Reviews of biorevitalization Dermahil HSR from cosmetologists and patients

I am a skeptical user of beauty products. All products applied to the skin of the face and body enter the bloodstream within a very short period of time. You know? Great! I learned about this feature of our skin only three years ago, and since then I have been careful about household chemicals, skin care and decorative cosmetics. When choosing a product for facial care, I was faced with an abundance of different products, and I had to choose the optimal product to solve my skin problems.

Dermahil cosmetics: reviews and expected results

The manufacturer is not very modest in its promises and openly states that Dermahil preparations have the ability to stop time and turn back the hands of the biological clock!

After reading this slogan on one of the forums, I just chuckled. In principle, it is logical that the result should be noticeable from an expensive series of salon procedures, but it was not very clear what it would really be and whether the game was worth the candle.

So, the manufacturer promises

  • Activation of skin regeneration processes.
  • Active stimulation of the synthesis of your own collagen with a subsequent increase in your own elasticity of the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté.
  • Dermahil preparations stimulate the production of its own elastin, as well as hyaluronic acid and the main components of the intercellular matrix.

In general, the skin should become noticeably fresher and younger.

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Dermaheal SR and HSR: characteristics, composition, release form

Dermaheal SR and HSR are complexes of natural caring components, growth factors and peptides that provide skin restoration and rejuvenation. The active components of the cocktail introduced into the dermis trigger mechanisms of regeneration, intensive growth and cell division. In fact, they do all the work using the same methods that the body did on its own. Peptides created using genetic engineering are absolutely identical to those produced in the human dermis.

The influence of aging and harmful environmental influences, stress leads to problems in the synthesis of substances in the skin. The water balance is disrupted, the production of hyaluronic acid decreases, and the skin ages before our eyes. This sometimes happens at the most inopportune time. Many people are forced to use mesotherapy well into old age. The active components of Dermahil, reviews of which from dermatologists and cosmetologists give positive reviews, restore natural metabolic reactions in the dermis, thereby rejuvenating it.

Dermaheal SR contains:

  • insulin-like growth factor-1;
  • EGF protein, which stimulates cell growth;
  • bFGF, TRX;
  • copper tripeptide-1;
  • amino acids;
  • multivitamins and minerals.

Dermaheal HSR, in addition to the listed components, contains hyaluronic acid, which, after entering the dermis, instantly restores the water balance by binding water ions and directing them to the cells.

Thanks to the rich composition, the normal processes of its healthy functioning are restored in the dermis: the synthesis of elastin and collagen, hyaluronic acid, lipid and water metabolism. As a result, the tone and surface of the skin are evened out, wrinkles from small to deep are smoothed out. Intense moisturizing and nutrition tidies even the driest skin. The aging process slows down. The effect is long-lasting: sometimes it is enough to undergo one course of therapy and not return to it again for several years (or perform maintenance procedures).

Release form: 5 ml bottle. The complex is sold in a box of 10 bottles. This amount is just enough for quality therapy. Of course, everything depends on the specific clinical case. For some, 5 bottles may be enough. The cost of one is about 700 rubles.

Additionally, the manufacturer offers a powder additive to the Dermaheal SR and Dermaheal HSR cocktails - “Booster Face” from Dermaheal. The price of one supplement is about 400 rubles. The powder contains high concentration biomimetic peptides. They enhance the effect of anti-aging cocktails and stimulate dermal cells to renew.

Dermahil mesotherapy: reviews of the composition

The composition includes a number of active ingredients:

  • amino acids,
  • cocktail of minerals
  • and peptide growth complexes.

These ingredients are typical for mesotherapy cocktails. Of course, CC creams and cosmetics for home skin care for the face and body have other more active ingredients.

Cosmetologists speak well of the composition, since the peptides penetrate unchanged into the deep layers of the skin and perform their task without changing the structure of the cell.

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Results after mesotherapy

The drug Dermaheal hsr affects the body gradually. According to reviews from cosmetologists, doctors and satisfied patients, changes occur after 4-5 mesotherapy sessions. However, to achieve the final result, it is necessary to conduct at least 10 sessions. After completing the recovery course, the result is permanent for at least 6 months. The duration of each session should not exceed 60 minutes.

Important! In order for the results to last longer, it is necessary to properly care for the skin after completing the treatment course.


Caregen Co is a company operating in South Korea. She owns the Dermahil brand, famous among cosmetologists and fans of modern face and body care procedures.

The company has hundreds of unique developments, specializes in the synthesis of growth factors and biomimetic peptides and supplies ingredients to factories of major American and French brands.

The company’s responsible approach to the development of each product is captivating, because the use of the latest achievements in bioengineering and nanotechnology allows us to hope for the absolute safety of drugs and high efficiency.

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In the fight against aging, cosmetologists successfully use Dermahil HSR (biorevitalization) - therapy with a complex cocktail of hyaluronic acid, peptides, and amino acids. Radiant, elastic skin is the result of the drug.

Dermaheal is a modern drug that slows down aging and triggers rejuvenation at the cellular level.

Biomimetic peptides, penetrating into cells, have a beneficial effect on them: they increase the rate of division, help renewal, and balance the enzyme level. Passing through the epithelium, dissolving in the lower layers of the dermis, the product rejuvenates the skin structures, strengthens collagen and elastin fibers.

The drug is not rejected by the body: human cell membranes and nanocapsule shells contain identical substances.

The innovative biorevitalizant drug Dermahil HSR was launched into production about 20 years ago by Caregen Co in South Korea.

What makes Dermahil effective is its multicomponent nature - the structure includes 58 active substances.

Composition of Dermaheal:

  • Hyaluronic acid – moisturizes the cells of the dermis and epidermis, tightens pores;
  • Biomimetic peptides – actively generate cells, rejuvenate, moisturize, enhance blood microcirculation;
  • Vitamins – make the skin dense and elastic, improve the metabolism of fatty acids, block free radicals;
  • Amino acids – affect protein synthesis with the help of fibroblasts;
  • Minerals – protect the skin from the negative environment;
  • Coenzymes – activate cell growth;
  • Nucleic acids – regulate protein synthesis;
  • Reducing substances – stop oxidative processes in skin cells.

The rejuvenating function of the product is basic. All components nourish and heal the skin.

The drug belongs to medicinal products for older skin: it contains short chains of polypeptides - building cellular material.

Cosmetologists advise taking a course of anti-aging therapy if a woman 35+ has aesthetic imperfections:

  • Wrinkles: superficial, median;
  • Large pores;
  • Flabbiness, dry skin;
  • Acne, scars, scars, stretch marks;
  • Dull complexion.

The product stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, protects the skin from negative factors. Under the influence of Dermahil NSR, the skin is transformed after the first injections.

Biorevitalizant is available in glass ampoules of 5 ml. Price Dermahil (HSR) – 1500-2500 rubles. You can buy the drug from a distributor or in an online store on the official website.

Injections (2.5 ml) of Dermaheal HSR in the salon will cost 5,000 rubles, and the final price of the course will be determined by a cosmetologist after a consultation.

Dermahil HSR therapy has advantages:

  • The composition contains no harmful impurities;
  • Improving skin quality is complemented by its protection;
  • The elasticity of the skin appears;
  • Biocompatibility of drug peptides with natural ones.

There are fewer disadvantages to biorevitalization with a Korean drug:

  • Allergy cannot be ruled out;
  • Expensive full course.

Positive reviews from patients and doctors confirm the advantages of biorevitalizant.

The drug Dermahil for biorevitalization is intended for aging skin.

During the course, patients receive noticeable health results:

  • Skin – elastic, full, elastic;
  • Small wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, acne marks – smoothed out, less noticeable;
  • Water balance – restored;
  • Damaged tissues are strengthened;
  • Skin irritation – relieved;
  • Subcutaneous layers are saturated with oxygen.

The result of therapy is visible after 3-4 sessions and lasts 4-5 months.

Hyperemia, pain at the injection sites, slight swelling and bruising - these manifestations are difficult to avoid with injection therapy. Unpleasant symptoms last from a couple of hours to several days.

Biorevitalization, carried out incorrectly, leads to inflammation, blockage of blood vessels, tissue infection, granulomas and necrosis.

For treatment, drug and device therapy are prescribed.

Biorevitalization Dermaheal HSR, reviews speak of its effectiveness, is carried out with injections. Non-injection methods are also used: with a mesoscooter or using a fractional mesotherapy apparatus.

Dermaheal HSR treatment areas: hands, neck, face, décolleté.

You need to prepare for the procedure in advance:

  • Do not perform aggressive manipulations on the skin a week before the procedures;
  • Do not take anticoagulants 3 days before your appointment;
  • Do not use cosmetics several hours before procedures.

If you follow the recommendations, the risk of redness, bruising and wounds is significantly reduced.

Cosmetologists prefer to inject the drug using one of the following techniques:

  1. Multipuncture. Deep injections.
  2. Linear. Subcutaneous parallel injections.
  3. Papular. With papules at puncture sites at a distance of 5-10 mm.

Before the procedure, an allergic reaction is prevented by administering a bolus of 0.1 ml of cocktail. If redness, swelling and itching do not appear within 15 minutes, the product is suitable.

With the drug Dermahil HSR, biorevitalization is carried out in stages. Description of the procedure:

  1. Treating the skin with an antiseptic;
  2. Anesthesia;
  3. Repeated disinfection of the skin;
  4. Administration of injections;
  5. Skin disinfection;
  6. Application of a restorative agent.

In case of severe pain, a soothing agent is applied to the skin.

After the procedure, pain and other unpleasant reactions may occur:

  • Allergy;
  • Redness;
  • Edema;
  • Bruising;
  • Bruises.

The symptoms disappear within a few days. The injection sites are wiped with chlorhexidine, and for pain and discomfort, Cicaplast B5 or Traumeel S is used. For allergies, antihistamines are prescribed.

To avoid complications during the first 7-14 days you cannot:

  • Go to the bathhouse, sauna;
  • Sunbathing under the sun or solarium;
  • Play sports, carry weights;
  • Use cosmetics.

If you follow these rules, the cocktail will stay in the skin longer, revealing all its beneficial properties.

The most effective course of injections is:

  1. The first month – every week (4 procedures);
  2. Second month – 2 procedures with breaks of 2 weeks;
  3. Third month – 1 procedure.

The effectiveness of biorevitalization appears after 3-4 sessions. For maximum results, it is recommended to complete a course of at least 3-7 procedures.

Reviews from cosmetologists are unanimous about the effectiveness of Dermaheal HSR biorevitalization. It is noted that gentle microinjection techniques cause almost no side effects, so the rehabilitation period is short.

The skin acquires a natural tone and becomes “nourished”. Small wrinkles disappear, pores shrink, the face becomes toned, well-groomed and fresh.

Having studied the reviews about Dermaheal biorevitalization on the forums and compared the “before and after” photos, we conclude that the drug transforms and makes women younger.

The call not to use Dermahil NSR for biorevitalization is usually found in negative reviews of people who expect to get the effect of plastic surgery from the drug.

Dermahil: reviews from cosmetologists

The drug was created to solve a wide range of problems:

  • This includes excessive dryness of the facial skin,
  • and the first signs of aging,
  • and hyperpigmentation,
  • and uneven facial tone,
  • and loss of elasticity,
  • and the presence of excess adipose tissue,
  • and alopecia...

This is not a complete list, but it includes the main problems that, according to the manufacturer, the product helps to cope with.

Efficiency, of course, depends on the initial condition of the skin of the face and body, and on the age, and on the individual characteristics of each patient. Used locally depending on the problem.

The minimum threshold is 25 years, I found out while reading about the drug Dermahil.

The younger the skin, the faster it reacts to the injected drug, and for women over forty years old, the effect will not be as pronounced, but the skin will still receive its supply of valuable elements.

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Possible side effects of biorevitalization

The drug Dermahil for biorevitalization can affect the body if the procedure is carried out incorrectly or the dosage is increased. Side effects include the following problems:

  1. Skin rashes, redness.
  2. The appearance of swelling.
  3. Painful sensations after injections.

Contraindications for use

Of course, this cosmetics has a number of contraindications, and you should not thoughtlessly put yourself in the hands of a cosmetologist. Moderation in everything is the key to beauty and health.

  • oncological diseases,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • diabetes,
  • tuberculosis,
  • serious skin diseases - both chronic and in the acute phase,
  • serious chronic problems of any organs

- all this is a reason before visiting a cosmetologist to visit a specialized specialist and therapist who has no idea about the state of your health.

Complications are also possible even with the correct administration of injectable drugs. These are hematomas (in other words, bruises), swelling that last longer than usual. During the normal course of the process, these obligatory injection companions disappear after two to three days.

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In what cases is biorevitalization with Dermahil hsr not recommended?

Before using this drug, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications so as not to harm your body. Its use is prohibited in the following situations:

  1. During pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Presence of autoimmune diseases and oncologies.
  3. Increased skin sensitivity.
  4. Presence of open wounds or cuts.
  5. Blood diseases.
  6. Problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Herpes, fungal diseases.
  9. Allergic reactions to the components of the drug.
  10. Inflammatory processes occurring in the body.
  11. Chronic diseases.

Dermahil under the eyes: reviews from owners of dark circles

The manufacturer offers several options for injectable products to solve skin problems around the eyes.

The first product is Dermaheal Eyebag Solution, it is designed specifically for the non-surgical removal of excess fatty tissue under and above the eyes.

The second product is Dark Circle Solution, a drug created specifically for the comprehensive fight against dark circles under the eyes.

I was “lucky” with a sedentary job and sedentary lifestyle, thin skin around my eyes and the habit of forgetting sunglasses when leaving the room: blue circles have long become my constant companions.

No, of course, I hide this flaw and use correctors, but in a fit of self-care I decided to help my skin and affect the dark circles under my eyes.

Dark Circle Solution is a product that is administered in courses once every ten days. The course may consist of 6-10 procedures, after which maintenance therapy may be required - once a month you will need to return to the cosmetologist for injections.

I managed to get by with three procedures, and my skin became lighter and more radiant. I won’t say that the injections are painless – you can definitely feel the injections, but it’s not pain, it’s discomfort. The swelling disappeared within a day, but the skin became lighter only after the second procedure.

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Dermaheal SB against pigmentation

Another cosmeceutical drug for facial mesotherapy is Dermahil against age spots. In addition, the active substances of the cocktail also have a rejuvenating effect. The main action is aimed at lightening and completely removing age spots of any nature, be it injury, exposure to sunlight, stress or age-related changes. The result is achieved by reducing the synthesis of melanin, the pigment that forms dark spots.

The drug consists of peptides CG-ASP and CG-TGP2, arbutin, vitamin C and licorice root extract. Peptides are contained in a concentration of 2 mg per ml, they block the excessive production of melanin by reducing the synthesis of the enzyme tyrosinase. Additionally, biomimetic peptides stimulate collagen synthesis. The remaining components act as antioxidants and skin brighteners.

The cocktail for the treatment of hyperpigmentation is available in the same packaging as the previous drugs - 5 ml in one bottle for the “mesotherapy” procedure. The price of one “serving” is about 700 rubles.

The manufacturer suggests using a cocktail enhancer: Super Brighting powder. It consists of peptides that are aimed at reducing the production of melanin, according to the principle of its formation. The enzyme tyrosinase is blocked, and the synthesis of melanocytes is also suppressed, as a result of which pigments appear. The drug does not allow the already formed melanin to “get into” the epidermis.

Ultra Galva solutions

Galvanic therapy is the use of direct current of low strength and low voltage to stimulate physical and chemical changes in the dermis. The procedure stimulates cell regeneration. To achieve the best effect, therapy is carried out together with special solutions. The Dermahil brand, which has positive reviews, produces Ultra Galva solutions in addition to mesotherapy drugs. They include peptide complexes designed for specific purposes:

  • AA – treatment of acne and post-acne, scars and inflammation;
  • FAA – rejuvenation and smoothing of wrinkles;
  • AC – figure correction;
  • HL – stimulation of hair follicles and hair growth;
  • SL – complex for dry skin, treatment of pigmentation.

The solutions include peptides such as: oligopeptide-24 (59, 72), decapeptide-4, tripeptide-41, acetyldecapeptide-3, phosphatidylcholine. Ultra Galva solutions from the Dermahil brand received good reviews. Users note the high effectiveness of the result and its long-lasting effect.

Are there complications after use?

Hyperemia, pain at the injection sites, slight swelling and bruising - these manifestations are difficult to avoid with injection therapy. Unpleasant symptoms last from a couple of hours to several days.

Biorevitalization, carried out incorrectly, leads to inflammation, blockage of blood vessels, tissue infection, granulomas and necrosis.

For treatment, drug and device therapy are prescribed.

Scalp mesotherapy

Hair grows thanks to the hair follicles in which it originates. After they “exit” outside, they receive the necessary elements for nutrition also from the follicles. The hair follicles are supplied with blood circulation. When it is disrupted due to aging, stress, illness or other negative factors, the follicle dies. As a result, the hair falls out and no longer grows from this bulb.

Normally, a person loses from 50 to 100 hairs every day. This is the process of natural renewal of the stratum corneum of the skin. If the amount of hair loss increases significantly, and it becomes noticeable to the naked eye, we have to talk about alopecia. Despite the fact that there are many reasons for the development of the disease, the essence of treatment comes down to one thing: restoring nutrition to the hair follicles. Mesotherapy with the help of the drug “Dermahil for hair” copes with this task in the best possible way.

Dermaheal HL stimulates the growth of new hair, strengthens its structure, restores shine and color saturation, heals the scalp and eliminates dandruff. What is the drug based on? Biomimetic peptides come to the rescue again, which promote the renewal of hair follicles and improve blood flow to the scalp, thereby ensuring proper nutrition of the hair follicles. In addition, the drug contains:

  • copper tripeptide – has a positive effect on hair restoration during hormonal imbalances;
  • vitamins and microelements;
  • antioxidants and amino acids.

Reviews from cosmetologists about Dermaheal HL are positive: the cocktail perfectly treats alopecia, which has been and remains one of the main problems of age-related and hormonal changes in the body. The main advantage of the drug is its natural composition based on peptides, completely similar to those produced by the human body. Recovery occurs without stress to the skin: the dermis receives what it lacked for normal functioning.

The release form and cost of the cosmeceutical drug are similar to other Dermahil products for mesotherapy. For intensive restoration of hair follicles, the manufacturer offers a powdered supplement “Booster Hair” based on peptides that affect all receptors responsible for hair growth and hair loss.

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