Hair fragility and splitting. Causes, manifestations, tactics, prevention

Why hair breaks: 5 reasons

You can see in photos on the Internet (and sometimes, unfortunately, in the mirror) what brittle hair looks like. Yes, they become untidy, look like a washcloth, seem very dry and lifeless. And if you start their condition, then after a while the density noticeably decreases: where there used to be a mop, a modest tail will remain.

Before deciding how we will deal with the consequences, we should decide on the triggers - why hair breaks in your case.

Pay attention to the most common causes of hair breakage.

  • Chemical damage

One of the most common causes of fragility in women. Perm, careless lightening and frequent dyeing without subsequent care lead to the same type of consequences. This is what happens to hair when exposed to powerful chemicals: first the cuticle is damaged, the hair shafts become fragile, and then they begin to break severely along the entire length and even on the top, right at the roots

  • Physical damage

Regular exposure to high temperatures of a hairdryer, curling iron and straightening iron, friction with a scarf or pillowcase, tight styling, carelessness when combing, the habit of twirling strands of hair around your face - all this can be considered physical impact. As a result, the hair breaks approximately from the middle of the length, and we will tell you what to do about it below.

  • Impact of aggressive environmental factors

Essentially, this is the same physical impact, but it can be attributed to force majeure. After all, it is always frosty in winter; solar ultraviolet radiation cannot be turned off in the warm season. And try to enjoy the sea without ever getting your strands wet in sea water. Meanwhile, all of the above dries out and damages the hair.

  • Genetics

Any hairdresser will tell you that brittle hair is dry and damaged hair. Sometimes they are like that by nature. For example, curls and curly strands are porous in themselves; cuticle scales fit unevenly to their surface and do not retain moisture well. As a result, the curl is less protected from damage and fragility.

  • Insufficient or improper care

And the most important reason: hair breaks off due to improper care. For example, it would be a big mistake to take a volumizing shampoo instead of a nourishing one on a trip to the sea. Or ignore conditioner after washing. Or comb your hair without a smoothing spray. We make such mistakes every day.

About Jurassic Spa shampoos

Jurassic Spa shampoos contain only natural cleansing agents in their detergent base. Therefore, shampoos are opaque and foam differently than usual. But they allow you to gently cleanse your hair.

And these shampoos also contain a lot of “goodies” for the scalp.

  • First of all, these are plant extracts and prebiotics. Prebiotics help maintain healthy scalp flora.
  • There is a little secret - we use sensolene, which is a plant analogue of silicone. This is a fraction of olive oil that does not accumulate on the hair, but allows you to get closer to the effect of silicones, adding shine. This conditioning substance is completely natural.

What to do if your hair becomes brittle and dry: care rules

Care is the entire beauty routine aimed at the beauty of hair, from washing or combing to the use of special cosmetics. If you supplement your routine with effective ways to combat breakage, your strands can be saved from thinning and hairdresser’s scissors in just a couple of months.

We tell you how to get rid of hair fragility and what to start from when adjusting your care.

How often should you wash your hair?

Even with increased fragility, the scalp can be prone to oiliness and require frequent washing. And yet, now that the strands are weakened, it is advisable to cleanse them no more than once every two days, and ideally once a week, since tap water and shampoos damage the protective layer on the surface of the hair.

What can help prevent the problem from getting worse with frequent washing?

  • Apply nutrients to length before shower. It can be a balm or oil - products of this type envelop the hair, reducing the drying effect of the shampoo.
  • Introduction to shampoos with a soft cleansing base. In their formulas, sulfates are softened by coconut derivatives or are absent altogether. The effect on hair is more delicate.

What comb should I use?

Plastic “from the transition” or wooden ones are undesirable. The former may still have sharp irregularities, while the latter very soon dry out and become covered with microcracks. The same thing with metal “massages” and combs - too hard. Here are three best options:

  • High quality plastic. Accurate casting without nicks or irregularities.
  • Natural bristles. It acts gently and does not aggravate fragility.
  • Silicone or nylon. Gives an antistatic effect.

It is better to comb hair up to your shoulders and below in two stages using two different combs:

  1. Gently untangle the strands with a wide-toothed comb.
  2. Gently brush 50 times from roots to ends while massaging the scalp with the bristles.

Thanks to this technique, brittleness during combing can be removed almost completely, and sebum from the roots of the hair will be evenly distributed to the ends and will create natural protection on the hair fiber.

Proper use of styling

Until hair breakage can be stopped completely, it would not hurt to completely abandon styling. But let's be realistic - this is not always possible. Then adhere to at least these five principles:

  • For now, avoid curling with a curling iron or straightening with a flat iron.
  • Dry your hair naturally or with a hairdryer on low temperature.
  • Wear loose hairstyles, do not pull tight ponytails, buns and braids.
  • Use a heat protectant before blow drying.
  • Use styling products with strengthening properties.

Complete diet

The diet will not affect hair fragility that has already begun along the length, but the follicles need vitamins and minerals. In addition, a healthy diet has another significant advantage. Sometimes hair breaks and falls out at the same time, so much so that many women panic and get a short haircut. A nutritious diet will help reduce hair loss - that's one problem to worry about.

Scientists recommend including in your diet the following foods rich in substances essential for hair:

  • protein (meat, eggs, legumes, cottage cheese, cheeses, oatmeal, whole grain bread);
  • rich in fatty acids (salmon, trout, herring, flaxseed oil, seafood, nuts);
  • rich in antioxidants (fruits, vegetables, berries);
  • sources of B vitamins (potatoes, organ meats, cereals, leafy greens);
  • sources of calcium (kefir, yogurt, hard cheeses, drinking water);
  • sources of iron (buckwheat, red meat, seafood, spinach).

Proper hair care

Care products from specialized lines work most effectively against fragility. They are able to restore damaged cuticle, strengthen hair along the entire length, and restore elasticity, smoothness and resistance to external influences to the strands.

Moreover, you won’t need a whole army of jars. It is not the quantity that is important, but the quality and regularity of care.


Correction of hair condition includes measures to treat the underlying disease and the use of medicinal cosmetics. The list of necessary medications and procedures depends on the cause of this disorder.

The patient is prescribed a course of vitamins. In some cases, it is advisable to take them in the form of injections (for gastrointestinal disorders).

In addition, it is necessary to correct lifestyle and habits (quitting smoking, consuming coffee and alcoholic beverages). Nutrition should be balanced and contain the required amount of fats and microelements. It is extremely important to take in the required amount of fluid daily, since a lack of water also affects the condition of the hair.

In addition to medicinal cosmetics, various procedures aimed at hair restoration are effective: mesotherapy, cryomassage, etc.

Remedies for hair breakage at home

What can you do at home without turning to a specialist if you have brittle hair? First, don’t be nervous—stress will only make the problem worse. Secondly, choose special anti-hair brittle products with active ingredients.

The optimal solution is four types of products acting in combination: shampoo, conditioner, concentrated mask and leave-in care. The compositions welcome ceramides, natural oils, strengthening plant extracts, vitamins, moisturizers and compounds that envelop the hair with a protective barrier.

Lush foam or voluminous hair?

Natural shampoos have one feature - no matter how many soft surfactants you add, there will be no normal foaming. This does not affect the cleansing effect in any way, it is just unusual.

Many people already have a clear association - there is foam, which means there is cleansing. But in reality there is no such direct connection! If the shampoo doesn't foam enough, it doesn't mean it doesn't wash your hair well. Your hair just needs to get used to it.

There are extremely interesting alternatives, even to mild surfactants, which were mentioned above.

Saponified oils are also surfactants. These include, for example, soap root extract and soap nuts. There are quite a few plants that contain soap saponins. This is a class of substances that have cleaning effects and stabilize foam.

Natural shampoos will not foam very actively, but by combining saponified oils and soap root extracts, you can achieve a good cleansing effect without harm to the hair and scalp.


If your hair has become brittle, dull, or split, it is first recommended to visit a cosmetologist - he will determine how catastrophic the damage to the hair structure is, and, if necessary, recommend a consultation with doctors who will help identify the true cause of hair problems and prescribe a set of necessary examinations. Such a complex may include a fairly large number of examination methods - from ultrasound examination of the liver to studying the hormonal levels of the body. The treatment, and therefore the health of the hair, depends on their results.

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