Working with a child: articulation gymnastics and speech development

Dysarthria is a dysfunction of the speech apparatus, in which there is a decrease in the mobility of the articulatory organs or their paralysis. The disorder is a negative consequence of neurological pathologies (congenital and acquired), birth head injuries, Rh conflict between mother and fetus, infectious diseases suffered at an early age, and brain surgery.

Taking into account the symptoms and the area of ​​damage to the cerebral cortex, several forms of dysarthria are distinguished:

  1. Bulbarnaya

Violations are observed in the speech and motor systems as a whole. There is paresis of the muscles of the body and face. The child has difficulty chewing and swallowing, his voice is weak, his speech is slow and unclear.

  1. Subcortical

Muscle tone is changed, facial expressions and areas of articulation are observed. When speaking, a spasm may occur. Intonation, speech rate, voice strength are impaired, motor skills are poorly developed.

  1. Cerebellar

Speech is scanned, movements of the tongue and lips are unclear, slow, the palate sags, most sounds are absent in speech.

  1. Cortical

Polysyllabic words are difficult to pronounce; there are no sibilants or affricates. More often, the child pronounces sounds that are difficult for him well in isolation, but in the flow of articulation they are lost, mixed up or missed.

  1. Pseudobulbar

From birth, the child exhibits the following signs of disturbances: profuse drooling after a year, choking when eating, drinking, and sucking is difficult, facial muscles work poorly. Words are pronounced distorted, but the stress and contour of the lexeme are preserved; sound analysis is extremely difficult.

Classes with a defectologist, taking medications, and speech therapy massage are mandatory items in correctional work. In addition, special articulatory gymnastics helps to form expressive speech. Its goal is to train the muscles of the speech apparatus, increase the amplitude of movements of the lips, cheeks, both palates and tongue.

What problems do exercises solve?

Thanks to regular training, you can create a new face without injections or surgery. The fibers gradually contract, the contour tightens, giving clarity to the oval.

Results of the exercise for losing weight on the face and cheeks:

  • nasolabial folds are smoothed;
  • manages to get rid of jowls and sagging cheeks;
  • the jawline is restored;
  • cheekbones are formed;
  • a beautiful neck line appears;
  • wrinkles around the mouth are reduced;
  • visually the face looks narrower due to the appearance of a clear oval line.

Set of exercises

You can visually make your face smaller by performing a simple complex. The advantage of training is the ability to adjust the shape of the oval. Also, exercises have the properties of rejuvenation and preservation of freshness, restoring the elasticity of fibers.

Gymnastics for losing weight on the face:

  1. First you need to warm up your muscles. It is necessary to make 10 circular rotations clockwise and 10 counterclockwise. This exercise will allow you to create a beautiful neck line. After warming up, move on to the main complex for a thin face. Repeat each 5 times.
  2. The gaze is directed in front of you, lips stretched into the letter “O”. Feel the tension in the lower part of your face, hold for 10 seconds.
  3. Look ahead, facial muscles are relaxed. Open your mouth wide, feeling the tension in your cheeks, stick your tongue down, pull towards the dimple of your chin. Hold the pose for 10 seconds.
  4. Tilt your head back, looking at the ceiling. Tension is felt by all the muscles of the face and neck. Open your mouth, stick out your tongue, pull it up, slightly bending the tip. Hold for 10 seconds.

Exercises to reduce cheeks:

  1. To remove bulldog cheeks and nasolabial lips, you need to open your mouth and grab the inner surface of the cheeks with your index fingers. Feeling the tension in your fingers, open and close your mouth. Repeat 8 times.
  2. Place your index fingers above the upper fangs, they fix the inner surface of the cheeks. Slowly raise and lower the corners of your mouth, lifting the apples, feeling the resistance of your fingers. Repeat the standard 8 times.
  3. An effective exercise for the cheeks - the upper lip covers the line of the upper teeth, the lower jaw is pulled down as much as possible. The lips are formed into the letter "O". From this position, try to raise and lower your ears up. The forehead should be relaxed; at first you can fix it with your palm.
  4. Open your mouth as much as possible, hide your teeth behind your lips. From this position, pull up and lower the corners of the lips, repeat 8 times, very effective for lifting the cheeks.
  5. Take air into your cheeks and roll like a ball from left to right and right to left for 2 minutes.

Gymnastics for the face from the double chin:

  1. Keep your shoulders and body straight. Move your face forward like a dove. Repeat 20 times.
  2. To remove the cheeks and double chin, you need to move the lower jaw forward, hold for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Do 20 reps.
  3. Hold a pencil between your teeth and move your lower jaw forward. In this position, draw numbers in the air from 1 to 10.
  4. Lift your chin up, pull your lips like a duck. Hold for 5 seconds, repeat at least 5 times.
  5. From this position, extend your lips with a tube in the sound “U” for 5–8 seconds. Repeat at least 5 approaches.

Exercises to highlight cheekbones:

  1. You can make your cheeks smaller by correcting your cheekbones and lifting the apples of your cheeks up. Close your mouth, inflate as much as possible and deflate the air in jerks. Do 10 repetitions.
  2. Pull your lips into a tube and pronounce all the letters of the alphabet one by one.
  3. Open your eyes wide, smile, opening your teeth. At the same time, the corners of the mouth raise the apples of the cheeks, hold the position for 10 seconds. Repeat the standard 10 times.
  4. To narrow your face, pull in your cheeks and form your lips like a fish. From this position, smile, hold for 10 seconds, then do 10 repetitions.

Where is the orbicularis oris muscle located and what does it affect?

What muscle is called the circular muscle? The one that is the basis of the motor apparatus of the lips.

The muscle fits very tightly to the skin, so this area often raises questions and problems during surgery and plastic surgery, since it cannot be straightened or cut out.

If the skin in this area is severely depleted and wrinkled, cosmetologists and doctors suggest performing procedures such as cleansing, peeling and facial resurfacing to restore it.

To more consciously understand the meaning of this muscle, you need to understand its structure

It has the shape of a flat plate, in which there are two layers: deep and superficial.

The muscles of the deep layer go radially towards the center. In this case, the surface layer consists of two bundles, which have the shape of an arc and run along the upper and lower parts of the mouth. It is this muscle that has the ability to fade as a person ages, and because of this, the lips become like two thin tubes.

Orbicularis oris muscle

Most of the folds in the area of ​​this muscle are formed at a very early age. It's hard to believe, but there are explanations for everything.

Most girls are sure that the aging of cells, and skin in general, begins at the age of twenty-five, but this process has nothing to do with the formation of folds.

For example, nasolabial folds near the nose begin to form already in childhood. At the same age, folds are formed in the area of ​​the orbicularis oris muscle - one might say that from birth.

Except that after 30 a person doesn’t have to grimace to see them.

Video: Exercise to strengthen the orbicularis oris muscle

General recommendations

Facial exercises will become more effective if you follow simple tips. An integrated approach will allow you to notice the first positive results within a few weeks.


  • You should not perform more than these approaches. When overstrained, muscle fibers release specific enzymes that trigger the aging process.
  • Regular training matters. Exercises for losing weight on the face and neck should be performed at least 5 times a week for 4 months. Afterwards, to consolidate the results, 3 times a week is enough.
  • To control the correct execution, you need to practice in the mirror.
  • Breathing is deep and noisy. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. You should start doing weight loss exercises while inhaling.
  • The intensity increases gradually. For beginners, it is better to repeat exercises for losing weight on the face and cheeks 3 times in the first weeks. After a month you can increase it to the maximum amount.

With the help of fasting, you can only get additional wrinkles, stretch marks, and sagging skin. To remove cheeks, a double chin, and visually narrow the oval, you need to normalize your diet and regularly perform facial exercises.

Attention! It is important to monitor your drinking regime; the body needs 1.5–2 liters per day. Most should be drunk in the first half of the day to avoid evening and morning puffiness. Otherwise, your efforts to lose weight in your face will be in vain.

French massage technique

You can reduce your cheek size not only through exercise. French cosmetologist Evelyn Ganter-Pechot developed a massage method at home.

She identified massage lines that need to be influenced by soft stroking actions. During the procedure, do not pinch or press the skin.

The exposure time should, as a rule, be at least 30 minutes. Despite the fact that massage is not difficult to perform, the results are very effective.

In this video, Oksana Levina, a professional cosmetologist and massage therapist, tells how to remove cheeks. If you watch the video to the end, you will find out how gymnastics helps and what massage to use to reduce the volume of your cheeks. You will see how to lose weight in your face, remove swelling and how to make cheekbones. All this can be done at home.

If you devote only 15-20 minutes a day to yourself, you can maintain a young and toned face for many years. Beauty does not require a surgical scalpel, it needs daily attention. Do exercises for your cheeks, love yourself and all your efforts will be successful. See you again!

Tips for losing weight in the face

A face can look full for 3 reasons. Excess weight, swelling, aging processes lead to decreased muscle elasticity. Visually, the oval appears wide, jowls appear, and cheeks sag. You can make your face thinner on your own; the effect is comparable to a non-surgical facelift.


  • exclude sweet carbonated drinks from the diet, give preference to mineral water and green tea;
  • the menu should be based on the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, which normalize water balance;
  • Additionally, you can take a course of massage - it improves blood flow, increases the elasticity of fibers, which will speed up the correction process;
  • to improve the properties of the skin, it is useful to use creams, fluids, masks with a lifting effect;
  • The position during sleep also matters, the head should not sink into a soft pillow, it is better to choose an orthopedic one, the optimal position during rest is lying on your back;
  • exclude alcoholic drinks that cause swelling and impaired lymphatic drainage;
  • A positive attitude is important, a frowning expression weakens muscle tone, a smile, on the contrary, stimulates the activity of fibers and supports the facial frame.

Safety regulations

To achieve the desired results, it is important to follow the basic recommendations. Incorrect technique can aggravate problems, lead to sagging cheeks, and loss of skin elasticity.

How to make your face thinner with gymnastics:

  • perform the exercise in front of a mirror, making sure that 1 muscle group is working;
  • when moving other areas of the face, you can fix them with your palms;
  • the duration of the lesson should not exceed 10 minutes;
  • exercises for slimming the cheeks and correcting the chin are performed comprehensively;
  • before the complex, the face should be cleaned of decorative cosmetics, hands should be washed with soap, during training the pores open, the renewal processes improve;
  • Upon completion, be sure to cleanse to remove toxins.

The benefits of regular exercise for the orbicularis oris muscle

In order for the muscle to always be in good shape, you should start doing exercises at as early an age as possible. They will come to the rescue not only to achieve a visual result, but also to solve internal problems - such as malocclusion. The exercises will also serve to correct proper breathing and prevent orthodontic problems.

For example, a common problem in children is lip failure, so a mandatory procedure for this problem will be gymnastic exercises for the orbicularis muscle. They require special attention, since it is quite difficult to wean a child from mouth breathing. It is also useful to exercise for interlabial gaping.

This muscle belongs to the psychosomatic zones of the human body . It often happens that when this muscle spasms, other muscles of the digestive system also spasm. Therefore, when this muscle is restored, rehabilitation of the intestines will begin.

Are there any contraindications?

Absolutely anyone can do such exercises, but the main thing is to monitor the technique and accuracy of their implementation so that all efforts are not wasted.

To perform this you do not need to use any creams or ointments. The training takes place on dry, clean skin.

Video: Orbicularis oris muscle


Contraindications to face-building for weight loss include pathology of the facial nerve, high blood pressure, recent professional lifting procedures, and plastic surgery within 2 years. You should also not exercise if you have chronic and acute diseases of the ENT organs, pathologies of the thyroid gland, or oncology.

Big cheeks and a double chin are no longer a problem. An effective set of exercises will allow you to create the perfect oval. As a result of training, the overall condition of the skin will noticeably improve. Affordable beauty secrets take minimal time.

Where should you start training?

It will be very useful to start the lesson with a warm-up

A warm-up will be considered useful when the muscles on the face are warmed up. To do this, you need to clearly pronounce all the vowels , opening your mouth wide.

This is such a simple and quick warm-up. Next you should move on to the exercises.

One of the most effective exercises is Proboscis

You will need to sit down, but you can also stand up. The back should be straight throughout the entire time when performing exercises.

  • The lips need to be tensed and pulled out with a “proboscis”. For this workout you will need your fingers: you should touch your index fingers to the upper lip, and your thumbs to the lower lip.
  • What should you do next? Press with your fingers into the area around the mouth.

To begin with, you should perform this exercise ten times, then pause for ten seconds and do ten repetitions again. Gradually you need to increase the number of presses, and in the end bring it up to twenty times in each approach.

It is important not to release the tension in the jaws; they must maintain their ring shape. If suddenly your lips lose this shape and close together, you need to immediately concentrate and restore their shape. In this case, the fingers must perform clear movements.

This is not the only exercise that will help you get away from the problem.

Video: Massage techniques for the orbicularis labii muscle against wrinkles

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