pregnancy after abdominoplasty

Samir Sedyshev reviews are bad

In addition to the well-known names of Professor Sergei Blokhin, Irina Khrustaleva or, for example, the chief freelance plastic surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Natalya Manturova, there are other specialists who are very popular among those who want to change their appearance. Often these are not gray-haired doctors, but relatively young doctors whose experience may not be more than 10 years.

Samir Hassanovich Sedyshev is one of the plastic surgeons who offers a comprehensive body transformation for mothers. His clinic has a similar name - “MAMAplastic”. But the doctor also performs other operations, after which patients leave reviews about the doctor’s work. Did the surgeon leave a positive or negative impression? Are there any bad reviews about his work? Find out about it today.

Scientist and innovator

Samir Sedyshev received his higher education at the Moscow Medical Academy named after. Sechenov at the Faculty of Medicine. This was followed by internship and residency in surgery, and subsequently the doctor decided to undergo professional retraining in plastic surgery. He did not stop there and additionally completed retraining courses in healthcare organization.

Can Dr. Sedyshev’s methods really be called innovative? We are waiting for your comments!

Samir Hassanovich was interested not only in the practical nuances of the profession, but was also engaged in scientific work. In 2012 he defended his PhD thesis, and today he is the author of over 40 scientific papers published not only in Russian but also in foreign medical publications.

Operating since 2009, the plastic surgeon is today the chief physician and founder of . As stated on the website, the doctor is “the author of the innovative method of surgical transformation after childbirth MAMAplastic (analogous to the American Mommy Makeover).” Basically, Dr. Sedyshev performs complex surgery to correct the chest and abdomen, but also has the skills to perform liposuction, lipofilling, and intimate plastic surgery. You can also contact a plastic surgeon for repeat operations after unsuccessful primary corrections - his skills allow him to competently and successfully correct the most difficult cases. As the media write, the doctor also performs diagnostic operations, some of which have no analogues in the world.

What do they write?

There have been no star patients among the plastic surgeon’s clients yet, but given the number of “before and after” photographs published, the doctor has a fairly large audience. It is logical that the number of positive reviews strengthens. Satisfied with the results of the complex operation, women are happy to return to their previous, prenatal figure.

Young mothers praise the surgeon who created for them the beautiful shapes they lost due to pregnancy and childbirth. Women are ready to fill out A4 sheets in order to fully convey their emotions from the transformation. Patients and simply subscribers leave comments on the doctor’s page on the social network:

  • “The jewelry work of Samir Khasanovich is, in principle, like everything else. Perfect",
  • “Masterpiece! Master from God!
  • “Your honesty and openness are so rare nowadays, especially among surgeons,”
  • “You are a very good and kind doctor. (Your patient)",
  • “You are truly a Professional in your field, in every sense, it is very rare now to find this among doctors, especially in the beauty industry! I respect you very much!!! I watch all your works and every time I simply admire!!!” and etc.

True, after sitting on the forums, you can often come across stories of women who are satisfied with the result of the operation with Dr. Sedyshev, but at the same time mentioned repeated corrections. After plastic surgery, patients had to see a doctor again to cope with any complications or simply undesirable phenomena. At the same time, the ladies themselves do not consider this moment an indicator of the poor quality of work of their plastic surgeon, who always met halfway and performed these interventions for free. Samir Hassanovich himself even published a post on this topic, where he emphasized that due to the complexity of the operation (often complex), one often has to deal with the need to make corrections:

“The specificity of my patients and their operations is the large volume and complexity of cases, so many operations are almost IMPOSSIBLE to perform 100% perfectly the first time. Due to the enormous total length of the seams, the breadth of tissue detachment and the complexity of the fabric cut. And it is the desire to bring everything to a situation close to ideal that dictates to me the need for corrections. In most cases, I offer them myself during the examination. For the patient it is free, he only pays for anesthesia... Most people see in corrections only mistakes, mistakes and some kind of fussy, guilty covering of tracks. I understand corrections as MY PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for the result and loyalty to the patient. This is the quality of work."

There is no limit to outrage

However, when searching for reviews in detail, you can also come across negative stories of communication with a plastic surgeon. Although there are literally a minimum of such reviews, some of them contain rather harsh assessments of the doctor’s work: “he disfigured the breasts,” “he made the breasts look bad”... After such words, doubts about the professionalism of the surgeon immediately arise.

True, the reviews were written at least last year, and in 2022 there are no negative mentions of the specialist. They do not contain photographs of the mammary glands that the doctor allegedly ruined, or documents proving the fact of visiting his clinic. Potential clients are faced with the question of whether they can trust such reviews, which may turn out to be real or fabricated, and whether the chosen specialist can be trusted.

In order not to torment yourself with doubts, you should directly ask your plastic surgeon about the veracity of published reviews. To protect yourself, you can also communicate with real patients of the doctor, who are ready to tell and show the results of his work by personal example.

intimate plastic surgery after childbirth

Sensory experience is the experience of oneself in the physical world. Without it, self-awareness is unthinkable. All sense organs are great human teachers, the use of which greatly determines, especially in the first three years of life, what kind of experience the child will develop of his own body and himself. He feels, smells, tastes with his whole being, experiencing the experience on a deep spiritual level. You've probably noticed how the baby's body plays, how he jumps for joy when something good happens, and how he shrinks when he's afraid or nervous. Therefore, concern for the harmonious development of all senses is of the utmost educational and pedagogical importance - the perception of the world, oneself and one’s self-awareness depends on what sensory perceptions a child experiences in early childhood. Steiner's teaching speaks of 12 senses, which are not divided, but represent a whole, a composition, a Cosmos, consisting of 12 parts. Just recently, people understood well how important the sense of touch is, because this is the very first feeling that a child experiences when coming into this world. Parents were more careful about how and what the child was wearing and what came into contact with his body. Infants used to be swaddled and wrapped in envelopes, which allowed the child to better feel the boundaries of his body, and not to twist his arms and legs in emptiness. Nowadays, even newly born babies are dressed in dresses, trousers, suits, as if they were already adults. Of course, caring more about his appearance, so that he would be beautifully and fashionably dressed. Many will say what is wrong here, but the fact is that sticking your arms and legs in the void is like wandering in the fog or looking into the dark. The lack of clear boundaries gives a feeling of uncertainty and loss of oneself in space. Roughly speaking, the sense of touch gives us the understanding that we are here and now in this world. But we use the sense of touch not only to be aware of our presence. We use it when we want to express intimacy. When a loved one or a child approaches us, we want to touch them. This is how we use this feeling in a completely intimate way. Novalis in his Fragments expressed it this way: “Touch is separation and union at the same time.” This is the secret of the universe. We come to the world from Space, where everything is one. And through the sense of touch, palpation, contact, we try to regain our understanding of this integrity, unity. Does the baby know where his body ends and his mother’s body begins? Does he know where his arm and leg are? He must slowly learn to recognize his limits. This happens through the sense of touch, with the help of which a person moves far in understanding the world and himself. Nutrition the senses - nutrition of the senses, became the leitmotif of Waldorf pedagogy. I would really like that more time and effort were devoted to understanding this process in upbringing than education and obtaining abstract knowledge, especially in the first seven years. How can you help to feel harmonious? Ask yourself when we do or offer something to a child. After all, there is a difference - touching the hand of a mother or a stranger, taking a breast or a bottle with a silicone nipple. And how wonderful it is when a mother or father comes into contact with the baby, caresses and strokes him. And think about the difference in sensations when a baby picks up a wooden toy, a piece of silk or a plastic toy. What sounds and colors surround him. Everything we offer as food for the senses is of great importance. Knowing this, you will never buy wallpaper with a huge number of hares or bears arranged in geometric proportions. Such a tasteless phantasmagoria does not exist in nature, therefore it is mute and dead. This cannot nourish, at best, it will simply spoil the taste. But it is much better to paint the wall in the nursery in calm translucent colors or glaze several colors, making the space airy and light. This applies to absolutely everything - food, clothing, toys, activities, books. I massaged my second and third children myself. Of course, many were wondering how it could be that a specialist was needed here. But I didn’t want the child to be touched by someone else’s hands, and the massage in the morning and evening with songs and pesters was just funny and very pleasant communication. By the way, there are a lot of nursery rhymes on our website in the Usefulness Section - download, print, play! I learned a lot from the Internet, books, and did some things by inspiration and feeling. But now I came across a very interesting project “Maternal Massage”, which I would like to share with you. Vimala McClure, founder of the International Association of Early Childhood Massage (IAIM), designed a unique combination and sequence of stroking, massage movements for babies up to one year old, developed methods for relieving colic and gas, based on her extensive research and vast experience, studying the principles of Indian and Swedish massage , yoga and reflexology. Vimala was also the first in the world to adapt a method of sensitive relaxation to babies, calling it “Touch relaxation”. This organization addresses its work to parents and those who want to help them discover touch as the first and most important interaction with a child, which unlocks the potential of both child and parent and changes the consciousness of our society.

By focusing purely on one task - to help parents establish loving contact with their child, the organization makes a much stronger contribution to the worldview of society - it develops the Human potential in us.

IAIM has its branches in 55 countries. Now parental massage is also available in Russia - a country of deep medical traditions, where massage is generally considered an activity for “specialists.”

We are accustomed to hearing that we, as parents, are good for nothing, that doctors must always be around the child, and we have completely forgotten about our innate potential - to love, raise, create and heal. This is absolutely in each of us. We must believe in ourselves and give the child what we are obliged to give him in accordance with the laws of nature - life, protection, nutrition and love. Isn't this the basis of happiness for a person?

All this experience can be found at special courses for training instructors in early maternal massage, which will be held in St. Petersburg from April 22 to 26. All details can be found here - Have a nice touch with your little ones!

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