Microcurrents are a safe, pleasant and very effective rehabilitation method.

You can improve your skin condition not only with injections. A procedure such as microcurrents copes well with wrinkles and dull skin color and does not require rehabilitation.

Microcurrent is a cosmetic procedure during which the skin is exposed to an electric current with a small voltage. It allows you to quickly get rid of facial wrinkles and bring the skin back to normal, thanks to the reduction of muscle tissue.

Due to various circumstances: age, improper skin care, skin reaction to medications or salon procedures, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes dull and dry. Microcurrents act very gently on the top layer of skin. As a result, metabolic processes in the skin are accelerated and biochemical ones are launched.

Photos from open sources

Microcurrent effect:

  • the production of collagen and elastin increases - the skin becomes elastic;
  • muscle tone increases - the skin tightens, facial and age wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • blood microcirculation accelerates - the skin is saturated with oxygen, microelements and amino acids, skin color is evened out, - harmful toxins are eliminated - the skin is cleansed, takes on a fresh look, swelling goes away, inflammatory processes are prevented;
  • The functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized - the formation of acne is reduced.

Microcurrent therapy is not addictive. It is indicated not only for the first signs of aging, but also for relieving pain after a traumatic procedure: plastic surgery, resurfacing, peeling, etc.

A publication on our Instagram about the method of rehabilitation after surgery - Microcurrent facial therapy.

Are microcurrents dangerous? Can they tighten the skin? Everything you need to know about popular home gadgets

They say microcurrents can heal wounds and reduce wrinkles. This is true. But, as usual, everything is not simple, and sometimes microcurrents are not microcurrents at all. Nastya Suraeva recalled the school physics curriculum in order to understand where the current in the body comes from and what the resistance of conductors is.

Our experts:

  • Irina Bondar is the commercial director of Marutaka.
  • Alexandra Malakhova is a Foreo expert, dermatologist at the Malakhova Medical clinic.
  • Marina Kulbaeva is a dermatocosmetologist at the Remedy Lab clinic.
  • Patimat Mikailova is a dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist at the European Medical Center.

What are microcurrents?

Microcurrent therapy is a non-invasive hardware technique that is based on the action of a pulsed current (that is, pulsating - arriving in shocks separated by pauses) of low frequency and low strength. By low power we mean a value of up to 1000 microamps (for example, a socket is designed for 16 amperes - 16,000,000 microamps). At a low frequency - up to 500 Hz, that is, the current fluctuates (imagine a wave in your head) up to 500 times per second (inside a microwave oven - 27,000 Hz).

This current is similar in intensity to the body's natural electrical signals that organs receive from the brain. Where do they come from? Any cell in the body is an electrically charged system. Its membrane is positively charged on the outside and negatively charged on the inside. And the cytoplasm acts as an aqueous solution of electrolytes, which contains potassium+, sodium+ and chlorine- ions (positively or negatively charged). These particles can pass through the cell membrane through ion channels. To open the channel, the nerve cell sends a signal to neighboring cells. Ions move, and the ordered movement of ions is an electric current. Microcurrents stimulate ion channels to open and improve metabolic processes in tissues.

What do they do for the skin?

Promotes healing of damage. Why did dermatologists even pay attention to microcurrents? Because when they were used in the treatment program for Bell's palsy (although this method is still considered an alternative), they noticed that microtraumas heal faster.

The damaged area has a higher resistance than the surrounding tissue. And electricity, as we remember (remember?) from the physics course, flows along the path of least resistance. In this way, the body's own electricity avoids areas of high resistance and takes the easiest path around the injury. And microcurrents restore this electrical balance. Sooner or later, the injury will heal itself - thanks to natural regeneration processes. But with microcurrents this will happen faster: they cause the release of growth factors in fibroblasts and promote cell division.

Microcurrents were also tested on chronic wounds (bedsores, diabetic foot). After 4 weeks, the wounds healed in 16 out of 100 people, and in the rest, their size decreased and pain decreased.

Tightens the skin . There is a 1982 study (on rats) that microcurrents stimulate the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which in turn promotes the formation of proteins, including collagen and elastin.

Another study suggests that microcurrent may reduce wrinkles . It was carried out on women under 45 years old: for a month, microcurrents were applied to the skin of their faces for 20 minutes. After 30 days, wrinkles were reduced by 5-21%, depending on the area. It's strongest on the forehead.

But wait, I heard they affect muscles and nerves

The microcurrents themselves do only what is described above. But. All the confusion arose due to problems with naming. Manufacturers, as a rule, call gadgets “devices for microcurrent therapy,” apparently, not wanting to complicate everything for the buyer (but how they complicated everything for the editor, who spent the whole day trying to understand why nothing adds up :)).

If you see the inscription “microcurrent device” on the packaging, then most likely there are not only microcurrents themselves (which are designated as MENS or Micro), but also two more types of currents - EMS and TENS. They all differ in depth of penetration.

EMS is electrical muscle stimulation or myostimulation, and TENS is transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation or neurostimulation. The first one affects the muscles, the second one affects the nerve endings.

Remember those adverts in the store on the sofa where they attached electrodes to your stomach and promised great abs? This is EMS , that is, myostimulation. They won't pump up your abs, but they do have benefits. EMS is used in post-operative rehabilitation (when the patient cannot get up, currents reduce the risk of muscle atrophy) and in sports medicine. EMS current activates neuron processes, thereby causing muscle contraction. This stimulation leads to increased blood flow. And this, in turn:

  • strengthens capillary walls;
  • tones muscles by increasing the amount of myoglobin protein and succinate dehydrogenase in them, which leads to tissue growth. True, not to the point of six-pack abs, but by 18% after 14 days. And at the same time it tightens the skin .

TENS - transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation or neurostimulation:

  • relieves pain. The current affects the nerves, interrupting the functioning of the receptors in the peripheral pain pathways leading to the brain. TENS is not used in medicine as a primary method of pain relief, but there is evidence that it helps with headaches, back and wrist pain, menstrual pain, arthritis, and knee pain. Actually, the first home microcurrent device appeared in 1982 as a pain reliever.
  • reduces swelling.

Further in the text, when we say “microcurrents,” we mean the totality of the action of these types of current (all or two of them at once) in devices for home use. (We’ll also tell you how they differ from salon ones.)

How can I understand what currents are in my device?

Read the instructions or ask the brand. This is not always stated even in the description on the website.

Here is information on popular devices:

  • Foreo Bear - MENS and EMS.
  • NuFace Trinity - MENS and TENS.
  • Marutaka Face Sculptor - MENS and EMS.
  • Clione - MENS and EMS.
  • Axxzia Mate for Eyes - EMS.
  • Gezatone Biolift m100 - MENS and EMS.

How much and how often do you need to use it to see results?

Experts agree on one thing: the main thing is regularity. Then it depends on the device. On average - 3-7 times a week for two months.

And if it’s irregular, is it useless?

Marina Kulbaeva: Microcurrents can be used as a one-time procedure to improve the condition of the face before an important event.

Patimat Mikailova: A course of microcurrents is prescribed before and after chemical peels, laser treatments, plastic surgery, for tissue regeneration, resorption of bruises, and reduction of the inflammatory reaction.

How many minutes per day should I use and how?

Again, it depends on the device. Usually from 3 to 15 minutes a day, movements are performed along massage lines, exactly how is always drawn in the instructions. Before use, apply gel or serum.

Is there a difference between what kind of gel or serum?

First of all, serum is needed to conduct current and facilitate the sliding of the device. Therefore, ultrasound gel or any product marked “conductive, ionized” is suitable.

When applying special serums that are released together with gadgets, bonuses are possible in the form of moisturizing, brightening, or anything else, depending on the composition. And if the gadget has an iontophoresis (IF) mode, it will promote deeper penetration of the active ingredients.

Regular facial serum will not work; it is quickly absorbed and will not be enough to make the device glide. And some active components, for example, vitamin C, are destroyed by the action of current.

Is it possible to use the gadget on the area around the eyes?

Theoretically, yes, almost everything depends on the size and shape of the manipule. So read the instructions. Some devices are suitable for this, some are not, and for some you will have to purchase a special attachment.

What happens if you stop using it?

Alexandra Malakhova: Microcurrents are not “addictive”, which some are afraid of, and cannot accelerate aging if you stop using them. Everything will just gradually return to its original state.

Does it hurt?

No. About a third of people feel a tingling sensation, the rest do not feel anything.

Are there any side effects?

In rare cases, redness is possible, which quickly disappears; the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth is normal. Very rarely, flicker in the eyes may occur due to stimulation of the muscle nerve. If the flickering does not go away, you should see a doctor.

By stimulating the hair follicle, facial hair growth can increase.

And if you do facial massage with the same regularity, will the effect be comparable?

Alexandra Malakhova: The comparison is not entirely correct, because there are many types of facial massage, and there are even more hands of specialists who perform it. Plus, the principle of action is also different: massage mechanically affects the muscles and increases blood circulation, and the currents reduce them and work on the quality of the skin. But if you don’t pick on the details and talk only about the visual effect, then a course of classical massage, which is carried out using the correct technique, is comparable to a course of microcurrents. If you are not confident in self-massage skills, the option with microcurrents is easier. If we talk about buccal massage, which is done through the oral cavity and is aimed at relieving tension from depressor muscles (muscles whose movements are directed downward and inward), then it involves physical effort that cannot be compared with microcurrents.

Irina Bondar: Microcurrents can be used in cases where massage is contraindicated: for acne (without cysts and without active inflammation), after cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery.

How do microcurrents affect Botox and fillers?

The principle of action of botulinum toxins is based on blocking the neuromuscular synapse; when new nerve endings appear, its effect ends. When using microcurrents, the period of formation of new nerve endings is shortened, that is, botulinum toxin will stop working earlier.

But there is also a plus: if your forehead is a little “frozen,” several microcurrent procedures will fix it.

However, since microcurrents work in a targeted manner, that is, they “shoot” exactly where the handpiece is directed, and do not spread their effect around, the device can be used, skirting the areas where botulinum toxin is located.

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid will also dissolve faster. The solution is the same - go around these zones.

Microcurrents do not affect silicone implants.

Is it safe?

The technology is borrowed from real medicine, which has been used for more than 50 years. During this time, no side effects were found in practice.

The devices are not recommended for use on the chest, groin, raised moles or warts. (No side effects were noted, but just in case.)

There is an interesting note in the instructions for Foreo Bear: “The long-term effects of microcurrent are unknown.” How does this fit with absolute security? No side effects have been observed in clinical use in humans. But a special study in which someone was treated with microcurrents from all sides for, say, several years, was not conducted.

What are the contraindications?

The list is long, so check it out before you start using it:

  • metal implants in the treated area (if it is a metal tooth, it must be isolated with a cotton swab);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • pronounced rosacea network, rosacea;
  • any disease in the acute stage (even ordinary ARVI);
  • cysts and tumor diseases of the breast;
  • cystic formations of teeth and periodontium;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • presence of an installed pacemaker (or other electrical implants);
  • gold threads in facial fabrics;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin: severe acne, dermatitis and dermatoses, burns, keloid scars;
  • nerve inflammation;
  • epilepsy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • taking isotritenoin drugs (“Roaccutane” and the like) and blood thinners;
  • thrombosis;
  • phlebitis;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • active herpes.

They say that microcurrents cause problems with the thyroid gland, is that true?

Alexandra Malakhova: Ideally, before any hardware or cosmetic interventions, it is necessary to do a thyroid gland screening: ultrasound, hormone tests, ECG. If there are any changes, any hardware procedures are prohibited. Including microcurrents. If you have not had your thyroid checked, it is better to bypass it just in case. But the effect of microcurrents on the thyroid gland was not recorded.

What is the difference between salon microcurrent devices?

Irina Bondar: To prevent even the slightest possibility of harming yourself, manufacturers of home devices reduce power and preset modes whose parameters cannot be changed.

Salon devices may only be used by a certified specialist. They also look different: a home one, as a rule, has a device with two spheres, while a salon one has 2 such devices, which are placed on both sides of the impact zone. When used at home, all zones are treated evenly; in the salon, a cosmetologist can change the current intensity and time for each zone. For example, if you have a problem forehead, they will take longer to work on it than on your cheekbones.

For noticeable results, the home gadget should be used 3 to 7 times a week for two months, the salon course - once a week for 1.5-2 months.

A device for 2,000 rubles and for 30,000 rubles - what are the differences?

Irina Bondar: Beauty gadgets of different price categories differ almost as much as cars of different classes. Both of them perform their main function. But an expensive device is made from higher quality materials, it has more power adjustment capabilities and individual settings. There may be additional functions, for example, RF lifting or iontophoresis (to improve the penetration of active substances).

You should also separate the parameters “price” and “manufacturer”. A well-known brand may have simpler and cheaper models. But they are certified and safe; in the event of a breakdown, it is clear where to go. It is unknown how gadgets of dubious manufacture are checked.

Stages of implementation

  1. Preparation. At this stage, the skin is thoroughly cleansed and a special gel is applied to transmit electrical impulses.
  2. Treatment. The process of microcurrent therapy is carried out using electrodes, which can be in the form of gloves, stationary or movable.
  3. Hydration. At the end of the procedure, the skin is moisturized with a cream taking into account the patient’s skin type.

The duration of microcurrent therapy is 30-40 minutes. To achieve the best results, it is recommended to carry out a course. The number of sessions and frequency depend on age and skin type. During the consultation, the doctor assesses the condition of the skin and selects the appropriate course.

The use of microcurrents in cosmetology

Microcurrent therapy is one of the most premium procedures offered by modern cosmetology. In fact, at first microcurrents were not used in cosmetology at all. This procedure has found application in physiotherapy. However, after studying its positive properties, it moved into cosmetology. You need to understand what microcurrent therapy is. This is the effect of small charges of electricity on the skin of the face. The power of such charges is very small, but they are able to penetrate the deep layers of the skin. To carry out the procedure, a Guinot microcurrent device is used. This device helps cosmetic preparations penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, under the dermis. Microcurrents for cosmetology are of great importance, since they allow useful substances to be carried as deep as possible into the skin layer. The effect of the device does not depend on skin type, the patient’s age, or gender. The procedure is equally useful for everyone.

Recommendations for skin care after microcurrent treatment

  1. During the first 24 hours after the procedure, refrain from wearing makeup.
  2. Do not drink alcohol or fatty foods.
  3. Drink clean water, at least 1 liter.

Bio-Ultimate Gold is a microcurrent therapy device.
There are contraindications, specialist consultation is required. The photo shows a microcurrent therapy device, Bio-Ultimate Gold, used in our clinic. What distinguishes this device from others is a large number of ready-made programs for the face and body, maximum fine-tuning and a set of tools for carrying out procedures without the participation of a specialist. We can say with confidence that not a single beauty salon can be considered complete without the presence of microcurrent therapy procedures in it.

Microcurrents and muscle myostimulation - what is it?

Electric current in cosmetology is far from new. It has been used for effective lifting and comprehensive facial rejuvenation for decades. Considering that the beauty industry never stands still, new electrical technologies are constantly appearing on the market, allowing for better, deeper and more effective effects on the skin.

Microcurrents and EMS therapy are related technologies based on the effect of low amplitude and frequency current on the skin. The difference between the procedures lies in different areas of influence: microcurrents are aimed at the dermis, electrical myostimulation - at the muscle layer of the face. With microcurrents, facial muscles do not contract ; regeneration occurs at the cellular level. EMS therapy causes muscles to contract and, accordingly, tightens and tones them.

What is better: microcurrents or muscle myostimulation?

This is not a completely correct question. Both procedures are effective. Both are aimed at rejuvenating and improving the quality and structure of the skin. Microcurrents stimulate the production of natural elastin and collagen, renewing the skin at the cellular level. EMS therapy is fitness for the facial muscles, tightening the muscle frame and combating gravitational ptosis. Microcurrents work on the skin structure. Myostimulation – more for facial contouring.

Microcurrents for the face at home: what are the benefits?

Modern gadgets for microcurrent therapy work on the principle of salon devices: they affect the skin with weak electrical impulses (range from 10 - 600 μA / frequency 0.1 - 300 Hz). The difference is in the power and software of each specific device.

Of course, salon “giants” have dozens of special programs, modes and personalized settings that only a specialist can master. A home gadget will be simpler, but no less effective. A pronounced lifting effect after just 1-2 procedures is quite possible! The main thing is to choose a high-quality device and test it before purchasing.

What effect?

  • The relief and structure of the skin improves (fights pigmentation, scars, post-acne).
  • Expression wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Puffiness goes away and skin quality improves.
  • Acne and other oily skin problems disappear: comedones, excessive sebum production, enlarged pores, etc.
  • There is a rapid restoration and healing of the skin after laser procedures (for example, resurfacing), operations, peelings.
  • The effectiveness of cosmetic products increases.

To experience the maximum benefits of microcurrent therapy, try combining it with a Guasha massage. The Guasha massage technique itself involves applying pressure to the skin using a special scraper, which has now been successfully replaced by new generation devices. By pressing on the “trigger” point with spasming muscles, you work the upper layers of the skin millimeter by millimeter and, thereby, relieve tension and activate blood circulation in the cells.

This is a completely painless and even pleasant type of relaxing massage that restores your tone and well-being. It has been proven that regular Guasha massage helps get rid of headaches, improve posture, eliminate swelling, as well as relieve stress and improve sleep.

In combination with microcurrents, Guasha gives an amazing rejuvenating effect:

  • Removes toxins and has a detox effect, improves blood circulation and deep microcirculation in tissues and skin cells, improves complexion, has a lifting effect, and fights pigmentation.

  • Massage the area around the eyes: eliminates expression wrinkles, dark circles, has a lifting effect.
  • It works on the oval of the face and helps tighten sagging tissues, forms a V-shape of the face, and improves skin tone.
  • Head massage: vibration mode relieves stress and fatigue, relaxes, stimulates hair growth.
  • Promotes better penetration of nourishing and moisturizing ingredients into the deeper layers of the skin.
  • Forms body contours, fights cellulite, promotes detoxification and rejuvenation of body skin, tightens and evens out the relief.

As for sensations, during microcurrent therapy you will only feel a slight tingling sensation. The procedure has no side effects and no recovery period.

Lifting Lab recommends: LL Kitto.

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