Exercises after abdominoplasty: how to return to sports without loss

What does charm look like after abdominoplasty, its types

Scar formation after abdominoplasty occurs in several stages. During the first week, the incision site will turn purple and swelling may occur. Then, within a month, the scar itself forms, tissue is replaced and the damaged area becomes lighter.

The process is completely completed after a year and a clearly visible rough scar appears. Only then can its type be determined.

The following types of scars after abdominoplasty are distinguished:

  1. Normotrophic scar. The best possible option. A flat, thin scar with smooth edges, which is practically the same in color and touch. Sensitivity is maintained at the incision site.
  2. Atrophic scar. This is a light-colored, slightly elastic scar that forms due to slow collagen synthesis. No sensitivity.
  3. Hypertrophic scar. May appear due to inflammatory processes and sprains during healing. Due to the synthesis of excess connective tissue, a reddish or pinkish scar with jagged edges is formed.
  4. Keloid scar. Such a scar does not look aesthetically pleasing and is considered a defect. It is painful and can cause burning and itching. Tends to grow, affecting not only the affected area, but also the healthy part of the skin.

Only after the final formation and determination of the type of scar is the question of the need to eliminate it resolved. Much depends on the appearance of the scar. If it does not cause discomfort and is almost unnoticeable, then it is left as is.

Who is a good candidate for abdominoplasty?

Good candidates for a tummy tuck will be those people who have excessive excess skin, loose muscles and some excess fat. This often happens after pregnancy. And it is advisable that after this, the woman does not plan to become pregnant again for several years. Since this can ruin the result, and the whole procedure will ultimately be useless. Thus, the best patients for this surgery are those whose weight is within 20% of their ideal body weight. Other good candidates are patients who have had significant weight loss, resulting in sagging skin that is difficult to get rid of.

How to remove a scar after abdominoplasty?

If the scar is not aesthetically pleasing or causes significant discomfort, measures to reduce it may be required. Many patients, long before the operation, are concerned about whether the scar can be removed after abdominoplasty. Sometimes fear of scars can lead to refusal of surgery.

Unfortunately, you can independently influence the formation of the scar only during the first year. After its formation, the use of ointments and other external agents has virtually no effect on the appearance. However, it is still possible to make adjustments.

Depending on the specific problem, the following measures can be applied:

  1. Surgical excision of excess scar tissue. Used for rough and thick scars. Doesn't completely eliminate the problem, but allows you to achieve a neater look. At the same time, the scar itself remains visible.
  2. Changing scar color using fractional laser. By sealing the capillaries adjacent to the scar, significant lightening of the area is achieved.
  3. Laser resurfacing and chemical peeling. Used to improve the appearance of a normal, neat seam.

It is impossible to completely eliminate a scar even with the help of surgery. If, after all the manipulations, the patient is not satisfied with the way his scar looks after abdominoplasty, you can resort to a colored tattoo. This solution will not only hide the formed scar, but also add an original note that emphasizes the corrected attractive shape. Call our New Technologies clinic and get a modern approach, consultation and treatment.

Exercises after abdominoplasty

Leading an active sports life, the restrictions after abdominoplasty seem excessive to many. However, you need to be clearly aware that starting training earlier than prescribed by your doctor can cause serious complications. The progressive movement from simple to complex will ensure systematic strengthening of tissues, eliminating the need to do a repeat abdominoplasty if the seams come apart. You should start sports training only under the supervision of an experienced trainer who clearly understands exactly what processes occur in the body after tummy tuck. For any changes in condition, you should immediately consult with the surgeon who performed the abdominoplasty. Sudden loads leading to excessive tension of the skin can provoke tissue rupture, the development of necrosis, the appearance of new edema, and hematomas.

On a note!

Strict adherence to the instructions of the attending physician and constant wearing of the bandage during the first months of rehabilitation will speed up the recovery process and reduce the risk of developing atypical scars.

Bandage is an important element of postoperative body recovery

Immediately after the surgeon completes the work after a classic abdominoplasty, the patient is put on a bandage before he recovers from anesthesia. A tight belt fixes the muscles and provides complete protection against overexertion during movement, bending or turning. After a week, instead of a belt, you can wear special high-waisted panties or a bodysuit.

Compression underwear is made of hygroscopic, anti-allergenic material that provides free access of air and quickly absorbs sweat. The structure of the fabric of the bandage guarantees regular soft massage when walking, which accelerates the disappearance of swelling and bruises. The bandage can be removed only after the scarring of the surgical incision has completely completed and the permission of the attending physician has been obtained.

Return to active training after abdominoplasty

A tummy tuck does not allow you to immediately return to your usual lifestyle, despite excellent physical fitness. The skin, muscles, and subcutaneous tissue are severely injured; recovery will take at least 2 months. At first, even for rest, a special pillow is used, placed under the knees, to minimize the tension of the skin at the site of the incisions. You can get up or lie down only with the support of medical staff or relatives.

Restoring physical activity in the first two weeks

Complete healing of the suture will require at least two months. The first knocks after tummy tuck are the hardest. Pain, bruising, and swelling cause not only physical inconvenience, but also significant emotional problems. The appearance after abdominoplasty is very unpresentable. To prepare in advance for how your body will look, immediately after emerging from anesthesia, look at the before and after photos of classic abdominoplasty in your portfolio. This will prepare you for reality and help you avoid serious stress.

The first week should mobilize all internal reserves, since you will have to actively fight the negative consequences of surgery. No matter how difficult it is to get up, you need to gradually increase the time you spend on your feet on the second or third day, moving 30-40 meters around the ward. The first serious sports victory during this period was independent, slow movement at a distance of up to 100 meters. You should not fall into euphoria from success and neglect the help of staff or relatives. If you experience any negative sensations in the area of ​​scarring sutures, immediately consult a plastic surgeon.

Two weeks after the recovery period has begun, if there are no complications and proper progress towards recovery, the doctor will give permission to increase the load. If before tummy tuck the patient was actively involved in sports, the muscle corset was in ideal condition, you can move forward. Walking is permitted for up to one kilometer in the park, with benches for rest along the entire route chosen for walking. You need to carefully monitor the state of your body, do not overexert yourself, and immediately stop moving if any discomfort or pain occurs.

Four weeks have passed since abdominoplasty

After a month, the doctor will allow trained athletes to begin more active training.

  • Walking can alternate between acceleration and mandatory periods of rest.
  • The trainer, after consultation with the attending physician, will give permission to exercise on an exercise bike or do a lying bicycle exercise.
  • If the abdominal muscles were not affected during abdominoplasty, you can increase the load by using dumbbells weighing up to 3 kg for exercises.
  • If there are no complications, you can start exercising on an elliptical, treadmill or exercise bike.

Do not forget that each person’s body has its own reserves of strength. If life was passive before plastic surgery, early training is dangerous to health, since the skin and muscle tissue are not adapted to additional stress.

Control line in the rehabilitation period is 3-4 months

This is the time when the doctor sees how successful the plastic surgery was, how the tissue is scarring, and how the body is recovering after a complex operation. After the examination, you can touch on the topic of the exact timing of the start of active training to restore your previous form. After two to three months, the plastic surgeon gives permission to begin aerobic training. You can start doing cardio exercises or jogging short distances. At this time, exercise in the pool, yoga, Pilates, and fitness are encouraged.

After four months, training to strengthen the abdominal muscle corset becomes available. You can use loads weighing up to three kilograms. Training should take place under the constant supervision of an experienced specialist who is familiar with the fact that the athlete has recently undergone tummy tuck. With the most minor negative changes in the condition, you should immediately consult with the surgeon who performed the operation. Do not forget that for up to 2 months the bandage must protect the incision site from additional forces.

Six months after tummy tuck

Patients are allowed to fully engage in sports, excluding team games, where there is a high probability of strong blows to the body. Training is carried out under the constant supervision of a trainer who is able to instantly respond to any changes in the athlete’s condition. The individual training program must be agreed upon with the attending physician. An athlete, no matter how prepared he was before plastic surgery, must realize that he has to start all over again.

  • Sports loads when using exercise machines begin with the smallest indicators. By increasing the weight of the load, the number of approaches is reduced.
  • While pumping your abs, carefully monitor your well-being. If discomfort or pain appears, the training is stopped immediately. If your condition does not improve after rest, consult your doctor immediately.
  • There is a direct dependence on the speed of recovery of the body on the chosen abdominoplasty technique. After minimally invasive surgeries, rehabilitation takes less time.

Don't rely on other tummy tuck patients. Each person's body responds individually to such operations. Much depends on the initial state of the body, professional sports training, and other factors. Only the attending physician can determine how effectively tissue regeneration processes are proceeding and when you can begin the active phase of training.

Preoperative preparation for abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty is a complex operation for which preparation is necessary. Most plastic surgeries affect only superficial tissues: skin, subcutaneous fat, and with abdominoplasty the trauma occurs a little deeper. But this operation solves problems that diet and exercise cannot solve.

Most often, abdominoplasty is aimed at eliminating problems associated with the anterior abdominal wall. In most cases, they occur after childbirth and pregnancy. These include: the presence of excess skin or excess subcutaneous fat deposits along with the skin, disorders and changes in the umbilical ring, diastasis. The inelasticity of the aponeurosis and other structures that do not contract after childbirth creates roundness, weakness of the umbilical ring, stretching and protrusion.

Preparation for surgery begins with a complete medical examination:

  • tests: clinical blood test, general urine test, biochemical blood test, blood test for syphilis and HIV, coagulogram, Australian antigen HBS, HCV (hepatitis B, C), blood group and Rh factor;
  • ECG;
  • fluorography;
  • examination by a therapist and obtaining his conclusion;
  • examinations of specialized specialists who see the patient.

All these procedures are necessary to eliminate contraindications, as well as to obtain a complete picture of the patient’s health status. Since surgery is a stressful situation for the body, during it weak points can make themselves felt.

The importance of preparing for abdominoplasty is also due to the fact that relaxed muscles and a stretched aponeurosis affect the position of the internal organs. If the patient has a large diastasis, then sudden changes in the position of the internal organs and pressure in the abdominal cavity can be difficult to tolerate. Therefore, when preparing for tummy tuck, you need to wear a bandage that tightens the anterior abdominal wall and simulates the postoperative condition. This allows the body to get used to the changed pressure, and the abdominal organs and diaphragm to gradually change their position. Patients who are not overweight may not need to wear a bandage in preparation for surgery.

It is important to understand that not everyone has an indication for abdominoplasty. For example, with obesity of the android type, which men are more often prone to, the roundness and tension of the abdomen is associated with visceral (internal) fat. Since plastic surgery is plastic surgery of superficial tissues, it will not help in this case. First, the patient needs to lose weight through diet and exercise. And only after this, if the anterior abdominal wall sag and the skin does not shrink, is abdominoplasty indicated.

Are there alternatives to a tummy tuck that are just as effective without anesthesia?

Many see liposuction as an alternative. However, there are several significant “buts” in this matter. In modern plastic surgery, it is possible to tighten muscles and remove excess excess skin only with the help of abdominoplasty. Liposuction can only remove some excess fat, and how the skin shrinks after this depends on each individual patient. There are also several non-invasive skin tightening methods - laser and ultrasound, which are performed without general anesthesia. However, when it comes to large amounts of sagging skin, these procedures may not be effective. Abdominoplasty can significantly narrow the waist and flatten the abdomen, while liposuction will only remove a small amount of volume from the sides and abdomen resulting from excess fat.

You can learn more about abdominoplasty in the “Tummy Tuck” section.


  • constantly wear a special support belt, which promotes rapid wound healing and prevents fluid accumulation;
  • Eat a balanced diet, excluding foods and drinks that can cause excessive gas formation in the intestines. Also, for seven days after, you should not eat sweet foods;
  • It is not advisable to smoke and drink alcoholic beverages;
  • From the 6th day after surgery, you can shower, excluding any impact on the suture area. After water procedures, the seams can be blotted with a towel;
  • During the postoperative period, you will be observed by your attending physician for at least 14 days. At this time, it is necessary to stay in the city so that you can contact a plastic surgeon if you have the slightest discomfort, severe pain or burning in the operated area.
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