Ekaterina Kolesnichenko divorced, but remained happy: the new life of the ex-participant of “House-2”

Former participant in the reality show “Dom-2” Katya Kolisnichenko married businessman Alexei Solodovnikov two years ago. Soon the couple had a son, Savva. From the outside, the couple's relationship seemed ideal. On her personal page on the social network, Katya regularly addressed her husband with public declarations of love. Last August, the star talked about moving to a luxurious three-story country mansion. Therefore, recent events came as a complete surprise to fans of the couple.

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Post by Dom2NaBiz (@dom2nabiz)

“There is a split in my family. Savva and I are moving! I have already rented an apartment for us in St. Petersburg,” Kolisnichenko said in her personal microblog. Answering anxious questions from subscribers, Katya confirmed that she would live in the Northern capital only with her son. The star chose to remain silent about the reasons for breaking up with her chosen one. It is quite possible that the time has not yet come for frank confessions.

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The young daughter of politician Boris Nemtsov also did not immediately decide to have an open conversation in the public space. Let us remember that the girl got married after graduating from school. Dina's chosen one was classmate Dmitry Matevosov. The lovers studied at school together and dated for three years. After graduation they continued their studies. Dmitry entered the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics at Moscow State University, and Dina became a student at the British Higher School of Design.

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Publication from Dina Nemtsova (@dinanemtsova_)

Dmitry and Dina got married last summer. After a while, they repeated their marriage vows in front of the altar. But two months after the wedding, the girl realized that this family union was a mistake. In May, she announced a divorce, specifying that she remained in a neutral relationship with her ex-husband. Dmitry remained silent for a long time, but the other day he decided to share his point of view on the breakup.

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Publication from Dina Nemtsova (@dinanemtsova_)

“Yes, Dina and I divorced. Why? Like everyone else: it didn’t match, it didn’t work out, and so on. But it’s good that they realized it quickly. More precisely, she understood, and I simply agreed, which I don’t regret one bit. She and I really turned out to be very different and with very different views on the institution of family. What’s most interesting is that neither my friends, nor my family, nor I could understand the real reason, and they didn’t care. That is, there are many small factors that led to divorce. We all accepted them, but, frankly speaking, they are not tempting to divorce, although at that age they may be tempting. I will say this: 240 days of marriage were good, two days were bad. 2/240 is less than one percent. So, everything is super,” starhit.ru quotes Nemtsova’s former boyfriend.

Cover photo: instagram.com/kolisnichenko_official/

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Outside the perimeter

First of all, Katya went on vacation to Egypt with her friend from the project. They decided to “have a blast” and have short-term holiday romances. As a friend later said, Ekaterina Kolesnichenko practically did not appear in the room, as she started a relationship with a man.

Katya said that this is a married man and he has two children. She, of course, was asked relevant questions about the continuation of the romance, to which the girl answered: the relationship was serious, they fell in love with each other, he promised to divorce and marry Katya.

All the girl’s fans began to wait for news about the wedding, but they never received it. It turned out that the lovers had not met for a long time.

Then Kolesnichenko had another affair, from which they expected a happier continuation than from the previous one, but even here the young and interesting girl did not become a bride and wife.

Show "Dom-2"

After leaving the stage, the girls soon missed the admiring glances of their fans. This is how Katya and Yulia ended up at the casting of the show “Dom-2”. The bright twins were noticed, and already on September 3, 2010, the Kolisnichenko sisters found themselves on the set of a television production. In the perimeter (as the show participants call the fenced area where filming and the life of the “household members” take place), the girls quickly felt like fish in water.

Katya Kolisnichenko in the show “Dom-2”

Moreover, the assertive brunettes tried to restore order in the house, intriguing and pitting other participants against each other. Katya and Yulia quickly gained the reputation of being the most bitchy and scandalous beauties. Oddly enough, this fact only increased the audience’s interest in the Kolisnichenko sisters, thereby increasing the girls’ ratings.

Katya did not forget about relationships. At first, the girl and her sister showed signs of attention to show participant Evgeniy Pynzar, but soon another young man, Denis Lysenko, captured Ekaterina’s heart. A month later the couple broke up. Denis insisted on this.

Katya Kolisnichenko and Denis Lysenko

Katya Kolisnichenko did not despair, continuing to wait for the prince. According to the girl, the man of her dreams should not only be handsome and gallant, but also a good family man, for whom his wife and children are above all else. However, as often happens, Catherine did not fall in love with such an ideal gentleman. Kolisnichenko’s choice fell on a new participant in the television project - Philip Alekseev.

Katya Kolisnichenko and Philip Alekseev

Philip turned out to be a classic “bad guy”: the man often gave vent to anger and emotions, shouted at Katya, broke the girl’s things and even repeatedly beat the fragile beauty. Surprisingly, at first Katya Kolisnichenko even liked this state of affairs. The girl admitted that she finds taste in life like on a volcano. However, Ekaterina’s patience did not last long: after another loud scandal, Kolisnichenko took her things and returned to the clearing from the city apartment where she lived with Alekseev.

Katya Kolisnichenko and Oleg Miami

The girls were not happy about Katya moving back to the perimeter, because Kolisnichenko often allowed herself insults and provocations towards others. However, the hot-tempered brunette’s attention soon turned to a new relationship. Ekaterina began dating the charming Oleg Miami. Things were not easy in this relationship either. The couple broke up and then got back together, and viewers watched the constant squabbles, jealousy and provocations of the young people.

Katya Kolisnichenko and Yulia Kolisnichenko

After some time, unable to withstand the intensity of passions, the young people separated. Katya mainly devoted the last months spent on the project to her sister Yulia, who by that time had married Tigran Salibekov and was awaiting the birth of her first child. Katya helped her sister as best she could, settling in a city apartment with the Salibekovs.

In 2013, Katya Kolisnichenko left the TV show, saying that she had found love outside the perimeter. Who turned out to be Catherine's chosen one at that moment, and whether he really was, one can only guess, but soon the girl again devoted herself to helping her sister and newborn nephew, who was given the name Roland.

Meeting with Nikita

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko’s future husband, DJ Nikita Kopelyush, is a successful guy who works in nightclubs. They immediately found a common language with Katya, because the girl is also a DJ.

The couple began a relationship, Katya constantly posted photos together on the Internet. Many decided not to comment on the girl’s new relationship, as they did not expect this romance to end successfully.

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko assured that this time everything would work out! She talked about how good, kind, handsome, decent, attentive and simply wonderful Nikita is.

Nikita also commented on his romance with Katya as serious. The young people spent a lot of time together and did their favorite work.

Childhood and youth

Katya Kolisnichenko was born on April 9, 1988 in sunny Krasnodar. The girl's father left the family almost immediately after the birth of the twins, leaving his wife with three children (Katya has an older brother, Vladislav). From early childhood, the biography of Katya Kolisnichenko, the future star of “Dom-2”, took place in the company of her sister. The girls were always close: they learned to play the flute and clarinet together at a music school, and together they went on stage with the Kuban Choir.

Katya Kolisnichenko in childhood

The beauties admit that, when they were little, they often quarreled and even fought, but by school age they became inseparable. The stage career initially turned out to be successful: the girls became the leading duet, and also earned the honor of performing three solo numbers.

Katya Kolisnichenko with her sister Yulia

But, unfortunately, they did not find a common language with the management of the group: according to Katya, the young performers were not satisfied with the salary, which did not correspond to their talent and efforts. So the Kolisnichenko sisters ended up in a restaurant, the girls had to work as waitresses. The hardships did not end there - the girls’ mother died shortly before, leaving them in the care of their grandmother.

News of the wedding

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko posted the news on her social network page that she and Nikita were going to get married. Fans, of course, were happy for the girl, but still waited for confirmation.

Katya didn’t have to wait long and with her next post she posted an image of two wedding rings. Friends began to wonder why they were ordinary, to which the girl replied: she and her future husband recognize old traditions, so they chose classic wedding rings without stones, engravings and other delights.

The young people hid information about when and where the wedding would take place for a long time, revealing it only literally a few days before the event.

Personal life

The first damn thing is lumpy. Ekaterina and her sister turned their attention to Zhenya Pynzar. For some time they could not agree on who should stop in the battle for his heart. Soon Katya's interest faded, and she turned her attention to Denis Lysenko. The relationship did not work out; a month later the guy left Ekaterina.


Despite her bitchy character and flashy appearance, Katya is a very sincere girl; her personal life cannot be tied to the beauty of the expected prince. The man of her dreams must sincerely want to have children with his future wife. Apparently the girl matured quite early and is really looking for a relationship for life.

So Ekaterina gave her heart into the hands of a new participant in the show - Philip Alekseev.

And then the girl was unlucky. Despite the first impression, Philip turned out to be a very complex person. He constantly provoked conflicts, sometimes leading to assault. The girl did not tolerate such an attitude and immediately broke up with the violent man.

After so many breakups, the girl became completely uncontrollable; not a single conversation with her cohabitants ended in a pleasant direction. Fortunately, her attention suddenly switched to Oleg Miami. This was the last relationship of Ekaterina Kolesnichenko on the screen. The couple constantly argued and provoked each other. One got the impression of complete absurdity and pretense.

It is unlikely that they both wanted to build a serious relationship with each other. The remaining time on the project, Katya helped her sister raise their first child, having fulfilled her duty, she left the project. Already in 2013, Katya left House 2, declaring on her Instagram that she had found love outside the walls of the TV show and no longer wanted to put her life on public display. One can only guess about the veracity of the statements, because the girl again began to devote all her free time to her sister and her children.

Soon Ekaterina married the famous DJ, but their marriage collapsed after 3 years.

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko is divorcing her husband

The family life of the young couple went on as usual, they were happy and did not hide it. By constantly posting new photos, the young people confirmed their status as an ideal couple.

One day, fans began to pay attention to the fact that the girl spent too much time alone; therefore, she also posted photos without her husband.

Many began to assume that Ekaterina Kolesnichenko was divorcing her husband, and the girl’s account was filled with relevant questions.

Initially, Katya tried not to answer them or brushed them off, saying that everything was fine, just hard times, a crisis in the relationship.

This could not continue for long, and soon news appeared that Ekaterina Kolesnichenko had divorced. This upset many friends and people I knew. They wrote her words of consolation and asked about the reason for the separation. The girl was silent for a long time about what led them to break up, but one day she confessed.

What is the reason?

Katya admitted that everything was perfect with Nikita, except for the bed. He needed closeness constantly, but she did not. She said that one day she just realized that the romance was over, she just needed to lie on the couch in her pajamas, watching her favorite movie, and Nikita wouldn’t let her do that.

Katya said that she was tired of such a relationship and decided to let her husband go to a more active woman. Nikita supported this decision, and they went to file for divorce. After the couple received the divorce certificate, they remained on good friendly terms.

Is there life after divorce?

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko breathed freedom again! She said that her husband was against another plastic surgery. The girl had already enlarged her breasts and lips, but she also wanted to “make her buttocks bigger.” Nikita was against it, and after divorcing him, Katya almost immediately went to a plastic surgery clinic.

The girl took great care of her appearance and figure, and now again no one forbids her anything.

But she still began to worry that she could not start a family normally. So she came up with the idea of ​​visiting a psychic. Clean the aura, remove damage or whatever else is needed. A hereditary witch began to help her. The girl claims that the clairvoyant is really strong.

We hope that after all the witchcraft rituals, Ekaterina Kolesnichenko will get married successfully and have children, which she and Nikita did not have.

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