis in just one session, depending on the age and depth of the stretch marks. And after this, the skin must restore the injured areas, covering itself with a new layer. Typically, the rehabilitation period is about a month.

This leads to the second disadvantage - the duration of the course. The procedure itself is quick, but the course of treatment consists of four to five sessions, so it may take you about six months. Considering skin problems during the rehabilitation period (itching, peeling, redness), this period causes discomfort for many. Clients are motivated only by increasingly noticeable results after each subsequent session of laser stretch mark removal.

The effectiveness of laser stretch mark removal is lower when affecting old stretch marks; it will not be possible to completely get rid of them. Thanks to the procedure, such stretch marks can be made less noticeable, smooth and uniform in color. But traces of such damage will still remain.

Discomfort and itching are another disadvantage of laser stretch mark removal. The procedure itself is painless, but the rehabilitation period is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the treated area, similar to a sunburn.

Despite the fact that laser exposure is the most effective in the fight against stretch marks, it cannot always be used due to the presence of a number of contraindications.

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Causes of stretch marks

The mechanism of stretch marks is caused by hypersecretion of cortisol, leading to thinning and rupture of collagen fibers. Internal microtraumas contribute to the proliferation of connective tissue, which is why scars form.

The reasons for the formation of stretch marks can be different:

  • hereditary factor;
  • low elasticity of the dermis;
  • poor nutrition;
  • insufficient amount of water consumed;
  • puberty;
  • pregnancy period;
  • sudden weight loss or gain;
  • intense sports activities;
  • diseases of the endocrine system and pancreas;
  • long-term use of steroid hormones.

Also, stretch marks can appear throughout the body in patients with Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.

What types of lasers are used to remove stretch marks?

Several types of lasers are used to carry out cosmetic procedures. They are classified according to their effectiveness and depth of penetration into tissue.

Excimer laser

For laser removal of stretch marks that formed more than a year ago, experts advise using this particular type of device.

The intense ultraviolet beam generated by the laser affects stretch marks, destroying connective tissue cells. After the procedure, a crust forms on the skin, which disappears after a few days. New covering tissues are formed under it during the healing process.

The excimer laser activates the synthesis of melatonin, which is responsible for the color of the skin, so that stretch marks acquire the shade of healthy skin.

Laser removal of stretch marks using a device of this type guarantees an excellent result, because instead of cutting or burning, the bonds between molecules in the affected area are broken down. Thanks to this, a healthy epidermis is formed as quickly as possible.

But this method of laser stretch mark removal has one contraindication. The procedure is prohibited for persons suffering from photodermatosis (allergy to ultraviolet radiation).

Dermal optical thermolysis (DOT)

DOT is the latest effective method of laser removal of stretch marks, which involves selective (fractional) effects on the skin.

A beam of laser beams produces a huge amount of small thermal damage in the skin, due to which the process of synthesis of new elastic and collagen fibers is activated.

This method of laser stretch mark removal allows you to remove old defects. That is why many cosmetology clinics actively and successfully practice DOT.

This procedure gives a number of positive results:

  • the surface of the skin is leveled;
  • the epidermis becomes more elastic and elastic;
  • stretch marks, scars, scars, post-acne are removed;
  • pigment spots and fine wrinkles disappear;
  • White stretch marks are completely eliminated.

Laser Palomar

This laser is fractional and provides precise treatment of the affected areas. Microscopic beams of laser beams penetrate the layers of the epidermis and initiate natural tissue healing.

Laser stretch mark removal using this device guarantees the following results:

  • disappearance of stretch marks that occurred during pregnancy;
  • elimination of even the deepest wrinkles;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin and restoring its texture;
  • removal of scars and scars;
  • getting rid of age spots and rosacea (spider veins and spider veins).

Laser Fraxel

Getting rid of stretch marks using this device is carried out by exposing the surface layers of the skin to low energy. Therefore, this device can perform laser removal of stretch marks even on the chest, where the skin is delicate and sensitive.

Getting rid of stretch marks using this device is absolutely safe and does not cause complications, since only the upper layers of the epidermis are affected. The rehabilitation period after the procedure is only one day.

Erbium laser

Laser removal of stretch marks after childbirth is carried out with an erbium laser. This procedure is delicate and safe, since the rays penetrate the epidermis by only 1–5 microns.

The process of getting rid of dead cells occurs so quickly that nearby areas of the skin do not heat up, which is why the erbium laser is called “cold”.

Qualified specialists will select the type of device that is needed in this particular case. After laser stretch mark removal by an experienced cosmetologist, clients are always satisfied with the result.

Regardless of the device chosen, laser stretch mark removal is carried out according to a specific scenario.

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How to remove stretch marks?

Treatment of stretch marks is a difficult and lengthy process that requires a professional approach to the problem, followed by a comprehensive course of manipulation.

By contacting Dr. Korchagina’s clinic, dermatocosmetologists will conduct the necessary diagnostics and select procedures:

  • dermabrasion - a technique consisting of mechanical grinding with removal of skin layers; manipulation not only reduces the visibility of stretch marks, but also restores the structure of epidermal tissues;
  • microneedle RF lifting INFINI - an innovative rejuvenating technology that causes tissue coagulation and collagenogenesis through the use of a fractional microneedle system;
  • chemical peeling is a manipulation based on the application of strong organic acids to the stretch marks, which burn the epidermis and promote the synthesis of its own collagen fibers;
  • PRP plasma therapy Regenlab - cellular rejuvenation of the skin through microinjection of its own purified and enriched plasma; plasma lifting stimulates the work of fibroblasts, and also promotes the production of elastin and collagen;
  • facial mesotherapy – injection of meso-cocktails provides deep hydration and restoration, accelerating metabolism and nutrition of damaged skin;
  • thermolifting – a hardware technique using the Palomar StarLux 500 laser machine improves blood circulation, metabolism and lymph flow; due to which the skin is regenerated and straightened.

Laser stretch mark removal methods

Laser stretch mark and scar removal involves two different skin resurfacing methods:

  1. Full (classical) grinding is carried out with an erbium laser. With its help, cells are evaporated at the required depth and area, as a result of which fibroblasts are activated and the body’s work aimed at tissue restoration is activated. The depth of laser exposure is set individually for each client, so this type of resurfacing can be carried out both on the superficial and deeper layers of the skin.

Laser removal of stretch marks in this way is painful, so when treating small areas, local anesthesia is given, and for a large area of ​​stretch marks, general anesthesia is used.

  1. Removal of stretch marks using fractional laser thermolysis - this method of laser removal of stretch marks differs from the previous one in that during the procedure the affected areas are affected fractionally, i.e. selectively, and healthy skin is not affected by the laser. This method gives a more noticeable remodeling result and is less painful and dangerous.

For the above laser stretch mark removal techniques, special lasers are used.

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Prevention of stretch marks

To reduce the risk of stretch marks, you must follow several preventive recommendations:

  1. Include foods rich in omega-3 acids in your diet (fatty fish, walnuts, flaxseed, chia seeds).
  2. Get enough vitamin D.
  3. Limit the amount of sugar and sweets you consume.
  4. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
  5. Drink at least 8 glasses of clean drinking water a day.
  6. Monitor weight gain during pregnancy.
  7. Use moisturizing creams and body lotions.
  8. Do not abuse the use of corticosteroids and anabolic steroids.
  9. Stop smoking.
  10. Exercise regularly.
  11. Visit a nutritionist and cosmetologist in a timely manner.

make an appointment with a dermatocosmetologist at the Korchagina Clinic in Moscow from the consulting manager on the website or by phone.

Rehabilitation after laser stretch mark removal

Will laser removal of stretch marks on the abdomen work? This can be found out immediately after the completion of the rehabilitation period, because damaged skin requires special care:

  1. After the procedure, it is prohibited to visit saunas, baths, swimming pools and sunbathe. Otherwise, you may provoke the development of complications.
  2. It is impossible to rip off the formed crusts.
  3. For three to four days after laser removal of stretch marks, it is necessary to lubricate the injured skin with moisturizers and anti-inflammatory agents.
  4. Avoid sudden movements that may cause further damage to the treated area.
  5. If pain occurs, take painkillers.

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Foundation for legs and body to hide stretch marks

This cream hides all noticeable imperfections on the skin of the legs and gives them an attractive tan.

This cream has the following properties:

  • easy to apply;
  • has rapid absorption;
  • does not leave an oily sheen on the skin;
  • gives instant visible results;
  • You can wash it off with soap;
  • looks like a self-tanner.

Having chosen a foundation for your legs, you need to apply it correctly.

The skin should be:

  • shaved;
  • purified;
  • moisturized.
  1. Good lighting is necessary for uniform distribution of the product.
  2. It's better to use a foundation spray. You need to spray the product at a distance of 10-15 cm. Then you need to rub it evenly over the skin with a sponge and wait until it is completely absorbed.
  3. The product should be applied in a dense layer.
  4. If necessary, you need to use a corrector. Using it, you can quite easily hide bruises, possible scars, as well as contusions.
  5. In order to consolidate the result, you need to apply powder

What result to expect

By approaching the question “how to remove deep stretch marks” wisely, having patience and completing the task, you will soon be able to admire your smooth, healthy skin again.

But remember! Once you get rid of deep stretch marks, you are not immune to the fact that they will not appear again. Take care of your body and don't forget to take preventative measures.

Fractional thermolysis against stretch marks: before and after

Camouflage tattoo ↑

The most innovative technique for combating stretch marks, which helps disguise imperfections and make them the same tone as normal skin.
The best results will be achieved with light-colored stretch marks - in this case it is easier to select the exact pigment. Tattooing of stretch marks can be done on any area of ​​the body, even on such a sensitive area as the chest. In its technique, the procedure is closer to permanent makeup than to classic tattooing, and therefore is not so painful. Pros:

guaranteed result after the first procedure;
can be done on any area of ​​the body;
if the result does not suit the client, the pigment can be removed from the body;
no other procedure can dramatically affect the white color of striae.


corrects only the color of stretch marks, but does not even out the skin texture;
a very expensive and rarely used service due to its novelty;
there is a rehabilitation period and side effects;
does not affect the quality of the skin;
the effect lasts for several years, then a repeat procedure is necessary;
Striae become visible when tanning.

Coffee scrub to cleanse skin and hide stretch marks

To prepare it you will need to take ground coffee - 1 tsp. and gel, which is used for shower, then add mumiyo (10 g).

The resulting composition must be applied to problem areas daily for 30 days.

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How much does laser stretch mark removal cost?

How is the cost of the procedure calculated and how much does laser stretch mark removal cost? Its price is quite high, although it does not require any costs. This is explained by the high cost of the equipment and the duration of its operation. After all, it happens that in advanced situations, removing stretch marks, the device works for up to two hours without interruptions.

Also, the high price of the procedure is associated with the complexity of its implementation. The device settings are selected individually for each client in accordance with the severity of stretch marks and how long ago they appeared.

The specialist must carefully examine the patient’s skin and prescribe laser removal of stretch marks. The cost of this procedure is from three hundred rubles per square centimeter of skin. The penetration depth of the rays does not affect the price. If the client does a set of procedures at once, he receives a discount, thanks to which he can get rid of many defects at a lower cost. If you order laser removal of stretch marks one square centimeter at a time, it will cost approximately 500 rubles.

The cost of the procedure itself does not include the price of anesthesia. You should not skimp on painkillers, because laser removal of stretch marks can be very painful. Before you begin, check with your specialist about the cost of anesthesia.

Also, the price depends on the type of laser device. It was already said above that there are several types that differ from each other in intensity and depth of impact, and therefore their effectiveness and cost vary widely. Consider this moment.

It is also necessary to understand the duration of the treatment course. The cost of each subsequent procedure may decrease if the number of stretch marks is reduced. But don't expect a big price drop and be prepared for another large investment.

To achieve noticeable improvements in laser removal of stretch marks, you need to do about 3-6 procedures for stretch marks that formed less than a year ago, and 6-12 with a break of one or two months for old ones.

To get rid of stretch marks, other salon procedures are also used, which also give a certain effect, despite the fact that laser is considered the most effective method.

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Get rid of stretch marks at home and in the salon

To get rid of red stretch marks on the skin, many are ready to resort to a variety of methods. Some of them are more effective and bring good results, while others do not affect the appearance of stretch marks at all. You can try to eliminate such a cosmetic defect using folk remedies that were used by our distant ancestors, or you can simply turn to a professional cosmetologist. But let's take it in order so that there is no confusion.

One grandmother said: folk remedies

Contrary to misconceptions, even at home you can do a lot to remove fresh stretch marks or get rid of old ones. Traditional medicine offers various medicinal herbs and other substances that will help in this difficult matter. However, if previously you had to independently collect the necessary roots and stems from forests and fields, now you can easily find the herbs of almost any plant in the nearest pharmacy, and the rest can be found on the shelves of the supermarket on the corner.

No means used at home will, and cannot, give any high-quality results in a short time. You need to be prepared for the fact that a long process awaits you, but you will definitely like the result. Therefore, it is better not to rush, to do everything thoroughly, regularly, so as not to be disappointed.

There is a whole system that will definitely help. It is made up of three main stages that all have to be taken into account.

  1. Skin cleansing.
  2. Application of different products.
  3. High quality massage.

In such cases, it would not hurt to use the entire “heavy arsenal” of traditional medicine, starting from medicinal masks, essential and base oils, contrast showers and other water treatments, to a variety of nutritional and healing mixtures and remedies. For a better understanding, here are some of the simplest examples.

Cream with mumiyo

You will need about eighty grams of any baby cream of your choice. If you don’t have this on hand, you can use any base oil. Squeeze the entire tube into a bowl, add one tablespoon of warm (almost hot) water, as well as one gram of mummy.

This composition is very good for lubricating areas affected by stretch marks. It will not hurt to make massage movements with your hands. It is best to store this cream in the refrigerator on the door.

Sour cream or kefir mask

This remedy was known back in the time of Vladimir the Red Sun. In order for the skin to become more elastic, and at the same time soft, silky, and beautiful, it was proposed to lubricate it with kefir or sour cream twice a day. It may not be possible to completely remove stretch marks on the skin with the help of dairy products, but such “therapy” will certainly not cause harm.

Salt, oil and sugar scrub

A scrub that can be easily prepared from ordinary food products available in the kitchen of any, even the most careless housewife, is considered very effective. Just take a deep container (bowl), pour half a glass of sunflower oil into it (you can take olive oil if available). Pour the same amount of salt and sugar there, that is, half a glass each. Mix all this thoroughly.

Apply this scrub to your skin in the bathroom, after washing with soap and a washcloth. Massage for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water. Don’t forget that after such procedures, be sure to apply a nourishing moisturizer to your skin.

Methods for eliminating stretch marks in the salon

Home methods are ineffective against old stretch marks, and not every person has the desire or time to bother with them. But everyone definitely dreams of getting rid of stretch marks. That’s why some people immediately, and sometimes after numerous experiments, turn to specialists for help. Modern beauty salons offer a truly large selection of services to eliminate such an unsightly cosmetic defect.

  • Pressotherapy.
  • Ozone therapy.
  • Chemical and laser peeling.
  • Ultrasonic massage.
  • Cryosauna.
  • Cavitation.
  • Vacuum massage.

This is only the very tip of the iceberg of the procedures that can be offered to you in the salon to get rid of stretch marks. All these methods must be selected individually, after consulting with your doctor. If nothing helps, then you can consider options for laser or mechanical skin resurfacing (microdermabrasion), when destructive areas of the skin are simply completely cut off.

There is also plastic surgery, which will help in the most extreme cases, when all other means have already been exhausted. During a minor operation, the entire area of ​​skin where the defect occurred is simply mechanically removed. In this case, the surgeon applies cosmetic sutures, which dissolve almost completely over time.


A simple way to eliminate stretch marks is to regularly exfoliate the skin. This procedure will help remove dead particles of the epidermis and activate cell renewal. Deep cleanse your skin 1-2 times a week using effective yet gentle exfoliants from the ARAVIA Laboratories line.

  • Raspberry Cream Scrub qualitatively renews the skin, making it soft and radiant. Pine nut shells in the scrub have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Pink clay is rich in microelements (silicon, iron, calcium and magnesium) and effectively relieves dryness and flaking of the skin. Raspberries refresh and lighten pigmentation. Vitamins E, PP, A and B2 tone the skin and prolong its youth.

Advice from cosmetologists on how to improve the results of procedures

When figuring out how to remove stretch marks on the body, do not forget that in addition to salon procedures, you will still have to take some steps on your own. Professionals advise not to rely entirely on cosmetology, but to take independent steps to significantly improve the result.

  • Maintain proper drinking regime. Lack of moisture can negatively affect skin elasticity.
  • It is also better to adjust your diet, add more vitamins A and E, omega fatty acids, and hyaluronic acid.
  • To avoid capillary fragility, which directly affects the color of stretch marks, turning them brown, consume more foods rich in zinc and ascorbic acid.
  • Do homemade masks and massages regularly to enhance the effect of hardware cosmetology.
  • A good mood and relief of any symptoms of stress will help the body devote all its resources to fighting stretch marks.

Moderate physical activity helps you stay in shape. By regularly performing any set of exercises, you also train your skin, it becomes more elastic and stretches better. Therapeutic gymnastics has a good effect on the body and the condition of the epidermis. However, you need to choose such an activity for yourself individually, preferably with the participation of your doctor and sports coach.

Truth and myths about stretch marks on the body

There are several common misconceptions that still prevent us from effectively dealing with this problem. Therefore, it is better not to listen to idle conversations in the kitchen and advice from those who do not understand anything about the issue, but to turn to medical knowledge.

Stretch marks – a visual and superficial defect

This is the most common myth. In fact, this effect is far from just visual; the epidermis is actually seriously injured and torn. This happens when a malfunction occurs in the functioning of fibroblasts, where collagen and elastin are produced.

In this case, the fibers begin to tear deep inside the skin. Only over time does the stretch mark appear. Therefore, stretch marks cannot be called superficial.

Pregnancy is the only cause of stretch marks

This misconception is not even worth discussing separately. Anyone interested can return to the subsection about the causes of defects, as well as their most common locations.

Healthy lifestyle is a guarantee against the occurrence of stretch marks

Many people think that maintaining an optimal weight, healthy eating, and constant physical activity can somehow protect you from unsightly skin blemishes. However, this is not entirely true. Of course, the risk of their occurrence is noticeably reduced, but there are no guarantees that they may occur in the future. It is worth noting that stretch marks occur not only in overweight people, but also in thin people, which fully proves our conclusions.

Light stretch marks are good, and dark stretch marks are evil.

In fact, it doesn’t matter at all what color the stretch marks haunt you. Usually their color depends on the degree of oldness of the scar, as well as the activity of the blood supply to the problem area. Since the mechanism of their occurrence is absolutely the same in all cases, without exception, the fight against them will be absolutely identical.

There is no way to completely get rid of stretch marks at home.

As sad as it may be, this is the true truth. No homemade or purchased products, water or other procedures, proper food and exercises can completely rid you of stretch marks, although they will noticeably soften their appearance. You can make them almost invisible, but they will still remain with us, as a silent reminder of the not-so-good skin condition. Injured tissues lie very deep and cannot completely “dissolve.”

It is extremely important to accept and love your stretch marks, along with your entire imperfect body, so that life does not turn into a continuous struggle with stretch marks. The most desperate ones turn to plastic surgeons who can help, but for most, such pleasure is not available. And for medical reasons, not everyone can undergo such operations. Therefore, you need to realize that there is a problem and stop delving too deeply into it. Your body is unique, so it doesn't hurt to love it the way it is.

Basics of preventing stretch marks

Having finally figured out what stretch marks are and why fighting them may be ineffective, it’s worth thinking about another question. It is important to understand what to do before you have this problem. Prevention does not provide a 100% guarantee that you will not have any skin damage, but it significantly increases the elasticity of the skin, which reduces the risk of stretch marks to a minimum. There are three main postulates that will have to be followed.

  • Watch your diet . This is a very important rule of prevention, since by organizing the right regimen and choosing healthy foods, you can easily avoid sudden weight gain or loss, which will prevent skin damage. Lean fish and meat, more vegetables and fruits, less baked goods and sweets will help maintain not only the beauty of the body, but also health for many years.
  • Practice contrast showers . If you take it as a habit, you will see that it is quite capable of preventing the occurrence of stretch marks, and in addition, even making existing ones less noticeable and pale. The correct alternation of cold and hot water significantly stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, and the jets from the shower also perform massage functions.
  • Play sports . Of course, we are talking about regular, feasible loads, and not about exhausting training “for wear and tear”. Moderate body culture has never harmed anyone. You don’t have to chase fashion or ignore someone’s advice, but choose classes that suit you: cycling, fitness, Zumba, Pilates, yoga, kettlebell lifting, swimming, bungee and much more. This will not only reduce the appearance of unsightly stripes on the body, but will also improve your general condition and improve your health.

Based on all of the above, it can be argued that only persistent, daily work on yourself will help you get rid of stretch marks on the skin, if you do not take into account surgical intervention. But even if prevention is unsuccessful, and stretch marks appear on the body, then you can really find many methods that will help, if not completely remove them, then make them invisible, barely visible.

Review of cosmetic products for those who are hesitant about laser stretch mark removal

If you find it difficult to decide on laser removal of stretch marks, try getting rid of them using the following means:

"Avent" - a cream popular throughout Europe

Its advantages:

  • The company's reputation and a huge number of consumers satisfied with the results obtained.
  • The tube is large enough to allow you to use the product for a long time.
  • Pleasant and light consistency, thanks to which the cream is quickly absorbed into the skin.
  • Hypoallergenic composition.
  • Light and unobtrusive aroma.
  • Permanently relieves the feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin.
  • The product is absolutely safe, and therefore can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

disadvantages , but they still exist:

  • Expensive.
  • Insufficient amount of information presented in Russian on the packaging.
  • Difficult to find in retail stores.
  • It perfectly prevents the occurrence of stretch marks, but has low effectiveness in the fight against stretch marks that have already appeared.

In general, consumers leave positive reviews about this cream and recommend it for use.


The products of the German company have held a leading position in the market for a very long time.

Main advantages:

  • High quality products and good demand for them.
  • Hypoallergenic composition.
  • A large tube that allows you to use the product for a long time and makes it a fairly inexpensive option.
  • They give the skin smoothness and tenderness, tone it and eliminate the feeling of dryness.
  • Approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Stimulates collagen synthesis.


  • The consistency is quite thick, causing inconvenience during application; for the same reason, the products take a long time to be absorbed.
  • The composition contains flavorings that give the creams a pronounced aroma, which not all customers like.
  • They effectively prevent the formation of new stretch marks, but they are not able to remove old ones.
  • High price.
  • Insufficient information about the product in the instructions.

But, after weighing all the pros and cons, consumers, as a rule, recommend this company’s creams for use, including by pregnant women and young mothers, instead of laser stretch mark removal.


According to the manufacturer, the cream is approved and recommended for use by 90% of buyers.

Advantages of the product:

  • The effective double action of the cream is to eliminate existing stretch marks and prevent the appearance of new ones.
  • Moisturizing the skin and maintaining its water balance.
  • Light and pleasant smell.
  • Good consistency, thanks to which the product is consumed slowly and is easily applied to the skin.
  • Fast absorption.
  • Safety of use during pregnancy and lactation.


  • High price.
  • Inconvenient dispenser.
  • Sometimes causes allergic reactions.

Most of the reviews about this cream indicate its effectiveness in the fight against stretch marks.


Bepanten should be classified as a medicinal rather than a cosmetic product. It can be purchased as a cream, emulsion or ointment.


  • Can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The composition contains dexpanthenol, a substance that stimulates the regeneration of skin cells.
  • Available in tubes of various volumes, which allows you to select and purchase the optimal amount of product.
  • Hypoallergenic composition.
  • The ability to choose a dosage form that affects the absorption rate of the product (the emulsion penetrates the skin instantly, the cream penetrates a little more slowly and can cause a feeling of greasyness).
  • Moisturizes the skin and eliminates itching.


  • Effectively prevents the occurrence of stretch marks, but does not eliminate existing ones.
  • Insufficient packaging strength.
  • Poor quality dispenser that breaks very quickly.

In general, most buyers are satisfied with this product and recommend using it from the very beginning of pregnancy, following the instructions, to prevent overstretching of the skin and keep it smooth and even.


This cream from a French manufacturer is used by many girls instead of laser stretch mark removal procedures. It is especially popular among pregnant and lactating women.


  • Perfectly moisturizes the skin.
  • It has a subtle and light aroma.
  • Despite the oily consistency, it is quickly absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes.
  • Hypoallergenic composition.
  • Effectively prevents the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy and during sudden changes in body weight.


  • It is absolutely ineffective in the fight against old stretch marks and does not even reduce their severity.
  • Used uneconomically.
  • Allergic reactions may occur.

Most of the consumer reviews are positive, which confirms the high quality and effectiveness of this cream.

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