Cryolipolysis using the Zeltiq device: description of the procedure

Coolsculpting, or cryolipolysis using the Zeltiq device, is a recently developed but already proven method of improving the figure. It is based on the targeted effect of cold on those areas where there is a lot of excess fat.

Cryolipolysis using the Zeltiq device

A strong targeted decrease in temperature allows you to influence exactly those places that need it. The effect of this method is strong enough that the result can be seen after the first procedure.

Indications are aspirations for the following:

  • lose extra pounds without surgery, pain relief, damage to the skin, or long rehabilitation;
  • get rid of excess fat where it remains after diets and exercises;
  • make the figure graceful, sophisticated, and the lines more pronounced;
  • get the most long-term, safe effect without pain, injections and discomfort.

Patients can improve their figure with this device

The principle of operation of this technique

The fact that cold can be precisely targeted to get rid of fat was first discovered by dermatologists at the Boston Massachusetts Clinic - Dieter Meinstein and R.R. Anderson. Because fat has a higher freezing point than water, doctors theorized that cold might be beneficial for weight loss. And then they developed cryolipolysis.

Important ! Many studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the method.

The beneficial properties of cold have long been discovered

The Zeltiq device is now used by doctors in many good beauty clinics around the planet. Coolscalping (cold treatment of fat deposits using the Zeltik device) has a long-term effect: after the procedure, a person loses kilograms for about three months.

Operating principle of the Zeltik device

The handpieces pick up the fold of fat, and the device treats it with cold. This is a long process, taking up to an hour. Low temperature causes fat to break down, and the products of this breakdown are then simply eliminated from the body. One procedure - and the results are amazing: in a month or three, from a fifth to a quarter of a fold of fat disappears.

Important ! And this is without any fasting or exhausting training.

You need to spend an hour on the procedure


The cryolipolysis method is based on studies confirming the death of fat cells from cold. During the procedure with the Coolsculpting Zeltiq device, the fold of fat is drawn into a vacuum applicator, where it is cooled in a controlled manner. The maximum low temperature on devices released after 2022 is -10°C, previously - -13°C.

Fat cells die under the influence of cold and leave the body through the lymphatic system, without loading the kidneys and liver. This process is called apoptosis. It lasts about 2-3 months, although the first results from the procedure are noticeable after 3-4 weeks.

The main feature of the Coolsculpting Zeltiq device is multi-stage control of skin cooling, which eliminates the possibility of cold burns. This system is located in the applicators of the device, which do not allow the skin to come into contact with the cooling agent. The cold is maintained inside the handpiece by a heat sink from one plate to another. Coolsculpting Zeltiq prevents tissue frostbite, thanks to a system for calculating exposure temperature and time.

Types of maniples

Zeltiq's handpieces are as follows:

  • CoolCurve+ - for treating the sides to give a refined waist, and treating the area between the shoulder blades;
  • CoolCore - used on not very large folds on the abdomen, sometimes on the hips;
  • CoolMax - for correction of the back and abdomen;
  • CoolMini - suitable for treating problematic but hard-to-reach areas, such as the double chin, arms, armpits, knees;
  • CoolSmooth - it is used to correct the outer femoral surface;
  • CoolFit - used to give beautiful shapes to the arms from the elbow and above, to the inner thigh;
  • Cool Advantage - this recently developed applicator makes the session more comfortable and almost twice as fast.

There are a variety of manipulatives

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— What can/cannot be done before/after the Zeltik procedure?

— After the Zeltik procedure, all warming procedures are strictly prohibited for 3-4 weeks - sauna, steam bath, as well as all procedures based on the use of RF energy (radio frequency energy).

Sports activities are encouraged, especially swimming, treadmill, massage, even walks in the park - this will stimulate the processes of removing fat cells from the body and improve the result.

— Are there any painful sensations after the procedure?

— The patient may experience minor discomfort for one to two days. These sensations pass on their own and do not require the use of analgesics.

— Do bruises and swelling remain after the cryolipolysis procedure?

— Apart from a slight redness in the treatment area immediately after the procedure, absolutely nothing remains. The redness goes away after a couple of hours.

— What other absolute and relative contraindications are there for the
Zeltiq ?
— Absolute contraindications are pregnancy, lactation, cold intolerance, impaired peripheral circulation, open wounds, infections, all skin diseases in the affected area, poor blood clotting, scars, recent surgeries. One of the main contraindications to the procedure is hernias in the affected area.

— If we are talking about double chin correction, is it possible to combine Zeltik procedures with threads or fillers?

— Yes, the combined approach is widely practiced by cosmetologists at the clinic. However, in the following sequence: first carry out the cryolipolysis procedure, and then apply threads or fillers. Because first you need to reduce fat deposits in the chin area, and then fix the result with fillers or threads.

— How long have you been working on this device?

- 6 years.

— Have you undergone special training?

- Certainly. Official developers and suppliers from the USA come to Russia to the Beauty Trend clinic, and we also go to practice at the cryolipolysis institute. This is an excellent opportunity to learn new protocols and share experience with foreign colleagues, because every time new nuances and know-how appear that allow you to achieve better results. We apply the acquired knowledge in practice and see how happy our patients are, getting rid of excess fat without scars and a scar in just one 35-minute procedure.

— Are there any important nuances and requirements for the procedure?

— Cryolipolysis is carried out only on an original device from the USA. This is a guarantee of the safety and effectiveness of the procedure. Now there are fakes from China and Korea that are completely useless in terms of results and are dangerous to health. Therefore, do not be fooled by the low cost; only the original Zeltik device will help you effectively deal with fat!

— And finally, the most important question, what is the price range for
Zeltiq in the clinic?
— The cost of the procedure depends on the correction area and the volume of the fat fold. If we are talking about a solid fold on the abdomen, a large attachment is used (cost 45,000 rubles), correction of the middle zones (waist, arms, hips) - from 27,000 rubles.

And let me remind you that Zeltik is a one-time procedure, it does not need to be done in a course.

Alexander, thank you very much for the interesting information!

What stages does a session of such therapy include?

First, the patient visits the doctor for consultation. An experienced specialist will question the patient who comes to see him and find out everything he needs about his health, pathologies, and individual characteristics of the body. After consultation, you can also find out when the procedure cannot be performed. For example, with increased sensitivity to low temperatures and/or women who are breastfeeding or carrying a baby.

Consultation with a doctor is required before the procedure

Next, the doctor determines the areas that need to be treated. He will also take a photograph of the fat fold and measure it using special equipment in order to later establish the degree of effectiveness of the method in this particular case. However, the patient himself will be able to notice and evaluate this.

Important ! It would be a good idea to go through a check through a special machine.

Finally, cryolipolysis itself is carried out in the physiotherapy room using the Zeltik apparatus. The doctor places the device's handles on the marked areas of the patient lying on a comfortable couch. The device comes with several attachments, which allows you to carry out the procedure equally effectively throughout the body.

The manipulator, using a vacuum, draws the fold into itself and then cools it. During the process, the device itself selects the most suitable temperature, focusing on the area being treated.

In this case, the patient does not feel any pain, only a slight tingling/numbness in the treated area, and even this passes quickly. The procedure lasts about an hour, and after it you can live as usual.

During the procedure the person does not feel pain

The best result of the procedure can be seen after a couple of months, if, of course, you follow some rules of proper lifestyle. Here you should monitor your diet and exercise your muscles.

Important ! Sometimes repeated sessions may be required to consolidate the results. The doctor decides this at a follow-up appointment.

You need to wait several months to see the result


First, the specialist consults and examines the patient to identify possible contraindications and assess the scope of future work. After:

  1. The patient lies on the couch.
  2. A special gel pad is applied to the treatment area to protect the skin from the cold.
  3. A vacuum handpiece is fixed on top.
  4. The fat fold is pulled into the applicator.
  5. At the same time, the device begins to cool it.
  6. Due to the change in pressure inside the bowl, an additional massage is performed on the treated area.
  7. The procedure lasts from 35 to 60 minutes.
  8. The applicator is removed and the patient's skin is wiped from any remaining gel.

If necessary, the cryolipolysis session can be repeated, but not earlier than after 4 weeks.

High quality guarantees

The Zeltik device meets international quality standards. It is widely used in developed countries, for example, in Russia, America, Japan. In addition, it is popular in the European Union. Before a specialist begins to work on such equipment for the first time, he is trained in the rules of use, which guarantees complete safety.

This machine is widely used and recognized by many countries

350 volunteers took part in clinical studies. As a result, not a single patient had any more or less serious side effects.

Important ! Sometimes bruises and redness could only appear, but even those did not stay on the body for long.

When should you not resort to cryolipolysis?

The contraindications are:

  • minority;
  • bearing a child;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • cancer;
  • benign tumors;
  • dermatological pathologies;

    Cryolipolysis should not be performed if you have skin problems.

  • reactions such as cold urticaria, which are the result of exposure to cold;
  • postherpetic neuralgia;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • damage in the treated area - scars, open wounds, hernias.

All contraindications must be taken into account


What are the features of cryolipolysis?

This technique does not involve damage to the skin, blood vessels, or nerves. The only tissue it affects is adipose tissue. Another feature of the method is its highest efficiency and perfect safety.

How many sessions should I do? What is the required time interval between them?

One or maximum two sessions are enough. The minimum acceptable interval is 60 days.

How long is the session? How does this make the patient feel?

The procedure lasts about an hour. The slight discomfort caused by the vacuum and cold goes away after 10 minutes, after which there are no longer any pronounced sensations from the procedure.

You have to wait an hour for the procedure to take place.

When is the maximum result noticeable?

The result gradually increases over one and a half to three months.

How long does it take for the results to last?

Fat does not return for a long time, but only if you eat right and exercise regularly.

Can any side effects using the Zeltik device

Side effects may occur from this technique. This is redness of the skin in the treated area, disturbances in its sensitivity, and mild pain. But all this, firstly, is not an obstacle to everyday activities, and secondly, it goes away on its own in a few hours, or maximum in three days.

Mild side effects may occur after the procedure

How will this affect the skin?

The skin may become red and may lose some sensitivity. But soon all this will go away on its own, without the intervention of a doctor. There is no specific effect of cryolipolysis using the Zeltik device on the skin.

Sometimes patients ask before the session what to do if “extra” skin appears after the procedure. If the patient is young enough that his skin still retains elasticity, and the treated area is not too large, such a problem will not even arise: the skin itself will return to normal.

But if elasticity is reduced, and the procedure removes a lot of fat, everything may turn out differently. Then another stage of correction will be required: restoration of tissue turgor. But these are completely different procedures.

The skin will become more elastic

What is needed to support the results?

The result of the procedure is stable. Lost fat will not come back. There is no need for any special self-care. But, according to experts, this does not mean that you can neglect the rules of nutrition and exercise. Both will help prevent fat gain in other areas of the body. With the help of genetic testing, you can create a diet, determine which foods to avoid, and find out the most appropriate exercises.

You need to eat right and exercise

What additional advice can a specialist give?

Alcohol and heavy fatty foods should be avoided after the session, but on the contrary, you should drink a lot of clean water. This is important in order to saturate the intercellular space: toxins and decay products come out of it with liquid.

The result of the procedure is cumulative. That is, it can be noticed after 15-20 days, and it fully appears a month after the session. To consolidate success, you can repeat it after a couple of months. The big advantage is the reliability of the result: fat no longer accumulates in the treated area.

You need to give up bad habits

In what cases does the procedure fail?

Doctors cannot agree on the question “does coolsculpting always have an effect?” Alas, the effect may not occur, and even the developers agree with this. Yes, such therapy destroys up to half of all excess fat in the area. But within these limits is not only, for example, 49%, but even 5%, which, to put it mildly, does not agree with the high price of the session.

Half of all excess fat can be removed through cryolipolysis using the Zeltiq device

Here are the factors on which this indicator depends:

  • individual characteristics of the body;
  • correctness of the procedure.

In the Russian Federation, this method is not yet very widespread, and therefore very few clinics use it. This means that you can end up with a doctor using “non-original” devices, which is very dangerous for your health.

In Russia this procedure is not yet very popular

How hard will this hit your wallet?

The price of cryolipolysis using the Zeltik device is, of course, not too low, but the excellent results justify it. In addition, the cost is influenced by the prestige of the clinic and the qualifications of the doctor. We will indicate approximate prices for different types of procedures.

Type of procedurePrice
Using Zeltiq equipment with Cool Fit applicator on knees and forearms24,500 rubles
Using Zeltiq equipment with a large Cool Max applicator42,000 rubles
Using Zeltiq equipment with the small Cool Curve applicator24,500 rubles

The cost fully justifies the result

Benefits of the procedure

  • Zeltik gives an amazing effect on any part of the body where it is possible to capture the fat fold;
  • 1-2 procedures are enough for the expected result;
  • unlike other methods of body correction, the number of adipocytes is reduced not due to necrosis, in which cell breakdown products are processed in the liver, but due to apoptosis - programmed cell death;
  • after the procedure there are no scars or cicatrices, complications are extremely rare;
  • during the procedure, which does not require anesthesia, the patient can go about his business and immediately after its completion return to his normal life;
  • the device does not affect neighboring tissues, so muscles, blood vessels, skin and nerve fibers remain undamaged.

Zeltiq cryolipolysis is one of the simplest and safest fat reduction procedures. Does not require preparation and has a high level of comfort. Cryolipolysis has no analogues. Today, this is the most promising method of non-surgical fat removal, which does not require hospitalization, pain relief or wearing shapewear. The procedure lasts 1 hour, during which you can read, work on the computer or just relax.

The effect will last long enough, provided you eat right and exercise regularly.

Expert review

Shestakova Anna Yuryevna, cosmetologist, specialist in laser technologies and cryolipolysis using the Zeltiq device

“This technique is used to correct the figure; it allows you to create an impeccable silhouette, remove fat deposits, simultaneously improving the skin, increasing its tone, turgor, and removing sagging.

Everyone knows that time is the most important resource we will ever have. So how, given our frantic pace of life, can we even cope with maintaining the aesthetics of our body?

It is also important for people to get rid of fat in problem areas. Until recently, everyone believed that non-surgical local fat removal was impossible.

But now cryolipolysis has been developed using the Zeltiq device. This is a procedure that represents a real breakthrough in cosmetology, and at the same time it takes only an hour, and with special, even newer equipment - 35 minutes. And after the session you will not need to break away from your daily life. And even the process is gentle, painless, and the result is great.

Just a half hour to an hour session, a month of waiting - and you can forget about fat in once problem areas forever. Cryolipolysis can be performed in combination with other hardware procedures for fat removal. This will make the effect even better."

Coolsculpting goes well with any other procedures

Are there any disadvantages?

The rosy picture that the cryolipolysis machine creates for those who want to lose weight also has certain disadvantages that should definitely be discussed. In addition to the safety and ease of the procedure, there are numerous negative factors that also need to be kept in mind. These include:

  • high price of a weight loss course;
  • the presence of a number of contraindications;
  • reviews about the frequent lack of results;
  • presence of possible side effects;
  • the result does not come immediately;
  • discomfort during the procedure;
  • a large number of counterfeits of technology and equipment;
  • it is difficult to find a certified specialist and a salon where you can perform the procedure;
  • The session lasts too long, according to clients.

As you can see, there are quite a few shortcomings. Let's talk about them in a little more detail.

What patients say: reviews

Marina, Sochi

“On the advice of a friend, I consulted a cosmetologist. By this time, there just happened to be a new procedure that was supposed to help me with my main problem - excess weight. I had cryolipolysis on Zeltiq. This procedure simply shocked me! You can lie on your couch, and the attachment on your skin starts the process of fat destruction. And it does work! I was convinced of this just two weeks after the first session. And to completely get rid of the fat folds that had pretty much ruined my life, I only needed to treat each side three times. And the fact that the clinic has two devices made it possible to work on both sides at once. However, there are always long queues to see doctors, and therefore we had to make an appointment in advance each time. But the result exceeded all expectations: I look flawless in jeans and dresses.”

Girls are satisfied with the cryolipolysis procedure using the Zeltiq device

Olga , Samara

“I am a regular client of beauty salons, and the quality of their work suits me. I am sure that the new procedures they introduce invariably live up to expectations. Among them, coolsculpting is especially good, it removed a lot of excess fat from me. By the way, he still continues to leave, although two months have passed since the procedure.”

Natalya , Ivanovo

“Two weeks have passed since the day I used the cryolipolysis service on the Zeltik device. The result is amazing - not only have I lost one size, but the doctors also say that I will become even slimmer. This is wonderful!"

The results from using the Zeltiq device are amazing

Galina, Krasnoyarsk

“I am pleased with the results of the coolsculpting session. The wrinkles on the back were gone. I recommend to all".

Irina , St. Petersburg

“I tried to remove wrinkles on my back using Zeltiq and it turned out, for lack of a better word, flawless. It is fantastic! Even in my younger years, weighing 50 kilos, I was the “lucky” owner of those folds, and the device gradually removed them. I think I’ll repeat the procedure over time to correct other problem areas.”

Photos before and after

Photos before and after cryolipolysis using the Zeltiq No. 1 device

Photos before and after cryolipolysis using the Zeltiq No. 2 device

Photos before and after cryolipolysis using the Zeltiq No. 3 device


Zeltiq procedure on the inner thigh

Cryolipolysis based on the Zeltik apparatus is a high-tech technique, which, despite its safety, also has a number of contraindications. First of all, the necessary restrictions include:

  • pregnancy;
  • presence of built-in pacemakers;
  • the presence of skin defects in the area that is planned to be treated (this could be scars, inflammation);
  • Raynaud's syndrome;
  • negative individual reaction of the body to negative temperatures.

Consultation with a specialist and preliminary examinations will help you identify the reasons that do not allow you to complete the session and prevent possible negative consequences.

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