Hand plastic surgery - brachioplasty in Moscow

An arm lift (or “brachioplasty”) is a plastic surgery procedure aimed at creating a beautiful, toned contour of the arms by removing excess loose skin in the shoulder area. It is used if the patient does not plan to lose weight after it, or after severe weight loss or liposuction of fat of the upper extremities.

Despite the fact that the procedure makes it possible to eliminate an insignificant amount of fat, it is not able to eliminate age-related changes in the skin and hide the signs of aging. That is why, to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to carry it out in combination with liposuction and laser resurfacing.

Brachioplasty - 95,000 - 200,000 rubles.

Included in the price:

surgery, consultation with an anesthesiologist, anesthesia/anesthesia, hospital stay with meals, dressings, postoperative observation by the attending physician for a month.

2 hours

(duration of operation)

3-5 days in hospital

Brachioplasty in Moscow

Tightening of sagging skin on the arms has been carried out for several years by surgeons at the Department of Plastic Surgery at CELT. They are fluent in the methodology of its implementation and carry it out in accordance with international standards, achieving the best results. After the manipulations, our patients’ forearm area looks more toned and attractive.

Our clinic is multidisciplinary and has its own laboratory and diagnostic department. If necessary, our patients have the opportunity to receive advice from highly specialized specialists in various fields. Particular attention is paid to preparatory measures and diagnostics, which makes it possible to exclude the presence of contraindications, and therefore complications in some cases.

You can find out the prices of brachioplasty in our clinic by going to the “Services and prices” tab in this section. Depending on the complexity and volume, it varies in the range from 75 to 138 thousand rubles. You can get more accurate data by making an appointment with our specialists or by contacting the operator: 8 (495) 788 33 88.

General information about the operation

The very essence of lipofilling is the redistribution of fat mass in the body in order to transform its various parts. To perform this aesthetic procedure, the patient’s own fat is used, part of which is first removed from problem areas of the body, subjected to special treatment and injected into areas requiring correction. Often, problem areas where excess fat tissue comes from are the thighs, buttocks or abdomen.

Lipofilling of the hands is a reliable and safe procedure, used primarily to change the volume of the hands in order to transform them. The introduction of your own fat allows you to create a natural relief, while at the same time hiding various imperfections that can be visible to others and negatively affect a person’s self-esteem.

The lipofilling procedure and the fact of using the patient’s own fat has advantages, the main of which are:

  • Safety – due to the fact that the patient’s own fat is used during the operation, the risk of autograft rejection is virtually eliminated. This means that the adipose tissue used successfully takes root and does not provoke the development of allergic reactions.
  • Natural result – the fact that the fat autograft used is of completely biological origin makes the use of this raw material completely natural. Thanks to this, as a result, it is impossible to say that any surgical manipulations were performed on your hands; they look beautiful and natural.
  • Short rehabilitation period - lipofilling of the hands eliminates the need to make incisions in the skin and tissue in the hand area. The fat autograft is inserted using miniature cannulas; small holes at the injection sites heal without a trace. In addition, the holes are so small that regeneration processes occur quickly, which helps to minimize the rehabilitation period.

Plastic surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, head of the clinic David Rubenovich Grishkyan tells the story. “In our clinic we have been paying attention to this problem for a long time. We always draw patients’ attention to such places as the neck, tragus and earlobe, neck, armpits and hands. After all, these places are the same markers of aging and can give away age, just like our face.”

Indications and contraindications for arm brachioplasty


  • Severe sagging of the skin and the formation of skin folds due to a sharp decrease or increase in body weight due to hormonal imbalances or systemic pathological conditions;
  • Dystrophy of the muscle tissue of the arms due to lack of physical activity;
  • Flabbiness of the skin due to age-related changes, spoiling the shape of the hand.



  • Previously performed operations affecting lymph nodes located in the axillary region;
  • Diseases of the skin in the area of ​​surgery.

Are common:

  • Blood diseases characterized by impaired blood clotting;
  • Diabetes;
  • Neoplasms of malignant etiology;
  • Pregnancy, including planned ones.

Rehabilitation and recovery period

The rehabilitation period after brachioplasty lasts approximately one month. During this time, physical activity and sports, visiting the bathhouse, sauna, swimming in public pools, and visiting the solarium should be avoided. Keep the operated area clean, do not put stress on the body, wear compression garments. After this period, the patient can return to normal life. Loads on the arms can be given after 1.5 months. Contact sports after 2 months. If you follow the doctor's instructions, complications after brachioplasty are unlikely, and the recovery period, in general, is quite easy and quick.

Preparatory activities and bracheoplasty

Tightening the skin of the arms after losing weight requires a preliminary consultation with a plastic surgeon, who examines the patient, collects anamnesis and discusses the results that will be obtained after surgery. He also prescribes comprehensive diagnostics aimed at eliminating contraindications. It includes the following:

  • General blood and urine analysis;
  • Electrocardiography;
  • Test for an allergic reaction to anesthesia drugs;
  • Tests for HIV and hepatitis.

The surgical intervention is performed under general anesthesia and lasts from one to two hours (depending on the volume).

The technique is selected depending on the volume of tissue that needs to be excised:

TransaxillarySmall excess that requires removal. The surgeon provides access through a small incision in the armpit. Through it, he eliminates excess adipose tissue, after which he tightens the excess skin to the shoulder and sutures it.
Extensive Large volume of tissue to remove. In the process, the surgeon makes a long incision, cutting through the skin tissue from the armpit to the elbow along the inside. Depending on the situation, it can be linear, S- or T-shaped. The skin is removed along the edges of the incision, after which stitches are applied and a bandage is put on, which will have to be worn for about a month.

In CELT, brachioplasty can be performed in combination with liposuction or plastic correction of other parts of the body. Thus, the patient is not exposed to injury and anesthesia several times and saves material resources.

Indications for surgery

Age-related changes in the outer surface of the hands appear very early and are associated primarily with the thinning of the subcutaneous fat layer.

What age-related changes in the hands are most noticeable?

  • Thinning of the fat layer, loss of skin elasticity, dry skin
  • Tendons, veins, and bones are noticeably visible
  • Excess skin appears, which is more noticeable when the hands are relaxed.
  • Pigmentation or uneven coloration of the skin may appear.

But today only lipofilling of the hands can radically solve this problem.

Fat grafting, a fat grafting operation, allows not only to fill voids and hide veins. The fat layer created using lipofilling becomes a factory for the production of hormones, vitamins and growth factors for the hands for a very long period.

The lipofilling procedure and the fact of using the patient’s own fat have a number of advantages, the main of which are:

  • Safety – due to the fact that the patient’s own fat is used during the operation, the risk of autograft rejection is virtually eliminated. This means that the adipose tissue used successfully takes root and does not provoke the development of allergic reactions.
  • Natural result - the fact that the autologous fat used is completely biological in origin makes the use of this raw material completely natural. Thanks to this, it is impossible to say that any surgical manipulations were performed on your hands; they look beautiful and natural.
  • Short rehabilitation period - lipofilling of the hands eliminates the need to make incisions in the skin and tissue in the hand area. The fat autograft is inserted using miniature cannulas. Small holes at the sites of their insertion heal without a trace. In addition, the holes are so small that regeneration processes occur quickly, which helps to minimize the rehabilitation period.

An even more effective way to rejuvenate the hands can be lipofilling in combination with CO2 laser resurfacing. The laser allows you to reduce the surface area of ​​the skin, remove some of its excess, even out the color, and also start tissue regeneration. Fat ensures that all processes take place as efficiently as possible.

In addition, being a natural filler, fat will ideally mask all unsightly age-related changes in the hands.

Doctors performing hand skin tightening

Marenich Vladimir Fedorovich

Doctor - plastic surgeon, full member of the Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Candidate of Medical Sciences

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Prokhorov Yuri Anatolievich

Surgeon, head of the surgical service of CELT, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category

33 years of experience

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Hand lipofilling technique

Hand lipofilling is a simple operation that allows you to achieve the ideal appearance of your hands; it is carried out in several stages:

  • Initially, the doctor takes adipose tissue from problem areas using special cannulas and a product that is injected into the layer of fatty tissue to soften it.
  • Then the resulting fat is processed, it is cleared of excess unsuitable for implantation, and sterilized.
  • An anesthetic is injected into the hand area; in most cases, local anesthesia is used, which is sufficient to make the patient feel comfortable.
  • Then, using miniature cannulas, through small punctures, the surgeon precisely and in small portions introduces the prepared fat autograft into the hand area, distributing it evenly.
  • The operation is completed by applying a sterile dressing.

A set of procedures for rejuvenating the hands can be performed as a stand-alone procedure or combined with lipofilling of the face, eyelids or breasts. The operation can be performed under general anesthesia.

The result of the operation will not be superficial cosmetic, but real rejuvenation, which will continue for some time after the operation, enhancing the effect of both procedures (laser resurfacing and lipofilling of the hands) due to the large number of growth factors contained in fat.

Photo after hand lipofilling

How long does the effect last?

Moisturized, smooth, velvety skin - this is exactly what the result will be. Its duration will depend on which particular drug you have chosen (the denser the composition, the longer the effect), as well as your lifestyle. On average, the effect of biorevitalization lasts 2-3 months, and that of contour plastic surgery lasts six months to a year.

To make an appointment for hand plastic surgery in Moscow, just call us by phone or fill out the form on the website. The clinic is located at the address: North-Western Administrative Okrug, metro station Oktyabrskoye Pole, st. Marshala Rybalko, 2, bldg. 6. Our experienced cosmetologists will help you choose the optimal method in your case.

How does the procedure work?

Regardless of which composition you choose, the procedure is the same: the doctor thoroughly cleanses the skin, marks the injection sites and administers the drug. This may be a little sensitive - when working with patients who have particularly sensitive skin, we use a topical anesthetic gel with an anesthetic effect).

After the injections are completed, you can safely return to your usual activities. The effect can be assessed in a few days, when the injected drugs “settle down” and the puncture wounds heal.

Traditional hand plastic surgery (hand skin plastic surgery after significant weight loss)

In its classic version, brachioplasty was invented as a way to correct the contour of the inner surface of the shoulders in the presence of significant excess sagging skin. This usually happens after significant (massive) weight loss - a decrease in body weight of 45 kg or more. With such pronounced weight loss, sagging skin with deformation of body contours is caused not only by the actual decrease in the thickness of subcutaneous fat with the formation of “voids” under the skin, but also by shifts in metabolic processes and hormonal imbalances. Endocrinologists and nutritionists treat the consequences of massive weight loss, while plastic surgery usually becomes the final step on the path to a healthy and beautiful body.

Classic brachioplasty involves removing excess skin on the inner surface of the shoulders. Currently, the procedure is often combined with liposuction, which allows not only to further remove the remaining excess subcutaneous fat, but also to properly mobilize the skin - that is, to ensure sufficient mobility for successful closure of the wound after removal of the excess. The most noticeable limitation of arm skin tightening is that this operation inevitably leaves a scar, which in most cases remains visible for life (although it is located on the inner surface of the shoulder, which is not always visible to prying eyes). The rule is that the greater the excess skin removed, the longer the postoperative scar will be. In patients with massive weight loss, arm lift scars can be quite extensive, sometimes even extending beyond the shoulders to the chest and forearms.

Wound healing and scar formation are also the main problems of postoperative rehabilitation in brachioplasty patients. Since wounds after hand plastic surgery are, firstly, very extensive, and secondly, metabolic processes in the skin after massive weight loss can be significantly disrupted, wound healing in such patients can be slow. From this point of view, hand skin tightening even has certain contraindications - for example, doctors may refuse to perform surgery on you if you have diabetes or smoke.

Lipofilling for plastic surgery of hands

To eliminate possible problems that occur on the hands, we use the fat injection method. A certain amount of fat, taken from an area of ​​the patient's body where local obesity occurs, is injected from the back of the arm after enrichment with stem cells. The back of the hand gains volume using all the benefits of stem cells, and the process of restoration and regeneration of soft tissue begins. Instead of the volume obtained as a result of the injection of fat, the surface of the skin is lightened, visible blood vessels fade into the background and, as a result, the skin is toned and refreshed. The hard, bone-hugging structure of the hands softens and instead of bonyness takes on a soft richness. Arm fat injection surgery is performed in our clinics under local anesthesia. The procedure itself lasts about thirty minutes and in just one session allows you to get impressive results. After this operation, some patients undergo a bandage, but despite this they can use their hands and return to social life within one day.

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