Are mesothreads effective under the eyes, who is this procedure suitable for?

The female beauty industry is one of the most dynamically developing areas of modern cosmetology. After all, in order to preserve youth and attractiveness, ladies are ready to do literally anything.

It would seem that just recently cosmetologists for the first time offered representatives of the fair half of humanity a classic face lift using “anti-aging threads,” but now the time has come for “meso” type threads, which experts consider a real technological breakthrough in face lifting.

However, there are cosmetologists who are sure: reinforcing a woman’s face with mesothreads is fraught with various kinds of complications and has a lot of contraindications, which patients are not always aware of. Let's try to figure it out and weigh the pros and cons of this original procedure.

What it is

Thread lifting is a cosmetic method of restoring facial contours without surgery. Not only surgical, but also hardware manipulations are inferior, since long-term rehabilitation is not required, and side effects are rarely observed. Various materials are used to reinforce the face - gold, caprolac, lactic acid. For fixation on the threads, notches are provided, which are fixed in the tissues during implantation. After the mini-surgery, there are no scars or scars left.

Thread lifting is effective for the first age-related changes, as well as for displacement of the eyebrow line, the presence of a double chin, and jowls.

Note! For noticeable rejuvenation, one procedure is enough, the effect of which lasts from 2 to 7 years.

On what parts of the body are mesothreads used?

Mesothreads can be used on almost any area of ​​the face and body. Most often, threads are used to correct areas on the face. This is very convenient, since after inserting the thread, there are practically no traces of the manipulations performed on the skin. Less popular, but no less effective, are procedures performed on the body. Multiple problems with skin condition after strong physical changes in the body can be solved with the help of mesothreads. That is, resorting to radical surgical techniques is completely optional. Thread body lifting can quickly and efficiently correct the situation.

Materials for the procedure

The basis was polydioxanone, a material biocompatible with the skin that does not cause rejection by the body and is excreted on its own after 2–9 months. Implantation is carried out using special guide needles into the dermal layers of the eyelid area. The doctor chooses anesthesia depending on the type of threads. The depth of injection is determined individually and depends on the characteristics of the integument.

After installation, the threads are fixed using notches or springs, and the needle is removed. The implanted implants begin to actively synthesize collagen, which makes it possible to create a dense frame within a few months. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to get rid of puffiness, wrinkles, drooping eyelids, and achieve lifting of the arches; the result can be enjoyed for up to 2 years.

Let's look at the popular types of mesothreads next.


The correction is performed with one smooth thread. This type is universal - it is used not only on the face, but also on the body. The small diameter and absence of notches allows it to be used on areas with thin skin, including the eyelid area. There is no discomfort during reinforcement. Cost - 100 rubles. for 1 unit.


Otherwise called twins due to the weaving of several smooth threads into one. It has a correspondingly large diameter and strength, but its use is only advisable in areas with thick skin. Provides a pronounced lifting effect and lasts for a maximum period of time. Cost about 270 rubles. for 1 piece

Double screw

They are springs based on double clustered threads. For lifting, the ability of a spring to restore its original shape is used, which is what the implant does after installation under the skin. The tightening effect is used to correct drooping corners of the lips, eyelids, and eyebrows. Can be used alone or in combination with other types. The price varies from 150 to 300 rubles. for a unit.


The threads have microscopic notches along the entire length in the form of claws located in one direction. They are used to correct oval shapes with noticeable tissue displacements; tight fixation prevents further sagging of the skin. Quite painful implantation requires the use of anesthesia. Cost 500–700 per 1 piece.


Mesothreads are equipped with thin spikes directed in different directions, like the spines of a flower. Just like claws, they are used when there is strong tissue displacement, for a lasting, long-lasting lifting effect. Price about 500–700 rubles. for a unit.

Possible complications

A woman (or a man, it doesn’t matter) should not trust her face to someone unknown. In the name of youth, beauty and health, you need to look for a real professional in the field of mesothread insertion. It is imperative to check all documents, certificates for the procedure, as well as medications. Don’t be lazy to check the doctor’s qualifications.

One experienced cosmetologist, who has performed meso-lifting more than once, compared his work with the actions of a jeweler. He said in an interview that displacement of the mesothread in fabrics, even by a fraction of a millimeter, is fraught with an “accordion” comparable to an uneven seam from a dressmaker. And even when the threads in uneven “stitches” dissolve, micro but noticeable fibrosis remains.

If a cosmetic clinic or beauty salon has a website, it is worth taking a look at the design of the “Mesolifting” section. When European people are present there, the specialist’s practice is quite rich, and this is his “work”. But if only Korean women appear in the advertisement, we can conclude that the service is new and untested.

By the way, those who expect miraculous rejuvenation from mesothreads in the “minus 10 years” style will be disappointed. Rather, it is a supportive reinforcing procedure, suitable for relatively young and always well-groomed skin. And it is unlikely that it will be possible to “remake” a flabby, “long and firmly” aging face with the help of such a face lift.

In general, thread lifts do not work on loose skin. It is ideal for the middle and lower part of the face, but a face that is in good condition. Then the procedure will slightly lift the cheeks and slightly correct the facial oval as a whole. And if there are problems with pronounced nasolabial folds, deep wrinkles or sagging epidermis, then we can recommend anti-aging cocktails and gels (based on hyaluronic acid) for injections that have been tested for such problems.

The main thing that potential clients and clients need to understand is the need for a thoughtful decision regarding mesolifting and the obligation to consult about it with the attending doctor, as well as specialized specialists - a therapist, cosmetologist and dermatologist.

Indications for use

The procedure has limitations and is not recommended for patients under 27–28 years of age. A good effect is observed in the age group from 30 to 45 years, and is also used later in combination with invasive and hardware procedures.

Indications for:

  • crow's feet;
  • drooping upper eyelids;
  • swelling, bags under the eyes;
  • thinning, sagging skin;
  • protruding nasolacrimal groove;
  • signs of the formation of fatty hernias;
  • wrinkles around the eyes.

Important! Mesothreads for the periorbital area are ineffective in cases of pronounced age-related changes and proliferation of connective tissue.

Spiral mesothreads SCREW

SCREW mesothreads are also called spring mesothreads, as they have a twisted shape. The outer part of the mesothread wraps around the needle or cannula in a spiral. Regular screws have a smooth surface. Such mesothreads are used if it is necessary to achieve a strong lifting effect. The threads have shape memory, that is, when inserted into the tissue, the thread stretches and straightens, and under the skin it again forms a spiral, pulling the tissue in the desired direction. Spiral threads are mainly used in areas with increased facial expression and in areas with increased sagging skin.

Possible application:

  • In the area of ​​nasolabial folds
  • Neckline area
  • Skin correction on the forehead and eyebrows
  • Double chin

Is preparation necessary?

The procedure for reinforcement with threads is preceded by a consultation with a doctor. During the conversation, a complete medical history is collected, a survey is conducted about the presence of chronic diseases, allergic reactions, and general health.

You may need to undergo tests and consult specialists. At the preparation stage, the condition of the skin is assessed, the technique and material of the threads are selected.

Restrictions before the event:

  • Do not take medications for 2 weeks;
  • for a week you should not drink alcoholic beverages or smoke;
  • you cannot visit the sauna, solarium, swimming pool;
  • It is important to reduce physical activity and sports.

How does the procedure work?

The main condition for successful vector lifting is the choice of a trusted clinic and an experienced, qualified doctor. It is important to find out about the certification of materials; the packaging is opened only in front of the patient.

Stages of implementation:

  1. The skin is cleansed and treated with an antiseptic.
  2. Marking is carried out with a special marker to determine the insertion points of the implants.
  3. Depending on the choice of mesothreads, anesthesia is used; it can be in the form of an application or administered invasively. Necessary when using Cog, Rose, the reinforcement of which is painful.
  4. The thinnest needles of 27G and 30G are used, thanks to minimal punctures, it is possible to shorten the recovery period, avoid swelling and hematomas.
  5. The injection pattern is from the corner of the outer eye to the nasal passages diagonally. Vertical implants are also installed from the corner of the outer eye to the tip of the eyebrow. To tighten the drooping upper eyelid, they are installed along horizontal parallel lines on the bridge of the nose.
  6. The periorbital area will require from 10 to 20 threads, 5–10 on each side. The doctor can use different lengths to achieve a natural result.
  7. After fastening, the threads are fixed and the needles are removed.
  8. The skin is disinfected and soothing and restorative agents are applied to reduce swelling.

Double mesothreads DOUBLE ARM.

This type of mesothread has two needles that are incredibly flexible. The double needle technique allows you to thread the thread along the desired contour using just one puncture. This also minimizes vascular damage. The procedure when using these threads is less traumatic, while maintaining aesthetic efficiency and amazing results from the procedure. Double Arm threads are used mainly in these areas:

  • Nasolabial fold area
  • Submandibular zone
  • Oval of the face, line of the lower jaw

Healing period

After a vertical lift, edema and swelling of the periorbital area may be observed in the first days. There may be discomfort and even painful sensitivity. All symptoms go away on their own, the main thing is to follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Recovery period:

  • Hygiene procedures for the first 5 days are carried out using an antiseptic and sterile wipes, after which the skin is treated with Panthenol, Bepanten to speed up healing;
  • You should avoid decorative and caring cosmetics for a week, you should not touch your eyes with your hands, and if possible, protect from contact with any surfaces;
  • eat and drink only warm food and drinks;
  • for 2 weeks, sleep on your back, on a high pillow, it is important to keep the pillowcase clean, changing it daily;
  • You should limit your exposure to the open sun, you should not visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium, beach, you should use sunglasses for the first weeks;
  • It is not recommended to drink alcohol; smoking should also be avoided during the healing period;
  • limit physical activity, sports, postpone hardware procedures, facial massage.

The result is noticeable immediately, the material itself is absorbed within 2–9 months, during which time a dense collagen framework is formed. The effect lasts for 2 years, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of your skin to prolong the result. After its reduction, the procedure can be repeated.

Side effects

Mesothreads are a foreign object for the body, despite the fact that they are made of hypoallergenic material. Tissues react to this irritant, and adverse reactions occur.

Temporary unpleasant consequences of the procedure:

  1. Hematomas and pain at puncture sites.
  2. Lumpiness of the skin, bumps. The mesothreads take the correct position within 1-2 weeks, and during this period folds and thickening of the skin are observed. If they last longer, the string is not installed correctly. This mesothread is removed.
  3. Swelling. They are a natural reaction of the body to invasive intervention, but are more pronounced due to fluid retention in the tissues. For 7 days before and after the procedure, it is recommended to avoid everything that provokes swelling: fatty foods, pickles, excess sweets, alcohol.

A procedure with technology violations leads to the development of complications:

  • infections;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • lumps and bumps that persist for a long time.

If complications occur, the patient should consult a doctor.

Where is it done and how much does the procedure cost in Moscow?

The price of mesothreads is an order of magnitude lower than other types of materials, affordable cost and long-lasting effect are the main advantages of the procedure. Only a doctor can calculate it after consultation, assessment of the skin condition, and selection of the brand of threads. A consultation with a cosmetologist or dermatologist is paid separately - about 1,500 rubles.

Price per unit of mesothread:

  • linear - from 600 to 750 rubles;
  • springs - from 750 to 850 rubles;
  • braids - from 750 to 850 rubles;
  • with notches - from 1900 to 2500 rubles;
  • with spikes - from 2800 to 3700 rubles.


There are temporary and permanent limitations for correction with mesothreads. At the initial consultation, the doctor takes the patient’s medical history to rule out side effects and serious complications.


  • infectious diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • menstruation;
  • damage to the integrity of the integument;
  • postoperative period;
  • oncology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • intolerance to anesthetic drugs.

Important point! There is also an age limit for appointment. The procedure is not performed on patients under 30 years of age. There are other injection and hardware techniques that can improve the condition of young skin.


The correction rarely causes consequences or unforeseen side effects. Swelling, hematomas, and painful sensitivity disappear on their own in 2–7 days. But if the doctor’s qualifications or experience are insufficient, or if the patient violates the rules of the recovery period, undesirable effects may occur.

Complications after the procedure:

  • allergic reaction;
  • thread output;
  • folding and tuberosity in the installation area;
  • swelling;
  • hematomas.

In rare cases, inflammatory processes and migration of threads are possible. There is also the possibility of missing results. Each case of side effects should be considered individually. But the choice of clinic, quartz treatment before the procedure, sterility of instruments, cleansing and treatment of the skin are of decisive importance.

Comparison with other rejuvenation methods

The use of mesothreads is a worthy alternative to blepharoplasty, allowing you to achieve lasting rejuvenation in one procedure. But the method requires the professionalism and experience of a doctor; the slightest violation of the technique can lead to side effects. The optimal technique or anti-aging program is prescribed only by a cosmetologist, depending on the patient’s skin condition.

Mesotherapy. Cocktail injections are selected individually to solve specific aesthetic problems. The composition may contain vitamins, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, peptides. Injections are carried out in courses to improve the general condition of the skin and start regeneration processes. The procedure is effective up to 40 years, after which it is combined with hardware techniques.

Biorevitalization. An invasive method that allows you to replenish the deficiency of hyaluronic acid. Helps achieve elasticity and smooth out facial wrinkles. A safe way to prevent age-related changes.

Chemical peeling. It is based on low concentration lactic and trichloroacetic acid. It helps cope with pigmentation, dark circles, and swelling. It has a pronounced rejuvenating effect and is prescribed after 30 years.

Plasmolifting. The patient's plasma is used for injections. This method is optimal if you have allergic reactions to other components. As a result, it is possible to get rid of the network of wrinkles and improve the overall condition of the skin.

Botulinum therapy. The introduction of the toxin smooths out facial wrinkles, crow's feet, and corrects the eyebrow line. But the method is ineffective for swelling and pronounced drooping eyelids. Also, injections do not affect regeneration processes; they are often used in combination with vitamin cocktails.

Thermage. Hardware influence is carried out using waves of different frequencies. It is possible to get rid of puffiness, reduce the depth and number of wrinkles.

Oxygen-ozone therapy is based on the introduction of a special mixture that triggers renewal processes, restores vascular tone, and provides cell nutrition. As a result of the course, it is possible to reduce puffiness, dark circles under the eyes, remove crow's feet, and even out the relief.

Useful video

Watch this video about the complications and side effects of thread lifting:

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Advantages and disadvantages

Before the procedure, the doctor assesses the condition of the skin, as well as the feasibility of thread lifting. This is not a universal procedure, it has certain indications, and is not a panacea for the aging process. Before deciding on a mini-operation, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of the cosmetic method.


  • the procedure is suitable for all skin types;
  • short recovery period;
  • the result can be assessed immediately;
  • the effect lasts up to 2 years;
  • the material is not rejected by the body;
  • after biodegradation, the material decomposes into carbon dioxide and water;
  • combined with other cosmetic procedures.


  • high price;
  • there are risks of developing side effects;
  • pain during the recovery period.

What are eyelid threads for?

During thread lifting, a material is introduced into the skin of the eyelids, which becomes a frame for it. It can be biodegradable and non-absorbable. After insertion, the threads are tightened and secured. Living tissues move along with them. As a result, wrinkles and ptosis that add age disappear.

The rejuvenating effect is also ensured by the fact that when introducing threads, minor trauma to the skin occurs. As a response, the process of neocollagenesis arises in it, that is, the increased formation of young cells. This also increases the elasticity of the skin, since the frame is formed from its own tissues. Promotes the development of the collagen layer and the gradual disintegration of biodegradable threads. The substances from which they are created stimulate the renewal process.

We recommend reading about facelift with mesothreads. From the article you will learn about the advantages of the procedure, indications and contraindications for it, types of threads, methods of implementation, results, cost. And here is more information about the best threads for a facelift.

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, cosmetologists discuss the features of mesothread implantation.

A participant writes about the process of creating scar tissue after a thread lift.

The user indicates the types of mesothreads for solving various cosmetic problems, and also writes about the option of Aptos threads.

The review indicates the specifics of thread testing.

A participant writes about side effects in the form of folds on the temples.

Patient reviews

On the forums there are mostly positive reviews after thread lifting.

The user describes the procedure, the recovery period, and a good result.

The user writes about the importance of choosing a doctor and material, and wonders whether it is possible to leave the bandage for recovery overnight.

The participant describes the differences between different types of threads, as well as the difficulties of rehabilitation after the procedure.

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