Dermatologist SM-Doctor told how a teenager can get rid of acne

Cosmetologist YULIANA SHIYAN: Acne in a teenager is considered common, although any diagnosis, including “simple acne,” should not be considered the norm. Moreover, the calm attitude of adults towards a rash on a teenager’s face does not make life easier for the child; this does not make his self-esteem higher, nor does his anxiety decrease. And if you notice that the child once again does not go out with friends and stays at home at every opportunity, then pay attention to this; this is hardly a normal desire to do homework.

For acne in teenagers, a variety of remedies are used:

  • Azelaic acid
  • Antibiotics, external and systemic, for example erythromycin, clindamycin
  • Zinc preparations (internally and externally)
  • Benzoyl peroxide
  • Retinoids (internally and externally)

There is now a lot of information in the public domain about how to get rid of acne for a teenager. Buying ointment at a pharmacy is not a problem at all; advertisements for all kinds of zinerites and basirons are a dime a dozen. The main thing for parents in this flow of information and availability of medications is not to slip into self-medication.

Each of the drugs listed is good, and it seems that now we’ll buy it, apply it and we’ll have clear skin. But in fact, each drug has many nuances in use, for pustules one, for blockages another, for irritated skin a third. Most of them require supplementation for strengthening or reinsurance so that resistance (stability) of the flora does not form.

They have a side effect that is either considered normal or requires immediate cancellation. When and how to add oral medications to external treatment, and whether acne is purely teenage acne or requires additional specialists are separate questions. It is impossible to determine all this on your own and there is simply no knowledge. Therefore, you need to contact me and sign up for a consultation.

Severity of acne and duration of treatment in adolescents

Acne on a teenager's face can look different - small red rashes, pustules, blockages, blackheads, painful nodes. Acne on the back of a teenager is one of the signs of the severity of acne. And the remedy for acne (for teenagers) is selected depending on this degree of severity of the process. The duration of treatment depends on how severe the acne is and whether the doctor’s prescriptions are strictly followed.

Treatment may take 3 months, or maybe a year. Typically, teenagers are not burdened with multi-level home care and procedures, but it is still necessary to do the minimum for results. In any case, already in the first or second month the skin becomes clearer, this is very encouraging for both parents and children.

And at the same time relaxing. It is important not to interrupt this path halfway, as everything will quickly return to its roots, and perhaps twice as much effort will be required the second time.

Not just age

There are additional factors that can aggravate the situation. The number of acne usually increases several times if:

  1. there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. there is a lack of amino and fatty acids;
  3. malnutrition;
  4. stress occurs (domestic problems, conflicts);
  5. weakened immunity;
  6. incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  7. the child squeezes out pimples on his own: infection gets into open wounds, an inflammatory process occurs, which provokes the appearance of more and more pimples;
  8. the child takes medications for a long time.

Even though teenage acne is not life-threatening, it can cause a lot of trouble for teenagers. Such an ordinary disease can negatively affect the future lives of young people: psychological discomfort from “less than ideal appearance” can cause low self-esteem, social alienation and isolation.

Onset of acne in adolescents and provocative diets

Acne in teenage girls often begins during the onset of the menstrual cycle, at 12-14 years of age. But it happens that black spots, greasiness, dense large blockages in the T-zone can be observed long before this, from 7-8 years. In general, this age in dermatology is considered the beginning of teenage acne. This earlier onset is now associated with “Western” nutrition.

Video - Moms about teenage acne

To mothers about teenage acne. Acne in teenagers. Pediatric dermatologist

Children's diets increasingly include foods with a high glycemic index (fast food, snacks, rolls, sweets, carbonated drinks, cocktails, etc.) and a colossal amount of dairy products (including sweets). All this is a provocation of increased work of the sebaceous glands, the early appearance of acne and significantly aggravates the course of acne.

Acne in a teenage boy may also first appear before the age of 10, but more often at 12-13 years of age. Pimples and blackheads of a teenager are something that can and should be dealt with. Practice shows that you can enjoy clean and well-groomed skin even at 15 years old.

How to treat acne in a teenage girl?

For mild acne in girls, they are prescribed standard therapy using topical medications. With moderate acne, you may need to be examined by a gynecologist, endocrinologist, perform an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, and determine hormone levels. An endocrinologist examines carbohydrate metabolism and thyroid hormone levels. 29

Treatment according to instructions

To the question “what will help with acne?” there is no clear answer. It is difficult to single out the main “anti-acne” components: good treatments contain a complex combination of active substances. And yet there are ingredients that are better to remember (and check on occasion for yourself and your specialist):


: linoleic acid, niacinamide, allantoin, zinc salts, azelaic acid, extracts of tea tree, sage, chamomile, witch hazel, aloe vera.


: piroctone olamine, glycasil, sulfur, plant extracts of calendula, chamomile, green tea, burdock, essential oils of tea tree, lemon, clove.


(softening and exfoliating): ANA and BHA acids, retinoids, glycasil, azelaic acid, sulfur, bromelain, bodyaga.

Sebum regulators

: retinoids, linoleic acid, azelaic acid, extracts of green tea, pumpkin, burdock, cedar.


: aluminum and calcium salts, perlite, clay, kaolin, silicon.

Pharmacy brands undergo careful monitoring under the supervision of dermatologists and are prescribed by doctors, therefore they are preferable for caring for problem skin.

In addition to proper care and corrective drug treatment, beauty salons will be happy to offer a number of procedures to improve the condition of the skin. Which of them will be effective (for example, facial cleansing - mechanical or ultrasonic, various peelings) will be determined by a specialist during a consultation, taking into account the condition of the teenager’s skin.

Proper care

Skin care for acne is a daily ritual, all stages of which must be learned, not confused or skipped. You need to wash your face twice a day with warm water. Avoid soap and use special products for oily skin for cleansing (better ─ gels and foams). After washing, use lotion or tonic - they prepare the skin for applying cream, disinfect and dry, tighten pores, and have a mattifying effect. The final stage is a special cream for oily and problem skin.

In the active stage of acne, the use of decorative cosmetics is not advisable, but during “quiet” periods the skin is quite tolerant of makeup. The main thing is that it is light and has few layers. When choosing products, you need to pay attention to the packaging: the “non-comedogenic” label is required. Concealing treatments with pigmented particles that even out skin tone will add calmness and confidence.

Clearasil Ultra

Clearasil cream is sold in almost any store or pharmacy. Contains salicylic acid, cocoglycosin, allantoin, aloe extract, glycerin, lavender extract, Italian immortelle extract, cistus Montpelient extract. The product relieves inflammation well, is applied precisely and quickly solves the problem of acne and acne. The instructions say that the Klerasil cream will remove a pimple in 4 hours! The drug has a slight mattifying effect. And although the tube of cream is small and not cheap, Klerasil is used very sparingly, so it will last for a long time.

Clearasil Ultra
Reckitt Benckiser, Netherlands

Active components relieve inflammation, redness and irritation, normalize the structure of the epidermis, and promote exfoliation of dead cells.
Thanks to AcceladermTM technology, the cream enhances the effect, allowing the active ingredients to penetrate deeply into all layers of the skin. from 205

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Consequences of acne

Acne can cause more than just rashes. Some people believe that acne is a skin condition that eventually outgrows, but it can have a profound and lasting impact on one's life. Many people experience one or more of the following after acne appears.

Acne scars: When the breakout goes away, it leaves behind a permanent scar. Some scars cause indentations in the skin. The rest are gradually disappearing. It's impossible to predict who will develop scars after their acne goes away, but the following factors increase your risk:

  • acne has been present for a long time because the teenager does not treat it or the treatment does not work;
  • One or more close blood relatives have had acne in the family.

Dark spots on the skin: As acne breakouts fade, some people see the area where acne once was. This completely flat spot can be pink, red, purple, black or brown, and is often mistaken for a permanent acne scar. Source: Modern Treatments and Rehabilitation of Acne Vulgaris. Barinova A.N. Russian family doctor, 2022. p. 5-18.

Sulfuric ointment

One of the anti-inflammatory group of drugs is Sulfur ointment. When applied to the skin, it irritates the receptors located in the upper layers of the epidermis. The oily cream, entering the systemic bloodstream, increases the force of blood flow through the capillaries and improves cellular metabolism.

The use of Sulfur Ointment is permitted for almost everyone; there are no restrictions on its use. Additionally, the effect of the medicinal cream has an antiseptic effect on the affected areas of the skin.

The active substance makes the process of regeneration of the upper layers of the dermis faster. When applied to the skin, it effectively fights skin parasites, as well as neutralizes fungal diseases.

The medicine is recommended to be applied to any area of ​​the skin, with the exception of the scalp. This is due to the fact that this area has an increased fat base, which is why the ointment gets clogged into the pores and is difficult to remove from them.


Unfortunately, juvenile acne can leave behind unpleasant consequences called post-acne. At the sites of long-term inflammatory processes in acne, enlarged pores, vascular spots, pigmentation and scars may remain.

The formation of post-acne is promoted by: prolonged course of teenage acne, deep inflammatory elements, squeezing out pimples, late or inadequate treatment.

Do not touch! The main rule of skin care during adolescence is to never squeeze out pimples, blackheads, or other skin growths on your own. This will only worsen her condition.

Scarring after acne remains for life and is a serious cosmetic defect that is difficult to correct only with cosmetic procedures. The only way to prevent these secondary post-acne changes is individual and timely treatment of teenage acne.

The best remedy for acne in adults. TOP 5


In first place among the best anti-acne products for adults is antibacterial powder, which is known to consumers as a high-quality and effective product. It copes well with both ordinary rashes and advanced acne and even ulcers.

This product belongs to the combination category, since it contains two antibiotic components. The most important thing in using the drug is to apply it to previously cleansed skin, which will allow you to get maximum results.


This amazing product helps not only with acne, but also in many other situations. It effectively copes with the initial and advanced stages of rashes. The composition contains active components that can provide the skin with complete nutrition. In addition, the product does an excellent job of relieving inflammation, as well as smoothing out the scars left behind by dermatitis.

Reviews about the product are most often positive, since it has a number of significant advantages: the ability to use it for any type of dermatosis, a fairly powerful disinfecting property, and safety for pregnant women. In addition, the opportunity to purchase the product without a prescription from a doctor is also pleasing.


A fairly popular ointment is considered one of the most effective remedies during the fight against various rashes. Here, the active substance is the well-known ichthammol, which is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the integument and from there exert the main effects: healing, analgesic and antiseptic.

Also among the positive qualities of the drug, one should note its naturalness and absolute safety for human health - which is why it is allowed to be used even by expectant mothers during pregnancy.


An interesting ointment intended for external use. It copes with the task quite effectively and also belongs to the category of safe. Comments about this product are often positive because it applies easily to the surface and is quickly absorbed.

Moreover, if the composition gets on healthy areas of the skin, absolutely nothing terrible will happen. The only thing that consumers are not entirely satisfied with is the maximum course of therapy. It lasts only three weeks, and for some people this is not enough to completely get rid of the rash.


The fifth position in the ranking is occupied by a product that is prescribed by doctors in the event of particularly severe situations of acne.

Among the main advantages, the following points should be noted: the inability of the drug to cause addiction to the body, rapid penetration of the active ingredients into the deep layers of the epidermis, therapeutic effects specifically in areas of inflammation, accelerated healing of ulcers.

As for the negative qualities, the only thing that stands out among them is the possibility of completely eliminating dermatitis with the help of this remedy only in combination with another antibiotic.

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