AFT rejuvenation: what is this procedure and how is it done

A technology called AFT is considered an improved method of photorejuvenation, since the principle of its “work” is tied to the effect of light rays on the skin. It is worth noting that rejuvenation in this way gives the best results and does not cause harm to the human body. The technology has been carefully developed by experienced scientists and covered in many scientific papers.

AFT rejuvenation

During the manipulations, a person does not feel absolutely any discomfort, since the effect occurs through a special technology that involves using the nozzle while moving. In this way, it is possible to correctly and evenly subject the necessary areas to treatment, without encountering burns and increased pigmentation in the future. Therefore, this rejuvenation technique does not require a huge amount of recovery time: the client can soon return to his favorite activities and even use decorative cosmetics.

This procedure does not cause discomfort

The essence of AFT rejuvenation:

  1. Time for procedure: half an hour.
  2. Course: 5 sessions.
  3. Repetition frequency: once every two weeks.

More about the principle of the procedure

Any representative of the fair sex wants to keep her appearance in great shape for a long time, but you can’t escape age. Women put a lot of effort into trying to restore youth to their skin, trying to give it smoothness and elasticity. A lot of money and nerves are spent on this, but it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect.

Some women even decide to consult a plastic surgeon, and this is a very radical measure. Any operation is risky both for health and appearance - sometimes the result of such an intervention is not at all what we would like.

Important ! And although the effect of “plastic surgery” is really impressive, it does not last a lifetime, so you have to constantly make corrections.

Experts recommend not to take unnecessary risks by going under the knife when you can turn to cosmetology. AFT technology is advanced and innovative, its impact provokes natural regenerative processes and activates natural potential.

AFT rejuvenation is a fairly effective procedure

Of course, many people do not want to undergo a procedure they know nothing about. Therefore, let's take a closer look at what AFL is. First, let's find out what are the features of aging of our skin.

In the space between the epidermal and dermal layers there are various cellular structures, a framework of collagen (it is made up of bundles of collagen and elastin threads). It is responsible for the adhesion of one layer to the second and takes part in normalizing the balance of water in the skin structures. When collagen proteins break down under the influence of negative environmental influences, fibroblasts produce them at a lower rate, while already dead collagen structures get stuck in the space between cells, preventing metabolic processes from working normally, disrupting the functioning of cells. The result of this is the following:

  • skin suffers from wrinkles;
  • the skin itself dries out and sags;
  • stars of blood vessels and vascular networks are formed;
  • complexion becomes unhealthy;
  • Unsightly pigment spots appear.

When collagen proteins actively break down, signs of aging appear on the skin.

Important fact ! The collagen molecule has an impressive size, as a result of which its passage through the epidermal layer to the dermal layer is impossible. Therefore, all creams containing collagen and their manufacturers who promise magical results are just an attempt to lure consumers.

Experts say that even if someone invented a cream that delivered collagen to the deep structures of the skin, the aging process would not stop, but, on the contrary, would become faster. This is explained by the fact that age-related skin changes are associated, for the most part, not with insufficient production of collagen, but with the fact that the body is unable to remove the old one.

Thus, it is always important to remember that in order to rejuvenate the skin, the problem must be approached comprehensively. Advanced AFT technology makes it possible to verify that in fact a person has great natural potential for maintaining youthful skin. The most important thing is to “launch” the necessary processes in a timely and correct manner.

AFT technology helps launch skin rejuvenation processes

Introduction and first procedure

Women's magazines regularly publish news about high-tech procedures and advances in anti-aging techniques. But immediately after such a text, as a rule, there is an interview with some ... twenty-year-old and smooth, like a watermelon, celebrity who tells us how yoga, love and healthy laughter are beneficial for the skin. After which she will certainly mention how much she loves her wrinkles, which are absent due to regular meetings with a cosmetologist and plastic surgeon.

I was lucky with my partner in the experiment; we both look critically at ourselves in the mirror and are not afraid to tell the truth about ourselves.

New generation photorejuvenation

The AFT technique is considered to be the most advanced form of photorejuvenation - the principle of its action is also related to the influence of light rays on the skin. It is worth noting that the procedure we are considering gives better results than photorejuvenation, and it is also much safer for humans, since experts modified it based on existing scientific works.

When using AFT technology, rays of light that are not able to have the desired effect are transferred to the useful spectrum and can be used for various purposes. Due to this, the light flux becomes much denser, it penetrates better into tissue structures. Thanks to this feature, the manipulations are not dangerous, the results are pleasing, and the number of repeat procedures is reduced.

This procedure is not at all dangerous to the human body.

Important ! During the event, the client does not feel severe pain or discomfort. This is possible thanks to an advanced technology called InMotion, which means the attachment works in motion. In this way, the specialist makes the most efficient use of light energy, which is carefully and portionedly supplied to the tissue, without causing burns or increased pigmentation. Also, the latest technology does not require long-term rehabilitation from clients; they can immediately return to their usual pace of life and use cosmetics.

The procedure using AFT technology is suitable for any skin type. Special equipment allows regulation of the depth, strength and duration of light radiation. In general, one procedure takes from 15 to 40 minutes. The number of required repetitions is reported by the cosmetologist after an individual consultation. Good results can be noticed immediately after the first procedure.

Results can be seen after the first procedure

At the moment, photorejuvenation has come into use in cosmetology as a correction of facial and static wrinkles on the forehead, near the eyes and mouth, in the space between the eyebrows, to get rid of “crow’s feet”, ptosis, as well as to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

It is also advisable to use this technique when:

  • increased pigmentation;
  • manifestations of rosacea;
  • spider veins;
  • wide pores.

During the procedure, a person may feel warmth in the treatment area, but there is no severe pain or noticeable burning sensation. It follows from this that there is no need for preliminary anesthesia.

Important ! Rehabilitation proceeds calmly, without any complex additional manipulations.

Rehabilitation after the procedure is quick and does not require any additional manipulations.

When the procedure is over, you can observe redness and swelling on the skin - there is no need to worry, this is an adequate reaction to influences of this kind. If the redness is too severe, it is recommended to treat the skin with a cream containing panthenol - this substance enhances the restoration of the upper layer of the skin. Experts also strongly advise covering treated skin with sunscreen for at least a couple of weeks.

Light AFT therapy is an absolutely safe and comfortable procedure, but, of course, it has contraindications. If you have anything from the list below, then it is better to postpone the event or abandon it altogether. So, the contraindications are as follows:

  1. Gestation period
  2. Recent tan
  3. Use of drugs that increase sensitivity to light
  4. High sensitivity to light
  5. Inflammation in the acute phase
  6. Cancers
  7. Systemic diseases

The procedure has contraindications

Key differences of AFT rejuvenation technology

Firstly, the AFT nozzle uses a unique fluorescent filter system that converts unused short-wave and ultraviolet radiation into visible radiation 570-950 nm. Such a transformation of radiation from the “unused” part of the spectrum into the “useful” visible part of the radiation spectrum makes it possible to enhance and increase the effect of penetrating radiation without directly increasing the power. This technology is the safest and does not cause side effects.

The second technology is Equally Distributed Fluence (EDF) - evenly distributed radiation. This means the use of a rectangular pulse, without sharp peak energy values, while the EDF pulse, unlike IPL, has a lower energy level, but due to its longer duration, it transfers into the skin sufficient energy to perform a therapeutic effect.

Thus, a sufficient level of energy is delivered to achieve the effect of the procedure, but more effectively and safely. This reduces the risk of complications and unwanted effects. This unique technology guarantees safety and allows gentle treatment even on dark skin or very light skin prone to burns.

The third technology that makes the procedure absolutely comfortable is IN-Motion technology (“In Motion”). Unlike the IPL system, in which the doctor, when performing the procedure, applies the nozzle in turn to each treated area of ​​skin, AFT rejuvenation , thanks to IN-Motion technology, is performed in motion. Thanks to this, light energy is distributed evenly and rejuvenates every centimeter of your skin!

Due to the above innovative developments, AFT technologies significantly surpass photo technologies in the following parameters:

1. Painlessness of the procedure: compared to phototherapy, AFT therapy is much better tolerated by patients

2. Number of procedures: to achieve the desired effect, the number of procedures compared to phototherapy is reduced by 2 times. For example, for skin whitening, on average, 2-3 AFT procedures are performed, while phototherapy involves a course of at least 7-8 times.

3. There are practically no adverse skin reactions with APT, while phototherapy requires more careful selection of patients and is only suitable for certain skin types.

The effects of APT therapy are determined by chromophores - substances that can absorb light energy in various ranges and provide one or another effect of the procedure.

Melanin - whitening effect, removal of pigmentation

Hemoglobin - treatment of rosacea, gluing of small vessels, treatment of post-inflammatory congestive spots

Propionibacterium acne - treatment of acne and rosacea, normalization of sebum secretion

Alma Lasers Harmony XL

Laser equipment Alma Lasers Harmony XL allows you to correctly resolve a huge range of differentiated problems. It is quite possible to correct existing problems in a short time and get a good result. It is suitable for solving the following problems:

  • skin rejuvenation, which involves correcting complexion and improving skin health in general;
  • getting rid of the problem of wide blood vessels and increased pigmentation;
  • tattoo removal;
  • correction of rosacea, post-acne;
  • carbon peeling.

Alma Lasers Harmony XL

Important ! This equipment can be used on any part of the body; skin type is also not a limitation.

Why Alma Lasers?

Alma Lasers is a manufacturer from Israel, recognized as one of the best around the world. His developments in the beauty sector are currently used in more than forty countries. Even competing companies recognize the superiority of this manufacturer and buy various patents from Alma Lasers.

Harmony XL is a top seller around the world, from which we can conclude that this equipment gives excellent results and does not pose a danger to humans. The beneficial combination of a good effect and a gentle effect on the skin makes the technology so in demand in the beauty industry.

With the help of such a device you can quickly and without discomfort achieve the desired results.

Rejuvenation using AFT technology

AFT is a patented technology, thanks to which specialists make maximum use of the potential of light energy. The result of the manipulations is an ideal skin tone, a complete absence of pigmentation and various types of blemishes. The skin itself becomes healthier, it looks smooth and beautiful. Another pleasant advantage is the cooling system installed in the nozzle. This allows you to reduce pain to a minimum.

Having carefully studied this hardware and examined it comprehensively, you can identify the most significant advantages:

  1. The specificity of the equipment allows fairly large areas to be treated in a short period of time.
  2. During one procedure, you can combine several different methods of influencing the skin, as a result of which it takes less time to correct problems.
  3. A wide range of settings allows you to orient the procedure individually, adjusting it to the characteristics of a particular client.
  4. After the manipulations there is no need to recover for a long time, there are no unpleasant side effects, the pain is either minimal or not felt at all.

There are no unpleasant side effects after the procedure

Important ! Only the Harmony XL Pro hardware has such a self-cooling emitter, while the rest of the equipment requires the use of only an external cold source.

The named device is an excellent purchase for any cosmetology clinic. A wide range of possibilities helps to deal with many problems that bother the client in a short period of time, without pain. The result is surprising!

AFT rejuvenation

The procedure is carried out using a unique new generation device, created using innovative AFT technology (Advanced Fluorescence Technology), which allows you to effectively solve a wide range of aesthetic problems: violation of the skin structure, decreased tone, deep pigmentation, vascular disorders, vellus hair removal. The AFT rejuvenation method is based on the use of high-intensity light sources, which make it possible to have a comprehensive effect on all layers of the skin, including collagen and connective tissue, without destroying the epidermis. AFT technology and customizable operating modes allow skin rejuvenation and tightening procedures to be carried out with maximum efficiency.

During the procedure, the device emits a light flux that locally affects the selected area of ​​the face to a given depth. Penetrating into the tissue, the light causes a strong but comfortable heating of the dermis without damaging the epidermis, due to which old collagen is eliminated and new collagen is produced. It is collagen that makes our skin elastic, radiant and eternally youthful.

During the procedure, the patient does not experience discomfort, thanks to the IN-Motion™ technology (in motion), the nozzle moves continuously, and the light energy on the treated area is distributed evenly, without the risk of overheating, burns or unwanted pigmentation. When using new technology, facial skin rejuvenation does not require a long rehabilitation period from the patient. After the procedure, you can immediately use cosmetics and return to your normal lifestyle.

How does facial rejuvenation occur without surgery using AFT technology?

An AFT rejuvenation session lasts approximately 30 minutes, during which the doctor, using a movable nozzle, directs uniform light streams to different areas of the facial skin. Under the influence of a light flux from rays with wavelengths that lie in a certain interval, the collagen framework in the deep layers of the dermis is strengthened due to the spiral twisting of collagen and elastin threads. After several procedures in skin tissue:

  • metabolism improves (removal of old collagen and substances formed as a result of the activity of other cells),
  • collagen synthesis starts
  • the skin's water balance is restored.

After several sessions of regular exposure to light flux on deep-lying skin tissues, the following effect is achieved:

  • facial contours are tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out and pores are narrowed;
  • small vessels are soldered together, which leads to the complete disappearance of the vascular network;
  • unwanted pigmentation completely disappears;
  • skin turgor increases;
  • metabolism in the tissues of the dermis and epidermis is normalized, due to which the skin becomes smoother, softer and more elastic;
  • During the procedure (additional option), vellus hair is removed.

You can get more detailed advice by making an appointment at the dermato-cosmetology department of our Clinic.

Results from AFL

Correction of increased pigmentation

This procedure shows the best results in solving this problem. If the pigmentation is fresh, the effect is noticeable after the first exposure, but if the problem has been with you for a long time, then AFT technology may not give the desired result, and it will have to be combined with other procedures.

AFT eliminates increased pigmentation

Narrowing pores, getting rid of acne

The impact of AFT therapy allows you to narrow pores and get rid of acne, as sebum production is corrected and skin oiliness is regulated. Before carrying out this procedure, it is best to cleanse your face.

Important ! Another technology we are considering allows you to cope with acne marks.

Treatment of rosacea

Cuperosis is a real problem in cosmetology. To correct this deficiency you will need from 3 to 6 events. AFT has a positive effect on blood vessels, normalizes complexion, and eliminates redness. But in order for the result to last for a long time, you need to follow the recommendations of a cosmetologist and control your lifestyle.

Using AFT technology you can also get rid of rosacea


Immediately after the manipulations, the skin looks radiant, its color becomes natural and even, pores return to normal size, and various age-related defects are corrected.

Important ! The best result is obtained if you complete a course of at least 5 procedures (with a break of a month).

Photos before and after

Photos before and after the course of AFT rejuvenation procedures No. 1

Photos before and after the course of AFT rejuvenation procedures No. 2

Photos before and after the course of AFT rejuvenation procedures No. 3

Cost of the procedure

We will indicate the approximate cost of the AFT rejuvenation procedure in different cities of Russia.

CityCost of one procedure (when treating one area)
Moscow4800 rub.
Saint Petersburg3900 rub.
Voronezh3600 rub.
Barnaul4000 rub.
Murmansk3600 rub.
Nizhny Novgorod3200 rub.
Vladivostok3900 rub.


Daria, Moscow

“I recently learned about AFT rejuvenation, but this method immediately interested me. A cosmetologist, with whom I usually perform various anti-aging procedures, told me about it.

I liked the effect! It didn’t appear right away, but I was ready for it. Of course, you shouldn’t expect super-drastic changes - they will be soft, gradual. But this is probably the beauty of the method, that you seem to imperceptibly become younger and younger, the changes are not very noticeable. I recommend!"

There are few reviews about this procedure yet, but they are mostly positive.

Vladislav, Nizhny Novgorod

“I have already taken AFT rejuvenation courses several times. I don’t have any severe problems yet, so it helps me – it eliminates pigmentation and tightens pores. In general, facial skin begins to look fresher and more beautiful. I like it. I don’t know whether it will be so effective when age-related changes become more pronounced, but so far I’m happy with everything.”

Technique of hardware procedure AFT-rejuvenation

During an AFT rejuvenation session, a unique delicate gliding technology (In-Motion) is used. The entire procedure is carried out in motion. The doctor glides the handpiece over the surface of your skin, evenly distributing the photo-radiation energy and thus rejuvenating every centimeter!

The maneuverability of the manipulator attachment and its compact size make it possible to treat “hard-to-reach areas (for conventional photorejuvenation)”: effectively remove blood vessels and narrow pores on the wings of the nose, eliminate unwanted pigmentation above the upper lip, etc.

The maximum result is achieved by course treatment. Typically 4-6 sessions are required at intervals of 3-4 weeks. If desired, the AFT rejuvenation course can be repeated once a year.

Let's sum it up

AFT rejuvenation is a relatively new procedure, so few people know about it. The thing is that this is an improved version of photorejuvenation. This technique has many more advantages: for example, it is painless, the effect appears quickly, and with its help you can get rid of various problems.

Despite the fact that this procedure does not have many contraindications, it is still worth consulting with a doctor first. This guarantees the excellent result that is initially expected.

Two ages, two starting points - a common experiment and a beautiful result!

Botox, biorevitalization, AFT-rejuvenation, contour plastic surgery: look for answers to questions that are important to you.
Today we are starting a story about how you can look beautiful and young at any age.

The topic of age—or rather, aging—is one of the most difficult. Fortunately, I belong to the generation that is already easily trying on the innovations of aesthetic medicine. But many of my friends are still ashamed of this. Our parents belong to the generation that believes that actively fighting with age is wrong. This is a stalemate; there is no need to be ashamed of your wrinkles or the procedures that remove them.

There is no shame in growing old; it is a shame to pretend that you only use baby cream and secretly run to a cosmetologist as if to a lover. As proof of this, the second heroine of our joint story is an amazing woman who, despite everything, risked changing her appearance...

She and I are of different ages, we belong to different generations, but we have the same starting point: we both discovered the world of serious aesthetic medicine two years ago at the Clinic on Komarova.

And now the story itself

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