What to do if your nose is hooked, but you want a straight one - a rating of different methods from an expert

Although, first of all, the organ that occupies one third of the face must perform its function efficiently: deliver air in the required volume to the body, warm the air in winter, moisturize in summer and trap pathogenic organisms on the mucous membrane. But patients at plastic surgery clinics are primarily concerned about the external characteristics of the nose. A hump, an upturned, downturned, forked tip of the nose, large nostrils, very long or, on the contrary, short, potato-shaped or pointed - clients want to remove these features of the organ, and in return get a classic antique profile or a beautiful curved bridge of the nose. Surgeons, artists and makeup artists call an ideal nose that has:

  • the width is no more than the longitudinal section of the eyes;
  • the wings do not extend beyond the vertical lines drawn along the inner corners of the eyes;
  • length equal to a third of the face.

Angelina Jolie, Natalie Portman, and George Clooney have this ideal facial feature. Photos of these celebrities are an example of an ideal profile and the dream of most clients who sign up for rhinoplasty. Although an experienced surgeon will select for a patient who wants to reduce the nose, the length, shape of the tip and wings, taking into account not only mathematical proportions, but also general facial features and type.

It is possible to achieve a perfectly beautiful profile with a lifelong effect only with the help of rhinoplasty. During open or closed surgery, the surgeon works with cartilage, connective tissue and skin to create the perfect nose. Some features of the nose (hump, drooping nose, asymmetry) can also be corrected with filler injections, which will give a temporary effect for 1-2 years, depending on the drug. But there are clients who are afraid of surgical and injection interventions and are afraid of the recovery period. They can try to visually reduce their nose using makeup or special exercises. True, unlike rhinoplasty, such profile correction will need to be carried out daily, spending up to 20 minutes of time.

The tip of the nose...

Nose, nose, nose, shnobel, and I’m not afraid of this word, switch... Let’s continue the topic of dissatisfaction with ourselves and find out why our noses haunt us (and those around us), and whether an ideal nose is really a ticket to a better life :-)
Do you think Are lips the most remodeled part of the face? No matter how it is. The unfortunate nose is reshaped no less often. According to statistics, of the total number of people who apply for rhinoplasty, only 30% come for medical reasons. The remaining 70% simply don't want to suffer while looking in the mirror anymore.

Moreover, among the dissatisfied are everyone, from young to old, and of both sexes. Well, I found some interesting opinions from the forums. How do you like it?

“It’s hard to even imagine how many tears were cried. ...it’s not just long, it’s even kind of crooked...here. I recently became friends with a girl who has a nose similar to mine, but she treats it with such humor that I realized that my nose is not the most important thing in life, and people do not judge me based on individual parts of my body. And he’s still terrible!”

“...I consider snub nose to be the ideal nose shape. I do not have it. There is a terrible tip of the nose that always spoils photographs, which does not have a standard shape!”

“In general, very few people have perfect noses. Some are too wide, some are potato-shaped, or just kind of shapeless, the buttons don’t always look nice either. And the ideal nose in my understanding is like Catherine Deneuve or Grace Kelly, but this is already from the science fiction section, it’s useless to dream about it.”

Grace Kelly's granddaughter also has an elegant nose, although not like her grandmother's.
And here is my favorite:

“It’s a pity that our world dictates stereotypes, and someone ends up left out. I won’t be able to love myself like this anymore, I’ve tried. Therefore, in a year (18 years), I will do everything possible to get rid of my hump. You have to play by the rules of this stereotypical world.”

Uma Thurman's nose would horrify teenagers.

Do you understand, right? Neither an outside example nor an objective understanding that we are all different and good in our own way prevents us from continuing to hate our reflection and secretly saving for surgery.

Plastic surgeons, makeup artists and artists agree on one thing. The nose is the most prominent part of the face, and that is why it receives so much attention.

The shape of the nose can greatly influence the perception - make the face rustic or, conversely, noble. Stereotypes of appearance are ineradicable in our minds. Many actresses have resorted to rhinoplasty to “take the village out of the girl” and add aristocracy to their image.

A classic example is Megan Fox, who made her nose thinner.

The perfect Angelina Jolie was also unhappy with her nose.

An example of Scarlett Johansson's successful rhinoplasty, according to surgeons and fashion critics.

Beauty and fashion. Two sisters who demand sacrifices from us, even fatal ones.

Rhinoplasty is one of the most complex plastic surgeries, and therefore everything should be done like an adult: a highly experienced surgeon, a clinic with intensive care, licenses, contracts, insurance. But sometimes shit happens. Complications, including fatal ones, regularly occur in operating rooms of both expensive and unemployed clinics.

Earlier this year, a girl lost her sight after an injection in her nose.

Penelope Cruz

The famous Spanish actress never had a complex about her asymmetrical nose (and appearance in general). Yes, it is not straight and from certain angles it looks too large, but, I must admit, this does not spoil Penelope at all.

The actress has said more than once that she is not afraid of natural aging and does not plan to prolong her youth artificially - we definitely won’t see Cruz on the list of filler lovers. Acceptance of oneself in any form also applies to Penelope’s facial features: she has never had plastic surgery, so she has her own nose and lips. Well, women have a lot to learn from her!

Perfect nose

But let's leave the surgeons alone. Cosmetology also does not sleep, and everyone is offered manipulations without surgical intervention. Like a mosquito bit, yes.

The direction of “quick” beauty even got its own name - lunch break procedures.

I went to have a snack and at the same time quickly injected myself, to the envy of my colleagues and in the name of beauty.

Well, you must agree, it sounds great: “Are you afraid of a scalpel? Correct the shape of your nose with injection rhinoplasty with filler! Without rehabilitation, in one hour.” #non-advertising #yatutniand

For one girl, such a “harmless correction” cost her her sight, and this is not the end of her misadventures. Where did it all start? “Let’s also correct this wrinkle.” The very idea of ​​correcting any deficiency with an “injection” only at your own request is very tempting. Well, you know, how to buy a skirt that will make your butt smaller, your legs longer, and all this with a “light movement of your hand.” How can I resist here?

I'm kind of upset. Of course, trends are everywhere, not only in fashion, but also in appearance. And if possible, the temptation to buy a fashionable face is very great.

The fashion for surgery sounds crazy, but it looks funny. In Iran, for example, rhinoplasty has become a national trend, without exaggeration. The stars aligned: firstly, according to Sharia law, you don’t have to cover your nose, unlike everything else. Secondly, according to Islamic norms, this is just an operation, not an improvement. And away we go... Every year, more than 200 thousand Iranian girls have their noses surgically reshaped.

It got to the point that the post-operative bandage on the bridge of the nose turned from a necessity into a social symbol - since there is a bandage, it means there was an operation. An expensive procedure that not everyone can afford. They used to flash the labels of expensive brands in public like this)) But now they stick on fake patches.

Korean pop group AOA - girls are almost alike.

Koreans have also elevated plastic surgery to the category of necessary procedures. South Korean boys and girls look up to the same European babyface as their Iranian beauty counterparts. The usual European nose haunts everyone))

They use fake overlays, which are molded from a plastic material. An Asian face may not even have a bridge of the nose in the form that is familiar to us, Slavs and Europeans. This is what some Korean women restore every morning. Well, that is if there is no money. And if there is, run under the scalpel.

Surgeons promise Korean women two-in-one beauty - baby-faced and glamorous.

According to the BBC, the Korean Consumer Agency (KCA) studied the profiles of 1,000 plastic surgery patients. 70% responded that they had plastic surgery to improve their appearance.

14.5% believe the result improved their prospects for a promotion or move to a more prestigious job.

Lady Gaga

Another star whose plastic surgery rumors are only growing every year. The fact is that a childhood photograph of Gaga is circulating on the Internet, in which she, as a teenager, participates in a school production. The photo was taken in profile, and a huge hump on the nose is clearly visible. Seeing him, fans began to build theories: was there an operation?

Gaga herself does not comment on the photo, but periodically speaks out about plastic surgery: the singer denies any operations. Be that as it may, even now Lady Gaga has a fairly large nose (this is especially noticeable in profile). The woman is completely satisfied with herself, which is what she wants for everyone.

And here is a comparison of Gaga and her peer from Russia: Stars of the same age: Russian versus foreign. Who needs to go to the salon?


Apart from the extreme options described above, it seems that people have come to their senses.

Surgeons note that patients do not seek to radically change their appearance. In the facial micro-optimization trend, it’s as if a doctor has photoshopped you, but in reality. Tighten it a little, correct it a little, make it more neat, but at the same time so that it doesn’t catch the eye.

Do you always need to straighten your hump?

I know there are people who say: “Humpback is my feature.” Some celebrities are proud of the unusual shape of their nose. But still, trauma can hardly be considered an individuality.

Humps as a consequence of injuries lead to breathing problems, so it is necessary to straighten the septum and free up the nasal passages so that the patient can breathe deeply.

Scarlett Johansson

The cute blonde needs no introduction. Having gone through many films and showing her attractiveness in all its glory, Scarlett remains popular to this day. But they say that she still had rhinoplasty.

Scarlet in her youth and now

Maria Valverde

But the heroine of the legendary film “Three Meters Above the Sky,” Maria Valverde, did not even think about surgery. No rhinoplasty, no way! This is probably how she answered all her advisers. As a result, her big nose became an integral part of the girl’s charm. It’s impossible without him now.

Actress Maria Valverde's big nose

Princess Diana

Diana was called the most beautiful woman on the planet. She was married, but she had many admirers. But she didn’t consider herself a beauty. Moreover, Lady Di was very complex about her appearance. She was most worried about her nose. He was very big. Diana tried with all her might to avoid drawing attention to him. Volumetric hairstyles, head position. Diana was not a beauty, but everyone thought she was. She just knew how to hide her flaws and demonstrate her strengths. Every woman should learn this.

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PS Sophia Loren. The girl you can't live without

Carlo Ponti once suggested that a girl should have her nose shortened. She sharply refused with the wording that she was proud of the traits that nature and her parents gave her. As a result, she began to stand out from the rest of the girls and gained popularity. The girl's name was Sophie Scicolone... She is better known to us as Sophia Loren...

Actress Sophia Loren's consistently large nose

Julianne Moore

The American actress, who recently turned 60, remains one of the few celebrities who has not been touched by a surgeon. Julianna does not inject Botox, has never used fillers, has never had her face lifted or touched her nose, the peculiarity of which can be seen in profile.

Moore's neat hump makes her nose look like a bird's beak, but it even gives Julianne's appearance a certain charm. In addition, she has reason to be proud: in this difficult time of stereotypes, the actress confidently maintains her individuality.

Here are other celebrity opponents of plastic surgery: Stars over 50 who did not cut themselves: in vain or not.

Winona Ryder

The beautiful actress finally decided to undergo rhinoplasty before filming the film “Edward Scissorhands,” where she played with her boyfriend Johnny Depp. Following the path of Angelina Jolie, Winona found an experienced plastic surgeon and performed a simple operation. But the question is: did the nose given by nature really bother her?

Before and after nose surgery

Rachel Weisz

The actress has always championed naturalness. Her confidence has become a model for many girls. As for the shape of the nose, there is the already unloved “hump” and a very wide bridge of the nose... So what? Weiss remains herself and when you see her you don’t even think about the “imperfect” nose.

Rachel's nose

Sofia Coppola

The director of the films “Lost in Translation” and “Marie Antoinette” has a very interesting appearance. Sofia has expressive brown eyes that perfectly harmonize with dark brown hair, as well as a large Roman nose, which looks like a clear accent on her face.

Sofia doesn’t need to appear on screen, so she doesn’t need to chase a stereotyped appearance. In addition, something tells us that with a different nose Coppola simply would not have been recognized: this trait suits her so much and makes her stand out from the crowd. This is a real highlight!

Many would do well to follow her example. Especially these guys: Wild tuning: people who voluntarily turned themselves into dolls.

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